THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1928 OREGON STATE NEWS P C PTLIC D A I l l l T r n r O T THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S The 1928 Washington county fair ended with a surplus of several hit». dred dollars' •«•cording to a report sub- UI liLilhtaU IN I CRLO I ®ittPd t0 the f8,r bosrd ”7 PAGE FIVE C. A. Swarts, Mrs M. J McKiin, Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mrs. William Wright, Mrs. Sidney Ward, and Mrs. C. F. Eggimann. Thursday, November 22, the local ■ chapter, Liberty lodge, will go to Eu­ gene to confer a degree at a Joint meeting there. Em ________ Friday evening from 6 to 7 by the Women's Foreign Missionary society. nia Bryant, secretary. To Hold Bazaar—The Ladies of the Roseburg has launched a rirlkta to Catholic church will hold a bazaar Principal Events of the Week to and Mrs. . November 24th at a place to be an­ raise *6500 for the 1929 community _ Motors T , . Portland—Rev. _ , . chest budget, and six teams have been C J Pike left Tuesday “ orning on a | and son, Edgar, Journeyed to Myrtle nounced later. Vegetables and chic­ Assembled for Information named and charged with the respon- m° tor trip to Portland' f Polnt Wednesday morning. kens will be included in the food sale. of Our Readers. sibllity of raising this amount. R eturns from Halsey—Albert Gill ' Dr- Evan* Visits— Dr. Evans .who Supper at M. E. Church Here from Wendling— Mrs. Robert A 2,000,000-candlepcwer revolving ette returned Tuesday from a week's formerly practiced medicine in Spring- A cafeteria supper will be held in Hergis and son, Bob, spent Tuesday Tom Gurdane, veteran peace officer aerial beacon is to be erected on the visit with his brother, A. DI Gillette, i fie,d’ was • visitor Tuesday, the basement of the Methodist church in Springfield. of Umatilla county, was elected sher­ summit of Mount Nebo, just outside in Halsey. Comes from Thurston — Taylor ' iff over his younger rival, Charlie Hos­ the city limits of Roseburg, and there Comes to Town—John Downing of Needham of Thurston came into kins. will also be installed a flasher beason at the Roseburg airport. Marcola, came to Springfield last week Springfield Tuesday. The new Corvallis city ambulance Move to Longview—Mrs. Pearl Pet- I J. E. Sommer of the aeronautica di- to 8ecure 80me feed supplies for his has arrived, is paid for, and was put erson and son, Sydney, left Sunday for . I Vision of the federai department of 8toc’1 farm. into official use for the first time Longview, Washington, to live per- | commerce was in Salem during the November 1. McElhanys Entertain—Mr. and Mrs. manently. week inspecting possible sites for the McElhany entertained Monday even­ Receipts of the Salem postoffice for airport for which the city of Salem Has Tonsils Removed — Bobbie, I ing for Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Pike and small the month ending October 31 were daughter of Mr, and Mrs. L eejl has voted *50,000 in bonds. Mr and Mrs. H. L. Gillette *18,588.37, or *1128 in excess of those Putman, had her tonsils removed on | With six inches of snow at the cra­ of the previous month. ter rim, travel over the National Park Leave for California—Thomas Mc- Saturday. Application for a permit for the erec­ highway has become dangerous, ac- 1 Kinnls and family left Saturday for Has Broken Bone—Stillman Pratt tion of an oU storage tank of 26,000 cording to word received at Klamath Monrovia, California, where they plan of Marcola, who is working for the gallons capacity in Eugene has been Falls. Due to the fact that the fall ! to reside permanently, Fisher’s mill, sustained a broken bone made by the Texas Oil company. has been open, late tourists enjoyed i - „ , „ . Tuesday morning and was brought to ) The slaughter house of the Carlton many trip, into the park during Octo- I B’ C‘ G,y '"’P ^ ’ -G radual im- Springfield for treatment. provement is reported for the condi- Meat company was entered and robbed ¡jer Paxley Undergoes Operation— Maxe ! _ _ ...„ . tion of B. C. Gay, who received three of about *100 worth of meat and hides, Guy R. Mills was elected mayor ot Faxley, brother of Mrs. Hugh Joliff, the second robbery of the concern Vernonia for the third tern at the bad cuts on his face last Friday morn­ underwent a major operation Satur-|| ing while unloading wood. Within a year. election Tuesday. Councllmsg are day afternoon at the Pacific Christian On Just one-half ot the trip between Frank Hanson, M. E. MeGraw, G. C. Has Tonsils Removed—June, small hospital in Eugene. Lakeview and Klamath Falls, the state Melllngev and J. E, Tapp, and treas­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard When we make a repair on your car, we fix it to last. That kighway department'» eleetro-magnet urer, J. C. Lindley, These men were Merrill, Is convalescing after having EASTERN STAR MEMBERS is one of the iron clad rules by which our work is guided. road sweeper last week picked up <* all nominated a* a estuene and wore her tonsils and adenoids removed Let us prove the value of this policy of ours to you. We can GO TO CRESWELL TODAY pounds ot metaL unopposed. Tuesday morning. show you how it will save you many dollars in a year. The death of Mrs. K, B. Griffith aa The assessed vahiaMen of '•» - t V Eighteen members of the Cascadia Get 11 Ducks—Sixteen mallard chapter No. 165 of the Order of the (he result of aa antomoblla accident mas eooety property, oa which wilt This is the time of year you should have your brakes gear Phoenix three weeks ago is the ba based the ta* levy tor IBM, la ducks composed the hunting bag for Eastern Star will Journey today io tested and adjusted. We have a good sturdy weed chain also for winter driving. aaventk autosaokile fatality ta Jackson 396.IM. asoordtag to a sommary «f «A» JeBne Sumner, Clifford Coke, and private parties to Creswell where they oOusty this yea*. assessment annaoaeod by Ooxssty Aa- Dona,d Wills, who went on a trip will be guests at a meeting of the Complete and up-to-date towing equipment. Property oweesa la mad district Kt>. sessor Cook. This ta sa tneroasa at Bear Springfield last week. Creswell lodge. W . - M over tba sasiaassd vaJaattne ! (2 in VssatfUa county will hold a spe- No bus has been charteded for the Portlanders Visit Cousin—Mr. and <*st eleedSoe Kowwmber 1* for the pmr- of last year — _ __ Mrs. Al Cannon of Portland, spent the trip as previously planned, but mem­ poqe e< w