The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 01, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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Back from V isit— Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. K ilb reath of W estfir have re tu rn e d
I*ubll(h«d Every Thursday at
F E E L S Y E A R S Y O U N G E R from a four-m onths’ tr ip to the east.
has been handicapped in his cam paign for th e o f - 1
SprlncOeid, Lana County, Oregon, by
T hey visited w ith Mr. K ilb reath 's
fice by forces over which he has no control. The I "N ow I e a t even sa u e rk ra u t and
' sheriff’s office has been the ta rg e t for criticism sau sag e and feel fine. A dierlka ended
H, E. M A X E Y . Editor.
| when the irregularities have really been in the sto m ach gas and i feel io y ears young-
L aw breakers and op- e r ”— Mrs. m . Davis.
E n tere d as second class m a tte r, F e b ru a ry 24, 1903 a t the district a tto rn e y ’s office.
1 ponents of Mr. Luckey have tried their best to i Just one spoonful A dierlka relieves
postofflce, Springfield, O regon
------ ,■ use the unpleasant happenings in the D istrict at- s a s and th a t bloated feeling so th at
■ to m e y ’s office to defeat him. T he grand jury in- you can eat and sleep well. A cts ou
One y ear In A dvance..........>1.75 T h re e M onths _.. —75c ! vestigation left them w ithout a leg to stand on BOTH u p p er and low er bow el an d re
Mi M o n th s.............................. » .n o S in g le C o p y ------------ be so far as Mr. Luckey is concerned. It Completely j m oves old w aste m a tte r you never
’ vindicated him.
th o u g h t w as th e re . No m a tte r w hat
____________ THURSDAY, N OV EM BER 1, 1928
■ The republican c en tral com m ittee, elected bv you have tr,ed for your stomach and
! the people to fu rth e r th e candidacy of those nonii- bowels> A dlerfka w ill su rp ris e you
! nated for office on the republican ticket have ex- Flanery’s D rugs s to re .
Never before in our m ore th a n 20 years connec- am ined carefully Mr. Luckey's record as a deputy
tion with new spapers have we advised voters to j sheriff. T he com m ittee is 100 per cent for his notice of hearing on final
vote a stra ig h t ticket. B ut in this cam paign the
election. He has assured th e com m ittee th a t lie
D em ocrats have raised issues and used m ethods j J «
tlm desired reform s in the sheriff’s of- S e ^ e r i i n e d ^ S i n i s T r ^ ^ e
that should not have been b rought up. T heir
, . and 1 , com nu ttee has confidence he will be e s ta te of Ada J . N ordiing, d eceased,
unsound issues strike a t the very foundation of
ab e to conduct the ° mee b e tte r th a n ever before, h as filed his acco u n t for th e final
Luckey believes in stra ig h t forw ard, fair and ^ t le m e n t of said deced en t s e s ta te .n
ou r governm ent. They deserve a sound beating a tr is
„v .i, i .
th e C ounty C ourt for L ane County,
t enforcem ent of the law.
O regon, and th a t S atu rd ay , th e 24th
and the best way to give it to them is by rolling up .
large Republican m ajorities and by keeping all
He does n o t believe in th e use for law enforce- I (iay of N ovem ber, 1928, a t th e C ourt
dem ocratic candidates out of office.
m ent of stool-pigeons, convicted crim inals and !loor" -f 8aid Court’ in the County
Other a u e s t i o ___.
n a h 1.......
l e c h a A r a c t e r «
------ i v ' o 1 u rt H ouse, in E ugene a t ten o'clock
in lhe fo renoon. has been by said
S ta te ’s right, prohibition and religion are things u tn er quesnonam e cn a ra c te rs.
we have settled in ou r constitu tion long ago. The
N either does he believe th a t houses should be ' Court fixed a s th e tim e and place for
D em ocrats have no m oral rig h t to bring them into searched w ithout w a rra n ts and o th e r rig h ts viol- j f a r i n g o bjections th e re to , and for
this cam paign. And if the dem ocratic p arty was . ated gu aran teed to citizens by the constitution.
gustav e j . nordlin g , A dm inis-
a responsible one instead of being in th e grasp of j Luckey’s 12 years connection with the sheriff's trator of th e E sta te of Ada J. N ordling,
T am m any Hall and a lot of o th er selfish faction office h a s ta u g h t him how to handle every de-1deceased-
these things would not have been issues in this partm ent. He is thoroughly capable and young j L. L. RAY, A tto rn ey for E state.
O. 25: N. 1-8-15-22:
cam paign.
enough to handle th e job well.
The dem ocratic party, we are sorry to say be­
Against his opponent we have not one word of N O T IC E O F R E F E R E E ’S S A L E O F
cause we believe in tw o stro n g parties, has lost criticism but he is an older m an seeking a very R E A L P R O P E R T Y IN P A R T IT IO N
its political complexion. A g re a t m aority of the ! active job. He was sheriff before th e en actm ent
tru e dem ocrats can no longer find a place for their j of prohibition w hen th e duties of th e office were
N otice is h ereb y given th a t by vir-1
political expressions in this p a rty since it has not nearly so heavy as they are now.
tu e of a decree g ra n te d by th e C ircu itj
been scuttled for A1 S m ith ’s socialistic and intol­
The sheriff’s office requires a young active an 1I90urt ot the state ot Oregon for Lane
e ra n t issues. C onsequently they have gone over capable
Earl Luckey Hila the bill and be
* ,S
- ^ J W S S T .A
to the Republicans and the disgruntled elem ent Should receive the support of every good republi- Ja m e s A lfred S m ith and o th e rs w ere |
In the Republican p arty have tu rned to Smith. can.
d efen d an ts, on th e 23rd of O ctober,
The Republican p arty is lucky to lose them .
1928, w herein and w hereby I w as duly
ap pointed re fe re e for the purpose of
S ta te ’s rights were settled by the Civil w ar,
No w ater for irrigation, m ining, electricity, lum ­ selling th e h e re in a fte r described re a l
prohibition by a vote of -46 states, and religion’s bering, railroads, o r for cify use can ever be had p ro p erty and d is trib u tin g th e proceeds
place in this country w as fixed by the fram ers of in the fu tu re from the McKenzie, D eschutes, of sale am ong th e p a rtie s of said suit,
th e constitution. To go back and dig these Rogue and Um pqua rivers if the four river bills and w hereby 1 w as d irected to sell at
things up is to reta rd progress in this co u n try and carry. Not even can a sum m er re so rt tak e w ater public au ctio n to th e h ig h e st b id d er in
th e m an n er provided by law for the
c reate political chaos.
out of these rivers under the m easure which bars sale of re a l p ro p erty on execution
A1 Sm ith repudiated the dem ocratic platform all com m ercial use. These bills a re too drastic. e ith e r in se p a ra te parcels or as a
whole, and e ith e r for cash or upon
ust as soon as he w as nom inated. Like the L et’s put an end to them Novem ber 6.
cred it, th e follow ing describ ed real
Caiser he has his own platform and it is one he
• • •
p ro p erty , to-w it:
shifts around to fit the occassion. He talk s one
L ots one (1), tw o (2) and th re e (3)
in Block five (5) in th e Tow n of C res­
thing in th e east, a n o th e r in the w est and still
well, L ane County, Oregon.
a n o th e r in th e south and Is the heighth of incon­
S antiam route, to ou r g re a t expense and disad­ NOW, T H E R E F O R E , in com pliance
sistency. Political expediency has caused him to vantage
of being deprived of th e m ain cross sta te ith o rd e r and decree, I w ilt on S a tu r­
atte m p t to m u ster th e m inority of all these lost route. T hink of this when you read the last day, th e 24th day of N ovem ber, 1928,
Causes— and w hat a m otly crow d he has.
a t th e h o u r of 1:30 o’clock P. M. of
m easure on th e ballot.
said day. a t th e so u th w est fro n t door
• • •
W hen the R epublicans have show n up the m is­
of th e C ounty C ourt H ouse, In E u­
tak en attitu d e taken by this so rt of politicians by
Som eone said th a t " It’s th e down paym ent th a t gene, L ane C ounty, O regon, offer the
g decisive beating a t the polls, th en the dem ocrats,
puts a m an down and th e upkeep th a t keeps him above described p ro p erty for sale at
we feel, will reorganize along sounder political from g ettin g up.” In th is age of labor saving public auction to th e h ig h e s t b id d er
reserv in g , how ever, th e rig h t to re je c t
lines. A decisive defeat a t th is election will be
and am usem ent devices and elastic crédit we all bids th e re fo r; bids m ay be sub­
fo o d for th e dem ocratic p a rty in the fu tu re as would say he said a m outh full.
m itted fo r e ith e r th e w hole of such
well as victory for the R epublicans will Insure
p ro p e rty of for an y p a rt th ereo f, and
• • •
m ay be e ith e r for cash o r on c re d it;
Continued progress. P atriotic citizens who have
T he tru e nam e of the D unne bills should be the provided fu rth e r th a t an y te rm s of
only their co u n try ’s w elfare a t h e a rt can only do
d it w hich I m ay accep t w ill be a c ­
ck and stag e m easures, since those are really cre
one thing this tim e— Vote a s tra ig h t Republican
cepted su b je c t to th e ap p ro v al of the
the things they seek to help. T hey should re ­ above nam ed C ircu it C ourt.
ceive a big "N O ” Novem ber 6.
All of th e rig h t, title and in te re s t of
• • •
all of th e p a rtie s to said su it in and
to th e above d escrib ed p ro p erty , con­
Prohibition a g e n ts in N orthern New York S ta te s titu tin g th e sole o w n ersh ip of and
T here are nine m easures on th e ballot to be
voted on N evem ber 6 yet only one has sufficient are being m ade to w ear special type caps to pre­ fee sim ple e s ta te in said p roperty, will
vent their being m istaken for highw aym en. Well, be offered fo r sale as a fo resaid a t such
fnerit to receive a “Yes” vote.
th e public.
The four mill tax for the com pletion of the Mc­ th e re ’s nothing like w • arning
D ated O ctober 24th. 1928.
• •
LEO N ARD ZIN IK ER , R eferee.
Kenzie and Coast highw ays, initiated by th e coun­
O. 25: N. 1-8-15-22:
400,000 gallons of beer were consum er by sin g ­
ty court, should receive the approval again of the
voters. If it had not been for an e rro r in the ers in the A ustro-G erm an song festival a t Vienna.
fiotice a t last election, th is m oney would have Music h a th charm s indeed!
5 an d 7 c e n ts a yard
been raised and th e highw ays finished.
All W ork G u aran teed — L eave
T he four-m ill tax will raise $200,000 and it will
If the talking movie a c to rs said everything they
O rd ers a t K afo u ry ’s
be m atched with $400,000 of federal and sta te used to look as if they w ere saying in the old
tnoney. In o th er words for each dollar we vote “silent” days, th e cops would get a fte r them .
533 D S tre e t
P hone 105-W
tw o dollars of m atch m oney is available. This Is
• • •
a real opportunity to finish these highw ays and
English spiritualists are entering politics. They
also to get th e sta te to tak e over th e expensive are so well organized in fact, th a t the next B ritish
m aintenance. Vote “Yes” on 316.
election m ay go by the ouija boards!
• • •
• • •
Sw at the sta te m easures- -let th e legislature
Many of th e things shouted in this cam paign ]
m ake the needed laws.
should only have been whispered.
fa th e r in F lin t. M ichigan. T h e fa th e r
h a s been ill for som e tim e. T h e W e s t­
fir m an is co n n ected w ith th e W e ste rn
L u m b er com pany.
So Say We AU
----- B y Albert T. Reid
elections four year«
In c f
a fv
Nov.3” IQx
$ 1 OO, 3 0 0 in P r e m iu m « < 18th Annual Exposition
combines 10 complete shows in one—Livestock Show; Dairy,
"Land and Manufacturer«’ Product« S h o w « S heep Show^ W ool
Show ; Industrial Exposition; Fox Show» Boy«’ and Girl« C lub W ork Exhibit«
and A m erica’« greatest Hor«« S how . Coyer« 10 acre« exhibiting m illion s o f
dollar« w orth o f finest pure bred B ee f a n d D airy Cattle, H orsei, Sheep, Hot«»
Goat« and Foxe». A tten dan ce each year exceed s 120 ,0 0 0 persons. Portland.
O regon . N o v em b er 3-1 0 . R educed Fares A ll Transportation lin e » .
H 4+frnü
» I
Eggimann’s Cough Drops
This is th e tim e of the year w hen a box of E g gim ann’s
cough drops m ay prevent a bad cough and break up a s ta r t­
ing cold.
T hey a re the little preventers of sickness.
w ith a little precaution in tim e they m ay save a d o c to r’s
D on’t be w ithout them .
Made here in Springfield
they a re sold everyw here.
W here the Service is D ifferent”
in the Worlds Finest
Low-Priced S ix - ^
¿bite - kricrck^
8 , FU K r,
Why Inspection?
T he O ptom ltrist is, literally,
an eve m easurer.
R ut are also skilled in Me­
chanical Optics, which e n ­
ables him to supervise the
construction of proper glas­
ses w hen required.
Ever since It first came before the public Pon­
tiac has been recognized as the w o rld ’s finest
low -priced six . . . A n d n o w a n ew measure o f
value distinguishes the Pontiac. For today’s
Pontiac Six provides even fin e r perform ance
and m ore advanced style—fin er perform ance
resulting from a new , m ore h ig h ly perfected
carburetor and n ew m a n ifo ld in g — m ore ad­
vanced style from the use o f sm aller, sturdier
wheels and larger tir-s . . . T o d a y ’s Pontiac Six
offers you even rrvir,; lo r your m oney than its
ow n famous predecessors. C om e in to see it
and drive it and you w ill m arvel at all that
$745 w ill buy.
i-Do«w S r d o n S741,
R o ^ rr. S'4S; Phartc^
Sf/ïi" ’ *?*’ * -! SrJan- **25: Spori LunJau Sr.lanl
• 8 , 1 . A ll p r .ç r , a t fa c to ry . C h - c i O o ila n d -P o B tin c J H ite r r d firicâî
In clu J e I o m , m h a n d lin e ch a r g e ,.
G en era l M o to r, Ti
P a y m e n t P la n a v a a u tla b U a t t m
wi inim
um rate.
W e use R ausch and Lomb
Lenses w hich give satisfac­
tion to us and ou r patients.
M ain S tr ee t, S p r in g fie ld
Dr. Ella G. Meade
O p t o m e t r is t
No 14 f> Ave. West
Buyer e. Prego«
W A R T A X R E M O V E D . D E L IV E R E D