v a cf ’’• our T im SPRINOFIHU) NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 192» Tottl Ecltpsf of tin Moot» N< .27 TOTAL ECLIPSÉ op in e MOON , ’ ECLIPSE END 5 5 9 AM I IS ¿ *4 £ >( f right for me to go places with Lovesick other boys? Pear Ulas Vera: LOVE BIRD. 1 am a young man of ¡2 and I NOV, 2 7 ECLIPSE . . . . am deeply In love with a lady of EARLY IN BEGINS 27. This lady has been married THE MORNING Dear Love Bird, the young man you 2 2A AM before but is now divorced She write of seems to be making a captive still keeps house for her former love bird out of you. but certainly you here in the United States, there Visible from beginning to end every* husband. I told her I love her oughtn't to devote all your time to him will be a total eclipse of the moon early in the morning of November 27th dearly. She says she feels sorry unless, of course, you love him very, , The chan above provides a graphic time ■table of the eclipse. for me, but her heart is broken very dearly. Still there is nothing and dead to love. Will you please about your letter to indicate that, so BUT YOU’LL HAVE TO BE UP advise me what to do? I can't Just try your wings ami go places EARLY TO SEE IT! seem to find another girl as 1 am with other boys. Have as many friends girl shy. I do want sweetheart. as you can. If they are real gentle Everyone In the United States will I am always yearning for a sweet­ manly, well-bred friends, 1 don’t know have the opportunity of seeing the heart and I am starving for love. why you should have to give up their total eclipse of the moon coming Nov Please advise me how to find true company. ember 27—but the spectators will • • • • love. Is it proper for a young man have to be pretty early, For the moon of 22 to love a divorcee of 27? Two Girl Chums will enter the earth's shadow at 2:24 Please advise me as I am lovesick. Dear Miss Vera: A. M., eastern standard time. Total M. C M We are two girl chums of four­ eclipse begins at 3:33 and lasts until • • • • teen. We need advice. How old 4 29 o’clock, when the moon begins Dear M. C. M , a woman such as you should a girl be before she has a to emerge At 5:39 A M the eclipse describe, who has aad — fortune, will steady sweetheart? Do you thing a will be over. Central times are one respond readily to tenderness and girl at the age of fourteen knows hour earlier, mountain times two lcve. Make a friend of her rather than what true love is? Does jealousy hours and Pacific times three hours. constantly telling _jr for your affec­ always mean love? Especially if a The moop will probably not dis ap tion. and she may come to care for yiq man has been going with a girl for pear from view although entirely In time. It is perfectly proper for you a year or over. What should a girl within the shadow for nearly uu hour to love her—why not? but when you do to keep the boy she is going »tart writing about your desire to flnl with from getting tired of her? ¡Considerable sunlight is refracted In to the shadow through the ring of the ' another girl right after telling me >t How can a gu . beat another girl’s earth's atmosphere around the base of | your deep love for her, I begin to sus­ time with a bow? What should a the shadow. The moon at that time pect that it is Love you love, and not girl do when her sweetheart goes will be dim and noticeably red llk-> this particular lady. If so, if you with some other girl? Should a the setting sun. ■imply want a sweetheart and don't girl marry before she Is eighteen? During a lunar eclipse, recent ob- care much who this sweeetheart mav Do you thing ,. possible for a boy be, why torment this lady who has to love you but st... not want to go To answer you other questions, Jeal­ evidently many troubles? It is uot with you for some reason, such as ousy does not always mean love; It is very pretty to make someone sorry for thinking you are too young or do sometimes only the expression of t you. not love him or do no( want to go Jealous nature; true. Jealousy is an It ought to be easy for you to meet . with him? element In many deep, real Jove af­ lots of nice girls. Just be sociable. PUZZLED fairs, but It Is not necessarily a proof • • • • Visit your friends often, Join clubs, of love. The way to keep the Interest etc., and the right girl will come along Dear Puzzled, you certainly ask before you know it Don’t sit around many questions! There is no definite of a boy la to be as nice as you can and mope and think about how love­ age when a girl should have a steady in every way—there Is ndt other me­ sick you are. That attitude will never sweetheart. Ite depends on Individual thod. There Is nothing definite to ’’do’’ bring you the utvine creature you are circumstances, but I am inclined to when your sweetheart goes with an­ longing for! think fourteen Is far too young. As to other girl, you must euuer forgive hl n • • • • whether a girl of fourteen knows what or forget him. Many girls have mar-, Dear Miss Vera: true love is, of course she does! Al­ rled before eighteen. This Is a mat­ ,e chotce of the Indi­ most every girl of fourteen has experi­ ter resting w.. I am seventeen years of age and vidual. As to the last question, yes enced the love of a mother, and that have many boy friends. I like to is the real true love. Later in life you There are all sorts of misunderstand­ go out with different ones but very will seek in vain for the love that only ings In matters of - j heart. recently I have been going steady a mother can give. The other love.. with one certain boy who is three that comes later, the love of a man. years my senior. I had not been should not even be In your thoughts going with him for a year, but our at fourteen! friendship has been renewed. Do you think I am too young to de­ But of course you should nave vote all my time to him? Is it plenty of friends, both boys and girls Fruiti for Thanksgiving BEARD’S Now - servatioas have shown, the moon's surface temperature drope from 170 degrees Fahrenheit Invmedlately be for the eclipse Io 100 degrees below aero during the total phase, A drop ng 380 degrees In an hour or two! Borne cold wave! Of course, no one Uvea on the moon, for it Is air­ less and barren. The absence of st I luospheric protection permits the auJ- den change In temperature. During the long lunar night, a thermomentor at the surface would register not high­ er than 150 degrees below aero. The eurth'a viultal shadow stretchej nearly a million miles Into space. At Intervals of 2 8 days the moon, then at the full phase, overtakes the shadow; hut It pusses usually above or below and there la no eclipse. The number of lunar ecllpaes in a year varies from three to none at all Borne of them are only partial and not visi­ ble from the earth -..ronomsrs now know far In advance the times and circumstances of eclipses. At the times of full moon, nsar the -middle- and the end of the year, conditions are moat favorable for eclipses. The Latest How ler London, Nov 22, (At?»—A schoolboy recently made the statement In an esuinlnatlon that there was no nitro­ gen In Ireland Inquiry as tn thu source of his Information showed that It was based on a statement In a text­ book that "Nitrogen it not found In a free state.” H. L. GJIlette at Work—H I* (linei­ le, who was confined to his hum» sine» last Saturday, relumed to work Wed­ nesday morning. Let Us Help You With Your T hanksgiving G rocery List There is no need for you to puzzle over what to have for your Thanksgiving dinner. We have done that for you. Just come here shopping and see the many delicious viands we have ready for your dinner. Give Mother a New Roaster Thanksgiving We have just received a new shipment of those Roasters Special with 2 car­ tons of Matches $3.10 Western Carnberries 20c Pound Eastern Cape Cod Cranberries 25c Pound ALSO FOR YOUR THANO8OIVINC. DINNER MENU: Celery, Home made Mince Meat. Pumpkins, Home made Sauerkraut, Squash, Sweet Potatoes. Phone Phene The Convenience of a charge account Is extended to you— 856 Willamette St., Eugene Pre-Holiday Money Saving Event V I t D resses ! Values in Piece- Goods and Underwear Department 0 IL 21 3 I r Edison MAZDA Lamps in Toy House Cartons For any room or any type of fixture, you can now buy Edison Mazda Lamps in attractive toy house cartons. This new house carton contains six Edison Mazda Lamps—of any desired size. It provides you with the lamps you need and the children with a novel toy. A chart on the back of the house tells what size lamp to use in each fixture. You may secure cartons of various sizes of lamps at the following low prices: SIX 60 W ATT LAMPS .................................. ) (- ) We feature not alone Dress Ap|>eal, Hut every Dress in this Kale is Authentic in Fashion—Style—Fabric and Colors! 98c Flowered Windsor Crepes in lovely patterns 24c Evening Frocks 69c of Extraordinary Charm Chiffon, Taffeta, Satin Modles. l t). / The smartest fabrics for evening are offered in this collection— Fine Rayon Satin in good as­ sortment shades, 39 in. . 98c y«i Rayon Panties, Bloomers, and Shorties. ...... 97C Pr $1,41 WATCH FOR OUR JUNIOR LAMP SALESMEN Pay nothing down. $7-95 ■ B 85 ■ $18 is $1.32 SIX 100 W ATT LAMPS .................................. $2.10 SIX ASSORTED— 2 40-W ATT 3 60-W ATT 1 100-W ATT For Street, Daytime Business and Evening Regular $12.75 to $35.00 Big assortment Silks, Reg. to $1.98 values, Special .... Velvet Corduroy for robes in Cherry, Saphire, Red, etc., . Pay next month mountain "S tates P ower company (Excellent Values) ; Vestes to match ...... 89c Hand embroidered Gown, peach pink or white $1.00 (Make Lovely Gifts) Princen slips of fine silk and Rayon, guaranteed not to run. Special ....... $2.45 4 Elegantly Fur Trimmed WINTER COATS WOMEN’S SIZES ALL $59.50 FINER BROADCLOTH COATS, BROWN MINK RAT—MINK MARNOT—WOLF—DYED SKIJNK-FOX OR OPOSSUM FUR TRIM­ MED OTHER COATS ALL REDUCED FOR THIS EVENT— Excellent Fur TrimmedCoats $!4.75-$22.75 r •