I VrXI s.. ì TA G E SIX FATHER T H Ifi H P tU N G F lfc L Ü A A VA S AND SO NS Howrt^faMng SoutbAmcrican R tfiM ci THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 192« lot were as false as Chaplin's mus­ tache. The arm was found to be stuffed with sawdust and the severed hand By CECILE was declared to be of wax. Orange taffeta, tulle and sequins And so the detectives called It a combine to fashion this new peplum day! dance frock worn by Nell Kelly In P rovin o l nat Persistence Leads t0 "t’p.-a-Dalsy" at Shubert's theatre and a very charming little costume Succeed Boston, Musa. Dec 6, (AC!--George It la—on the s'age or off. W. Gleason proposed to Mrs. Ida Vir­ The normal waistline shows Itself hers In one of Ils best moods, while ginia Abbott twenty years ago. the peplum adds a sophisticated oote She said “No." Gleason continued to propose In (he to the bouffant skirt which, without It, might have to remain In the ward Intervening quarter of a century. His latest proposal has been accept- robs of very young girls. Sequlms are enjoying a surprising ed. He Is SO. and Mrs. Abbott Is 78. Ike Palmer, 76 once Gleason's rival for Mrs. Abbott's hand, has agreed to he the best man. | ‘V ery L a t e s t ’ BANQ UET POSTPONED The annual fathers and son. ban «luet which was achetluled for the eveninx of December 11 has been post­ poned indefinitely, it was announced by William Hushes, a member of the committee in charge of arrangements for the affair. It was stated that the dinner will be held sometime In Janu­ ary. The banquet will be held under the auspices of the Methodist, Christian and Baptist churches combined, and the dinner will be served by ladies of the Baptist church, as the affair will be held at the Baptist place of wor­ ship The committee In charge of ar­ rangements is: William G. Hughes. Marry Chase. Dale Horton, W. A. Hemenway, B. H. Rernpel and Dr w. M. Rollard.) F o u r D ru m stic k s the svenili* jacket of nut embroidered In sequlms turns many a last year « frock Into something uew! P R IN T S A G A IN FO R S P R IN G As an "Inbetween" frock Ihls sea- aon you may Indulge In a printed frouk secure In (he knowledge that It will be good far Into the spring. Advance fubrlc news tells iis (here Is svsry Indication that prints will lie shown and on sale oarly In the year. n o w —ru H a t r a Paris sends us (he smartest little fur sets as her very latest notion. Close-fitting cap-hat, scarf and muff In broadtail, either black, beige or gray, appear In several chic designs; Jap mink ami fiat silky caracul are also shown and seal In the brownish "old skin” tonus Is a particular favor- < Geneva. N. Y.. Dec. 6, (AC)—Among This picture shows the U. S. S. Maryland, flagship of the Pacific a batch recently hatched by a hen Fleet, chosen for’ the Latin-American voyage of Herbert Hoover, owned by Rocco Grosso Is n four-leg­ Canadian V is ito rs Leave president-elect. Among places being visited by Hoover during this lie ged Plymouth Rock chick. The chick Mrs. H. Hocket and daughter. Iona, trip are Guatemala, Corinto, Nicaragua, Balboa, Canal Zone, Callao, If you have an heirloom seal coat has an extra pair of leas projecting P Valparaiso, Santiago, and Buenos Ayres. H e is carrying a of Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, who that Is too worn or ouf of date to use r e of good will to our neighboring countriea. from the back. These extra members have been visiting visiting at the as a wrap—why not have tho furrier do not appear to he used In locomo­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillette "!" " . ■ transform It Into one nt those fash­ tion. The chick is normal in other ' here, »111 leave the latter part of this ionable sets? . ♦ ♦ ¡ t h e hospital where he underw ent an respects. week for Los Angeles, California. The URSTON ♦ operation for appendicitis last Suu- Canadians have been guests at the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ T ♦ H ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ; day. - v w 'But 1 don't see that you need to lie Sleep W e lk e r K ille d Gillette residence for more than a Mr. and Mrs. Weaver entertained so heartbroken because Mabie Flyw y Mrs. William Rennie has been very Paducah. Ky„ Dec 6 (AC!—C. J. week. Following their journey to Call for Thanksegivlng dinner. Mr. ano , ill for several days. bus Jilted you I" Wat wood. 23, fell through a glass door fornia they expect to arrive home Mrs. Marian Harpote and family from 'It Isn't the Jilting I mind, hut she There will be a basket bull game i.t while walking In his sleep. some time in Jaunary. The Hocketts Meadowvlew. Mr. and Mrs. Claude returned the ring In a parcel marked Watwood. a sleep walker since 1 who own a 1000-acre ranch near their Harpole from Goshen and Mr. and Vida next Friday evening between the Glass! With Cure!' " Thurston high school and Vida. childhood, was found- In the hallway Canadian home report that the season Mrs. Gather Harpole. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and of his home, blood gushing from sev­ crop has turned out to be of great ad­ Miss Marjorie Grant who is teaching "What's the difference between a vantage to farmers in their section. at Coquille spent Thanksgiving here Ray Mitchell spent Thanksgiving In eral wounds. An artery under his haunted bouse and u handsome man f Cottage Grove with Mrs. Needham s arm hud been severed and hts abdo­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles mother, Mrs. Teeters. popularity, by the way. Often they about to kiss you7" asked she, coyly. men gashed. Keseey Goes to Portland— Dwight Grant are used to outline futuristic patterns "I give up. ho murmured, growing , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston and ! He died from loss of blood, trans­ Kessey went to Portland Tuesday, Jay Grant, who is attending O. A. j family visited Mr. and Mrs. M J. Me- fusion having prijveii of no avail. on tulle and chiffon frocks again --is Interested. leaving by train from Eugene. C. at Corvallis also was home for j Klin In Sprlngflota Thanksgiving day. More than a dozen friends offered band trimming» to edge smart little "Why. you can't let a haunted Returns to Portland—Grace Male Thanksgiving. pockets on a satin overblouse. And house." ' The Ald 8oc(e, y K,Ttng , their blood. TWturned to Portland Sunday evening Miss Starr who teaching the upper play in connection with a baxaar to ’ after spending the holidays here with grades school here spent the holl- be held at the Thurston hall next Sal- A Good In v e s tm e n t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male. days at in her home In Oakland returning urday evening. There will be a small Willimantic, CL, Dec. 6. ( A O — A last Sunday. admission fee. Pie. cake, coffee and three-dollar Investment twenty years Mr. and Mrs. John Price had their candy will be on sale. ago will now net John W. Kilpatrick Grandma n fo w le r family home for Thanksgiving with Lawrence Gossler who underwent a small fortune. 'Twenty-years ago the exception of their son, Curtis and an operation for appendicitis In Eu he was selling fire extinguishers, in Father a college professor; mother cultured and wife, who are in Idaho. Those pres­ gene a few days ago was able to oe making a sale In Brooklyn, Ct., he ac­ refined; heredity guaranteed. Price— $30,000. ent were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough moved home last Sunday. cepted a violin In exchange for an ex­ and daughter, Patty. Miss Mildred P A S S IO N A T E L Y devoted to her Even while she prays for courage to While takplng a load of lumber In­ tinguisher which was worth about *.< huiband, M irio n e olten Mid the Price, who is teaching at The Dalles to H. E. Morris' ranch Just above Experts now advise Kilpatrick hls make this terribictacrihcr, the is think­ would Mcrifice anything for his suc­ ing that perhaps the rich woman who and Perry Price, who is attending O. Thurstou last Tuesday the Booth violin is a Stradtvarlous datel 1716. cess and happiness. And now as he comes to h eru d could tike het abroad, A. C. at Corvallis. faces failure, disillusionment, dcipair Kelly company's large truck went “for a few m nths' travel." There her Dr. and Mrs. Carl Phetteplace and the bridge near the A. W. Weaver — * / / f t r