n n r itsD A Y . N ovember 2», 1&2« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Stops NORTH Classified Ads .BUYING 03 SFIIIM,’ l.OHT Hutunluy night In bunlnt-aa dix WANTED— Plain ami funcy sewing M et, pair h'ulhar mlttena, wo.il Neatly and reasonably done. 447 4th Street. Phone 74-W. lined. Also dear skin with hüllst hole In It. Return to N hwn offlfio or N 22 29: D. « -13: I N. MIII h , Motor Bouts 1. FOR RENT New Modern llouae N 22 2»: 1). 1: Four rooms und breakfast nook H ••• W. A. Taylor at the White Front ACCOUNTANT: Inalali, aupurvtan and Grocery. tf audit bonks Flnniii'lnl and Income tax Mtilti'iuenta. Il J. Cox. Office, PAINTING und Kalaomlntng In all Its . . . _ llam pion Uhl«, 6 & Willamette, Bta , brunches. Reduced I rices. Roy Eugens, Telephons 2726. Residenci- Koch Call 125-3. phone Springfield 117 J tf SEPTIC TANKS— Ready for you to Inatall FOR SALE W OOD Old Growth Fir. Second Orowth Fir, 2 • 4 person* .............__........_ $21 00 Oak, Ash. All length*. Phone Hprlng 3 • 8 person* ...... _ ................. ..... 28.00 fleM 194. tf. Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile and Cbltuney Blocks. GET RESULTS, No. 1« at 4:27 A. M. (Fla«) No. 8 at 3 4« P. M. Bus connection for train leaving Eugene at 2:20 P. M. SOUTH No. 7 at 12:47 P. M No. IS at 10:03 P. M (Flag) N O T IC E * In piirHiianre of a vote tak^n In Gate Creek Precinct on the 6th day November, 1928. which vote was WANTED TO RENT ror one year ngalnat stock running at larg In aald with option to buy. Piano. Must b P recinct, th e re fo re , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In good condition Beat of cure aa aured. Cull Springfield News. tf It shall he unlawful fdr stock to run at large In Gate Creek Precinct on and after al^ty days from date hereof N O TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Dated November 15th, 1928. W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk Notice la hereby given that the un­ N. 15-22 29: I) 6: dersigned Mervln B. Harris, adminls trutor of the eatate of Veronica B. liar- LEM ENT f'K "aH-d. h«* filed hla final report N O . . T . . IC E . OF , F IN , A L , S E T T -------------- 1,1 "'••‘I eatate und the County C o u r t o f Notice la hereby given that Maggie ),all„ c „ UIlty o r,.g(int has M „, pr),|!iy Stewart aa dmlnlatratrlx of the eatate December 21at at 2 o'clock P. M a, ° ( K Stewart, deceased, haa the County Court room In the Court her final account In aald eatate houae at Eugene for final hearing , lhe Coun,y Court of Lane County, I hereon, and all objections to aueh re h“* fl**'d Friday the 28th day port should he made or filed on or be , pocember. 1928 at he hour of 10:00 fore aald time. o clock In the forenoon of aald day Dated und firat published November the CountF <’ourt house In Eugene, 22nd. 1928. Lane County, Oregon, aa the time and MERVI.N n HARRIS. Administrator ,he h,‘arln* o t aald final account of estate of Veronica B. Harris. All persona having objections to MHII I EN SWAFFORD. Attorney. said final account are notified to pres­ N. 22 29: D. 6-13-20: ent the same In writing on or before said time. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Dated this 22nd day of November, '« T X r s i^ e ? ^ ^MAGGIE STEWART. Administra OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The Eugene Bend auto stage service will be discontinued December 2 for the winter. Six Lane county road districts last week voted special taxes for road work to be done during the coming year. Armistice day arrests In The DallM netted the city $134. according to a checkup made from records In the city recorder's office. Sidney Frederickson, 10 son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E Frederickson of Itos»- burg, found a dynamite cap near hla home and tried to explode the interior with a match. The cap exploded and shattered hla left hand. Reforestation of about 340 acre! Of cut over land lying on both tide* of Cannon Beach highway In ClatsOff county has been started by a crew of 40 men employed by the Crown-WI> lamette Paper company. A quarter mile of forest road Int* Llmberlost camp, seven miles above The first car of Klamath turkeys McKenzie bridge, haa just been com­ left last week for southern California, pleted by Cascade national forest where they will be placed on the Los crews. This finlshea the road work Angeles markets. for the season In that district. With a fail of 41 Inches of snow at The Raphael Leonard placer gold the rim of Crater lake during the past mine in Democrat gulch near Gold few weeks, Crater lake Is taking on a Hill has been sold to the Amalgamated beautiful mantle of white. Gold Mining company of Nevada. A L. J. Simpson has announced that crew of 14 men has been employed la the Simpson Lumber company mill extracting the gold from the property. near Eugene will start cutting Decem­ Two important events In the co»- ber 1 with 100 men employed. structlon of the new Baker community A contract for construction of the hotel buildlDg occurred recently with N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T E U G E N E C O NC RETE P IP E CO. first two units of Klamath Falls' new the arrival of a carload of structural NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN, That FOR HALE—Carbon paper in l*r* e $300,000 sewer project has been let steel from Los Angeles and the pour­ the undersigned, the duly appointed to J. F. Shea & Co. of Portland. sheets, 28x39 Inches, suitable for ing of the first concrete Into the floor. qualified and acting administrator of making tracing* The New* Office Thieves in Clatsop county are said the estute of Carl Honaerman, deceased, Robert Poinsett, a 97-year-old p lo S f àŸ OP' to be making a regular practice of neer of Hubbard, was given a birth­ haa rendered and tiled with the Coun­ S X Î T ty Court of the Sluts of Oregon for butchering young stock In pastures day surprine when the members of tho the County of l.ane, his final account NOTH E Ok FINAL SETTLEMENT special administrator of the estate of *r x of ,he EMtate of Robert K. Stew and selling the meat In Portland. Congregational church were hc^ta at Notice Is hereby given that Mary E Peter Hanson, deceased, by the Conn ar,.i t,efea"p4, Section 31, Township 16 8., IM M E L A EVANS, Attorneys for Range 3 East. Willamette Meridian, Deschutes county for 1928 shows an Salem may be selected as the site FRANK A. DePl'E, Attorney for the A. E. Wheeler, Attorn*»}-. Estate. N. 22-29: D 6-13 20: eatate. has filed notice of intention to make Increase of $21,175 over that for 1927. for a federal landing field for dirigi­ N. 1-8-15-22-29: N. 8 15 22 2»; O 8: three year Proof, to establish claim to Only 12 other counties show an In bles, according to announcement made N O T IC E the land above described, before the crease over 1927. by Councilman Rosebraugh. He asked N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N In pursuance of a vote taken Li U. 8. Land Office, at Rospburg, Ore­ N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 8 015977 Blue River Precinct on the 6th day M. Fickle. 70, one of the best known Mayor Llvesley to appoint a commit­ gon, on the 11th day of December, (Publisher) 1928. Notice Is hereby given that the un of November, 1928. which vote was of Roseburg’s residents, died last tee to investigate sites. Such a field against stock running at targe In sahl Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Claimant names as witnesses: deralgned has l>een appointed adminls week. He served as manager of the would furnish employment for 2009 Fred E Meyers. Vernon F. Caldwell Office at Roseburg, Oregon, October tratrlx of the estate of llnttle E. Finer Precinct, therefore. men, it was said. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: 29. 1928........................................................... Walter E Post, Frank J. Mlnney, all Postal Telegraph company office at decease,! by the County Court for Roseburg for 37 years. Concrete work on the big dam It shall he unlawful for stock to run NOTICE Is hereby given that Alvin ° f ‘ Vida, Oregon. non-coa! lame County. Oregon All person hav ......... ... HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. Ing claims against said estate are here at large In Blue River Precinct on | H Crosby, of Eugene, Oregon, who, on Government men estimate that more across the McKenzie river for the Eu­ N. 8-16-22-29: D. 6: by notified Io present the same with and after sixty days from date hereof March 25, 1925, made Homestead En­ than a billion feet of timber has been gene power plant at Leaburg will be Dated Novem ber 16th, 1928. try. No 015977, for NE>4 NE%. Sec- proper vouchers to aald admlnlstra destroyed in the past six years by completed this winter, according to W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk. j Hon 3, Township 19 8., Range 4 West, trlx at the office of Donald Young. 880 Estate of Harold L. Hopkins, N 15-22-29: D. 6: < Willamette Meridian, has filed notice beetle Infestation in Klamath county J. W. McArthur, engineer for the light Willamette Street. Eugene, Orngoo Deceased. and water board. He said that the 1 of Intention to make three year Proof, within alx months from the date of the and northern California. NOTICE TO CREDITORS j to establish claim to the land above Dibit publication of thia notice. N O T IC E weather has been excellent this fall Notice Is hereby given that Wini­ Reports read at the annual meeting EDITH A SPIR E». AdmUilalratrlx In pursuance of a vote taken in described, before E. O. Immel, U. 8. fred Hopkins has been by the County for construction work. of the Eastern Oregon Dairymen's as­ Fall Creek Precinct on the 6th day D O N A L D YO UNG , Attorney. .......M S M r - One lone pullet from Lane county of November, 1928, which vote was the 12th. N. 8-15-22-29: D. 6: I-ane County, appointed Executrix sociation at Haines showed that 612. Claimant names as witnesses: Guv for will make a special trip to St. Louis, against stock running at large in said 162 pounds of butterfat were received of the last will and testament of Knox, Nicholas B. Toll. Sherman Harold Precinct, therefore, Mo., to uphold the honors of the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE L. Hopkins, deceased. in Haines during the year. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roberts, David Monroe, All of Euegen. All persons having claims against Barred Plymouth Rocks of that dis­ Notice Is hereby given .that by vir­ It shall he unlawful for stock to run Oregon. Several Los Angeles promoters are the estate of said deceased are here­ trict in competition with birds from tue of un execution and order of sale at large In Fall Creek Precinct on Non-coal. planning the construction of a $300, by notified to present the same, duly In foreclosure Issued out of tho Clr and after sixty days from date hereof HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. stated and verified at the resulence of 000 sanitarium in Lithia park at Ash­ all parts of the United States at the cult Court of the State of Oregon for N. 1-8-16 22-29: Dated November 15th, 1928. Greater St. Louis poultry show, to be A. E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence Street land, which, when completed, will be lain» County, November 15, 1928, on a W B D I L I . A I t l ) . t 'n u n t ) C le r k held November 28 to December 21. In Eugene, Oregon, within six months decree rendered In aald court Novem one of the finest in Oregon. N 16-22-29: D 6: N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE her 13, 1928, In a suit wherein Seward County offices, schools and busineae from this 15th day of November, 1928., On the 1st day of December, 1928 at The Warm Springs drainage system, I). Allen la plnintlff und Lin Phoenix W'lnlfred Hopkins, Executrix houses In the city of Prineville were N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S the hour of One o'clock P. M. at the A. E. . H-l \ \\ V < is are defendants. I liav<- comprising about 56 miles of drain W heeler, Attorney. closed one afternoon last week during levied upon and will sell at public IN THE COt'NTY COCRT OF’ THE front door of the Court House in Eu canal In a project of about 25,000 N. 15-22-29: D 6-13: STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE gene. Oregon. Lane County, Oregon the funeral services held at Commun­ auction to the highest bidder for cash, acres. Is virtually completed at a cost COUNTY, In tin - M a t t e r o f I l l - I will sell at auction to the highest nt the front door of the County Court ity church • for John Henry Gray, Estate of William O Ek. sometimes to the district of about $270,000. bidder for cash the following des­ NOTICE OF ARMINISTRATRIX’S House In Eugene, Oregon, at 1:00 P. Crook county treasurer, who died re­ known as William Ek, deceased. cribed real property located In Lane SALE OF REAL PROPERTY M. of Saturday, the 22nd day of Dec­ The S. W. Strauss monthly survey Notice Is hereby given that the un County, Orevon, to-wlt ember, 1928, the following real pro „ Notice is hereby given that, by vlr- finds Klamath Falls leading in the cently. The church building was un­ deralgned haa been appointed by the able to seat the large number attend­ I ln> F.ast Forty (40) feet of Lot Ten tne of a license granted and entered by perty, viz: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 In block County Court o fla in e County. Oregon, Hon ,o * E u g eL 7 l J,ne Count^'Oregoni amount of building for Oregon cities ing. Sn" T 3, In Mldwny Park. In Lane county, as administrator of the eatate Of Wit outside of Portland during October Oregon, and all the right and estate Ham O. Ek. sometimes known as Wil­ In iiie "O X ^ « o u X ^ l e T ^ , - ^ e ’X r . ^ ' a n t S o ^ Sherwood held its annual potato the defendants hail therein on the with 50 buildings valued at $97,290. Ek, deceased. and onion show last week. Official* Lane County. O r X 7 14th day of January, 1925 und on any liam All persons having claims againat The Dundee Fruit Products com in charge stated that the best type of subsequent date, to satisfy the follow­ or Harry O. Brooks, deceased, to sell said estate are hereby notified to Said sale Is made under execution the herein described lands. I will, on pany, capitalized at $20,000, has put onions and potatoes ever produced on ing sums adjudged plaintiff In Hald present the same with the proper decree, vlx: $700 with Interest thereon vouchers, to the undersigned admlnli- issued out of the ( ircuit Court of the the premises, on and after Monday out 15.000 boxes of candied fruit this the black beaverdam soil of the Tual­ at eight per cent since January 14, tator, nt the office of Prod E Smith, State of Oregon for the County of December 17th. 1929. offer for sale season. Candied pears, apples, peach atin valley were on exhibit. The show 1928, the sum of $7.10 taxes paid, the his attorney at 445.t! Miner Building. Lane to me directed In the case of and sell at private sale, subject to the es, prunes and quinces are produced. is sponsored by the Sherwood cham­ sum of $22 costa of aald atilt, and the Eugene, f Oregon, within six months Raymond Marlatt and Edna Mar approval of said Court, to the party Hearing of the case involving the ber of commerce and the office Of latt v s. Edward Laksonen a n d offering the most therefor, cash in costs to accrue on this execution und from the date of thia notice. , salp. Said sale will be subject to Carmota Lak s o n e n , H a r r i e t t « ' hand- a11 of <*>e Lots numbered 21, 2? proposed consrtuction of a state of­ County Agent McWhorter. Dated November 15th. 1928. redemption as allowed by Inw. O. E. LEE. Administrator. Saunders, . Wm. E. Bradley, United and 23 in and of Frizzell's Plat, as fice building in Salem at a cost of Dairymen along the Mount Hood FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ad­ States National Bank of Eugene, a appears of record In Ijn p County. $600.000 has been set by the United loop highway have difficulty in driv­ Lane County ministrator. corportlon, and S. Rosenberg and Re- P r,jK?n; In which county and state States supreme court for December 3 N. 22 29: D 6-1320: ing their herds across this artery, as N. 15-22 29: D 6-13: said lots are situated. becca Rosenberg. Members of the La Grande council motorists as a rule are loath to slow Louise W Daniels. Administratrix FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of of the Estate of Harry O. Brooks, de­ of parents and teachers have received down, it is claimed, even when given Lane Countv, Oregon ceased. By BECLAH RRINNICK, Deputy. an award for having the largest mem­ a signal, as shown recently when Mil­ N. 15-22-29: D 6 13: N 1-8-15-22-29: bership In proportion to the school ton Meinig of Sandy stood in the cen­ enrollment of any council in the state ter of the road waving a red flag, but N O T IC E OF F IN A L AC C O U N T N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T About 40 head of horses raised in was forced to step aside or be run Notice is hereby given that the under­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That over. the undersigned, the duly appointed signed haR filed in court her final ac­ the neighborhood • of North Powder as administratrix of the estate we’re recently sold to the United States nunCfied and acting administrator of count High on the McKenzie slope, west of the estate of Mary McKinnls deceased, of John Varney, also known as John government for artillery and cavalry the town of Sisters, the Skyliners, W. Varney, and that Jhe court has has rendered and filed with the Coun­ ten o’clock A M. of December work at prices satisfactory to the central Oregon outdoor organization, ty Court of the State of Oregon for fixed 7th, 1928,, the time when at the owners. have constructed a ski jump and a the County of Lane, hla final account rooms of the ns county court In the Court Another election is to "be held at 1000-foot toboggatfi slide. The jump and that said Court by an order duly House. Eugene, Oregon, said final ac­ made nml entered of record has fixed Richland in Baker county to choose and slide have been put in shape and and appointed Saturday the 8th day of count will be taken up for examination a mayor, G. B. Saunders and R. O. will be ready for use after the first and allowance. December, 1928, at the hour of ten FREDA VARNEY. Executrix. Horning, candidates for that office, heavy snow. The Skyliners also have o'clock In the forenoon at the Countv S. D. ALLEN. Attorney for Estate each receiving 45 votes at the recent flooded a three-acre pond near Sisters. Court room In the Court house at Eu­ N. 8-15-22-29: gene, Oregon ns the day, time and election. A cabin was built near the ski jump place for the henring of objections to and toboggan slide. Anticipating a business of $1.000,000 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION said final account and the settlement FOREST EXCHANGE during the coming year, a new unit to Following an enforced vacation thereof. All objectlona must be In writing and filed with the Clerk of cost $40,000 is being added to the which began some time ago when the 018204 said Court on or before said day and $100,000 commercial creamery at Ba­ La Grande high school building was Department of the Interior, United time. States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore-1 ker, the contract having been awarded damaged by fire, students resumed THOMAS McKINNIS, Admlnlstra to Ernest Stoddard. their work where they left off last Gon, November 9, 1928. tor. Notice Is hereby given that on Nov- FRANK A. DePCE, Attorney for the Prohibition law violators in Marion week. Four different church buildings ¡ember 8. 1928. 8. J. Shrum, of Glide, I estate. are to serve as temporary classroom*. i Oregon, filed application No. 018204 county will be requested to contribute N. 8-15-22-29: D. 6: Workmen already hare started putting under the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 approximately $34,000 of unpaid fed a new roof on the high school building, cral taxes, according to announcement Stat . 465) to exchange the E% N W ^. N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N .< W ’(, N E’i. Sec. 28. Tp. 16 S. Range made by F. A. Hazeltine, federal pro­ and the school board will advertise 016842 for bids for the remaining repair work Department of the Interior. U. S. Land j 10 West. W. M.. within the Stuslaw ! hibition investigator. Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Novem­ National Forest, for the timber from to be done in the near future. Conversion of the old state training nnproxlmatelv 12 acres In the SV. , ber 3, 1928. More than 20,000 gallons of fuel oil NOTICE Is hereby given that Ver­ SE14. Sep. 26. * E14, Sec. 35.Tp. 9 8 . school for boys located five miles east non F. Cnldwoll. of Villa, Oregon, who. Rafige 5 East, W. AF. within the San of Snlem Into a state prison annex covered a considerable area of north on March IS. 1927, made Homestead Ham National Forest. will be recommended by Governor Roseburg recently when a thief backed Entry, No. 016842, for Lota 3 IS- 4 £ The purpose of this notice Is to al­ Patterson In his message to the next a truck into the Denn-Garretsen ware­ S E ', NW’4, Section 31. Township 16 low all persons claiming the lands S., Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, | selected, or having bona, fide objec legislature, which convenes January house, filled containers and drovs away, leaving the outlet to the storage has filed notffie of Intention to make i tions to such application, an oppor­ 14. throo year Proof, toestahllsh claim to tunity to file their protests with the Distribution to the counties of $171,- tanks open. tho land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United 638.10, representing 25 per cent of the The work of placing signs at all the U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, State I^tnds Office nt Roseburg, Ore­ cross roads in Linn county by Ute on the 11th (lay of December, 1928. gon. Any such protests or objections receipts received by the federal gov­ Clalmnnt names as witnesses: must be filed In this office within ernment from forest reserve rentals, Oregon State Motor association and Fred E. Meyers, Arthur L. »hough. thirty days from the date of first pub­ sale* of timber and other sources, was the county court cooperating has Just Walter E. Post, Frank J. Mlnney, all lication of this notice, which first pub­ announced by the secretary of state been completed. Linn Is one of only of Vida, Oregon. non-coal. lication Is Nov. 16, 1928. non-coal. a few counties In the state receiving at Salem. HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. HAMILL A CANADAY, R eglatw . N. 8-15-22-29: D. <: N. 15-21-29: D $-18: this service. , j A