Try the H om e P rin t Sh op Firat q J IE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “ Tha Paopla’a Papar” | A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TO W N •. ar TWKNTY-FIKTH YEAH SPRINGFIELD LEADS H. S. CONFERENCE RPHINHFHBLD. I-ANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1928 FOUR L OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED MONDAY NIGHT AT PUBLIC CEREMONY Clerk Announces District Census NUMBER 46 •MIDNIGHT FANTASY" IS PRESENTED BY THE MOHAWK UNION HIGH BRIDGE ENO FILLS M E EXPECTED SOON Inilullutlon of oflli-nr» »III play the The Mohawk Union High school Important role at the meeting of the Total of 781 School Children in play called "A Midnight Fantasy" was Springfield District; An In­ Hprlngheld chapter of the Four-L given Tuesday night November 20 at crease Over 1927 Local High School Make« Fifth which will convene Monday evening at the Four-L hall at Wendling. A. C. Mathews Expects Contract Straight Win In Game With 7 o'clock at till- W. <). W. halt. The program was as follow»: in Few Days and Will Start A total og 781 Reboot children In tin Following the meeting a special pro­ Springfield district I» Indicated in the "Not by a lam Site," by Donall Brownsville; Tops List of Five Work Immediately Putting In gram will he prenetiled to which fami­ Evans, the father; Ruth Matteson, the Schools in Percentage Col­ lies of 41. member», friend», and the »chool cciimum that whh announced to­ the Approaches to New Bridge m other; Loyd Garrison, an author; day by William Hughe», district »chool umn; Lebanon Here Friday. Here. public In gv>nernl have been Invited. clerk, who compiled the ceni, uh the lai Loren Boggs, the villain. Everyone 1» welcome to attend the ter part of October. "Torrid Tots" girls dancing chorus; H l>r iti m l«t high uaaumcd (be undis­ Work of putting in dirt fills for the progncm which will begin at 8 p. in , Reva Neet, Hllma Healy, Eleanor approaches for the Springfield bridge The 1828 figure» represents an In­ puted losdar»hlp of htu football loaxuv It 1» stated. Zahm, Ladle Clerwater. Gladys Me- elpBi.ted to 8tart ln . f#w day, crease of 13 over the number In ths wind the local »Inven went to Browns­ Plano »ole« and reading will be pre» district last year, according to Mr. Millen. A. C. Mathews, Eugene contractor, ville li»»( Friday anti defeated the high entod on the program for the evening Hughe ». The total enrollment In the “On the Road to Mandalay," and wno was the low bidder on the fills, with a talk to be given by a Four "Where My Caravan Ha» Rested," , says be expects to receive the coe­ three »chool», Brattaln. Lincoln and school team there by the heavy »core -------, J2, will »tart I. member The Springfield band, un­ Springfield high, wai 835 for the year, nolo» by Forest Finley. 8 .’?‘w o1 ,k< accom- of 61 to 0. tract within the next few days and der the direction of H. K. Phllli;», Che census »tate«. "My Alice Blue Gown” solo by Ruth fben ahaed wUh WQrk Playing a brand of football that ha» will render several number». Matteson and Torrid Tots with »pe,- Wd, opened tW(} monfbg ago by Children . om the age of four to -.0 not been excelled by any loan) In the Rrefreshmenl» will be »erred after are Included In thy survey. The num­ tai chorus by Forrest Finley. highway commission have been held league thus far. Coach Leonard May-. , (l|) program, REBEKAHS INITIATE TWO "When Grandma Was a Glri ber of girl» In the district a» given | In abeyance while a discussion took fleld'a protege« not only held their ' ______________ NEW MEMBERS AT MEET Elizabeth Wojnlak. In the report Is 416 while the number place with the West Springfield people opponents «córele.» but checked ti M c KENZIE PASS MAY BE ."Long Long Ago” by Reva Neet and as to whether openings would be left of boya In the district totaled 36S. . the llrownavllle playera to the extent Initiation of two new members fea KEPT OPEN TILL DEC. 1 Fifty-five students from outalde dis- tured the meeting of the Springfield Eleanor Zahm. In the west fill. that they were unable to make a llrst ; “A Midnight Fantasy” by Inez Sacre .trlcts anended the local Ijlgh »cho-i, down throughout the entire gaime ' The contract for the work -will pro Rebekah lodge Monday evening at the and Elizabeth Wojniak. Because of the fact hat snow on the while twelve came from outside the The mill city plgakln tada were able mountains ha» arrived late thl» year, | dl»trlct to register In grade school» I. O. O. F. building. The club mem­ The crowd waa unusualy good and bably be forthcoming In a few days, _ cleared ____......... to make yardage on almoat every play. It Is posnlble that the McKenxIe pass about forty dollars. The ! according to Mr. Mathews. Dirt fllF Tuition for the grade school» Is 113 ber» heard a dlscUHsional talk on the they The Springfield back displayed wond­ will be kept open for stage traffic till I for the school year. These coining work of the Rebekah» by Mr». Louise cooperation oVthe'patrons o” the high i lng W‘U begln immediately following erful football technique a» they made i D. i . i h I h i I. Mcordlng to M A Reed, from o th e r high school districts are 1‘erozl of Ashland, president of the | gcbooI wag appreciated and the recelpt of the oK"1*1 P*Pers. The Eugene firm is getting machin­ several long gain». B<,ra‘’ «nountlng In „{ the Oregon Stages, Inc., taxed 830, but students coming from Rebekah assembly of Oregon, who we hope to present several more this ery and necessary implements ta to forty yard nlns. I he local boys wbl|,b operate from Eugene to Bend, districts with no high school are ex- made an official visit to the Springfield year. worked the spinner and criss-crosa j No{ much snow Is on the mountain empt from tuition fees. A state fund lodge Monday. The play will be given at Marcola readiness so that they may speed ap Mrs. Mabel Peddtcord and Mrs. Friday night November 23 In the ne.v their work when the expected con­ playa to perfection. road at pregeni awing to the good defrays the fees of the latter class. Pearl Sbantol are the two ladies who theater. tract is received. It was stated that Breaking up many of the opponent s worg of ,j|„ , now plows, It Is reported. went through the Initiation ceremon- __________________ i the contract was merely to fill the ap- plays and throwing the Brownsville Many tourists claim the pass to be In BAPTIST CHUROH TO HAVE I lea to become regular members of the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE proaches with no stipultion as to th« squad for several tosses, the Spring i V Berly. to the Springfield J'iew» are: we will have to- secure approaches for sity of Oregon a collection of about Rev. Childers will also speak at the j the bridge, so why not nohr? We ask 200 Indion baskets. W L T Pet and Ixis Angeles be made at Prayer and Bible stftdy to : evening services on tai subject, “Com- the highway commission, 'Why not 1.000 Connections with other train» that ' be held Thursday night at 7:30. Mrs. Knox spent many years collect­ Springfield ’ pletlng the Task of Orr Fathers’ Cbil- nowj- .687 leave from Eugene may be made via j ing these many rellces while she lived Brownsville ..... 500 Southern Pacific buses ,dren." Dallas Mur ph and Laurence"! in and around Independence, Oregoz, Junction (Uty _. CHRISTIANS TO SPONSOR I Sunkler will be pres, nted In a vocal I .883, ----------------------------- where she came into contact with Lebanon'........... OHIO SPEAKER SECURED CHURCH NIGHT FRIDAY I duet t the evening Mission. many Indians of various tribes. Harrisburg 333 H. M. STEWART ELECTED FOR METHODIST SUPPER Scores of different styles and typed TO COUNTY FAIR BOARD A special program has been ar-1 are represented in Mrs. Knox's collee- MASONIC DEGREE TEAM ANNUAL CATHOLIC SALE ranged by the Bible Study class for ! R. Bancroft, layman from Ohio, i ((on which is exepeted to be of great Harry Stewart has been chosen on GOES TO EUGENE TONIGHT , has E. been TO BE HELD SATURDAY open church night which will be held _____ selected as the speaker for interest to visitors to the Oregon cam­ the laine county fair board for the Friday evening at the Christian Liberty Loda* No. 171 of the the chlcken 8upper to ^ ven Mon' pus in Eugene. A large variety of Items Is listed ( ensuing year nt a meeting of the tax- church. The affair will he open to all ( Springfield Masons will go to Eugene dy . . eTenJ.n« at..6:30. in the ^ m en t It Is probable that the Anna Kn?X for the annual buxaar to be sponsored [ payers association hold In Eugene j 8prlngfleld folks, whether Christian | of the Methodist church under the collection will be placed on exhibit at Saturday by the I-ndlea' Guild of the I recently. Twelve men have been sel- or otherwise. Refreshments will be ! tonight to confer a Master Mason de- igree for the McKenzie River lodte of | ,U8p,ce’' of the Men’8 Brotherhood. the Murray Wraner art museum in th« Bprlngfleld Catholic church In the ected to serve with members of the served after the , services. ' Eugene at the Masonic Temple in Bu- who wlH also hold their regular meet- Woman’s building at the University. couiijy court who are automatically Newland store room 111 the I. O. O. F. The program for Friday evening It: , ing at that time. Ehibit plans will probably be announ­ building. The sale will begin at 8 u. member» of the board Two selections by orchestra: Read ,* Tu^ day evenjn)f NoVember 13i the The dinner which will cost fifty ced later. Others elected to the fair board are: m. unit last throughout the day till B. E. Ross, Chet Daniels, Hugh Earle. Ing; Vocal duet by Laurence Sunkler Rurpnp , eam came , 0 Sprlngfle;d to cents a plate Is being given in the In- 6 p. m. snrt Juanita Smith; Reading; Vocal SPRINGFIELD JURORS Proceeds from the bazaar will lie J. E. Shelton. R. B. Thompson, all of solo, Mrs. Dallas Murphy; Musical confer a degree on Leonard Steneison. ' terests of the church choir. The Springfield degree team Is said Mr. Bancroft is said to be a well- Eugene; C. W. Allen of Vida; Frank turned over to the general fund of ON MURDER PANEL reading. Mrs. Ida Adams; Solo. Lawr­ the guild which plans mnny activities Hill. George Knowleg, of Cottage ence Sunkler; Stunt, Bible Studv to be one of the leading degree groups , known speaker of the country, having in Ixtne county. A large attendance made tours through various parts of Six Springfield citlxens are among for the coming year. Mrs. George Oer- Grove; Jess Harper of Junction City; class;Two selections by orchestra. is anticipated at the Eugene meeting | the continent for various interests. A Roy Foster of Lorane; and M. H. those who have been called for duty Ich Is general chairman of the sale. tonight. Refreshments will be served large crowd Is anticipated at this | in the Jury to be selected for the trial Fancy and needle work, cooked food, Huntington, of Florence. League Wants Names meeting to hear tire Ohio man. after the session. of Joseph L. McDaniel, indictedon th« vegetables, chickens, and home made Names of needy families In Spring- charge of the murder of E. A McGrew, candy are some of the Items that will MUSIC BOOKS FOR LINCOLN field are wanted by the lookout com­ ANNUAL THANKSGIVING Southern Pacific railroad brakema«, be placed on sale by the ladles. SCHOOL VOTED BY P.-T. A, mittee of the Girls’ Jeague which as­ TRANSFER CARDS SENT on the night of November 1 near Wed- Assisting Mrs. Gerlach In the ar­ SERVICE TO BE SUNDAY TO IUKA CIRCLE MEMBERS sumes the function of supplying and Ur. McDaniel’s trial will start next rangements for the affair are: Mrs. Music books to be used by Mrs. caring for those needing necessary The annual Thanksgiving service Monday, November 24. In the clrcai* Earl Thompson, In charge of the fancy Male with her work at the Lincoln Transfer cards were Issued on Nov­ and needle work Item»: Mr». Pol­ , building were voted by members of aid In the vicinity of Springfield. ember 19 to members of the now ex­ of the Woman's Home Missionary soci­ court in Eugene. The committee has asked that McDaniel entered a plea of no< lock. ' In charge of the vegetable , tbe Parent-Teachers association at tinct Iuka chapter of the Ladles Auxi­ ety will be held at the Methodist nmes be sent to Mrs. M. B. Huntly or liary of the Q. A. R. which officially church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, guilty, on Monday. sale; and girls of the parish who will their regular meeting at he Brattaln else to Beth Johns, who are directing John S. Medley, district attorney, surrendered It» charter on November when the thank-offering will be taken. arrange for the candy sale. ! »,-hool last Friday. 10. Mrs. C. F. Eggimann. secretary of Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the church, and L. L. Ray, deputy district attorney, Friday afternoon, the guild will E Mrg K p ^ ,, and Mrs. Pratt the work at present. the organisation, Is retaining her office will preach on the subject, “Our Home will be aided in the prosecution of Mc­ meet at the home of Mrs. Gerlach and »olverson, delegates to the regional Resigns from Sheriff Duties make final arrangements for the baz- convention held at Roseburg recently, till all the cards are given to the mem­ Mission." The choir will render an Daniel by George Neuner, United Rev. J. Scott of West Sprlngfleid bers who are given the privilege to anthem, "The Joy of Harvest Days,” States district attorney for Orego«, gave their reports at the meeting by Wilson. whose services were se ized througl ha» resigned his conMnlssion as a de­ transfer to aDy chapter in the state. which was well attended. Mrs. Eggimann and Mrs. Bert Doane Sunday school will he held at 9:45 the work of McGrew’s fellow em­ Music was furnished for social part puty sheriff of Lotne county, he an­ CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE have already sent In their transfers to in the morning and followed by junior ployes. BEGINS SOON IN TOWN of the meeting by .members of the nounced this week. Among the 24 men and womefl the Eugene chapter. Mrs. Eggimann church services at 11 a. m. fifth and sixth grades of the Brattaln placed on the Jury panel for the Mc­ stated that ahe wished to remain a Relative» Guest» In Town— W . W. school. Refreshments were served by The Epworth league will meet at The annual UhrlstmaH seal drive Daniel case are the following Spring- will begin In Springfield Immediately teachers of the first and second grades Philippi, of Walla Walla, Washington, member as she has held every office 6:30 In the evening. “God is Our Re­ and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and in the state organlxtlon outside of the fuge," Is the subject selected by the field persons; Meda Catching, Ids after the Thanksgiving holidays, It In the Brataln school. Mrs. Judd Kelley and children werg many local honors that she has re- ohoir for the anthem at the evening Gantx. Maude Gray. Nellie Htltebran«, ’ The next meeting will be held In was decided at a meeting of the week-end visitors to the Magill home, celved. December. service which will be heW at 7:30 John Ketels, T. C. Barker. Springfield Health club held at the Eugene folk who have been named o’clock. Rev. Pike will deliver the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson Monday to serve are: Ben F. Dorris, Charle« evening sermon. afternoaon. J. Schaeffers. C. W. Mullin, William Nli.e cents per capita has been set Brabham. Mrs. H. E. Soward. Mrs. 3. REBEKAH RECREE TEAM as the goal for the Springfield drive. K. Larwood, F. X. Gallagher, Welths Mrs. L. Tingle of Eugene was present COES TO COTTAGE GROVE Trailer, A L. Dale, E. H. Hall, Lesli« >at the meeting Monday. Twenty-five Springfield ladies will i Hammond. Others on the list are A prize will be given to the build­ E. F. Roberts, C. E Jordan. E. L. Journey to Cottage Grove Friday as I ing where the children sell the great­ Clark, all of Creswell; Roy V. Foster, members of the degree team of the est number of these seals. Lorane; Tom Gilbert, Blue River; Springfield Rebekah lodge. A tea was served nfter the meeting Mrs. Charles Deming, Junction City; with the following ladles attending The convention of the Rebekah of and j. B. Grubb, Ct)nage Grove, Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah, Mrs. William district No. 10 will be held at Cottage 1 Donaldson, Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs. W. Grove at that time when each lodge WOOD PROMOTION HEAD C. McLagan, Mrs. Ora Rend llenisn- will send its degree team or else some wny, Mrs. D. B. Snlzmnn, and Mrs. E. SPEAKS IN SPRINGFIELD other means of representation. E. Fraedrlckson. Reports of the convention will prob­ George Pearson of Bend, Oregon, ably be made at the next meeting of general chairman of the Wood Promo Lyons to Move to Farm the Springfield Rebekah lodge.. tlon committee with headquarter« to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lyons, who have Portland, Is In Springfield thia week been at Ridgefield, Washington, for Priscillas to Meet on business. «everal days, returned Monday to While In town, he will speak to th« The Priscilla club will meet Friday, Springfield. They have purchased a November 23, at tbe home of Mrs. H. school children on wood promotlo« < over in »electing "M i»» Sm all T o w « ten-acre farm adjoining that city. Mr. Lap, N o rri» City, 111. | B. Freeland In Eugene, It was an­ work, and will deliver the address at America” in the Nationwide Beauty Contest. They are, left to riglu Ali»» ui»a Isabel ***^«‘ Dg Uf il» and Mrs. Lynns expect to leave today bórcae Edna, Port Mi»» Hippie Baker, EarmviUe, N. C.; Mi»». Willie Lou lone», forest City. N, » nounced by Mrs. William Curtis, presi­ the luncheon of the Springfield Lion» .«r tomorrow for the Washington city, Allen, La; Mi»» Lucille Uru»^*, Millerton. N. Y.; Mi»» Erin Godfrey, Chipley,, Fla.; Mis» Eleanor Grimm, club Friday noon. dent of the organisation. where they resided several years ago. Arlington.-Neb.