The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 29, 1928, Image 1

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    T ry the Hom e
P rin t Shop F i r it
More Than 100 Case« Reported
Here; Situation Started I n
Southern California; Doctor
Warns People Against Spread
of. Disease.
Springfield le being affected by a
rising epidemic of the Influensa, It le
evident «cording to local doctors who
have been kept busy throughtout the 1
paat week lu an attempt to care for
aw many cases us possible In order to
prevent further spreading of the all j
A rough estimate of more than 100
cases of the ‘'flu" are reported la
Sprlngfleld with more urlslug dully.
The epidemic has spread to such an
extent In this city that several mem
hers of the high school football team j
well It« unable to play In today's aarne
with Junction C ity at Junction City.
The "largest family"— in pounds—
The epidemic Is said to have started
ha* romr to Lo* Angeles Irom
Topeka, Kan. Il is the West family,
lu California where the situation Is such
ami it, 6 member* constitute 'T.J22
that several school and colleges have
pound* ol family." Shown In the
been closed down Many deaths have
picture are Bernard, Jessie and
resulted from the epidemic In Los
Angeles and nearby towns ft» that did* j
- — ----------------- ■— ■
The ailment was brought north pre- 1
autuabiy u> travelers who have come ;
Into contact wan various persons up
p. Tyson was Installed as chaJr-
In this district. The situation down ,„Bn o{ the p„ur l , organisation at
south Is spreading so much thut when B meeting of the Springfield group held
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hull, president ,f Monday evening nt the W. (). W. hall,
the University of Oregon, arlved In other officers who will serve for the
L«e Angeles on his return trip from CUmlng year are: Ttiorwald Nystren,
Washington, D.
he became III with vice-chairman; Levi Neet. third mem
the Influenza, and was ordered to bed ,)pr ,,j
conference committee; J. P.
for at least a week.
King, secretary; and Ed Kester,
"Foggy weather also Is very Indue- treasurer.
1ve to the spreiul of Influenza." Il was
W 1». Smith, field man of the lum-
stated Wednesday evening by Dr. W bermen's group, spoke Io members of
C. Itebhan, Springfield physician, who the local Four-L as part of the pro-
himself has handled more than thirty gram. Others participating In the
cases the past week alone. J'Another program for the evening were; Wlnl-
teason why the disease Is becoming so fr|,( Tyson, »ho rendered some aelec-
prominent,'' the <k>ctor went on, “Is tlnns on the ptano;vMra. John Kelels.
that people are not careful enough."
who gave a reading as did Charles
"The dlipculty arises when a person Paddock; Margaret Jarrett, who play-
who becomes afflicted wltu the all- ed the piano; and Mrs. W. M. Barnet',
ment Joins In public gatherings and who entertained the audience with a
thereby passes the flu on to other. Th» vocal solo.
Influenxa la one of the most contage-
Several numbers were played by the
ous diseases there are, a fact which Hprlngfleld band, which, appeared at
so many people are not convinced of the meeting as a special feature.
. About 120 people were In attendance
“When anyone get Influenxa, he at Monday's affair. The next meeting
should go right to bed and rema'n of the SprlngfleM- Four L Is scheduled
there until fully relieved, or else his , for Monday evening. December 24.
condition will become worse. Every- |
m e must take care of himself, and In SPRINGFIELD JURORS
this manner, the disease can be put '
g |j
to a atop.“
The epidemic Is becoming coast- j Four Hprlngfleld people, two women
wide In character, and Dr. Rebhan be- Bnd two men. were chosen Monday In
lleves that It will not be long before (he Jury to try Joseph L. McDaniel,
Portland and Seattle will be afflicted ' charged with the murder of E. A. Me-
by a similar trouble.
Grew, Southern Pacific brakeman near
With a large exodua of students go- Westfir.
Nellie Hildebrandt. John
Ing home from the university In Eu- Ketels, Sr., T C. Barker, and Ida
gene, 11 Is expected that the epidemic < o„ntz were the Springfield people
will become state wide. It started on selected.
the campus when some foot ball plar- j othpr mpmbprl, of the Jury were E.
era returned from California on a F Roberts. E. L. Clark, C. E. Jordan,
recent trip.
of Creswell; Roy Foster, Lorane,
Some doctors avert that some of the Mrs. J. K. larrwood. and Frank Rabtt-
cases are nothing more Ihnn a mere allle, both of Motor Route A.
»old. but precautions are urged ngnlnst S. M. Calkins has been appointed
taking to much of n chance of dev­ by the court to defend McDaplels.
eloping the cold Into a case of Influ- District Attorney Medley and United
States District Attorney George Neu­
ner are conducting the prosecution.
and Lions
Give Needy Food
------------------------- -
„ J
OFFICERS FOR NEW TERM Six Local Players Afflicted by
“Christ’s Method of Evangelism, |
Flu After Victory Over
has been announced by Rev. 8. E. j officers for the ensuing term were
Lebanon, 32-0
Childers as his topic for the morning • ,.|ectP(| by the Juanita Rebekah lodge
service Io he held at the < hrlstlnn )
niaetlng Monday evening. Those
church thinday. Services will -begin ! wno wp,.p p|prted are:
nt 11 a. m. nnd I-nwrence Hunkier,
Noble Ornnd—Mrs. Carrie Jarref.
director of music at the church, will
Vice Grand—Miss Dorothy Glrnrd.
sing "I Como to Thee,’’ by Carol Romu.
Secretary—Mrs. Genevieve Louk.
Sunday school will bo hold at 9:45
Treasurer—Mrs. Cora Hinson.
In the morning.
The new officers will be Installed
At the evening worship, Rov. Chil­ the first part of January.
ders will preach on "A Study of Christ­
ian Union." The Christian Endeavor
School Board Meets
Society will meet nt 6:30 p. m. The
choir will sing at the evening sorlvce
The Bprlngfleld school board will
a hymn entitled, ‘‘Oh, Come Let Us meet In regular session nt the First
Sing." by ihiilts. Evening services National bank Monday evening, Dec­
begin at 7:30.
ember 3, according to William G.
Hughes, school clerk. Routine mat­
Leaburg Steel In Town
ters will be brought up ns part of the
Two carloads of reinforcing steel regular monthly meeting.
enmo Into Springfield this week and
Service Station Going Up
were sent out by truck to A, Outheri'
and company, which holds the con­
O. C. Thurman has poured the con­
tract for the construction of the Loa- crete foundation for his new service
hurg dam project.
on Mill street. The station will he
opened when traffic across the new
Many Poles Sent Out
bridge Is commenced.
More than 300 carloads of cedar
Milnes Guest* Here—Dr. and Mrs.
poles were sent out this year by the
Cnrhollnofftn Wood Preserving com­ Ralph F. Milne of Powers, Oregon,
pany, It wras announced by C. (). Wil­ were guests over the week-end of Dr.
son of the wood firm. Telephone com­ nnd Mrs. Carl I’hetteplnce. The Milnes
panies ns well ns powor firms have had come to Eugene for the homecom­
received shipments from the Spring ing week end nt the University of Ore­
field company.
A House Divided
Prospects of the Springfield high
school foothnll eleven to win an easy
gamewith the Junction City squad In
Junction City today appear very dim
as a result of six members of the
local team being taken down with the
"flu'' last week-end. following their
triumph over Lebanon on Brattain
field by the score of 32-0.
Just whether all these men would
he able to Join their fellow teammates
on the field of the turkey day battle
could not bo determined last night,
aeording to Coach Leonard Mayfield.
However. Mayfield's other proteges
have been working doubly hard be­
cause of the loss, nnd are expected to
provide tho spectators .today with a
fast game on the part of the locals.
Whether Sprlngfleld will be able lo
end the season without being defeat
ed by a member of the high school
conference Is wholly dependent upon
the mnnnor In which the locnl lads
play today.
Because of the large Thnnksglving
day crowd expected out today, the
Junction City players are all pitched
up to show the fans their real
strength ngnlnst the lending team in
the conference. Springfield has prac­
tically clinched the league title al­
ready with six wins and no defeats.
Again playing stellar ball, the
Springfield aggregation easily defeat­
ed the boys from Lebanon on Brattain
field last Friday afternoon in what
was the |ast home game of the season.
The score was 32-0.
Four touchdowns were pushed over
by the local In the first half due
to some superb offensive plays. How­
ever, the fighting Lebanon team came
back In the last half and held the
players to one lone touchdown, al­
though they were not able to score
themselves. Despite the new strength
of the visitors, the ball was kept in
their territory nearly all the game.
Lebanon's attempt to smash through
the Sprlngfleld defense proved futile
as they made only three first downs
the entire four cantos, while the locals
made several long gains with end
runs nnd criss-cross plays. Coach
Mayfield has trained his men to the
extent that they are working diffi­
cult criss-cross plays with ease.
With the Lebanon game snfely tuck­
ed away, the Springfield team now has
a lotal of 214 points to their credit as
against 24 for their opponents. This
standing Includes the game with Cot­
tage which the locnl lads lost by the
score of 18-0. Their total standing
for all imni-s played gives the S»prini:
field men a total of six games won
and one lost.
With several men wenkened by a
touch of flu, the problem for Coach
Mayfield today Is to see whether his
reserves can function despite the loss.
Springfield's record hangs on tho
Thanksgiving day game at Junction
City today.
Banks, Postoffice, Stores Clos«
Today to Celebrate Annual
Harvest Festival; Many Re­
union Dinners Scheduled; M.
E. Church to Hold Service.
Springfield Team
Hit By Sick List
Three Baskets Heaped With
Thanksgiving Goodies are
Fire Chief and Another Fireman
Deivered by Scouts
Injured as Train Collide« with
Chemical Truck; Springfield
Three widows of Springfield who
Football Coach Avoids Being j are In need were made happy today by
the boy scouts and the Lions club.
In Mishap.
Each of the three patrols Look a big
Rex Reed. Eugene fireman, died late basket of food for Thanksgiving din­
lust night at the Eugene hospital, and ner and more ton to the three woman.
Fire Chief Wllllhim Nusbuum and an­
Tbe giving of the Thanksgiving
other fireman, Henry Weber are In­ bankets was a good turn both for tbe
jured, as a result of a head-on collis­ scouts of Troop No. 11 and their
ion between the chemical wagon of the sponsors, tbe Lions. The boys made
fire department and the fast Southern up the baskets and delivered them.
Pacific train, the Shasta Limited, The food was supplied by the clu.i
about 7:15 last night at the eleventh members from donations of different
street Intersection In front of Villard Items and money.
hall In Eugene.
Both scouts and Lions will set down
Sirens, whistles, and bells were ring­ to their Thanksglvng today with a
ing all over as the fire truck with Kee-i kindlier feeling In their hearts and a
at the wheel hastened up eleventh I satisfaction that they have brought
street In answer to a call of a lire of happiness Into lives marked with hard­
a little house at 10X7 Franklin boule­ ship and despair. Both the scouts
vard. and ttei firemen uid not hear or and Lions ate service clubs and what
see the train. The house wus burned better service can be given on Thanks­
giving day than to help those In need
As (he truck hit the train, the fire
wagon was hurled Into the air scatter REV. C. J. PIKE TO PREACH
ed all about the Intersection. The de­
molished truck was spread out for
about 60 veards and nothing but scraps
here and there could be seen by the
Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Spring-
curious onlookers after the adder’. field Methodist church, will fill the
The brakes were near the tracks, the
pulpit of tbe Yoncalla M E. church on
hoses were near the Anchorage, the
Sunday morning, Decomber 2, at 11
greater i«rt of the body of the wagon
o'clock. A large crowd is expected
was up the road about 40 yards and to turn out to hear the Spring-field
the ground was covered with wooden pastor in the Southern Oregon town.
sp, kes, scrap Iron and wood pieces
While Rev. Pike is away, his pulpit
Leonard Mayfield, coach of the will be filled by his father. Rev. R. G.
Springfield high school football te i. Pike of Chehalis. Washington, who
was favored by luck when he was has been visiting here. The Chehalis
avoided being a member of the de­ minister will appear at both the morn­
molished truck. When the truck left ing and evening services.
the engine house. Mayfield, who works
Sunday school services will begin
In the Eugene fire department, allght-
edtbe -wngon, but Chief Nusbaum told at 0:45 at tbe Methodist church with
him to remain back In case a driver Superintendent Harry Gillette i n
might be needed for the other truck In charge. Junior church services will be
answer to another call. He Jumped | at 11 o'clock in the morning in the
off. and the Sprlngfleld high school i basement of tbe church. Rev. Pike
players were assured of having their of Chehalis will deliver the morning
regular coach on hand for today's sermon. The morning hour will be
featured by a solo by Mrs. W. K. Bar-
The train which was northbound
A contest for members of the Hp-
from California was delayed an hour.
The act of two fast-going vehicles re­ worth league of the Methodist church
sulted In the most unexpected colli­ will be conducted over the five Sun­
sion that many believed could have days in December on the basis of mem
bership snu attendance. All announce­
Traffic wns blocked for two hours ments pertaining to the coming drive
both on Franklin boulevard and on will be out this coming Sunday.
Epworth league will meet at the
Eleventh avenue, the territory in
church at 6:30 P- m. The annual
which the fire occurred.
leagfie communion service will be con­
ducted by the pastor.
Evening service will be held at 7.30
TO LOCAL METHODISTS with the sermon to be delivered by
About 140 people turned out to hear Rev. R. G. Pike. Special music will
an address given by E. Dow Bancroft, be rendered by a mixed quartet.
A Thanksgiving prayer meeting will
layman from Ohio, at a dinner held at
the Methodist church basement Mon­ be held in the church tonight at 7:30.
day evening. The dinner wns spon­ The church announces that all mem­
sored under the direction of the Men's bers and friends are Invited to attend.
Brotherhood, which held Its regular
Pikes Have Visitor*
meeting at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Pike and daugh -
The Ohio man spoke to the Spring-
field folks as part of his annual tour ter, of Chalis. Washington, are spend­
of the continent when he speaks to ing the Thanksgiving vacation In
more than 100,000 Methodist laymen Sprlngfleld as guests of Rev. and Mrs.
Dr. W. H. Pollard was In charge of C. J. Pike. They will be here till
the dinner nnd lecture.
“Ths People'* Piper"
The owner of thia slice of a
house at Eat) Milton, Mas*., which
w«* cut in half for the purpose of
widening the street on which it
stands, is fighting for damages
against the town The owner re­
fused t |e offer-for the property,
but the town cat through anyway.
Officers were nominated and the
bridge committee instructesd to urge
the highway department to hasten
completion of the new bridge at the
regular meeting of the Springfield
Chamber of Commerce Friday even
Ing. The chamber also appointed a
committee and planned to help the
Loyal Legion In Its wood promotion
F. B. Hamlin, was re-nominated as
president; W. A. Taylor and H. E.
Maxey, vice-president; C. E. Kenyon,
treasurer. Directors nominated In­
cluded Jess Seavey, W. C. Wright, W.
A. Taylor, W. W. Walker.
The chamber voted to have a wood
promotion and forestry committee an J
the president appointed H. J. Cox,
Carl Olson and H. E. Maxey, to serve
and cooperate with the loyal legion
and state chamber of commerce.
The chamber mem Iters dlseurse-l
I he delay In the bridge completion and
It was voted to have the standing
l.-idge committee If necessary appear
before the highway commission again
to urge Immediate completion of the
rpproaches so that the new structure,
now finished, could be used. Members
believed that verything possible
should be done to open the new bridge
as neither the state nor Lane county
ara getting any return on the large
Investment with the bridge standing
idle. Besides the new bridge Is dally
needed and the old is dangerous. It
was pointed out.
Election of officers will be held on
Friday evening, December 21.
Big platters filled with tempting
turkeys, cranberry sauce and all th«
trimmings with friends and loved ones
asaenvbeded at home together Is the
way in "Which many Sprlngfleld folks
are looking at Thanksgiving today.
Today has been declared by Gover­
nor I. L. Patterson in his proclamation
as a state holiday with all state offices
closed today, as are banks, postoffices,
and nearly all stores. Springfield is
Joining in observing the annual har­
vest festival by keeping stores closed
and enabling families to enjoy reun­
ions that usually occur at Thanksgiv­
Nothing extra special has been ar­
ranged for Springfield folks for today.
The Methodist church will sponsor
their annual" Thanksgiving prayer ser­
vice at the church tonight at 7 -".9.
Announcement haa been made that all
members and friends are cordia.iy in­
vited to attend the special Thangsgir-
mg service.
Private reunions will be featured In
Springfield today by many large din­
ners. A large number of out-of fawn
guests have come Into Springfield to
spend the holidays here.
Seventeen people have been Invited
to a dinner party to be given by Dr.
and Mrs. N. W. Emery commemorat­
ing the reunion of their family. Tho
affair will be held today.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gossler are
dinner hosts today Ao Mr. Goisler's
father, P. M. Gossler. Mrs. Mari; .ret
Harms, Harry Gossler, of Eugene, and
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Moffitt.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Diblee has as
their guests for the holidays Mr. a 'd
Mrs. Roy Fellows of Portland.
Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Pike have a«
their holiday guests Rev. Pike's par­
ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Pike, and
daughter, Jessie, of Chehalis, V, ash-
W. E. Wilmot, former resident of
Sprlngfleld, is here to spend the n ill-
Thanksgiving guests at the home if
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bushman are: Mr.
and Mrs. A. Phil of Florence; Theo
dore Shell of Wallowa; Mr. and Mrs.
R. Bushman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith,
and Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman, all
of -Eugene.
Miss Elizabeth Hughes has as her
house guest, Miss Wilma Buttels, S
student at the Willamette universttjr.
Miss Buttels lives in WenatcheS,
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jarvis and daugh­
ter, Betty, of Portland were scheduled
to come here today to be the guest«
over the holidays at the home of Dr,
and Mrs. Eugene Kester.
Elmer Pyne was elected noble grand
of the Springfield lodge No. 70 of the I.
O. O. F. at a meeting of the group
5Vednesday evening In the Odd Fol­
lows' hall. He will succeed William
G. Hughes, present noble grand, who
is serving his second term.
Other officers elected at the meet­
ing last night are: Glenn Riddle, vice
grand; Oswald M. Olson, secretary;
and Karl Girtird, treasurer. The lat­
ter two officers re-elected.
Civic Club Cup for
Outstanding Girl
Springfield Civic Club Decides
To Donate Trophy for
High School Group
The outstanding Sprlngfleld hign
school girl will be awarded each year
from now on a cup donated by the
Springfield Civic club for the girls'
league of the school.
The trophy will be given each year
to the Springfield high school girl who
proves to be the best example of what
a high school girl should be; who
comes nearest to the Judges' ideal of
girlhood; who expresses In her every­
day life the highest qualities of char­
acter and service to her school and
community, the liveliest disposition,
and the finest courtesy.
Decision to award the symbol of
honor annually was decided upon by
the civic club at its meeting Tuesday
night. Means of determining the out­
standing girl have not been announ­
ced as yet, but It is definitely decidad
that she will have to possess all the
qualities outlined above.
Mrs. D. B. Sattsman was named
chairman at the meeting Tuesday for
the potluck dinner meeting to be held
December 11. At the next session,
Mrs. Ira Peterson will instruct the
members on brush wool flowers.
A study of Oregon winter birds whs
let at Tuesday night’s meeting by Mrs.
W. C. McLagan, who showed some
colored plates to accompany the study.
Mrs. Paul Brattain reported on the
street slm project, but It appeared
that more data was necessary before
rendering any final decision on the
No administrative plans for the year
1929 have been mapped out as yet. It
was announced by C. O. Wilson,
mayor-elect of Springfield, who this
week returned from a business trip to
San Francisco.
"I have promised no man any Job«
that come under the Jurisdiction of
the city government,” the next head
of Springfield stated. "I will not bo
able to make any plans known until I
get In the office and find out in Just
what shape conditions are."
Mayor-elect Wilson will assume hl*
new office on Jaunary 1 along with tho
other new city officers. Mr, Wilson
is very enthusiastic about finding
ways and means of developing the mill
city to the extent that local folks will
be able to live In a -progressive town.
A large number of people attended
open church flight at the Christian
church last Friday night given under
the auspices of the Bible study class.
The program which was enjoyed by
all was as follows:
Tw-o selections by orchestra; Read­
ing; vocal duet by Lawrence Hunkier
and Juanita Smith; reading; vocal
solo, Mrs. Dallas Murphy; musical
reading, Mrs. Ida Adams; solo, Lawr­
ence Sunkler; Stunt by the Bible study
class; and two more selections by the
Refreshments were served after th«
program. Both Christians and non-
Christians attended the affair.
Miss Brest Visits— Miss Doris Braat
a former teacher In the grade schools
here visited with Miss Dorothy Girard
a short time Wednesday evening.