T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 22, 1928 qTauoNMciH a n i Daflnlta plant* bare not aa vet bet-n WAFFLE IRON OIVEN AT FAREWELL SURPRISE : formed, but Indlcatlona are that an Mr. and Mr*, li. M Kb hr were tend- ernd a farewell «urprlie prty at Ihelr hoine Wednesday evening by their many Springfield friend*. Mr Kbbe. who I* connectud with the Mountain Stale* f’owrr Company, ha* been transferred from the Bpr'nrflald of­ fice to the Mnrahfleld branch of the firm, ami thua the occasion for the aurprlae tarty. An electric wufTli- Iron wa* present cil to the departing couple u* a token of re me m bra rice of Ihelr realdence In K| rlngfleld It w hs given by the thirty fluent* who were preaent at the affair. napaclally large banquet la being planned to accommodate what le ex- P*»'t*d to be Springfield'* greateat af- f»*r for father* and aana. PACK K IV I R eun ited A fte r H a lf C entu ry TOWN AND VICINITY K ill* W ife A c c id e n ta lly Elaworth, Wla., November 22 (AC) —After a half century of separation, during which neither knew of Ute other's existence, Kerry Michaels of ; this city, and hi* brother Charles, of Leavenworth, Kan., were ro-unlted , Charles waa taken from Ellsworth by hla mother when he waa two year* old. About a month ago he learned that a Michael* family Uvea In Ella- worth and Investigated. The brother* served In the Spanish-American War and were In the name engagement*. Columbus, Kan., Npv, 23 ( A C ) —— Crawling under his house to kill ■ skunk, Garfield Chappell accidentally discharged hla shotgun u p w a r d through the floor of hl* kitchen and killed hla wife. Head Cut Open— Several atltchea Portland Teacher la Queet— Maude Gorrle, who teachea In Portland, wag were neeeaaary to heal the head of F E. Wilson of Goahen, which waa ent la week-end guest In Springfield. C o un ty T ax R atio Stated open Monday morning when he alum Dr, Van Valzah Vlalta—Dr. Jerry bled on the railroad track*. He waa T u rk is h M odesty latne county'* tax ratio for public Van Valxah came down from Portland taken to hla home In Goahen. utllltlea ha* been aet at 56 pur cent, Constantinople, Nov. 22. (AC)— AU and »pent laat weak-end with hla according to word received from the Turkish girl* starting the school tert» mother, Mra. A. B Van Valzah. atate tux commlaalon by lien F. passed )n review before Ihelr teach­ SHIP OF PRESIDENT-EL ECT Keeney, county aaaeaaor. The publli Join Father In Town— Mr. and Mrs. er*. and those whose skirts were con­ utllltlea aaaeaamenta plua the county Hubert K Brock of Creacent City ar- HOOVER AND PARTY HAS sidered too short were sent home with L e a d * In P h on e* claim* virlll comprise the total valua­ . rived here Huturday evening, to Join orders not to return until the skirt» SPRINGFIELD BOY ON DECK Rochester, N. Y , Nov. 22. (AC)— tion for the county for the year. The Mra. Urock'a father, A. E ikenaeney. came down an Inch below the knee. state report on all the county a ssess­ Springfield, Oregon 1* being repres- In Rochenter there are 19.2 telephone* Mrs. Burna Entertain*— Friend* and i for every hundred people, wnlle In ment* will be made In December. entsd aboard the United States battle­ C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S relative* were entertained Saturday F a th e r* and Son* to Banquet ship Maryland, which 1* carrying th» United States the proportion I* Decam her 10 haa been nelected aa ' evening by Mra Burn* at the home of Notice Is hereby given that School IS.3, and for the entire world It I* less Presidentelect and Mrs Herbert District No 19 Lane County, Oregon, the tentative date for the annual W A N TED -Plain and fancy aewlnr. .her «on, Cal C.‘ Burna. Hoover and their party on the "good than 2 per cent. will pay at the office of the Clerk all Father** r»«l Sone' banquet to be given ! Neatly and reasonably done 447 warrants Issued prior to April 28, 1928. Journey to Cha** Garden*— Mr* M will" tour of Latin-American countries tth Street PlHMM 74-W. under the auspice* of the three T ir e A ir fo r T re e * to and Including No 2539 Interest , B. Huntly and her gue*t*. Mr. and and South America. N 22 29r D. 6 -13: Springfield churches aa a city affair Washington, D. C-, Nov. 22, (AC)— ceases after November 24. 192». Mr*. William Pohl of Antoria, and Mr*. Roy Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I Compressed air, forced In among the WM G HUGHBR Clerk — i Cowden, motored to Cha*e Garden* V. Briggs of West Springfield, Is the roots of large trees that have been Monday afternoon. local lad who Is doing naval du»y transplanted, have been found to be Estate of Mrs. Belle Shoop, Deceased. «board the ship. Young Briggs sent a of assistance In causing the tree to NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mias Dillard Goat to H illsboro-- Notice Is hereby given that Mary EL Ml** Anna Dillard went to Hlllnboro letter to his mother In which he tol.I recover quickly from Its disturbance. Kelsey has filed In the County Court Friday evening to Join her mother of hl* good luck,' and he Is expected In most planting operations the dirt of the State of Oregon, in and for who wa* called away on account of to relate details of his trip and hl* Is thrown back Into the soil with so Lane County, her final report as ex­ possible conversation with the com­ much water that tt puddles and pre­ ecutrix of the last will and testament lllne*« of Mr*. Dillard'* ainter. of Mrs. Belle Shoop, Deceased; and ing president of the United States In vents the roots from getting needed, that ten o’clock In the forenoon of Lubow* Visit Folk*— Mr and Mr*. future letters to his folks in Spring- air from the soil. Saturday, the 22nd day of November, Not Since th e ‘‘T rail Tc Fred Lubow, aon-ln-law and daughter field. 1928. at the Court room thereof In En- R ail” C elebration, Have of Mr. and Mr*. M B HuAtly, were gene, Oregon, have been fixed and ap­ The voyage will take the Springfield ' D ru n k on Canned H e a t So Many People from All pointed by the Court as the time and week-end vlnltnr* In Springfield after hoy and the future leader of the nation 1 Alberquerque, N M., Nov. 22, (AC) place for hearing objections to said P a rta of L a n e County they had attended the football game through the various I^atln-Amerlcan — Fined fifteen dollars on an intoxica­ report and for the final settlement o f Visited the C ounty Seat at Corvalll* last Saturday. countires, the Panama canal, Brazil, tion charge, Charles Patdle admitted the estate of deceased in One W’eek-end. Mary E. Kelsey, Executrix. Mayor Leave* for California— O. Argentina. Chile and many other South \ drinking fifteen tins of canned heat A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. Wilson, newly elected mayor of Spring- American countries, winding their in twenty-four hours. N. 22-29: D 6-13 20: field, left Sunday evening for San way back via Miami or Key Went in Florida shortly before Hoover’s in­ Francisco on a »hort business trip. auguration on March 4. He plan* to return the coming week­ With such an Intlnerary practically end. mapped out for the sea trip. Spring- Cakes and Cookies Property Bold— Sale of the property field can expect in time to hear vivid at 621 Eighth street wa* made this tales from direct sources about wond­ and Other Good Thing» week by H. J McCracken to Ed Op- ers of the places to the South of the land, who ha* taken possession of the United States, If young Briggs should for Thanksgiving property. ever return to his home town. /* The R eaaon! Roy Briggs attended high school for j 8uffer* Broken Arm.—Jimmy Gor- one year In Eugene, fter which he rle suffered a broken arm last Friday spent a few years working In the when he waa Injured In an accldeut We have all kinds of wonderful cakes and pies and cookies and F rid a y and Saturday woods. On October 28, 1927, the while doing construction work on the young Springfield man who now ! tarts that mill make a glorious event of your Thanksgiving dinner. •Southern Pacific bridge near Albany. Everything that comes out of our ovens is delicious. boards the Hoover special enlisted In I Our bread is not Just ordinary bread—it is well-made of the finest Visit Huntly»— Mr and Mr*. Wil­ the navy. He was then »ent for train- < Ingredients, healthful and tasteful. ing at the United State* naval school liam C. A. Pohl of Astoria, arrived in AH our prices are very reasonable. • Springfield Monday to be guests at Hampton Roads. Virginia. He Just try us. graduated from the mechanical divi­ of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly, the la t-; ter being the daughter of the visitor*. sion of the school at Hampton Roads, With HUD LA ROCQUB Mrs. Pohl will spend about three and following his graduation he spent and SUE CAROL or four weeks In town while Mr. Pohl one month about the school. 5TH. STREET F R E D F R E S E , Prop. He was then sent for duty at San ’ will leave In a few days. A L S O S IN G IN G - T A L K IN G A C T S Pedro. California, where the U. 8. S. Maryland waa located. He was there REGION HEAD HEARD IN ordered aboard the battleship for ac­ EUGENE BY SCOUTMASTER tive work. 56 S T O R E S * Hoover and his party left on the i C. R. Aldrich, scoutmaster o f Troop Maryland oa November 19th. when No. 11 of the Springfield Boy Schute, youn< Brigg* celebrated his twenty- A M ovietoned Sequel to “ 7th H e a v e n " went to Eugene Tuesday evening to first birthday. attend a meeting at which John H. ------------ ---- - - - ----- - A - Piper, regional scout executive hi IN T H E W E S T region No. 11, which covert the Paci­ 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon fic Northwest, was the main speaker. Mr. Piper, for whom It was his first trip to Eugene, delivered a speech of THEATRE EUGENE great Interest o scout leader* who i were given also a few word* that are , T h o *e W h o H u rry Can See antf H e a r "T h e Jazz S in ger" expected to prove of great help to THESE GUARANTEED 100 PER CENT WOOL ' them In their work. A diner was held 1 at he Osburn hotel. C ’MON OVER'. VITAPHONE TALKING and SINGING PICTURES SEE and HEAR CAPTAIN SWAGGER Springfield Bakery Sunday - Street Angel M c D o n a l d 77ie Best Yet! Overcoats C o urt of H o n o r Postponed The court of honor for Boy Scouts in Springfield which was slated for next Tuesday, Nove-mber 27, has been postponed Indefinitely,, according to au announcement made by C. R. Aldric.i, scoutmaster. It is expected that the session will be held within the very rear future, definite date to be an­ nounced later.* BATHROOM LU XU R Y A N D R E F IN E M E N T The modern bathrooir. calls for equip­ ment tha suggests luxury and refine­ ment. We furnish complete bathroom outfits for small and large homes that represent the last word in beauty and comfort. Let us submit an early esti­ mate on the cost of modernizing YOUR BATHROOM. W. N. LONG BONA FIDE $25 TO $30 ’ ___ VALUES _ ___ MADE BY ONE OF THE WEST’S LEADING VIRGIN WOOL CLOTHING MILLS e 5 DAYS O NLY $ 1 6 .7 5 STARTING FRIADY MORNING 527 MAIN ST. Strength Vitality She’ll enjoy her Turkey dinner! Sarange as It may seem, this Thanksgiving and Christmas thousands of American wives and mothers w ill really enjoy the Turkey dinners they w ill have cooked. W hy? Because it w ill be the lin t time they will not be too weak to whisper: “ D inner’* »*«dy, folks!”— after endless hours o f drudgery struggling with Moves as out-of-date as C ivil W a r fashions! C c rta in lv -4 t will be their first holiday dinner cooked for them by the newest and beat cooking device— the automatic electric range. W here and how w ill you spend Thanksgiving and Christmas? In the living room with your relatives or in the kitchen playing gtoker to the Move? r / a b k n y , many wives (maybe you’ll he one o f them ) w ill be agreeably surprised thia Christmas to find spanking new 1929 model H otpoint automatic electric ranges in their kitchens. This iMest electrical servant has many features never before included T T Ptlc* -