ur timi Hoy or (Bri for T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R «. 192» As • gift from Klamath county. President end Mrs. Coolidge will re celve a box of Netted Gem potatoes which carried first prise at the Bpo- kane potato show reeeatly. The spuds were raised by Henry Heinon. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. John Irons of Freewstsr reports that a carload of bis Italian prunes shipped to Now York brought ,76 per ton at auction. I. M Phipps shipped a few tons on the same train that brought him the same returns. Kilwln M. Byera, resident was grown by Henry Strong on th< north fork of the Coquille river. Th< variety Is golden bantam, and wai planted late In June. Farming activities are progressing in Yamhill county, the recent ratal- having put the unplowed rields In per feet condition for fall-sown grain and every available means Is being utlllsei to hasten the plowing. The OwenOregon Lumber companj employing 700 men In Its sawmill I t Medford and logging camps and rail way at Butte Falls, operating unlnter ruptedly the past two years, will clos< down for the winter this year. George P. Gove, N. R. Gilbert an« Dr. J. F. Hosch were elected as Bend'i first city commissioners under thi new commission mannger form of gov •rnm ent authorised by the voters s a special election October 16. Erection of a new telephone built! Ing In Salem at a cost of approximate ly 1140,000 was announced recently The site for the new building wa: purchased by the telephone compan; recently nt a cost of S2R.000. The old W illiam Burns residence in Ihe Lucklnmute, the oldest house 11. I oik county, wns burned to the grounn last week. Mnggie Burns and Grand ma Mary Jones, now In her 991 h yeai who has lived In the house since ii was built In 1853, were In the housi when It caught fire. Bernice Renlschler, three, of Salem narrowly escaped Injury In an odi accident. W. A. Renlschler was drtv Ing home when he noticed that lh( rear door of tho machine wns open apd his child was missing. Looklnr back, he saw her sitting on the pave ment In Jhe mlddlfe of the street. Bhi wns unhurt although sho narrowly es caped being struck by other cars. M. II. Christensen's new 00,000 capo city sawmill on tho outskirts of Eu gene, the city's most recent Industrie plant, sawed Its first log Monday. Members of the Eugene chamber oi commerce witnessed tho beginning ol erat ions. Tho Milton Chrlstlnn church cot itlon held a unique service last , • iy, when It burned the mortgngt m » le church property. A drive pul e io Inst fow weeks cleared the , t emnlnlng of tho debt and thore i>« 000 left over. The result of an application of 10, 000 gallons of emulsified asphalt oil to a section to Macadam road neat Handy Is being watched with Interest by state highway officials. I f the ex perlment Is a success a large part of the road oiling program for 192» will be devptod to bltumulus. Fire loss In (he city of Tillamook since January 1, 1028, totals ,74.290. according to Fire Chief Dave Hteln bach. Thirty-one calls have been an swored. with an average cost tor fire men. Including drills, of only ,19.34 Destruction of the Masonic building by fire created ,70.000 for the com plele fire loss. Domestic geese of W. W. Southwell are heroes of the hour a s a result ol the attempted robbery of Southwell's turkey roost last week. Warned by the honking of his geese. Southwell surprised four men attempting to break Into his garage. He ordered them to halt and when thuy scattered limed a shotgun at one thief Among the many clover seed dis plays at the Pacific International Live stock land show recently heltk In Port land, Charles Upcraft of Tumalo go> first and second prizes In the red clover and James Underwood of Red mond also received a second In red clover. In the alslke display Thornp son Bros. A Young of Plainview re celved firs t a Making A Choice Dear Miss Vera: I have a question In mind that has probably baffled other girls before me I have been proponed to by two boys, one of whom Is very good looking and who I like very much, lie la conceited and fickle. The other Is a serious minded fellow who Is quite the opposite of the lively fellow, who Is always "the life of the party." Two new rotary snowplows, costing ,11,000 each, have been delivered to (he state highway department, ac cording to announcement made In Salem recently. One snowplow will he used on the Columbls highway and the other on the Old Oregon trail neai La Grande. The state highway de partment now has 70 pieces of snow fighting equipment. m . »asma I -64 ■ gi »,„« . / irod adì Dear I. B , my best advice- is tha«-;: »!-»<• I N you keep yntn-scidprmm getting angry,i r l ■gf-mubk until'YM i tah etk N a lte r o v e r bo with yon frtend-M D-w ould be best ho4fev«r, nn« e v * i •td’ m©ntk»n it. »dr how ear» you tell simply by seeing him But— and tbla Is the point— I f you ^ atktagi tilth - another -g irl w hat this t do not love him, do not m arry him. VklatMnMtV) that g irl-a re . e r why he And If you do love the "conceited and had to See h e r th a t p a rtic ____ u la r ___ night. I tickle" man, pick him for your own u i She might have been « re la tive, an.old sake. It Is not pleasant to be m ar r - ' 1 acquaintance Just back to town, or e. | [ stone H. « w h ic h d ia tin g u ia h e a a le a d e r fr o m th e re s t o f th e field . . . J u s t w h a t every - A m e ric a n w a n ts in a n a u to m o b ile . P u ls e -s tirrin g p e rfo rm a n c e . . . c o m ­ fo r t . . . lu x u ry . . . d is tin c tiv e s ty le . A n d A m e ric a is g iv in g i t a m a rv e lo u s re c e p tio n . . . a m o to r-w is e n a t i o n ’ s w e lc o m e to a n e w a n d t r i u m p h a n t l y d iffe re n t c a r. »« 3 « • > '« ^ fb iia ng u 1 or vd a r .itr , Ktir ril i e i... ‘ T h e Store W h e re Y ou Serve Y o u r Self A n d Save • it < . < J tf •< AttJr f t Cfl rr • VM le w » *t O-aA t It » A t «i» tie jfttnvev. .si;, e ♦ is o « a>«> »I i i r t>‘ un» s V a ■! , 1- ij,*-, t «» i-.v! m T15 « ■ 5 j í ’ ' * ; r ’ A telephone P is a true »r Christmai^A is ¡3 30 minutes 'J , 1 inxn 5th and E ^ 4 ,p m m M K in g 6 :jJa .n ,. (Son. days 7T30 a'.m.) and every 30 minutes thereafter i l midnight throughout the day. until 1 » _* 5 » « urning they Pacific sta- icy leave the Southern Southeri_________ i tioh Eu^ertejt^-i „ ery 30 minutes between 6:00 a.m. and 11:50 p.m. (Sundays 7.00 a.m.) 1 Fares M X stage sch^ Ies ftom IV ia Harrisburg. ]"Silrer Gray Limited'." 1 1 ' give her som ething exprfesi t ‘ 9 ■ i 1 o.i4 P o rtla n d via C orvallis and A lbany— 18:00, 9:35, f l 1:50 a.m.; 3:30, 4:30 p.m. ning so m an y errands, is to II ................. Convenient connections are made by thebus with trains and motor coach to the north and south th a t she m ay be saved ru n ­ C'è 100 Tickets (scholars) . . . . <3.00 50 Tickets (commutation) . .•» 3,10 Connections at Eugene To give your p artn er in the hom e a Telephone, jfcr r.j r i | - >c/ P A C F .C T E t W H O m X M D T m .h r . . . OU ♦» c C hristm as gift th a t counts. .Tx :in 1 urn: c r™ s a sites1 ."W ï «.ú.kia. the thoughtfulness of a sive of tru e thoughtfulness. alvo a ««,» y M tó*É ugene every Ij I t ir H i W Ai y. ‘ N o d u p lic a te o f th ia egg o r t h g f o n e . . . th e N e w A ll- A m e ric a n S ix . B u t a s m a r tly o rig in a l c re a tio n . . . •w ith s p e c ia lly d e s ig n e d b od ies by R a h e r . . . w ith at vie th a t'« s tr ic tly ita o w n . Af c a r t h a t yo u re c o g n ize in s ta n tly . . . o n e t h a t staAdrf o u t in a n y c ro w d . B ecause i t has t h a t a ir o f b e in g d if f e r e n t . . . t h a t a ir N ett to I. O?XD.«T':'Building' EUGENE, OREGON I S ty le th d ti Tlealhi (New I tV E U , ■* qi »« !.• 4rfi * W I L L I A M'S Self Service Store Ralph M. Singer of Portland, who lias been appointed sales manager oi ihe ,2,000,000 Western Lumber Manu factullng company at Marshfield, says the new owners will double the capacity of the plant and Increase the payroll shout sn — —- • a m.-cfiqg of ip,. ,n rs of thi ■il dV t Citta Linn county has taken a long for ward step looking to the completion of the Sanllam highway across the mountains by two recent votes. Ai the recent general election the peopb of the whole county voted ,60.000 for next year to mntch stnte and federal aid for this road. Then the Cascadia road district No. 38, by a large mo Jorlty vote, added ,10.000 to Ihe funi Tor next year. If tho state highway commission and th© federal govern ment meet their proportion, ns usual for such roads, and there is every In '»cation they will, there should be funds on hand to undertake the com pletlon of another 20-mlle section oi ibis roud, ce steps the city 1 r water so that dustrles txxs «xx b 'sn s. • , »r * I ere's One fifa? Car A city park for Tillamook was mad< possible by the gift of Henry Fremoni Goodspeed. pioneer Tillamook county dairyman, ex-county clerk and ex county Judge, who died there Novem her 17, It was revealed when his will was filed for probate. The park will consist of two city lots In Goodspeed's second addition to Tillamook city and will be named for Lillian A. Good speed, his wife, who died In 1924. to oblalu.nt the d t i f ’ ri: in of . ‘ advlcoti.ca teeirtb, sel geSrX E. u: • vot inn vtt Dear L. M., certainly thia question A total of 38 carloads of Oregon tur keys have been shipped out of th« state, about three-fourtha of them go tag to eastern cities and the remain der to California and northern mar kats. These shipments of approxl inately 70,000 dressed turkeys repre sent z value to the Oregon growers of about ,306,280. The quantity forward ed broke all previous records. ■ WDtyrt chamber . i . saw him walking with another girl that 1 do not know. I d o not Jcnowl.i tui. xt M whether to make any other appoint- menta wiah -him etC'an y o o 'c lv e m e > <; » r f The question la— W ill the fickle fellow settle down afte r he Is rnar- rle«J7 b. A blast that shook the business dis trlct of Roseburg partially wrecked a local filling station, starting a fir« which wns extinguished before any great damage was done. Gas escap tag from a pump tilled a hollow con crete pillar with fumes, which were Ignited when an electric switch, con trolling the lights of the station, was snapped off. Occupants of the Mrs. J. T. Bryan home In Roseburg were startled when the hall window of the residence crashed In. Expecting to find a care lessly kicked football, a rock or s o o t other such object, the women tavsatl gated, and found that a China pbeas ant hen bad made an unceremonious entrance, carrying away the pane of glass on the way. with you, that he had thought he Kearney. N. J., Dec. 6, < a c j — ap . would not see. You have no way of drew Capjak. out of work eighteea telling— why Jump to conclusions? months, baa amused himself by tag a miniature cannon, with a Marriage Licenses for Week pipe barrel. a tenpenny nail and During the past week county clerk rubber band for the tiring mechanism. W B. Dillard has Issued marriage lie The whole was mounted on a boar* enses to the following: Vernon H ar attached to four small wheels. per and Reva Tull, both of M arcóla; •-■■•»■««. «i/yaa p u ta a «a F lnall Capjak put 48 calibre pisto, plsto, John Haucerman, Sutherlin, and Har- , « ‘ ridge In the cannon breech, pola,« Aa to a ki ... epla L a r*°n . Cottage Grove; Archie * d the m u ,rie a t his chest and snag* ttla down after be ' is 'm a r r ie d — W>* tlake' and A IIle Anderaon, P*d the rubber band, discharging the settle down after he Is m arried — » a ... ” bullet In his lungs. that depend, on the extent of h l. love 8 .|e m “ flu “ a tor you ‘ » a le m ; Guy Ferrln and Beulah _____ Stubblefield, both of Cottage Grove; How long did you have to pump M Dear M b:. Vera: I ‘ “ el San- said, "W ell, what do you want now?" couid not help It — ha had something R t a k ^ ’ and O e n e r i ^ n ^ i h'””, “ and D<1 * when * * " ’ I an,,we,'ed bo answered "Nothing." "Nothing," hg else be Ju.t had to do. T h a t night I Eugene ’ DaT,a' I» th of . got suspicious and slipped me ten la I self defense. went riding with my fatally, and I i R o se b u rg — 1:55, 6:35 p.m. . Ì . 1' ) A arshfield via R o seb u rg — 1:55 p.m. (li a fj * 1 ^ hlYl^ | m*San Francisco—1:55 p.m. •’ w lie ftV ir y<5u ate g o ing buy your ticket at Springfield—it will be honored on train or bus to Eugene. Southern Pacific Phone