T H U R S D A Y N O V E M B E R ir», 1 !»2« T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S P A G E S IX Community News fouling the sophomores by n .«cure of 38 Io 22 In a closely fought game. * E. E. Kilpatrick has bedn appointed (u sutierlvse the Red Cross campaign in (he Pleasant lllll district. He at­ tended the Red Coras luncheon n Eugene lust week. A numbt-r of the young folks g iv e Nina Dilley and Vida Hills a surprls. parly November 7 at the Dilley home An impromptu program closing with a mock wedding with Vhla Hills as groom and Nina Dilley as bride wa« followed by refreshments. Robert Monson a former high school student visited high school last week. He Is now living near Tacoma. W ash­ ington. Cecil and Kuna Drew, new comers to Plasant lllll, have enrolled in the public school. By Special C orrespondents GOAL OF RcO CROSS ANNUAL ROLL CALL 5,000,GOO MEMBERS LANE C O U N TY BUDGET M E E T IN G T O B E F R ID A Y M a rria g e Licensee fo r W eak During the past week marriage lic­ enses have been Issued by the county clerk to llie following: Elmer Meek ami llaxel Green, both of Motor Routa II.; la-ster Monte und Dorothy Har­ rington, both of Mapleton Will,am Sedgwick, Portland, mid Zella Steele, Creswell; Miles llaley, Springfleld; Sadie Whllsell, Fall Creek; Arthur Straus. (ktlil Hill, ami Ihmnu Mc­ Donough, Eugene Tlie county budget mm nitti-n to act with tile county court In making tho daughter, Dorothy, and family from estimates for next yours county ex petise.« haH boon choaon Meinlu i s it' ♦ THURSTON ♦ Medford called on friends here last Sunday. They formerly resided here, tho committee an- W. N White, Col ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Fred Russell got some ribs broken tage Grovo, C. W. Allen. Vida, and Mrs. Cora Crampton sad family if Disaster Relief and Work for Vet­ Frank ChumbarH, Eugene Bend spent last Wednesday night with while at work a few days ago. The parent teacher association was Til« first meeting of the budget erans Cause Heavy Drain her aunt. Mrs. A. W. Weaver. organised last Friday afternoon. Mrs. board will lie next Frida- Couniy id Mr. and Mrs Walter Edmlston on Resources. Paul Jenkins was chosen president fleers tinve been busy Ibis week pro went to Portland last week where they and Professor Henagan, vice-presi­ inning a sluteinent of their expend! attended the international live stock T h e lm a M oras In ju re d In order to enahla the Auisrlcsa (urea and estimate of their needs for dent. Miss Scobert of Eugene was show. Mr. and Mrs Tern M o rse of Trent Rod Cross to carry ou Its broad activi­ Last Sunday afternoon between SO here and helped with the organisation. ties. ranging from servlet to tbs world tile coming year. came lltlo Springfleld Inst Friday In and 40 Springfleld and Thurston war vetsrau to Instant rsspuuss In bring their daughter, Thelma to ft,« Ned H e a te r Installed thus of disaster, a membership of ladies met at the home of Mrs. Ernest ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a doctor to be treated for Injuries sus­ i.uoo.eoo should be enrolled, sad In (bis UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ Bertsch and gave a shower to Mrs ♦ Members of the local order of Wood tained when site was run down by a year of 1V28 1*2* that Is the goal set ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a Phern Crowe o f‘Lorane. Mrs. Crowe (or the twelfth auuual roll call, to be men of the World were tendered a car on the highway Thursday morn was formerly Miss Mabel Bertsch and The young folks of the Chrtattan held from November 11 to 2*. Armls surprise Tueaday when tile W D W mg spent here childhood days here, she Endeavor wtll give a program at the hall was the scene of the Installntlou Mrs. Morse was formerly a Spring- tire to Thanksgiving Day RADABAUGHS LEAVE HERE received many beautiful and useful church Friday night. November 30 John Barton Payne, chairman of lbs ol u new Radlolu heater pun based by Held girl. Cassie Ylngltng. and Is thn FOR HOME IN ROSEBURG American Red Cross at Wsablngtou. the members of No. 45 Pine circle grandchild of Tom Camera. gifts after which light refreshments Mrs. J. A. Phelps and daughter en­ In calling opou tho nation for 8.000.000 were served consisting of sandwiches, tertained the Misses Nancy and Marie After spending nearly a year as adult members, directs attention to Barnum and Bonnie Jeanne Tinker at punch and cake Springfield cltisens. Glenn Kaduhaugh the great expenditures required of the Perry Price and Jay Grant who are dinner last Sunday. together with Mrs. ItadabauKh left Red Cross for disaster and veteran re Mr and Mrs. Lawrenoe Wheeler are attending O. A C. at Corvallta spent Sunday for Roseburg, where they will lief work, and for Its many other ac­ the Armistice vacation with their par­ rejoicing over the arrival of a baby make their permanent home owing to tivities devoted to health preservation girl. Doris May. born Saturday Nov­ ents here. the fact that Mr. Radahaugh has been and Improvement and to culling down the number of accidental deaths, Professor Mvlam from Ashland was ember 10. called to the southern Oregon city to through Ilfs saving and Oral aid At a student body meeting of the in Thurston last Sunday. act as managing editor of the Rose­ courses Miss Maida Eller from Monmouth Pleasant Hill high school It was voted burg News-Review. "Tbs Red Cross should at all times ALL LANE COUNTY to Join the county debate league; to visited friends In Thurston over th- Mr Radahaugh during his residence have a large reserve fund," Judge buy three full sulta and one pair of WILL BE THERE FOR week-end. In Springfield was the reporter for th" Payne stated, "because when disaster Miss Marjorie Grant who Is teach trunks for the boys' basketball (earn, THE GALA OPENING strikes, and this organisation Is called Springfleld News. Before coming Iters, ing In Coquille spent Armistice vaca to buy more light bulbs and install Into Instant action, there Is no time to he was affiliated with the staff of th* tlon with her parents, Mr and Mrs them in the gymnasium, and to give Stop and raise funds. Dollars may banners for the Interclasa basket ball Eugene Register, and previously at­ bp ■» lives, so we should have at all Charlie Grant, here. tended the school of Journalism at (he times a good reserve. We h*ve been Mr. and Mrs Ross Mathew« and games forced each year to draw- upon our Hatel Deadwood. Avis McLaughlin University of Oregon family drove over from B etter last The Itedabaughs were active In reserves, aud we flud that ths de­ and Thelma Carter have enrolled In Sunday. church affairs and took part In vari­ mands are Increasing annually “ H. E Morris who has run a stock the Pleasant Hill high school Judge Payne poluted out that In Ibe ous civic activities. The seniors of the high school re­ ranch here for several years has sold fiscal year of 1*27-28, the Red Cross VITAPHONE and MOVIETONE Roseburg la Mr. Rudnbaugh's home his cattle to a Medford stockman and ceived their class pins and rings Iasi Now P la y in g town where he received his early had extended aid In (8 major cataslro week. expects to stock his ranch with sheep phes In the United States and Its P R E M IE R P R E S E N T A T IO N Journalistic training on the News- A pre-season basketball game will Insular possessions, and In 22 nations Mrs Hravey Hadley from Hadlev- C a rl L sm m ls's Review to which he Is now returning abroad. Thia does not Include (be vtlle la spending several days with her be played between Pleasant HUI and In an elevated capacity West Indies hurricane disaster la mother. Mrs Taylor Needham, who Santa Clara November 18 The regu­ Porto Rico and Florida, which oc­ lar schedule starts December 2 against la Indisposed. curred after the close of the Red Crosa See and H a a r Q ltn n LARSON TO REMAIN IN Bwaln Buell from Klamath Pall» Coburg. fiscal vear, June >0. 1*28 T ry o n and B arbara The senior boys won the interclasa arrived last Saturday to visit hla aunt. HOSPITAL TWO MONTHS The Red Cross expenditures for die K e n t «peaking th e ir basketball championship at the Pleas Miss Heersmg aster io that period were *18.844,-. Unas In ths clim axes. J. M Larson, rommnder of the' 158 87, of which approilmately 113, Mr and Mrs Charles Giles and ant Hill high school last week by de- Springfleld post of the American 000.000 was expended In the Missis O T H E R T A L K IN G A C T S l-eclnn, who Is now receiving treat­ slppl Valley for the flood relief work, Com ing SU N D A Y ment at the Veterans' hospital No. at which came from a fund contributed fo r 8 G roat Oays In Tacoma. Washington, will have to by the public More then ll.nnu.iioo was expended In the fit Louis tornado remain In bed about 2a more days and - AL JOLSON damage, and more tbao *1.000,04*0 in remain In the hospital for about two j New Euglaod In both esses public in "THE JAZZ SINGER” 940-946 Willamette St., Eugene. Oregon months, according to a letter receive«; i relief funds were rats«>d. although In S r * and H e a r H im thia week by Mrs M B lluntly, preal-1 N e e England the Red Croaa coutrtbu dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the ' ted la excess of *500.000 from Its own funds for the relief work. In tbe ma Legion. lairSon writes that five of the six Jorlty of tbs otber 88 disasters, and E U G E N E , OREOON men In his ward are from Oregon In all of lb* 2* foreign catastrophes In which tbe Red Crosa extended aid. Among those In hla word are Ed I f we permitted another customer to the money came from Its own re Stewart of Springfleld and M s Svar-1 Sources. wait JO or 60 days before paying het verud of Eugene. bill, it would mean higher prices for The largest Item In the annual bud (.arson was sen! to the Tacoma In- ' gel of tbe Red Cross la for Its veteran everyone. Merchandise represents atltutlon through the efforts of the relief and work for disabled ex-service Money, and you must always pay for and service men, upon which It local auxiliary organisation. ■ hr use of Money. I pended In this year *1. 1 0 .7 *5 . Check our prices carefully and Every mao end women Is asked by FDR RENT—New Modern H o u se - you will realise how much you eave Judge Payne to Join the Red ('rose Four rooms and breakfast nook S •«> during tbe roll call period, to aid Io for your own Bank Account by W A. Taylor at the White Front these oumanltarlao enterprises. paying cash! Qrocery tf EUREKA! le t’s all go T A L K IN G PIC T U R E S '1 “LONESOME” JCPENNEYCO M c D onald theatre Who Pays ex D o you want ■ Bill or a Balance on the first of the month? To the first h a lf-m illio n new Ford ow n ers ! “ H a v in g a T e r rib le T im e " Dear Miss Vera: My girl friend and I are having terrible time finding some fel­ lows We have chances every night to go some place, but al­ ways with persons we do not know. Can you give us some ad­ vice? Should we go with them or should we wait until some boyt we know ask ua? HU8IE SUE. s e e Get a Playhouse Carton of 6 Edison Mazda Lamps; When Empty it is a Dandy Toy Our Junior Lamp Salesmen Will Call Soon MouNTAUtSwres P ower C om pany NEW I Low e Prices Pay * Nothing ' Down* Dear Susie Sue, this Is a strange question. Indeed Of course, the an­ swer Is clearly that you should wait for your friends to Invite you, rather than tag along with anyone. But it should not be difficult for you to make men friends. Why not get some one of these persons you do not yet know —be friendly! But talk to them and be sure you like them and can trust them before going out with them. * * * Degr Miss Vera: I love a young boy dearly, but though he promised me not to, he has ben taking out other glrla be­ sides me. I went out with another boy, and he was Jealous. Do you think he loves me? He said he still loves me, but I think he Is lying. I'm heartbroken. Do you think I should be friendly with him when I see him ?. Do you think It would he host for me to go out with more boyB or Just with him? Should a boy smoke while he Is out with a girl? Do hoys tell girls that they love them If they do not? Is fighting with a rival a sign of love on a hoy’s part? BERTHA E. H. Dear Bertha E. H., you certainly seem beset with difficulties. Go ahead and go out with aa many hoys as you like—many friends. If you think he Is telling you an untruth when he says be loves you, thia suspicion will al­ ways ha with you. If you can t tell whether or not he loves you. how ran I? Be friendly with him, of course, and see whether time brings any de «shipments. Neither Jealousy nor fighting with a rival definitely shows love. They may show a Jealous nature, or a love of fighting; sometimes these trait« are asaoclated with love, but not a l-' ways. Whether a boy should smoke or not Is a matter entirely up to him unless he Is a minor, but he should have consideration enough not to smoke In the presence of a girl who objects. Of course many boys tell girls they love them when they do not—but a girl should be able to sense the truth Now Located in Miner Building T he light fail« can discerned p air of our th a t never be clearly th ro u g h a glasses. Make Appointments Whenever Possible Dr. ^ K e rm a n U). IP o o d y OPTOMrrpi»T»rve»iOKT w c i a i i m s o iv r a w m in e r ntno. p h o n f set FAST OROAOWAV __ eu&ENC-Opr. - T o THE h a lf-m illio n men and women who have re- crived new Fords in the lust eleven months, there is no need Io dwell on the ,w r- fo rm a n re o f the ear. attention. Yet lh.it doennY mean it should he neglected. L ik e every o th er fine piece o f m achinery, it w ill nerve you better anil longer if given p ro p er care. Y o n have lesled Ila speed on the open road. In traffic you have noted its quick ac­ celeration nnd the safety o f its brakes. You know how il clim bs the hills. O n long t r ip s and o v e r ro u g h stretches you have come to appreciate its cany - rid in g c o m fo rt. C onliniioua d riv ­ ing has proved its economy o f operation anil low coat o f up-keep. One o f the lient wayn to (Io thin in to take you r ear to the Ford dealer every 51 Mt milen fo r o ilin g and greas­ ing and a cheek ing-up o f the little thingn that have Mich a great liearing on long life anil eontinuounly good perform ance. T h ia in nn invitation to you to take fu ll advantage o f the service faeilitien o f the F ord dealer organ iza- tion no that you may con­ tin u e to enjoy many thou- niindn o f miles o f carefree, econom ical m otoring. T h e point in thin. Y o u hnve a great ear in the new F o rd . It in sim ple in design, constructed o f the bent mu- terials nnd machined w ith unusual neeiiruey. It in no well-m ade, In fuel, that il requires sur» p r in in g ly lit t le Such un inspection may mean a great deal to you r ear. T o you it means thou­ sands upon thonnandn o f miles o f m o torin g w ith o u t a care— w ithout ever liftin g the hood. Ford dealers everywhere have lieen specially trained und equipped Io service the new Ford. You w ill find them p rom pt and reliab le in th e ir w o rk , f a ir in th e ir ehnrgen. anil sincerely eager Io help you get the greatest possible use fro m y o u r ear fo r the longest p erio d nt a m in im u m o f tro u b le and expense. T h a t in tin t r u e m e a n in g o l Ford Service, F ord M otor C ompany