"AOF TOUR THE SPRINOPŒLD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O ur foreign Am erican relations are th e first to be looked a fte r by P resident-E lect H erbert Published Every Thursday at Hoover. This seem s to us a good move. The ■prln1.75 T hree M o n th s ____ 76c to u r breaks down any of this m isunderstanding of the Y ankees it will be w orth while. « x M onths--------------------- >1.00 Single C o p y ______ 6c T hursday , N ovem ber is , 1928 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 192« MORE FOKlDS ‘ASKED FOR cadfctc n c F 0 R E S TS OF NORTHW EST ! S eattle W ashington November 15 _ A matter of great im’pnrtance to the' Northwest was brought before Gener- aj Lord dlrettor of the budget at W„ hlnitm , O.. t.c,o ü y X DB.FRANKCRANESAÏS Again the people of Oregon have said they did n o t wish an incom e tax. Will everybody believe it or will th ere be some one so dum b as to put it on the ballot a t the next election. If this sta te is ever to have such a m easure it should be passed by th e legislature a fte r our whole system of ta x ­ ation has bee reviewed. This helter skelter legis- ation has been reviewed. T his helter skelter legis- and the people realize it. B etter to have the whole plan worked out a fte r intense study by the legislation if we are going to equalize th e burden of tax atio n any. • • • THE EMPTY NORTH M any Spare P a rts ! Broad* Brook, Ct., Nov. 15 (AC)— One of the m ost striking passages of th a t anci­ en t collection of litera tu re know n as the Bible, is John D. Tromley, a farm er of this “He han g eth the n o rth over an em pty place.” It place, has a calf which has an extra eye, extra horn, extra tongue, and an is found in the Book of Job. T he queer p a rt of it is th a t astronom ically the n o rth is a som ew hat em pty place. In a m easure can see yourself th a t th ere are not m any s ta rs in th a t direction. extra set of teeth. K ille d r . . . to N»ck. Remember Your Friends on Christmas Day with an Attractive Card We have high-grade C hristm as cards th a t bear beautiful sentim ents for your relatives and friends. These attractiv e cards are for sale a t very re a ­ sonable prices. They are infinite in variety— m any of them altogether unusual. Send a card even if you are sending a gift. The sentim ent expressed on these cards will strike a responsive cord in the h earts of the recipients. Name and Sentiment Printed in Attractive Type ORDER YOUR CARDS IN NOVEMBER WHILE TH ER E IS A LARGE SELECTION C hristm as card lines are alw ays depleted in December. by Own Gun Brooklyn, N. Y„ Nov. 15 (AC)— H arry Oswell, 22, accidentally shot All this is called to m ind w hen we read of Gen­ and killed him self while duck hunt­ eral Nobile’s flight over the Pole a sh o rt tim e ago. ing in a rowboat In Jacam ica Bay. T here is some indication th a t industry is tu rn ­ He discovered again w hat had already been dis Both barrels of his gun were dis­ ing to the sm aller tow ns instead of expanding in covered, th a t w hen you get to th e N orth Pole you charged In his breast when the trigger the larg er centers, particularly if conditions of find nothing there— ju st frozen em ptiness. caught on an obstruction in the boat. labor, m aterial, and tra n sp o rta tio n a re right. A T hink of all th ese years th a t m en have dream ed large cotton milling concern in the south has ex­ of g etting to th e N orth Pole, and striven for it, panded by 100,000 spindles. Instead of building and died for it. W hat does it am ount to, a fte r all? an im m ense mill in one city it built 10 in as m any cities. i It is simply a record to m ake, a so rt of Im poss­ ible line to toe, b u t all those fanciful d ream s of Sim m s, Hole, and th e like, about th e re being an Springfield high school has a good football undiscovered co u n try vp there, a re pure fiction. team this year. T he team Is w inning consistently T he only p art of this globe th a t is habitable Is and has dem onstrated a good knowledge of foot­ ball. Townspeople should give the team support. th e tem p o rate zone, and In a m easure the tropics. A good athletic team is an fisset to any tow n as G eneral Nobile’s discoveries, as well as those of well as an inspiration to th e youngsters is school. others, reveal th a t th e no rth is to be added to the • • • oceans and the deserts and th e m ountain ranges A m an in Chicago found praying on S tate street as pure waste. A deal of th e universe, as far as said he was drunk. He can he th an k fu l in we can see, is w aste in the sanse of n o t being habitable by m an. We c a n n o t live in th e seas, Chicago th a t he was only half-shot. and life is difficult In the high m ountain ranges. • • • C onsidering how v ast is the universe, and how The surgeon who cu t his own appendix. In \d - m any of the sta rs a re simply blazing balls of fire dition to being brave, m ust have had Scotch a n ­ u tterly uninhabitable by any form of life, and how- cestors. gigantic are th e distances betw een th e stellar • • • bodies, and even w h at a g re a t portion of this “All women are alike,” says I^ady Allenby. This planet is not habitable, one’s philosophy of life unconsciously lim its the im portance of m ankind, thought should be a great com fort to m any h u s­ and adds a new m eaning to th e exclam ation: bands. “W hen I consider T hy heavens, the m oon and the s ta rs which T hou h ast ordained, w hat is m an A hypocrite Is one who pretends to believe a th a t T hou are m indful of him, and the son of m an person when he knows he is lying. th a t T hou visitest h im ? ” o A t Ohio State “ U” Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 15—With the g reatest registration in Its history the Ohio Sitate University this fall has drawn its enrollm ent almost liter­ ally from the four quarters of the globe. Four continents, 14 foreign lands and 43 of the 48 states are re­ presented in the campus population despite the fact that more than 90 per cynt of the more than 10,000 stu­ dents are from Ohio homes. The list of students shows the following from Springfield, Oregon, David Lester B14. well. G raduate School, Vitus Apart­ ments. National F orestry program commit-! Mrs. McDonald, who was driving, tee and others interested ln forestry tried to hglt the auto at the farry s attended a general forestry hearing bow- but u drove ahead, crashed and asked for increase in approprla- through the guard rail and plunged tions totaling >718,000, according to bead down in t° the river. The lim word received by the W est Coast ousine fortunately landed right side Lum berm en’s Association. This pro- UP a t the river s bottom. posed increase is in accordance with McDonald smashed one of the glass the Clark-McNary Act, the McNary- ’ doors with an elbow, seized his wife CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W, L'n/sry Woodruff Act and the McSweeney- and- thrusting through the broken McNary Act. P resent appropriations window, swam with her to the surface, on prices on plates and other work, tf under these acts total >4,500,000. The three bills are basic forestry acts providing for state and govern­ ment co-operation in forest protection, | forest research nad other work de­ signed to perpetuate the nation's forests. General Lord staated th a t he ; fully appreciated the im portance of the forestry program and th a t every effort would be made to provide funds 1 in line with the proposals which had been made to him. Alice Brady refused to pay incom e tax on m oney spent for beauty tre a tm e n ts. If th e rest T he Dunne Bills have been defeated and the of th e Am erican wom en follow her exam ple, the U. S. T reasu ry m ay find itself in a bad way. people of Lane county have voted the m atch • • • m oney for the com pletion of the W illam ette Val­ G unm en in Chicago seem to puncture the op­ ley-Florence and McKenzie highw ays. Lane posing te a m ’s defense w ith ease. If a half back county for a num ber of years has lagged behind is too fast and endangers th eir bets they move in the am ount of sta te road w ork until one-third him from the lineup with bullets. • • • of all the uncom pleted highw ays in W estern O re­ gon are in this county. T he sta te highw ay com ­ A judge perm itted a divorced violinist to re ­ m ission prom ised to rem edy this condition a t a m arry because he behaved him self for m ore th an m eeting with the road com m ittee of the Lane five years. T he law certainly does push punish­ County C ham ber of Com m erce last sum m er if m ent to extrem e limits. • • • the D unne bills did not carry. T urkish schools are sending hom e girls whose T his com m ittee and the county court should sk irts a re too sh o rt to have th e ir skirts len g th e n ­ now im press on the highw ay com m ission the im­ portance of sta rtin g w ork on these two roads at ed. If th is w ere done here, our girls’ schools W ILLAMETTE MILLS SHOW GAINS DURING PAST WEEK once. The people have w aited long and patientlv would be practically • em pty. • • until the tim e has come to act. Lets have both Nineteen mills, members of the Wil­ these highw ays finished next year. A pparently all th e men and women by th e nam e lam ette Valley Lum berm en’s associa­ of Sm ith did not vote for A1 Sm ith. It is ou r opinion th a t the first work should be tion, reporting for the past week’s done on the M apleton-C ushm an section of the activity, recorded a total of 15,394,319 coast road and from W alterville east on the Mc­ Our idea of enterprise is a surgeon advertising feet produced for th a t period. This Kenzie highway. While the road is to be changed a “rem oval” sale. m eans 85.7 per cent of the actual capa­ im m ediately e ast of Springfield this oiled high­ city of these mills. The figure would w ay is good for a n o th e r y ear and should be the have been even higher had one of the last to receive attention. The m ountainous sec­ larger mills not been shut down. tions of both roads should be improved to sta te The percentage of production in stan d ard s first if we are to get the m ost out of ratio to capacity for the p ast 26 th e vast sum s of m oney th a t h as been and is to weeks is 78 per cent, according to the be spent on them . report issued by H. J. Cox, executive • • • secretary of the organization. COAST AND McKENZIE roads n ex t A Miraculous Escape Pelham Manor, N. Y„ Nor. 15 (AC, Trapped ln a closed limousine on the floor of the Hudson River, J. T. McDonald miraculously rescued his wife and himself. The McDonalds drove their car to a ferryboat at FOR S A LS— Carbon paper ln large sheets, 2«x89 Inches, suitable (or making tracings. The News Offloe TOOK SODA 20 YEARS FOR GAS—STOPS NOW “For 20 years I took soda for indi­ gestion and stom ach gas. One bottle of A dlerika brought me complete re­ lief.”—J. B. Hardy. Adlerika relieves stom ach gas and sourness in TEN m inutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re­ moves old w aste m atter you never thought was in your system. L et Adl­ erika give your stom ach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much b etter you feel. It will surprise you- F lanery’s Drug Store. “ COMES ACROSS J” Clritt-kjiock^ THE MEW W IN T E R RED C R O W N G A SO LINE S T A N D A R D O IL COM PANY O f CALIFORNIA Why Inspection? T he O ptom itrist is, literally, an eye m easurer. B ut a re also skilled In Me­ chanical Optics, which e n ­ ables him to supervise the co nstruction of proper glas­ ses w hen required. We use B ausch and Lonib Lenses w hich give satisfac­ tion to us and our patients. Dr. Ella C. Meade O p to m etrist WATTS OPTICAL CO. Mo 14 • Ave. West Roger e, Oregon What’s Thanksgiving Day Without Candy? W onderful selections o f candy for T hanksgiving th a t will surprise you both by th e ir low prices and th eir excep­ tional quality. Every J)ite a delight. E verything from bon bons to “jaw b reak ers” and choco­ late cream s to lollipops. A big T hanksgiving D inner followed by som e of our candy will be a sw eet m em ory in d eed ! F G G IM A N N ’S A lw "W here the Service is Different” T here’s a “S ilv e r Gray" to Eugene every 30 minutes from 5th and E Sts. commencing 6:30 a.m. (Sun­ days 7:30 a.m.) and every 30 minutes thereafter until midnight throughout the day. Returning they leave the Southern Pacific sta­ tion Eugene every 30 minures between 6:00 a.m. and 11:50 p.m. (Sundays 7:00 a.m.) Fares 100 Tickets (scholars) . . . . 50 Tickets (commutation) . . One way fare . . . . . . . . $3.00 3.1c 0.14 Connections at Eugene Convenient connections are made by thebus with trains and motor coach to the north and south. Note these convenient stage schedules from Eugene. Portland via Corvallis and Albany—18:00. 9:35, f l 1:50 a.m.; 3:30. 4:30 p.m. XVia Harrisburg. Y 'Siher Gray Limited':' R o se b u rg — 1:55, 6:35 p.m. Marshfield via R o seburg— 1:55 p.m . A shland and San Francisco— 1:55 p.m. W herever you are going buy your ticket at Springfield—it will be honored on train or bus to Eugene. Southern P acifi C. OLSON, A i m Phone ,