Try the H om e P rin t Sh op F irst THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15. 1928 MANY STUDENTS Ï0 WRITE ON LUMBER MANY PEOPLE TAKE TO DISTANT D A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 45 s ^pTingrield Beats Red Cross Drive TOWNS Junction City 38-0 to Start Monday I - trips , armistice day “ T he People's Pap er" Love Authority MUCH STAIE ROAD - — A rm istice week-end proved to be | the stim ulus of many trips to and Local Squad Wins Fifth Straight Springfield to be Canvassed by | front Springfield. Several Springfield j Victory of Football Season; Local Women in Annual Four-L Contest on “ Why Lane j folks took advantage of the three-day j Play Brownsville Friday Campaign for Funds Work on McKenzie, Siuslaw and County Houses Should be vacation and visited friends in all ' Willamette Highways is Pro­ Active work on the Lane County Built of Wood,” Now Under Parts of the state while otherf> r«- Pushing the pigskin oval past the here to show out-of-town v isi-! Soal line six tim es, the Springfield j Red Cross drive will begin in Spring- gram for Next Summer as Re­ Way With Twenty-Five Cash mained tors w hat progress Springfield has high school football team captured an j field Monday, November 19, the date ! sult of Special Tax and Dunne Prizes. made and what it has to offer. , easy victory from the Junction City : having been changed from November Bills Failure. Several visitors attended the fo o t-' high school team, 38-0, before a record- J 12 for the benefit of local townspeople, stud en ts in tne bpnngneid scnoo.s | ba„ game between Springfieid high breaking Armistice Day crowd at Bra;- it was announced by Mrs. M. B. Hunt Construction of the coast highway e,,l gae*A " w yling ea*ays ° n i school and Junction City held Monday i tain field. Two of the tries for extra ly, who has general charge of the on the Siuslaw and completion of the W hy Lane County Houses Should be j alternoon „„ r > „ „ __— i . on o ra tt a in field. . points were made. Springfield drive ’. McKenzie highway will be carried on Built of Wood." as a result of 25 cash , M argaret Ha)sey Qf Walton 8pent < Fiye - | M. C laude A net, F rench noveli'st | this coming summ er as a result of the prizes being offered by the Loyal I the week.end at home Roll call will start Monday when ten ! pow in New York who is known - Legion ■ -----------------------------------------------. I one of the w orld’s authorities on voting of the »200,000 special tax ia of Loggers and Lumbermen. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Peterson enjoyed | g a ^ r X ^ s ^ h e i n ^ c o l c t e d ^ v ' i ’ T Ì T * SPr," gfle’d WOme” The essay contest is being conducted the holIdays at Rockaway and other Le()nard b h b g h • , with Mrs. Huntly will canvass this dis- j Jove, has received invitations from Lane county, the highway commission lany cities to hold “love clinics” told the county court at the meeting as part of the 4-L wood promotion T11Iamook beache8. .j “ ' Grove , accordin« t0 sections. The cam- here the all-absorbing topic will held last Tuesday in Portland. Sur. campaign. and the local order has Mr and Mrs G A March vjglted * heavier te^m is the ’ ? ‘8 annUa’ d r‘Ve >c discussed from every angle. veylng was also ordered on the Wil­ the co-operation of the Booth-Kellv , c ia ,.kam as m n n t v n v » r th » i r m i , , ,g ' am is the for botb tbe n at)onai and county R ed' - m Clackamas county over the Armis- only squad th a t has been able to take : Crosg a88ociations I lam ette highway from the present con­ Lumber company In providing t h e , tIce week-end. Mr. Marcb.g father ^ S p r tn g f ie W ™ ™ ™ SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY structed 11 miles to Oakridge which prizes. 1 was ill a t the time. The campaign leaders have issued ; RECEIVES SHIPMENT OF I score of 18-0. will be constructed next summer. A grand prize of $3 and four cash I Mr. and Mrs. W illard G illette and ' statem ents to the effect th at from i No mention was made at the com­ foot- prizes $3 io to ouc 50c are are b o - Mr an(, Mrg George WilHams motor- . Marked p riz e s ranging r a n g in g from rroui »a „ wao superiority ,T . and “ “ sm , art , u, 140 WATERPROOF BOOKS every m em bership which costs one m ission's m eeting concerning the ing offered in each of the six divisions | ed lagt week.end to Kenyonville ? Y d,8play®d by ,t be ‘°.ca hign to Kenyonville gchool men ag they h e,d th e‘ vigitorg ; do” ar. fifty cents is turned over to A shipm ent of 140 new water-proof b Prin Kfie> ,t ,8 sta te d . th ree ; seventh grade, divsion four; returning to Springfield Monday F irst National bank was formerly tbe con>m*8sion will follow out its fifth A and sixth grades, division five; ing, the light Junction City line. , I Mrs. M. B. Huntly. who is vice- „itllatpd agreem ents for the immediate work on fourth and fifth B, division six. Grades in English composition are Cross association, went to Eugene varloo8 other cIasses of literatu re are ways wltho»t further delay. On the also being given by the schools and a A. Taylor, who left Sunday. !a»d Palm er, T hayer McMurray, and to attend a meetlng of th(f represented in the shipment, accord- i ®‘U8,aw from Mapleton to Cushman large num ber of essays Ts expected Miss Clara W agner spent the week , ire e m a n Squires carrying the ball for , La t k Last Thursday ing to Miss Mary Roberts, librarian, Ian agreem ent is necessary with the to result. G reat in terest is Beil'S end at h er home in Corvallis. consistent gains while E verett Squires : tbe |oca, committee n r a n d M ra <5 P a in h n in n a i b a rk e d s ig n a ls th a t keDt th p v i s i t o r s 1— ------- ----- WaS present at J who cannot find words appropriate Soutllerd Pacific railroad In regard to taken in the contest reports Roy Carl­ Dr. and Mrs. S. Ralph Dippel of Parked signals that kept the visitors the Red Cross luncheon be]d at the ! enough to expre88 her proP dneP88 o f ' right of way and the moving of the ton. Loyal Legion chairm an, who has pa iem>«canle from Bandon to stay in confused throughout the tilt. ’ ” I tracks In places. This section is s made talks before some of the grades SprtngfleId last week.end as guests ‘ A stonewall line aided the backfield Osburn hotel in Eugene. Plans for the the new books. the drive were outlined by the . cam- Tbe new reading 8pecimens which blg Job of heavy construction and w 11 and also furnished much literature on of Mr. and Mrs. H arry W hitney, be- men in th eir charges. End positions paign leaders. the use of \Food. were tested successfully by Miss cost around one milion dollars. The fore going to their home. ! were well taken care of by Coy Leath- Members of the local wood promo-1 Mr and Mrg Ray Ca8teel Qf P o rt. ers and Donald Bettis who failed to let I. . Downtown V " “ -,;," " as well ...... . as . u residential e .n g w , dis- Roberts as being waterproof will be bureau of public roads is cooperating state and county and have non com mittee are Mr. Carlton, W P. Un(i spen, gunday flt the home the Junction city backs ga(n grouI1(, 'l tr irts wiU he canvassed by the local placed on the shelves next week. The with the uthoarized tn np Tyson, Clayton Barber. Lawrence May. Mr CaBteeV8 brother> Merle Mrs. 1 through their territory. Prances Deeds 2 aCCOrdlng 10 Hu" tly' shipm ent cam e from the H artberg . “ m “ d c o n s tn , H - - - and - Carl - - Lewis. _ . ‘“ “ ce» ce eu s wj,o sees no reason why Springfield bindery in Des Moines, Iowa. I m e proposed construction. Theron Cogill I Casteel was form erly Miss Christy and Gerald Morrison worked well at should not go over the top this year. | A total of $7.31 was realized from i Next sum m er will likely see the : Anderson. tackle posts as they opened up holes Springfield women who have been tbe silver tea held at the opening of ^reate st activity in sta te road build- MEN SERVE WOMEN AT | W allac Halsey returned to Portland for the Springfield offensive. Stellar placed on the local Red Crass drive • the library last Saturday afternoon, ing in Lane county for a number i SUNDAY SCHOOL FEED Sunday after spending a few days in tackling featured thè playing of the In the receiving line for the dedica years, with construction going on ia com mittee are: --------- Springfield. ¡guards, Gaylord Morse, Keith Kendall, tlon were Mrs. N. W. Emery, chairm an al le*at three traces. Some Roosev- It Mrs. William W right, Mrs. Larson Dressed in kitchen aprons, mem- Mr. and Mrs. Will Patton of Cottage J and Lawrence Roof. Big Reid Hemen- of the library board; Mrs. Fred Hin-1 highway construction near Florence bers of the Loyal Men’s class of the Grove spent Sunday at the home of . way formed the nutshell of the stone- ! W right, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. C. E. son, Mrs. Vina McClain, Mrs. L. K. “ lay also be done t *’e <'«mlng sum m er Sunday school of the Springfield Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Rouse. j wall with his good work as center. | Kenyon, Mrs C. Deeds. Mrs. Bernice Page, and Mrs. C. H. Blom. , Now th a t ,he n >>nne bills have been C hristian church entertained the wo- < Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lemley of Port- Substitutes for the local squad Van Valzah’ M rs- M- Male, Mrs. C. O. men of the two Sunday school d o sse s land, spent the week-end at the home showed up weU against th e ' visiUng ! ^ " . 8nn' ? IrR Frank ^ sh er' M''3' ^ g h t T l r e ^ X ^ r t h e 0 n e w ^ ir a r v « I n l a i w a r a f T f u t u ^ c o n " at a special dinner given Friday even- of his mother, Mrs. Vina McClain. plgskin Iads. Those who broke Jn t0 |W « mm Doqaldson, and Mrs. Huntly. * i «tructlon which was held uu the was held up the past ing at the church. | Mr. and Mrs. I. V aderrick of Vor- (th e fray are: Paul Potter, E u g en e1 ------------------------------ although there Is a r r o w in g year, on account of the outlook for : lack of shelf snace for the books The dinner which was served in two vallis were guests over the holidays Walker, Claire Thurm an, Jess Sumner ' SUNDAY PROGRAMS FOR Library hours win remain as before. funds. ________________ t u . j courses known as the toothpick and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trinka. and Quenton Thurm an. BAPTIST CHURCH LISTED nam ely—Monday, Wednesday and S at­ w ater courses, was was given by the Mr. and Mrs. M artin Endicott of Despite the fact th a t they could urday from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 in MRS. BROWN'S FUNERAL men as a forfeit for a contest held , Roseburg were in Springfield Monday ! ’ W hat the practice of Stew ardship t he evening ,, , . , , t 1 , ... , make yardage only once, the boys W ILL BE HELD FRIDAY some tim e ago in which the women , visiting friends. 1 from Junction City displayed v plenty woulrt mean to the world," is the sub- ____ w ere the victors. | Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male and Mr. of fight till the w histle blew. Victor Ject of an address to be dtlvered by NEW CITY OFFICERS W ILL Funeral sarvices will be held Friday Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor of the , and Mrs. Ivan Male motored to Port- Wetzel, form er sta r on the University Rev. C. H. Blom, Baptist pastor at the afternoon a t 2 P. M. for Mrs. Elsie L, church, spoke before the class m em -, land Saturday to spend the week-end TAKE CHAIRS JANUARY 1 Brown, aged 24. of Dexter, who passed of Oregon football team, refereed the meeting of the B. Y. P. U. a t the hers. W. A. Taylor, president of the visiting Miss Grace Male. They also match and Joe Nelson of Junction City B aptist church Sunday evening at New city officers will not take their ' ? Wa~ B* tbe 1 n< ,dc *lri8t*an hospital class, presided. attended the Pacific International 6:30. I. Carlton will lead the group acted as head linesman. official chairs until the first of next -»Kene at 12.26 p. m. Tuesday, Selections were sung by the male Livestock hsow. The topic for the Sunday worship year W ith a 21-0. victory already on list | November 13. Services will he held a t q u artet consisting of: Lawrence Sun against Brownsville, the Springfield at I t a. m. will be "Increasing Our ler. musical director; Lawrence Mof- CIVIC CLUB WOMEN C. O. Wilson, mayor-elect, W. A. the P leasant Hill church with inter- I team is getting prepared for a return Faith.” Bible school will begin a t 10 Taylor, H. J. Cox and W C McLacan ment at the p,ea8ant Hili cem etery, flt, Dallas Murphy, and John Robert­ ENTERTAIN HUSBANDS i game with the Brownsville eleven on a. m. be sworn in pro­ pro-’ - W A E ,k,na' Cbrlatlan mi" i8tet, son. D. J. Beals, playing the trom ­ councllmen elect, will be sworn in the field of the la tte r school Friday Rev. Bloom will speak on "A G reat bably on the last day of this year and I c° nduct tho ceremony bone, and Glenn Radabaugh, playing Civic club members were hostesses afternoon. Discovery” at the song and gospel will become active directors of the I , Mr8' Brown’ who wa8 to have cele> th e saxaphone, gave a duet. to th eir husbands a t a potluck supper Call for a light practice Tuesday service a t 7:30 p. m. city governmertt on January 1, 1929 i ,ra,e her twenty-lfth birthday on Readings were given by Teddy Car- Tuesday evening. After the supper a afternoon indicated th a t no serious in- The city ch arter provides for no ' November 18. is survived hy her hus- Special selections will be given bv ruthers, Elmer P arrish and Mrs. Ora business m eeting was held and a pro. Jurleg resu ited from the A rm istierd ay band, Frank Brown, and three sm all Read Hemenway. gram presented. The com m ittee on battle and th a t the Then are in the the choir a t both services. P rayer i formal Inauguration, children: Byron, Earl, and Frank stree t signs reported th a t prices were best of condition for the Brownsville service will be neld tonight at 7:30. j J. M. Peterson and Wm. G. Hughes, Robert Brown. She Is also survived Dexter will hold services at 3:30 Sun-j re-elected as city recorder and city NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN being gotten on the different kinds of fray. .treasu rer, will’ also' U ke"'the"‘™ th of by he,r m o,ber' Mrs' Edgar Davls ot day afternoon. FOR PINE CIRCLE NO. 4G signs. office at the beginning of their new -aurt , Oregon, A travelogue was given by members term . Mrs. Sam Richmond was elected who had taken trips. Mrs. W. C. Mc- guardian of Pine Circle No. 45, Neigh­ Lagan told of an automobile trip to the bors of W oodcraft at a m eeting of the Middle W est this sum m er; Mrs. L. K. lodge held W ednesday evening at the Page described the Standford univer­ sity grounds and Mrs. Ora Read Hem- W. O. W. hall. O ther officers elected at the meeting enw ay told of a trip through San are: Mrs. C. F. Eggimann, past guard­ Francisco Chinatown before the eartn- ian neighbor; Mrs. Elm er Findley, ad- quake. A cooked food sale will be held next visior; Mrs. Marion Adams, Clerk; Mrs. Kenneth Chase, banker; Mrs. Saturday at Ketels drug store to raise Dallas Murphy, a tte n d a n t; Mrs. W. A. money for the stree t signs. Any wo­ Taylor, magician; Mrk. W ilbur Lloyd, men interested are Invited to bring in captain of the guards; Mrs. W a y n . food for sale w hether they are mem­ Clover, flag-bearer; Mrs. William Carr, bers of the club or not. inside sentinel; Mrs. Larralne W right, outside sentinel; Miss Doris Garard, REV. PIKE ANNOUNCES m usician; Mrs. H. E. Maxey, press TOPICES FOR SERVICES correspondent; and the following m anagers: Mrs. O. F. Kizer, Mrs. B ert The M ethodist Junior church will Doane, nad Mrs. Nina M cPherson. hold m orning worship a t the church A bouquet of flowers was presented Sunday at 11 a. m. when Rev. C. J. to the women by mem bers of the Pike, pastor of the church, will preach Woodmen of the World in apprecia­ on “Our G reat Question.” Sunday tion of the work done by the ladles school will begin at 9:45 in the morn­ to purchase and have Installed the ing. new radlola heater in the hall. The Epw orth League will m eet at The new officers will be Installed at 6:30 In the evening. “The Incessant ■the first m eeting in January. Seeker” is the topic selected by the pastor for the evening worship whicn will begin a t 7:30. CLOVER JEAN COX HAS FIFTH BIRTHDAY PARTY L ittle Clover Jean Cox celebrated her fifth birthday Wednesday, Novem­ ber 14th, with a party at her home on A street. Games were played during the afternoon, after w-hich delicious refreshm ent« were served The little hostess received many rem em brances of the day. Those present at the party were: Bobby Rebhan. Dorothy Flanery, Lnev Marie Lovelass, Betty Virginia Sher­ man, Evelyn Stevens, Billy Davis, Maxine Valller, Donald Cook. Bobby Pollard. Betty Lou Tomseth, Echo June Bailey, and Bruce Norton Maxey. LOCAL AUXILIARY OF G. A. R. MAY DISBAND Funeral services were held Wednes day m orning for Mm. Alice Griffin, Plans are now being made for the „„ „„ . ... , ,. ji a <„ Iuka circle of , th e . Ladies Auxiliary of . aKn 63 years, who died Monday night . n a n . , .. , . | at her home on Camp Creek road. the G. A. R. to give up their ch arter Services were held a t the W alk er and have its mem bers transferred to ; Poole chapel and presided over by other chapters, it became known last Rev. S. E. Childers of the Christian i Friday evening when two outside of- i church. Interm ent was a t Laurel 1 fleers of the organization visited Hill cemetery. Springfield. Mrs. Girffln, an old-time resident of The officers who were here as the [ j Lane county, who was born on April ! guests a t the homes of Mrs. C. F. Eggi­ . 17, 1865, Is survived by her husband, mann, past president, and Mrs. Bert T, _ ,. , , , , John Griffin, and three sons and Doane, president of the Iuka circle, ’ . . . . . .. ,, ,, . , 1» daughter by form er marriage*, are: Mrs. R iseneller Keller, depart- ... . . . . , u . j H erbert Hearn, Camp Creek; E lbert m ent president, and Mrs. Laura Van Hearn, Glendale, California; Cheated Valkenburg, inspector from Portland Hearn. Timber, Oregon; Mrs. Stevg (¡handler, Touchet, W ashington; and SERMON AND MUSIC ON one sister, Mrs. E tta Eaton of Tacoma, CHRISTIAN PROGRAMS Washington. LIONS TO TAKE SCOUTS TO U. 0. SWIMMING POOL T ransportation for the Boys Scout* each week to the swimming pool at ! the U niversity of Oregon will again be arranged by the Springfield Lions i club. It was decided at a m eeting of the group held last Friday. Rev. C. J. Pike of the Methodist : church, told the club members of his j trip to Canada and also of the Canad­ ian prohibition system. Two num bers were rendered by the girls' sextette from the high, school glee club. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. ALICE GRIFFIN Our Greatest Mother + J O IN ! + Sermon and music will feature tho P. T. A. TO MEET FRIDAY program s for Sunday services nt the AT BRATTAIN SCHOOL C hristian church which will convene a t tbe usual hours. Reports of the delegates to the re­ In the morning, Rev. ». E. Childers gional convention of the Parent-teach­ I I will preach on “v h rlst and the ers assocltalon a t Roseburg recently I I Miracle.” The choir will sing "To will he held a t a meeting of the Alone,” by Loren«. Springfield Parent-Teachers assort»- “The Old T estam ent—Anam ias” is t!on to bp h#Id at the Brattaln school the topic selected by the pastor for ( building Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, his sermon in the evening. Lawrence j Mr„ Elizabeth G. Page and Mrg. Sunkler, musical director .o f the P ratt Holverson, president of the local church, will render a solo entitled, I organization, will present reports. "The Name of Jesus," by Lorenz. J T eachers of the first and second I grades will serve refreshm ents. Baptist Church Social Friday A supper at 6:30 will open the church social to be given at the Bap­ tist church Friday evening The Men's Bible class will serve the dinner which will be followed by a program of en­ tertainm ent. All members of the church are cordially invited. Fenders Broken in Collision Two cars received broken fenderà Sunday afternoon about 6 o’cincK when a ear belonging to H orae* Jones of Junction City collided w ith another automobile while crossing the Springfield bridge.