T ry iha H o m t Print S h cp Firat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY-FIFTH YEAR E SEASONftS CHAMPS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1»28 Library Board Presents Report SPRING WILL SEE BRIDGE RESUMED Children to Sell Christmas Seals Expense* of Moving to New Women Complete Canvas of Quarter* Force Local Downtown Districts; Prize* Library into Debt Highway Commission Will Take Local* Beat Junction City. 32-0 Offered School* In Turkey Day Battle; Eight No Action Until Flood Danger Presentation of the monthly library i* Over Next Spring; Will 8pr,n' fl,'ld «<**>1 children have Came* Won and On* Lo*t report and recommendation of two c . , _ ,, " now been given the U s k of selling During Entire Season; Strong ladles for membership on the board Study River Overflow Further Chrlatma, ln the local ¥tclBlty Statement in Minute*. occupied the greater part of the meet Team Loom* for 1929. j The Springfield women on the drive "Th« Ptople's Paper" A L I V I NCWSPAPCR IN A L IV I TOWN NUMBER 48 Giva» Baahata to Univaraity FLU EPIDEMIC IN INIS CITl SUBSIDES No Death* Reported Here from Flu; State Health Officer Give* Advice in Treatment of Di*ea*e; School Children Af­ fected. Ing of the Springfield library board’s I committee have completed their can- That the approaches to the new vasslng of the business district In the I Continuing to display their «narked Tuesday meeting. The board also Gradual decline In the number at superiority on the grluiron, the took up the routine matter of paying bridge will not be built until next Interests of the sales of the good cases of Influenxa during the paat spring Is a settled fact so far as the cheer stamps. Sprli«fleld high school football team, op bills. week Is reported evident In Spring- weakened before the name by aeveral The library was open nine days dur­ highway commission Is concerned. Ho Held, which has ben affected by a r t f As an Inducement for the young rases of "11*", walks«! off the Held it ing the month of November, the report i that there will be no mistake as to Ing epidemic of the “flu." seal salesmen, a prize Is being offered Junctl<*> City last «nursday without a stated, and would have been open 1 ,be situation Roy Klein, state hlghws'. to the school selling the largest num Reports from several 8prlngfleld ><•! that has caused the minutes of ber **’ of Christmas seals this year. Chll defeat on lie roll for the past season more except loathe for me « ract that th.. tn« llhr- llhr ' engineer, • doctors Indicate that the disease le In Ita league. The local lad» rail wild ary was moved during the early part ,h'’ b'«h* * y ' ” ? meeting of drHB hi. country are generally dren alI all ilVpr over , the subsiding In the local district with th* over the Junction City luda to take the of the month. Now that the library October 30, 1028. to be sent to this aslgned the duty of selling the stamps i possibility that the ailment will sooa Thanksgiving !»ay battle by the Is well settled In Its new home In the I newspaper. The part referring to the In behalf of the campaign to fight j pass out of the stage of being known* Hprlngfleld bridge approaches reads as mount In* »core of 4-0, I building which the Firat National i tuberculosis. as an epidemic. Valng the same football tactlea that formerly occuplnd. the local home of follows: The women started their campaign No deaths resulting from cases of "The Engineer recommended that i.iey have u»ed throughout the »ca»on. books will open during the regular 1 Immediately following the Thanks-1 the disease have been reported la the construction of the embankment hours every M«n«lay, Wednesday aud the Springfield boy» easily shoved Mrs. Anna Knox, Hprlngfleld real approaches to the Willamette Rivei giving holidays, and while reports are Springfield as yet. About 100 person* over live touchdown» while their op­ Saturday. dent, wbo has donated here collection bridge at Hprlngfleld be deferred unlil not X«1 b“ndy for publication, ------ Indlca- here were afflicted by the ailment ponent* were forced to lx- content A tola, of 572 bonks was let out In tions are that the local drive is bound of aboul 200 Indian baskets to the prev]oug to tjje Thanksgiving holiday* without a »core to their credit In .hat November and 25 new readers cards spring due to the lateness of the sea Cnlverstty of Oregon. The relics will PeopIe and doctorg haT(j . son and the possibility of washout to ,o be a complete success. game. were lasued by Miss Mary Roberts be placed In the Oregon Museum of of themgelve8 and respectPd t„e unprotected fresh nils. This would | With the transfer of the gales work Fine Art. In the Women s building on of the djseage g Junction City was unable to put a librarian. This is said to be a good give further opportunity to study flood | to the school children a more lively the university campus. halt to th« onruahlng Hprlngfleld drive record considering the number of da«'» tent that the anticipated spread of th* conditions In West Hprlngfleld In the Interest In the drive Is expected to be throughout the first half, the local« the place was open during the past Mr*. wh° donated the col-' epidemic has been checked wonderf^p event of high water this winter. The I taken by all concerned. The students easily working Ihelr pa»»«» and lino month. engineer recommended that the certl- , were seen more than ever on the IecUon becauge "be waa fa,lln« ln ber j ly well, according to Dr. W. C. Rebhaa, plays to advantage as they kept th«’ | (,n„ hundred four books were repair- fled check of the low bidder, A. C. downtown streeta the past week In an health' gathered up the several «peel- IO<-MJ physician, who has handled mor* ball In their opponents' territory during the month while 140 were Mathews, whose bid was submitted at endeavor to dispose of the greatest men8 whlle Mbe llTed at Independence,, than 30 cases of the flu himself, throughout th* first half. 1 rebound to make them more suitable the September 26, 1*28, meeting, oe 1 number of seals so as to enable their Ore*on' and also from Indians In Can- The epidemic is coast-wide In char- ad a. The second half saw the Junction for circulation. The coat of raving the returned unless he deJred tn have h's i school to win the coveted prize. acter, the trouble having originated in lads bolster up aiel hold the visitors volumes rebound was 88.15. An ex i bid held pending further action of the ; Southern California where several The proceeds from the pale of the to one lone touchdown The Junction pert mended 104 books and the total c(,n,miMa|on Thi^ aPtlon approved by stamps is to be used to help reduce SPRINGFIELD BAND TO : deaths have resulted from the spread lads finally forced the pigskin down cost for the mending was 836. A con the rommlHblon." ! of the disease. the number of tuberculosis cases In PLAY IN CONCERT AT tn the 7-yard line, but the local team slderable expense was Incurred by the 'I People are still urged by doctorg to I-ane county, the minimum number for BELL THEATRE DEC. 19 take eTery precaution against dev­ regained Its defensive strength to hold library when the snelves of reading CHILDERS TO PREACH ON 1927 being estimated at 147. with 21 the opposing eleven for downs. matter were moved to the new loca- c u n io T eloping small colds into cases nt th* Uon C r ln lo T ; C H O IR T O S IN G deaths. • December 19 has been set as the The turkey day battle last 'week “flu”. Persons affected by influenza By purchasing the seals, the county date for the second benefit concert to the with was the last one of the season, and ....... - all ......... - vnrlous expenses • " | Kev. 8. E. ChlWers of the Spring public health association is aided in be given by the Hprlngfleld band un­ should go to bed Immediately and re­ provide«! SprlngflcM with a wonderful mounting to a larger heighth In Nov- fl(>M chrjittlan <.hur(.,1 w)|! preach main there until recovered is the ad­ its work of supervision of patients der the direction of H. K. Phillips, record of 8 wins amt one defeat for ember than on the average, th at the Sunday morning services on and contacts; free chest examinations, band leader, it was announced this vice given by many physicians. the entire season. In games with other Hprlngfleld library how stnnds in debt "ChrlHt nt Jacob's Well.” The church School children are being affected corrective work for pre-school chil-, week. members of the league, who are: liar until such lime as money Is forlheom- orchestra will present special music more and more by the trouble with th* dren. as a preventative measure; The musical organization of the city situation coming to the point-that th* rlsburg. Brownsville. Junction City, Ing from taxes. It was pointed out nt • • A l^ y e 7 ” V w i u i n th ,’i r ' Wl11 T ? ‘ ‘T “ ’' T Pre“e,,t M>~ “U “ ^ " t e * list .7 the -cholastic lu s ^ and Lebanon. the local Aggregation the board meeting. Tl... hoard ex.w.,1» to re«ei.« »..me " y er bX Wilson. children; and for the community the Be„ , heatre at g o'clock in the tutiona here is grtrwlng in size. won all the tills by wide margins Th* boanl expe.ls pres« nt some | A plnn ,„r Christian Union will be health programs and meetings. ! evening specified. clearly Indicating Ihelr superiority on kind of entertainment within the very the subject or Rev. Childers at the 114 Cases Reported ____. . E. O. Immel is president of the Lane Several outside features are being . A total of 114 coses of the flu in near future tn help pay off the debt evening service. Special music will the gridiron. Entering the game with a large In of the library. With the situation In be offered In the «-venlng by the male county health association and Mis* arranged for the evening’s entertain- Lane county for the week ending Dec- Jury list, the Hprlngfleld lads lost their tb* library well settled now. matters quartet consisting of Laurence Mof­ Beth Konkel is executive secretary ment, according to the band leader.! ember 1 were reported to the’ state de- only contest at the beginning of the lake Ihelr regular course, accord fett, Dallas Murphy. I^wrence Sunk-1“”'1 chairman oi the Christmas seal x Filipino lad will probably be pres- partment of health, according to wor4 ented to play the sa-w. One of the received from Dr. Frederick D. StrcK- season to Cottage Orove. a nnn msnr big to Mrs L. K. I age. one of the ler, and John Robertson, also a sopra­ drive. local quartets in Springfield wiU ap- er of the Oregon State Board of ber of the league, by the acore of 184) ¡ board members. no solo by Mrs. Alice uages Farnum. pear in special numbers. Definite Health. Many case oi the disease ar* The locals by no means preaenl«-d ; The names of Mrs. C. H. Blom and The same quartet will sing Friday CASCADE ROAD MEETING I * ». U * l l * n i a i i «arili i m a n t i t assi 1 to 1\ 1 Saltam** will Iw» be r presented ' VBnln