I PAGE EIGH1 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Miss M arion Voorhies, d au g h ter of Colonel Gordon Voorhies, Medford orchard!»!, receiv ed ’six p riceless bulbs of th e new yellow tu lip s which b ear h er nam e as a g ift from th e De G raaf Bulb com pany of H olland. HIGH SCHOOL HEWS •a d d re ss, and th e re w ere o th e r num ­ bers by th e pupils. In the a ftern o o n th e pupils ce le b ra te d H allow e'en by I h aving a p a rty in each of th e room s. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1928 Sunday Topics Given T he p asto r will preach on th e subject, “C h rist Otfr L ife." Mrs. R ebhan and Topics upon w hich Rev. S. E C hild­ Miss W hitney w in sing a duet. Ep­ w orth L eague a t 6:30. Mrs. N orton of ers. pustor of the Springfield C h ristian Eugene, w ho is a re tu rn e d m issionary church, will speak Sunday w ere a n ­ from K orea, will ad d ress the league. nounced this m orning. A t the m orning E vening w orship a t 7:30 led by the I service a t 11 o’clock his su b je c t Is: p a sto r p reach in g on th e su b ject: “ The “C hrist Among th e W ild B e a sts.” H e a rt R evolution." P aul P o tte r will Law rence S unkler will song the solo, “T he Lost C hord” a t th is service. A t rin g a solo. the evening m eeting, the p a sto r will CALL AND SE E Dr. N. W. E m ery speak on "Issues of the C om ing E lec­ on p rices on p lates and o th e r work, tf tion." Hi-Y Club Meets PE R SO N A L S T he Hl-Y club m et a t the hign P rin c ip a l E vents of the W eek E lm er L. S hirrell, dean of men and M ary A nn L ouk, a s tu d e n t of Spring- u esd ay evening evening for for Its its asso ciate professor of political science. school scnoo‘ last last T Tue8day Assem bled fo r In fo rm a tio n has resigned his position with th e Uni- re g u lar w eekly m eeting. A fter som e field H igh, w as bro u g n t hom e tiu>u v erslty of Oregon to e n te r business In dl8CU88ion 11 " a * ™ ted a “ end a th e h o sp ital S unday w here she u n d e r­ of O ur R e a d ers . C alifornia. It was announced recen tly c,aU8e 4n lh e co n atitu tlo n Providing w ent a m a jo r operation. It Is hoped for a u nanim ous vote fo r new m em ­ th a t she w ill soon be ab le to re tu rn from th e p resid en t's office. Road expenses In Coos county for bers, so th a t a tw o-thirds vote will to school. F iv e and one-half tons of Boston S eptem ber am ounted to $86,183.75. in W illiam G erlach, senior, re tu rn e d to be req u ired in stead . T he am ending M arrow squash w as produced on up­ A ugust $101,046 37 was spent. will be done a t a la te r m eeting. It ! school, M onday, a fte r an ab sen ce of land th is season by Royal H ibbs n ear w as also voted to issue application tw o w eeks w hen th e scarlet-fev er The regional convention of the Ore­ D ayton. Ten dollars a ton was re­ gon S tate P arent-T eacher association ceived for them . Mr. H ibbs plans to b lan k s to som e proposed new m em ­ confined him to his hom e H e ap p ears w as held in R oseburg recently. b ers who will be voted upon a t a la te r to like school as well as he did before p lan t 10 acres next season. HAVE YOUR BRAKES TESTED AND ADJUSTED m eetin g w hen th e H a n k s hav e b e en ! i the enforced vacation. T he steam er Memnon has reached F ran k E. H odgekins, 82, early Ore- out and returned Reed H em enw ay, c e n te r on th e foot­ A storia from Alaska carrying 45,627 gon resid en t, Identified during the 30 _______________ ball squad, h as had an a tta c k of ap­ es les of canned salmon valued at $379,- y ears betw een 1870 and 1900 with p endicitis and was not in th e gam e S en io r W inner »25. m any Oregon new spapers and public many ay . We all hope th a t he i will be I ¡F F rid riday. A“ ‘ f d DDer p a rty a t ' h 8 able to plav in the next gam e About 150 Rebekahs from lodges of offices, died In a P o rtlan d hospital, victim of of a a stroke stro k e of of paralysis. paralysis ch am b er of com m erce w as an event _____________ 6 For Safe, Reliable Brakes th e county gathered In F reew a.er for victim B e a r, have been killing sheep in a ° f ' a8t ,T h d r8 d a>'i 11 * a8 lh e a d d a a > th e 21st annual Rebekah convention Freshmen Class Party a n d o f » h n n f so o f , h . la s t week. band of about 60 of th e R osa Dahl p arty ° f th e 8enlor c la s s- A1‘ th e .r H allow e'en p a rty as given a t ine the _ p ro v erb al d ig n ity was le ft behind for — <-j w "<»» The assessed value of th e real prop­ flocks a t Wild c a t m ountain, n e a r th ey used thg co,ored b a „ th a t gym nasium la s t S atu rd ay n ig h t by the PREM BRO OK E & MORITZ, INC? h erd ent out ____ ______ _ a t . irre . g u . la r len g th s Proshmon _____ nhh (hd ers e rh w * eDt ° Ut ___ w ere suspend©«1 fr e s h m e n class. T hey played gam es a rty in W asco county, as revealed by b T^T v v I i V a ilD th tie the 1928 tax roll, Is $15,396,430, n early Eugene, Oregon $2,000,000 less than in 1927. J v and played all so rt of decidedly “un-1 ' ----------- or as een sta rte d by G uthrla se n io rish " p ra n k s upon one a n o th er. I T he Junior E nglish class is publish The Salem high school ath letic field w as dedicated last S aturday with a 8 n . o . DfQV actory to T h e h all w as b eau tifully d eco rated in S a snappy, little p ap er once every wUches jack tw o w eeks Tb(? g tu d en ts nQt on]’, football gam e betw een th e Salem and operated by the St. H elens Pulp & Pa- with black A lbany high schools and o th er events. e c m pany. w require about ern 8 , and ot b e r H allow e'en em blem s h a v e the tu n and p ractice of publish ‘h e« four m onths to com plete th e an(J th e d in n e r wag th — -------------- - from - ing, but also m ake fo u r to five The F irst P resb y terian church of building and install the m ach nery. ,, . 6 J J ’ ed by everyone p resen t. d o llars on ev ery issue, for th e school O regon City celebrated its 40th anni­ The Douglas C ounty Co-operative —___________________ fund. v e rsa ry Sunday and Monday. S everal ex-pastors took p art In the program s. T u rk ey G row ers’ association has is­ League M eets sued a call for bids on the first ship­ The low notes that have been T he G irls L eague of Springfield PHEASANTS NOT TAME, IS A num ber of Hood R iver men, en­ m ent of turkeys from th a t county un­ th u sia sts in boating on the Columbia, d er th e new ly formed organization. H igh held a m eetin g T h u rsd ay a fte r slighted, the high tones that have DISCOVERY OF HUNTERS will m ake an effort to have an out­ About 6000 birds will be included in noon O ctober 25, 1928, a t w nich im ­ been lost, are heard through this p o rta n t bu sin ess w as d iscu ssed . F ol­ board reg atta in th a t city next sum ­ the firs t pool. P h e a sa n t h u n te rs who expected this speaker, rounded, clear and start­ m er. ^ h e r ^ w e r e five fa taiit.es In O regon low ing th e b u sin ess m eeting a sh o rt t ^ e T l d ^ " ^ r ^ l l t ^ X lingly life like. An estim ate of the cost of conduct­ week ending October' l^ 'a c c o r d if g to d u et by F ran cis and L ena ! com m ission "p lan tin g " C hinas w ere ing th e schools of Tillam ook city d u r­ WM. RODENBOUGH & H allow e en re c ita tio n disappointed, acco rd in g to Ben D orris, ing 1929 h as been placed a t $140,000, a rep o rt prepared by the sta te Indus- K6— Koiiter magnet­ GARAGE T her0 by F aye P a ™ - m em ber of th e s ta te com m ission, an Increase of $3032.71 over the cost trial accident comm ission. ic type cone repro­ Phone 95 for to r 1928. were 861 accidents rep o rted to th e “ , __ . I, A C h'" a P ^ 38“ ^ n e v er becom es ducer— $35.00. Demonstration com m ission during the week G lrl* Mu8‘ W alk ! ' am e and h u n te rs found th is y e a r ‘hat Edw ard V andecoeverlng, 3-year-old . ,, . G irls h av in g classes th e fo u rth anti birds w hich had been p lan ted w ere •on of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Vande­ i r w a « i p i i' 7 6 3n i * 8 8C oo1 eig h th periods a re req u ired to w alk ’u st as wild as a n >’ o th ers. A lthough coeverlng, F o rest Grove, died from fair w as held range sJx m j |es a w ee|t t0 m ake up th e ir tb e re w ere m any birds killed d u ring le t a a t Main . am R iv iver er G range burns suffered while playing with hall in Cushm an last week, a t which gym nasium . S3 far th e girls have th e season th e y proved m ore w ary m atches. all th e schools of the vicinity w ere given no stre n u o u s ex ercises in gym : th a n u su a L Mr. D orris w as told. F arm ers of C lackam as county have well rep resen ted . Sheep, calf, poultry, ordered from the sta te lim e plant two cooking and sew ing clubs p u t on th e b u t In th e ftu tu re m any v a rie tie s jf carloads of lime to be delivered at exhibits and won num erous p ractical m ore defficult ex ercises w ill be given. Su pp orts G. O . P . Oregon City and Clackam as in the prizes. Prizes Offered n e a r future. R. A. M erchant, n e a r C arlton, had P rizes have been offered to the d if­ T he endow m ent of Linfield college been In the hospital for sev eral w eeks a t McMinnville is now m ore than $1,- and was unable to tak e care of his fe re n t school fo r th e b e st essay on “W hy L ane C ounty H om es Should 000,000, approxim ately $810,000 m ore farm work. N eighbors with 13 tracto rs th an in 1906, when Dr. L. W. Riley and four four-horse team s plowed, be B uilt of W ood," by th e 4-L division of th e B ooth-K elly mill. w as made president. harrow ed and seeded 60 acres In one Edw ard H. Raines last week signed day. Mr. M erchant is the son of a Playa Scheduled for S. H. S. checks for n early $1,000,000 to pay off pioneer of ’47. T h re e one-act plays w ill be put on th e creditors of F red H errick and clear Ground w as broken In M adras for title to the H errick properties In G rant the erection of a fireproof building, by th e Springfield high school on Nov­ and H arney counties. 50 by 60 feet In dim ensions, for th e em b er n in th in th e school auditorium . Robbers broke in the front door of C h estn u t M otor company. The new T ry o u ts have been held and the casts th e John E. Schaut pool hall on Main stru c tu re will be built of hollow tile, chosen. T he p rin cip als of "L et T h ere REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR S treet in W allowa and carried off a with a full cem ent floor, and will con­ be L ig h t" a re A udrey Moskop, John •00-pound safe containing $250 cash tain sto re room s and m achine shop, L ynch, L ucille R ichm ond, and Mina P e te rso n ; of “Red C a rn atio n s" a re and valuable papers. as well as display rooms. N dlne M cM urray, E v e re tt S quires, T he P ort of Coos Bay budget for The old wood bridge acro ss Lake and F reem an S q u ires; and of th e Economical administration. Strict enforcement of all laws creek, on the L ittle B utte m ark et road, a e x t year has been set at $119,246, an th ird "W ho's a C ow ard” will be R uth W ithout Fear or Favor which h as served the old wagon and in crease of but $667 over th e past B ettis, L av ern e L aw son and Lloyd year. The revenue from th e port dock m odern highw ay for the past 38 years, M attison. Is estim ated at $15,151. 59 has been replaced by a m odern stru c­ EARL E. LUCKEY, Republican ture. Due to its n arrow ness and weak E dgar McDaniel, editor of the Coos Ju n io r P a rty to be Held Born May 16, 1888, in Lane County." Bay H arbor, has agreed to fill the va­ conditions for several y ears It has be­ On F riday, N ovem ber 2, tjje Ju n io r cancy on the municipal ballot caused come a m enace to the traveling public. Resided continuously in Lane County. C lass of S pringfield H igh will hold a A survey of the Oregon tu rk ey crop by the w ithdraw al of Dr. Phil Gelzer H allow e'en paTty to w hich all th e Twelve years’ experience in Sheriff’s office, having ser­ • s a candidate for mayor. m ade by th e Oregon A gricultural col­ football m en and th e facu lty m em bers ved as deputy under two Democrat and Republican Sheriffs. Double-deck autos have been going lege Indicates a general In crease of a re Invited. A t six forty-five a about 40 per cent over last year, o r through Canyon City all fall en route about Head of tax collecting department three years 260.000 birds. R eports Indicate uh ‘Cken " " “ r be 8erVed the to the railroad In Bear valley. They Senator Peter Norbeck, of South | Familiar with the work and duties of all departments of the )h . ... i. , , b asem en t of th e H ieh school building Dakota, has announced his support of 1 have been loaded with sheep and have or the ™ ,„ k 7 7 18V: able and la te r 'h e will continue In the office. for the T hanksgiving m arket. 35 per K ymna8ium. Herbert Hoover for the presidency. | deliver« d 35 cars to the railroad. He is one of the most influential J cent for C hristm as and 15 p er c e n t ________________ If elected I pledge an economical administration of the T he budget com m ittee of the Leb- leader» of the Progressive-Farm bloc 1 later. office, prompt and efficient service at all times, ancLcour- ano i school d istrict has fixed $42,745 Sophomore Party In the Senate and his influence | teous treatm ent of all persons having business with any de­ The Allcel-Cove m ark et road com- as the amount needed to run the T h e Sophom ore class held a H allo w -1 among the farmers in his own and in | partment of the office. Bchools in 1929. Of this am ount $22,- pleted by th e county recently, m ark s e e n p arty la st F rid ay . O ctober 2 6 .1 neighboring states la recognized by I on event iivniit of g reat i... __ . . to the an im portance 714 is to he raised by d istrict tax. E v ery o n e forgot h is stu d ies and en j his fellow members in the upper (Paid advertisement by Earl E. Euckey) whole com m unity of the town of Cove, Joyed th e p arty . G am es w ere play­ house. A report Just completed by Supervl- as it concludes th e last of the four ed, fo rtu n es told, a n d - t h e stu d e n ts •o r Froiam e shows th at 92,000 persons Methodist Services Listed visited the D eschutes national forest roads connecting w ith Alice! and the told g h o st sto ries, w hich were the S ervices for S u n d ay a t th e M ethod low er Cove grain ranches. Union and during tho past season, an increase of m ain ev en ts of th e evening. 1st ch u rch w ere cnnounced by the Union Junction, Island City and La m ore than 20,000 over the 1927 record. p asto r. Rev. C. J. Pike, today a s fol Grande. Brattain School P rotracted dry w eather In July and low s: S unday school a t 9:45. Supt A p arty of arch ers consisting of L a st F rid ay m orn in g a t the re g u la r H. L. G illette an n o u n ces th e organiza A ugust so badly Injured the potato E arl Ullrich and W ard Cumm ings of 9 clock assem b ly , the pupils of t h e , tion ______. crop that a yield of only 5.200.000 of ______v„ a new class to ta k e c are of bushels Is expected this year, us com- R oseburg and B. G. Thompson of Cor­ B ra tta in school held a program as a th e younger m arried m en of the church vallis re tu rn e d from th e n orth limp- " 7 ' m em orial to F ra n c is W illard. Rev. | and com m unity. J u n io r church a t 11 pared with 6,240,000 bushels last year. nu» di.ti-ict . o h >h °f " gaV>‘ ■■ ‘ l8clt' M° ,n i " * A total of 2,598,480 rainbow and lynx ca, which they had k T e d ' l»"!he e a stern hrook trout, hatched out In Big C am as section and which wer» th e K lam ath hatchery, have been dis­ the ones th at had been preying on the tributed this year In the stream s of gnats nf 11. A. Best, a h o m esteader In K b m ath. Lake, Douglas and Jackson th a t section. But one shot was re­ con ties. quired to kill each anim al. W hile there are large beds of m us­ L ightning fires In th e national for­ sels or fresh w ater clam s In Rogue ests of Oregon and W ashington show river, th ere are hut few Gold Hill peo­ a decrease of n early 100 per cent for ple who are aw are of th eir existence I wish to solicit the support of my Republican friends the 1928 forest-fire season as com­ “ w here savings a re g r e a te s t” and supply th eir tables with these de­ pared with 1927, according to a rep o rt 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. for the office of Coroner. At the primaries I was se­ licious shell fish. Issued by th e forest service headquar­ The Benton county assessm ent roll te rs In P o rtlan d . T his y ear 1337 for­ lected as the Republican candidate. My Democratic for 1928 was completed last Monday est fires w ere sta rte d in 22 national opponent seeks to masquerade as an Independent. and forw arded to the state tax com­ fo rests In th e tw o states, and of these m ission. The completed roll shows a 678 were caused by lightning and 759 to tal value of taxable property, ex­ were m an-caused. Figures for 192 7 clusive of tho report of th e corpora­ a re : From lightning, 1111; man caused I feel that I am entitled to the support of all Repub tion assessm ents, of $12,852,605. 421, to tal 1532. ’ IF««/ is the most important machine in this fae* Moro than 100.000 pounds o f red tory?" a h e m lje re j visitor asked the superintendent, Sw eet H om e’» new electric lights licans and that I am deserving of re-election, My and alslke clover seed has been signed will be turned on loon, according to ' J he one that isn't working right" he prom ptly replied, np for a pool In which farm ers of those in ch arg e of th e installation. record in office is my warrant and I ask the most care B e too feci that the most important happening in Crook and Iieschules counties are C onsiderable land has been purchased our store is the time when we failed to please you. fill scrutiny of my work both as to being well done Joining. Clover seed Is quoted at along th e highw ay, th e C hristian Perhaps it was only some tiny detail—some trifle that $27.35 per 100 pounds and alslke at church moved and several house* re- and as to saving the county money. marred your absolute- satisfaction with our service, $28 65. •htngled. H hatever it »as, we really hope you will tell us the R eappointm ent o f Clyde Altchlson Roy H erndon of F reew ater h as been next time. The things that go wrong are the most im* as m em ber of the In terstate comm erce nam ed chairm an for the 1928 home­ portent part of the day’s work in our eyes. com m ission on th e expiration of his coming celebration to be held on the p re s e n t term , D ecem ber 31, Is urged university cam pus N ovem ber 23 and by th e O regon public serv ice commls 84, it Is announced by Joe McKeown, •to n in le tte rs se n t P re sid e n t Cool­ M arshfield, p resid en t of the AseociaU idge. •d Student*. (Paid Advertisement by W. W. Branstetter) ELECTRICALLY E u g e n e B ra k e H e a d q u a r te r s N o m a tte r w h at set you hav e—this new K O L S T E R S P E A K E R w ill bring out new tone values. EARL LUCKEY S h e r iff o f L a n e C o u n ty BRANSTETTER FOR CORONER T h e M o st Im p o r ta n t T h in g in O u r S to r e W . W . B r a n ste tte r