unknown heirs of L 0. Landers, Ir» 9V»l«s «»»» r \9 »kisa teavatka a nnlwoeaa ww LO H T Huturdny night m l.uaineae din W A N T E D — H u lu and fancy s«wlnx. N O T IC E TO O W N E It I have taken Annie Iravla, hla w ife; W ebster L. t r it t , pair leather mlltena, wool Neatly and reasonably done. up eatruy dark lia y borse with white Precinct, therefore, Kincaid and Dorothy C. Kincaid, hla and sick veterans requiring assistance, llni'd Alan deer akin with bullet 4th Street Phone 74 W . N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that apot In forehead. Owner can have w ife; Elizabeth M Gale; Laura K in ­ and whose families also must be alde » B ill, , , ____. . . . in k iw .iv n h r. I . . l U ,X • » ____- _________- » ____ ________________________. _____ tf bled her bnal account . In . . ___ said estate , ,he ■ unknown heirs of F D. S. 1 Agard; A government hospitals which care fo r as he trod on the Juater*a toe. and the County Court of Lane County, E- Simons, the unkonwn heirs o f A. F. these men and women, and about th» S E P T IC T A N K S — I Oregon has bxed Friday the 28th day Simona; L. O. launders, the unknown asme annual average of veterans suc­ F O R BALE W OO D Ready tor you to Inalali I of December. 1928 at he hour of 10: 0« heir» of L. O. Landers; W illia m N O TIC E TO C R E D IT O R S to wounds the and Red lllneaa. r . Old Growth F ir. Second Growth Fir. 2 - 4 poranne UH Notice la hereby given that the un-1 ?’c,”ck J ® ’ he forenoon of said day | M ayer^ JohD 8“ d Annie D a n e , (w cumbing bo^ dependents Cross fo 1» O *k . Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring- 3 - 8 persons - »«-•« deralgend has been appointed Admin :at the Hminty Court house In Eugene. l»l» wife; and the unknown helm o f. r«fiulre'> assistance. Bs-M 1M. t t Sewer Pipe. W ell Curbing, Drain T ile Istratrlx of the Retain of M ary Ann I -an* ^ountv, Oregon, as the time and John Davis and Annie Davis, bis w ife; 9,e<1,Led Spencer, deceased, by the County Ptace for the hearing of said bnal W ebster L. Kincaid and Dorothy C. “ r Fleeer pointed o u t and Chimney Blocks. Court of Lane County. Oregon. All »ccotnrt Kincaid, hla w ife ; Elizabeth M. Gale; la addition, the Red Cross, under It» N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T E U G E N E C O N C R E TE P IP E CO. persons having claims against th e i All persons having objections to | Laura Kincaid Salaman ■ and a ll other «barter granted by Congress, baa • N O T IC E TS H E K E IIY O IV E N . That said estate are hereby aartJfied to p re -! "a,d ,h’ al »‘•count are notlbed to pres parties or persons unknown, claim ing deflnlte dut, towards service men e. complaint hi thia cause; Defendant-». *favy an«. Marina Corps, and follow» the ornate of Carl lloaseritian, deceased, -----........................ .. ...... 1 A Wells, Rank of Commerce Building i Dated this 22nd day of November, IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E them 10 •** ‘ Otelgn porta or doty. T h » haa rendered and filed with the Conn Estate of Mrs. belts Shoop, Deceased Eugene, b a re Cowaty, Oregon, within | Admlnlstra- O F OREGON, You are hereby required aapendltur» In this work for the yea? ty Cvwirt of the State of Oregon for N O T IC E D F FIN AL, B E T T IJ C M E N T i lllx Uionth8 from the date of the f ir s t '. »»AGGIE J IT E W A R T , Notloe la hereby given that M ary E I “f this nodtee trig of the Estate of Robert K. Stew to appear and answer the complaint ending June 30, 1928. was »307.455. lb » the County of la n e , hla ft mil account bled against you In the above en titled annual report states. Date of brat publication. Dec., 6 art. deceased. and that said Court by an order duly | Kelsey has bled I» the Count? Court H arris. Smith A Bryson, Attorneys suit w ithin four weeks from the date “ Cpon the Red Cross r«sta the aw made anil entered of record hae bxed o f the State o f Oregon. In and for 1928. ■ of the brst publication of this earn- ered obligation of carrying on raliaC H E S T E R E. W OOO. AdtmlnstratrlX. for Adm inistratrix. and appointed Saturday the 8th day of Ixine County. her hual report as ex mens, and!If you fall to so appear and work for th. d„ ab|ed M rT )ct Bnd W S U 8 * WJCIJJS, Attorneys. N. 22-29: D. 6-13-20: DerraUber, 1928, at the hour of tea ocutrtx of the last w ill and testament answer, the plaintiffs w ill apply to the D 6 13-29-27: Ja. 3. o’clock In the forenoon at the County <‘f Mrs d alle Shoop. Deceased; and Court for the re lie f prayed for ta the *■ «< » ready to serva veterana back In civt* N. 8 15 22-29: D 8: to T rt.e S m e . d plac« ! Crti'’i?r i ° * A E W beeler. 710 Lawrence Street IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E dents, to »693.203 42 tn sward, to , la»ne County, November 15, 1928, on a W . B. D IL L A R D , County Clerk « i x h J T r flle* on or * I" Eugene, Oregon, w ltb'n six months i S T A T E O F GRHGON FOR T H E compensation. decree rendered In said court Novma N. 15-22 2»: D 6: Insurance, adjusts* lore said time !. ............ .................................. . . . I C O U N TY OF LANE. ber 13, 1928, In n suit wherein Seward Dated and first Dtibllsl.ed Nnv«mher rrTnn , " l° 15,h day of November. 192« . , ,, 1 . compensation, burial expenses, et«. 1» !22nd, !928 " PUb“ * 7 November - W inifred Hopk ns. Executrix | £ X £ . Or‘v ^ add" “>" this amount which r . D. Allen Is plaintiff and Lin l*hoenlx N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S repre­ und A. W Ayer« are defendants. I have IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E Johnson, his w ife. Plaintiffs, Vs., M E R V IN II H A R R IS . Adm inistrator : A- E w l >e,‘ler- Attorney sented lump sum payments, Lane County, Oregon, a mun cipal levied upon und w ill sell nt public S T A T E O F O REG ON FOR L A N E J o f estate of Veronica B Harris. N 15-22-29: D 6-13: corporation; E H_ laxckey; T . C. were obtainetofor »183.389 to month!? Nurtlnn to tbe highest bidder fur cash, C O U N TY , In the M atter of the W H IT T E N S W A E F O R ll. Attorney Luckey and Maude L. Luckey, his Installments of Insurance aDd compen­ nt (he front door of the County Conrt Estate of W illia m (). Ek. sometimes N. 22-29: D. 6-l»‘2O: N O T IC E C F ’ R M IN IS T R 'T R IX '5 * ! w ife; Una Luckey Stone and Glen sation and In quarterly adjusted con» House In Eugene, Oregon, at 1:00 I’ . known as W illia m E k , deceased. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY M of Saturday, the 22nd day of Dec­ Stone, her husband; Pearl Luckey pens, tlon payments. Notice la hereby given (hat the un­ ember. 1928, the following real pro­ dersigned has been appointed by the Eastman and Barry Eastham. her Notice Is hereby elven that, bv vlr N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S .Mr Fleser points out that Red Cros» perty. vis: lxits 3, 4, 5, and < In block County Court of Ixine County, Oregon, tue of a license granted and entered by I husband; Floy Luckey W helan and Roll Call comes once each year, and not . ce is . « s r a r a r o i T j . , 6 . c „m „ c „ „ , , h. Sl<„ „ „ i W illla ix 3, In Midway Park, In Ixine’ county, as adm inistrator of the estate of W il­ W helan, her husband; ‘ that it Is the only occasion upon the undersigned Oregon, and all the right and estate other _ _ has of the estate of KO’1, ,n and fo r Lnne (' ° " n fy- the i David " • (u rtis i- and also • a « ll P ’ “ ” ' which the Red Cross asks for fund» liam O. Ek. sometimes known as W II special adm inistrator the defendants had therein on tbe Ham Ek. deceased Peter Hanson, deceased, by toe Coun ., 4,h daT "7 November. 1928 anthorlr o r ^ s U t e with * hlch to carry ° n ,u »ctlvitiea. 14th day of January, 1925 and on nny All persons having Claims against ty Court of Lane County, Oregon AU ° f ‘i® eBt" ^ ! In the real r r o r e r t ^ e s c r ib i S to t h ! of wh,cb War Service Is one Fro subeequent date, to satisfy the follow­ said estate are hereby notified to persons having Claims ngatost said " arrT, ^ceased, to seH suit ^ f e X n t o Armistice D a, to Thanksgiving Da? persons having claims against snid ing sums adjudged plaintiff In said present the snme with the proper 1 estate are required to oresent them fhe herein described lands. I w ill, on co m p la in t in tnis suit, deienaanis. . 8 underslgn.sl a d m ln l.- w ith *'to v'ou, hersr a ? t7 rtt'd P h, ,h (“ ------- Tromlses. on Luckey; end after To E the R. Luckey; Luckey stone to tne .. - — . j . e 'I.ro n q ^ u r1 irn i io present tnem , u_ To E. R. Una Mondav Luckey Stone American Una people are asked sup- am.er.can people are asked to su p decree, vlx: »700 with Interest thereon reuchers, to the tator, at tbe office of Fred E Smith the underrigm-d nt the law X e of necemher 17th. 1929. offer for »ale ?ndv G,e" 9' ° ne' heT £ usband ’ EearI Port th,a worfc ‘ “ rough their Re* at eight per cent since January 14. fc'a’ thanl a“ d B arr> iia st“ an*- f ross memberships 1928, the sum of »7.10 taxes paid, the his nltorney at 445.6 M iner Building Im m el and Evans In the First Nation and aeI1 a* Pv’ vate «ale subject to the __ n n /IO i» sum of »22 costs of said suit, und the Eugene, Oregon, within six months al Bank Building. In Eugene Oregon '” ” ’ r°vt,-1 of said Court, to the oartv her h.i band; Duv d \ \ . C urtis; and al- w ithin six months form the’ date of offering the mo«t therefor, cash In so 8,1 ° ‘ her persons or parties un- D L l ) P D ilC ’ P costs tn nccrue on this execution and from the date of this notice sale. Said sate w ill he subject to Dated November 15th, 1928 this notice. hand, nil of the Lots numbered 21. 2’ knowns claim ing any right, title , in­ redemption as allowed by law. ti. E. L E E . Adm inistrator. ; Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 1st nnd 23 in and o f ’ FrlzzeB s Plat, a« , terest, lien or estate in the real pro- F R A N K E. T A Y L O R , Sheriff of FREI1 E S M IT H , A tto m e) for Ad day of November, 1928. armenrs of record 1n I.ane Countv perty described in the complaint in Lani' Coimtv ministra tor. J O H N M A R SH . Special ndmlnlstra Oregon, in which county and state this suit. Defendants. N. 22-29: I) 6-1320: N. 15-23-29: D 6-13: tor of the Estate of Peter Hanson, de lots are situated. in TH E NAM E oF T H E STATE e ceased. Louise W Daniels. A dm inistratrix O F O REG ON: You are hereby re- Four Nation-wide Services Pro­ IM M K I* & E V A N S , Attorneys f o r . of the Estate of H a rry O. Brooks, de nuire •» fl,ed 1n <’o ar‘ IKT A” «1 a<> to the Court for the re lie f prayed for ration of health and prevention of ac­ Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER qualified and acting adm inistrator of <’oun, *•’ »dm lnlstratrlx of the estate in the complaint, to-wit: General Practice, Special Attention That the plaintiffs be declared to be cidental death is one of the great ser­ W IL L I» BER TB C H , Prop. I the estate of M ary M cKlnnts deceas 'd of. John Varney, also known as Jnhn (o Obstetrics atwl Diseases I has rendered and filed w ith the Conn w Varney, and that the court has the owners in fee simple of the pre­ vices of the American Red Cross’ Four O F F IC E A T S E R V IC E O ARAGE of Children. mises herein, ana and partici particularly de- bureaus, manned by experts, direct ty Court of the State of Oregon for Pxed ,rn «’clock A M. of December m lo a Herein, 533 Maln Street the County of Lane, his flnal account 7,h> 1928 > 88 the t!me ’ 'hen a‘ the sc[*bed 88 foI1“ W8, ,o w k First National Bank Building this work. T h e , are the Public Health Baccessor to Button Transfer northwest corner Nursing Service; the First Aid a n * and that said Court by an order dulv rooms of the county court in the Court , Beg’ nning at the n«r ‘ bwi Springfield, Oregon Block Num ber .„ X _______ J 7 ? r " Hnu.p Fnvpen Orevnn . .i d finnt «f Ix>t Number Five in Bloc made and entered of record has fixed H « « 8«- Eugene, Cregon. said flnal ac , , , , ..or4 „» ru»v nt w,,v « 'iu , ot - i . h - t . »«■ Life « Saving Service; tbe mnn» Home 4y- I knd apPO'n ,?'L?a ,u ‘ '' a7 « r Sth «'">• «’ UP for ^ ra,nat,on ! Eugene which ¿ s ^ o r ig i n a ^ donated aad <” Sick Servlca. Eugene, which was originally donated , 62 J 62 M non E. Caldwell, of Vida, Oregon, who. Range 5 East, W M , w ithin the San- claim ing by. through or under them, or tlon of disease It has aided ta es ta» I. M. PETERSON any of them. on March 18, 1927, made Homestead | tlam National Forest. llshlng 2,000 or more community o a r» Attorney-at-Law Full Auto Equipment E n try, No. 016842, for Lots 3 & 4 ¿S- I The purpose of this notice Is to al T hat the plaintiffs have such other Ing services. S E ‘4 N W I i, Bgctlon 31, Townsjiip 16 i low all persons claim ing the la n d s ) and fu rth er re lie f herein as to the Lady Assistant Utty H a ll Building At the national headquarters an en ­ S . Range 3 East. W illam ette M eridian, selected, or having bona fide objec Court may seem meet in the premises. rollment of nurses Is m alntalne*; T H IS S U M M O N S Is published once hns filed notMe of Intention to make tlons to such application, an oppor­ Springfield, Ore. three year Proof, toestabllsh claim to tunity to file their protests w ith the each week for four successive weeks. which forms a great nursing reservn the land nbove described, before the Register and Receiver of the United ¡ by order of the Hon G. F. Skipworth. Under Its Charter from Congress th l» FRANK A. DE PUE U. S. Ixind Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Stnte ixtnds Office at Roseburg, O ri Judge of the C ircuit Court of Ixine Red Cross Nursing Service le tbe offi­ on the 11th day of December, 1928. gon. Any such protests or objections County. ‘Oregon. cial reserve for the United State» A T T O R N E Y A T LA W The Date of the first publication of Army and Navy Nurse Corps In add» Claim ant names ns witnesses: must be filed In this office w ithin Fred E. Meyers, A rthu r L. Shough. th irty days from the date of first pub this summons is November 29. 1928. tlon, these nurses are available ta N O T A R Y P U B LIC JE W E L E R IM M E L & E V A N S , Attorneys for W a lte r E. Post, Fran k J. Minney, all lication of this notice, which first pub time of disaster or epidemic This r n Sutton Repairing a Specialty of Vida, Oregon. nofi-coal. llcation is Nov. 15, 1928. Springfield, non-coal Plaintiffs, Residence and postofflee ad­ serve list of trained nurSes has I d I92B dress: Eugene. Oregon. H A M IL L A. C A N A D A T , Register. H A M IL L A C A N A D A T. Register. Building Oregon Sprtngfleild, Oregon reached Its peak In number enrolled— N. 29: D. 6-13-20-27: N. 8-15-22-29: D. I : N . 15-22-29: D 8-18: RED CROSS FIGHTS DEATH AND DISEASE B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walkir-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof is