PAGE K1GFF1 r T U R SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1!»2R 1 1 ......................1 was named after the farthereat north of time camp keeps open. If 16 or more boys decide Io go to Eskimo vllluse, was offered to, the A True Patriot AnJ the Cai Carne Back A Real Hero scouts for use by the forest service. camp Polesurk, the Hoiilltern l*aclflc This wilt be the third year thul camp railroad will offer a special roundtrip “Nookie," pet Lionel Licor- Paul R. Nelson, rale of 14 36, It was announced this l’amp tSilearuk at Ciusatte on the lias been held at Cruaatte. isch, colored sea­ cat of Mr. and master sergeant week. J Cascade line of the Southern Pacific The regular session of the camp will man of the ill- Mr». Rugg of of the Coast A r­ rank man yallend the winter encamp- has been c.ioseu again as the winter open on December 37 and will end fated V e s t r l s , Cincinnati, w a s tillery Corps at rank may attend the winter encamp camp for lame count boy scouts in­ about February 31. Four picked scouts proved to be an l o s t 125 miles Port T o t t e n , stead of Lost ('reek ranch on the up­ will go to Criiuua to get the camp In menl. Early registration la advised by outstanding hero from home when N. Y ., invented a the county headquarlera an as to per McKcnale, It was announced this readlueas ou December 26. in the great trag­ the Ruggs had an submarine mine know before hand how many to pre­ week at the county scouts headquar­ edy. H e had auto a c c i d e n t control apparatus • Just how many Hprluglteld lads will pare for and to know what the rail­ ters. charge of Life­ After two months which he has giv­ attend the winter playground this year road fare will be boat 14 and thru »nd a w eek Misunderstanding on dates for the en free to the cannot he determined as yet owing to ; his courage a •'Nookie" march­ arrajr. The in­ ram p forced John Mllllorn owner of score of lives ed into the Rugg the fact that registration for the camp CITY MAIL CARRIER ILL: vention is a verv Lout Creek, to notify the scouts oltlce were saved. home. Some cat! has not began actively as yet. valuable ooe. of the Impossibility of holdlug the POSTOFFICE INSPECTED winter playground there this year. Equipment for enjoyment of winter Nvvdlveraftora Delay Meeting * « « * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * « ♦ ♦ * * ♦ * bert Mathews. O. L. Vaughn, regular city mail car ( Cabins had been rented at Lost Creek sports will probably be provided by ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE * Mr- and Mrs. A- I’beipa »ml two The Springfield Need leer aft club for an outing of the Eugene Y. M C. A. the scouts. Activities of various types rler, was taken tick the early part of • children. Robert and Bvlyu spent wfiiich was to have met at the home of Cabins at Camp Polearuk, which will be Indulged In during th e length ' this week, and bla work Is being Thanksgiving in Roseburg with Mrs. Mrs. C. O. Wilson on December 6 has cared for by Roscoe Perking, who Is A go-Hi many alumni attended the j,help8- stster. postponed Its session to the evening carrying the mall bag until Vaughn home coming of the 1 lessant Hill Olson family are suffering of December 30. when the members ' returns to his regular duties. high school Thanksgiving evening at of influenza. will hold their Christmas party and The Springfield postoffice received the high school gymnasium Two Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Uarmlne and entertain their husbands. sn offlclnl Inspection Tuesday by Ten basket ball games were played. Th* sons. John and Joe. of Tigard spent nyaon Jefferson, district postal Inpec- Pleasant Hill high school girls de­ Thanksgiving vacation at the home of Sweeney Takes Over Cafe lor from Kugone. feated the alumni girls. The game Mrs. Carmine's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweeney has taken over the No great onrush of Christmas mall between the alumni boys and the I George Kelsay. management of Buss' cafe ou Mam has as yet beset workers In the local Pleaaant Hill first string was hotly street to succeed C. S. Shelley, out Twenty-seven members of the fam­ i poetofflce, the local postal officers ex­ contested from beginning to end. and ily sat down to Thanksgiving dinner I going proprietor, who save up his pect log the rising tide of pnekagt-s when time was up the score stood 83 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. : busiuess work on account of his I and Yuletlde mall to begin pouring In to SS. In the next five minifies of Wheeler Thursday November 29. health. along about the mlihile of the month play both sides gained one point by Miss Darling Hall of Corvallis a Mall this year will be delivered on fouls and then Mike Dilley made a former student of the Pleasant Hill Marcloa Man’s Hand Injured Monday December 24. but nr legulur sensational basket from a long dis­ high school who is now living at Cor­ Carl Williams of Marcola came Into mall service will be rendered on Tiles tance making the score 26 to 24 in vallis spent Thanksgiving at the home town yesterday to have a piece of duy, December 26, In accord with a favor of the school team. As the of Mina Dilley. steel taken from the palm id Ills hand. new precedent established by the alumni team consisted of some of last The metal came off a saw while he Among the alumni who returned United Stales I’oal office department year’s best players the high school to Pleasant Hill for homecoming were ; was working ami went Into his hand. to enuble mull carriers to enjoy the students were much elated over the Chesta Wheeler. Kay Olson, Guy Man His condition is reported very much holiday«. « victory. After the games the students ney, Jerry. Douglas and Donald Kab­ Improved. Several precautions are being urged body entertained the alumni, serving ler, Annette Maltxen. Cora John. Darl­ by postmasters against loose wrap­ cider, cake and pie. Those playing on ing Hall. Gertrude Dilley, Mr. and Returns to Astoria—William Pohl ping of packages und carelessness In the alumni boys team were. Donald Mrs. Jim Dilley. daughter and son from Masnllon. Ohio, mailing. Kabler. Jerry Kabler. Guy Manning. returned this week to Astoria after Guy Mathews. Kay Olson. Paul Har­ visiting with Mr. Pohls daughter. den and Lyman Tinker. The high MINISTER TO PREACH ON MRS. ROBERTS ELECTED C M K Ib l b I M M t K A lI V t b Mrs. M B. Huntly. school boys were Darwin Baxter. Clif­ EASTERN STAR LEADER ford Baxter, Raymond Hills, Mike Builds House— Fred Vasby Is build­ One of Christ’s imperatives will be Dilley. Hugh Wallace. Bun Kelsey. Mrs. Opal Roberts was elected ing a housn in the east part of the city While craking his auto at home the topic of the sermon to be deliver­ | worthy matron of the Caacadla chap­ Friday Darwin Baxter broke his right ed Sunday morning at the Baptist ter No. 166 of the Ordet of the East­ arm above the wrist. He wag taken church by Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor. ' ern Blur at a meeting of the organise to the Goshen hospital where Dr. In the evening, the pastor will talk on , I lion held Tuesday evening She vqll “Another of Christ's Imperatives.” j Licenses revoked by municipal Radabaugh set the arm. hold of'lcn along with the other new Cora Johns who is attending Nor­ The evening service will begin at 7:30 J Judges in cases where persons haw learlers for the year 1929 been convicted under municipal ordln mal spent Thanksgiving with her o’clock. Special selections by the Othera elected at the meeting Tues­ choir will be rendered at both ses­ ances on charges of driving a motor family at Pleasant Hill. day evening are: Oswald Olson vehicle while drunk, will remain re sions. i worthy patron; Mrs. William Wright, Donald. Jerry and Douglas Kabler The Bible school meeting at 10 a. m. yoked for a year, according to Hal I assistant worthy matron; Mrs. Ida former residents of Pleasant Hill who Hoss, secretary of state, In a lettei Sun lay and the B. Y. P. U. will hold Swarts, secretary; Mrs. Neal I’ollurd, are attending Normal sch<>ol at Mon­ sent to H. M. Tomlinson, Judge of tb> treasurer; Mrs C. O. Wilson, conduc­ mouth spent Thanksgiving va-ation service at 6:36 o’clock in the evening. municipal court of the city of Pori Prayer service and Bible stulv will tor; Mrs. Lena Fraedvrlck, assistant at the h o le of Lyman Tinker and Al- land. be held toplgbt at 7:30 o’clock. conductor. Appointive officers will bo named i later. It was announced yesterday WASHINGTON CALLS HER GRACIOUS AND CAPABLE BOY SCOUTS TO CAMP AT CRUZATTE; RAILROAD OFFERS SPECIAL RATES I I *TH flM HH .