THURSDAY, DECEMBER ß. 1928 smhn r r i a u n N i i M S a m PACE FIVE Qoes to M ee k e r F un eral will hold Its last regular session at When news was received here that the city hall next Monday evening, Ezra Meeker, well-known trail blazer Itecember 10, It Is announced by I. of the West, died In Seattle Monday, M. Peterson, city recorder. Mrs. Ivan Male, great-granddaughter of the *7-year okl pioneer, left Spring Masons to Electa Officers field by motor for Seattle to attend Officers will be elected and Install­ the funeral. ed by members of Liberty lodge of the Masons at a meeting to be held next Council to Meet Tuesday evening at the Odd Fellows* The 1»28 city council of Springfield ball. , 1,146 Poundt o f T iv tm f TOWN AND VICINITY Mr». Hiimlin Return*— Mr«. K II. IlHinllti returned Motiiluy evening after vlaltlng relative« In i’ortlund T a y lo r G o«* to P o rtla n d — lin y T a y ­ lor went In Portland Tuvaday to be a palloni at the veterane* hnapital there. III at Home— Mrs. Tony Gravos la III at her home with u caae of flu. Mrs. Bchnstxky III— Mrs. Hchnetxky Is III at her home. A. J. Here on Bupelneee— Roy York of Creaawa-ll wua a business visitor nere thia morning. Seattle Woman Hare— Mia. A, F. I lark of Boatti«, aunt of Mr* M 1!. Coburg Man Here— Harry Coletnan Iluutly, who la III, will remain In of Coburg wua In town Wednesday Springfield fur a few duya. morning. I Shermans Have Questa— Mr. ami Mrs. C. J. Ilnpper and family of Grant* W a lte r v llle M an H e re — Ham G odd­ I ’aaa, Oregon, were cueets this week ard ow Waltervllle was In Springfield of L. J. Sherman here. Sunday. Motor to California— Khtiqwr Grit H e re fro m W e n d lln g —J M Blakely fla and Austin MePberaon left by came to Springfield from Wendllng motor fktfurday afternoon for Loe Bunday. Anrelee, California. These 21-year-old-lwins of New York lake k>n« u rolls Mwetkrr Their aggregate weight touts 1,146 pounds LOCAL WOMAN RECALLS DAYS WHEN EZRA MEEKER V IS IT E D S P R IN G F IE L D Remlnlecensea of the days when Kara Meeker, *7-year old trail blsxer who died In fteattle on Monday, visit­ ed this city were made by Mrs. C. F. Kgglmann. who recalls the time when the aged pioneer came over the Old Oregon trail by ox team some IS years ago and stopped In Springfield. She still has a picture which she took of the trail blaxe when be came to Springfield. The evening Mr. Meeker was here, according to Mrs. Egglmann. he ap­ peared at the Bell theatre, wtiere he M arria g e Llcsnse Issued showed some relics be had gathered Deloss C. Davis and Alice Green­ along the trail at various times. He wood of Hprlngffleld were granted a also told queer stories about bis trip. marriage license yesterday at the of­ fice of the county clerk In EXtgene. Comes from Vida—J. L Fountain Bank Worker III—Glenn Riddle, was In Sprlngneld last Saturday after­ who la employed at the First National noon from his home at Vida. bank, did not report for work early I thia week as he was III at his home H e r« on Business- -Bob Stevens was a business visitor Monday morning Q erapsm sn III— Henry Adrian and from Camp Greek. Delbert McBee of the Hprlnglteld gar* la Rsportsd Improvlng— Z. T. Kent- a«e hare been III the peat week. Jeaae sley, last of thè U. A. R. veterana In Hearey haa been taking care of the Springfield, who baa been III for aer­ garage for Mr. Adrian.’ arsi days, la reperì«,! to be Improvlng. Power Man Here— Walter Smith, transmission superintendent of the Mountain State* Power company at (Albany, was a Hprlnglteld visitor Tuesday. B aptist Q lrls to A ct Thurston Boy Operated On— Alex Mathewa of Thurston la reported aa doing nicely since he was operated on for appendicitis at the Pacific Christ­ ian hoapltal In Rugena last Sunday evening. i M. E. Church Ssrvlcea Announced Services for Sunday at the Spring- field Methodist church were announ­ ced this morning by Rev. C. J. P ik e , pastor. Sunday school at 5:46 In charge of Superintendent Harry Gillette. An- - nounrements will be out for the last | Sunday School Board meeUng of the year to be held on Monday evening. Important plans will be discussed re­ garding the Christmas program. Jun­ ior chcrch down stairs at 11 o'clock In charge of Mrs. Pollard. Morning | worship at 11 o'clock. The morning service will be In observance of Uni­ versal Bible Sunday. The pastor will preach on the subject "Bowing the Seed." The choir will render the anthem, "The King of Love My Shep­ herd Is”, by Shelley. Epworth league at 5:30. The first Sunday of the contest resulted In an Increase of about twenty In attend­ ance and promises to be very Interest­ ing, All Leaguers and friends are urged to be present. Miss Doris Myers will be the leader. A t the evening service the pastor will preach on the subject, "Encouragements to Serve God.” The choir's evening number will be, "A Benediction,** by Hamblen, I'AINTI.NO and Kalsomining in all IU The W. W. G. girls of the Baptist branches. Reduced Prices. Roy church will present the play "Aunt Koch. Can 125-J. Tlllle Learns to Tithe" at the church Wednesday evening, December IX CALL AND 8E E Dr. N W Emery A series of atereoptlcan pictures on on prices on plates and other work, tf Afrle« will be shown at the same time A sliver offering will be taken at the A O R Y C H R IS T M A S session Wednesday evening. We mean so far aa the home Is con ccrnul In protection against Inne Leaburg Woman Hsrs— Mrs. George inent weather. Get In touch with us Heaton of Leaburg was In town tt'ed- CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Enter- now and have tnat leaky roof, worn ■eeday. on prices on plates and other work, tf out leadera and gutters pul In ord-r before the bad weather sets In. We can do the work for you right away, so do aot wall until real Winter weather makes efficient roof repair work Imposlble. A m erica's Two Good W ill W. N. LONG A m b a ssa d o rs 527 MAIN ST. HOOVER SMILE OF CONFIDENCE Let the Laundry Do Your WASHING Save Time, Ijtbor, Material and Fuel tit home. We guaran­ our work and give you lite Lowest Prices. Try uh Once and You Will He Convinced. te e CALL US UP— WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER. SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY 309 Main Street . . . . A Radio For Christmas is the best gift one can give. It will be appreciated by every­ one in your household and will be a piece of furniture you will be proud of. The Roister and Lyric Radios sold by us are the beet the industry has to offer. They have a wide range of sta­ tions and wonderful tone reproduction. A SMALL DEPOSIT DOWN AND YOU CAN HAVE ONE OF THESE FINE RADIOS DELIVERED TO YOU FOR CHRISTMAS Call 95 for Demonstration Wm. Rodenbough Garage “EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE” 533 Main Street ■F«' Phone 95 •with ARE YOU SAVING ON YOUR DRUG SUPPLIES? NOTE THESE SAVINGS WE ARE OFFERING YOU: $1.20 Bromo Selzer f o r __________ _.T_______ _____ $1.00 .75 Baume Analgesique B engue.................... .......... .68 .30 Bromo-Quinine______________ _____________ .25 1.25 Creomulsion _____________ _______ __ _____ 1.10 .40 Castoria ......... ........ ....j ............ ........ .............. 34 .60 California SyYup Figs ____ ____ ___ ________ .49 1.20 Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin ................. ............. ...... 1.08 .60 Forhan's Tooth P a s te ............... ..... ..................... .54 .50 Pepsodent Tooth P a s te ________ ____________ .44 .50 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream ........... ................ 45 .85 Jads Salts ....................... .................. ........................ 75 1.00 I^avoris_______ __ _______ ____________ ’__ .89 1.00 Listerine .................................. 39 1.00 N u jo l................ ....*90 1.25 Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound............. 1.05 .65 Pinex ____' ................... ............ ..... ........ gp 1.50 P e tro lag a r....................................... . .... -, 23 .65 Pond's Creams ........................................... .57 .75 Rubbing Alcohol................. ......... .............. ¿59 1.00 Squibb’s Oil ..........................„ g.7 1.00 Russian Type Mineral O il.......... ......... ........................ 39 T ru s t Us to F ill Y our Prescriptions C orrectly. Doctor Does. Y our Flannery’s Drug Store ^B«»i«»iBiiBiHg«iaifflsa«ii8tiiB«k«Bi«g«^»«g^0gg^ggg| Brunswick Radio All Electric Tone Perfect TABLE MODEL— Complete with Speaker and Tubes ............. $150.00 CONSOLE MODEL— Complete ...... _......... .......... $215.00 8 TUBE SUPER HETERODYENE— Complete .......... — .......................... ................ $217.00 See H a rry W rig h t or Roscoe Perkins fo r Dem onstration TERMS IF DESIRED, No interest or carrying charge. Wright and Sons