Try the Home Print Shop First THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAR COT CONTESTS Id GENTEON COUNCIL SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928 CITY LIBRARY WILL FRED W. BROWN, AGED BE HOUSED IN OLD CIVIL WAR VETERAN. BANK BUILDING HERE: DIES AT HOME HERE NEW BRIDGE MUST BE IDLE FOR YEAR How to Determine Precinct In Which You Live "The People'« Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER«! LDCALVOTERS MUST E Here is a list of the boundary thing west of Second street and After occupying quraters in the M. M After living until the age of 88 years, cincts as complied for the election and spending many of those years in Perry building uetween Second and Tuesday by the county clerk: Springfield, Fred W. Brown, died at Third street on Main for the past Precinct No. 1—Includes every­ Candidates for National, State» Mayor Has No Opponent But his home here Inst Saturday afternoon years, the city library will have a new S t a t e Highway Commission thing west of Second street and He was one of the few civil war home. District and County Listed! Postpones Fill Contracts Until ’ Five Candidates Seek Three west of the railroad north of F veterans residing in Springfield. Saturday, November 10 will be Next Spring; Judge Barnard street. Five to be on Presidential Seats on City Council; Ballot­ Mr. Brown was born January 20, opened t o t h e public in t h e Ticket; County Positions te Expresses Regret of County ing Places Listed by County Precinct No. 2—-Includes every­ 1840, in Beverly England. He came to u u 11 d i n g formerly occupied by Furnish Chief Interests. Court; Efforts of No Avail. thing between Second and Seventn Clerk; Record Vote Expected. America at the age of 11 years an:! t h e F i r s t N a t i o n a l bank at • --------- streets, soutn of C street and south saw service in the civil war on the the corner of Second and Main streetM. Tuesday, November 6, Is election The Springfield bridge is complete, of Main street east of seventh Union side for 13 months. At the A new floor has been laid in this build­ day. but it cannot be used for almost a street. Polling Places For the Four close of the war he was married to ing and other necessary alterations On that day this city’s 1352 register* year. Precinct No. 3—Includes every­ Sprinegfield Precincts Abigail Halmes. made. ed voters will go to the polls to help This startling announcement follow thing between Second street and They made their home first in Mis­ When the city first made provisions , ed a meeting of the state highway Here are the four places to which the railroad on the west, Seventh I elect United States, state, district, souri, moving in 1871 to Oregon. for a library, it was located in what , commisgfon in Portlan(, Monday when Springfield people will go next street on the east, north of C street. . county and city officials, and will past Of four children, only one, Francis was then the city hall. That was in Tuesday to cast their votes: members of this body decided definite-' Precinct No. 4—Includes every­ | upon nine spearate Initiative meas* Brown of this city, survives. Twelve the rooms now occupied by the chani ly to put off consideration of ap- J ures which will appear on the ballot thing east or Seventh street and I*reclnct No. 1 — At the High grandchildren survive. They are: 11 wa,’ n,oveJ jproaches for the bridge until next! I Following is a complete list of na* north of Main street. School building. Charles Meier, Ranger, Washington; to the Perry building. spring. J tional, state and county candidates: Precinct No. 2—At the city hall. Fred Crabtree, Marcola; Mrs. Olive Miss Mary Roberts, librarian, has The decision comes as a climax to a LOCAL LODGE SENDS For president, Herbert Hoover; for Oden, Portland; Mrs. Everett Chase, held her position as head of the in­ Precinct No. 3.—Lincoln school failure of the state board, the countv 26 MEMBERS TO AID vice-president, Charles Curtis, republl* Eugene; Dumont Meier, Lawrence, stitution for many years. building. court and residents of West ¡Spring- Frank, Clifford and Juanita Crabtree, IN GROVE INITIATION cans. Precinct No. 4.—Brattalo school field to agree on what type of ap­ For president, Alfred E. Smith; for all of Springfield; Tom Brown of Port­ JAMES CARHAN PASSES building. proach particularly on the west end of Twenty-six members of the Spring- vice-president, Joseph T. Robinson, land. Two great-grandchildren, Wayne the bridge would be practicable us IN PACIFIC HOSPITAL field chapter of the Order of the East­ democrats. With no local measures on which to Crabtree and Pauline Chase of Spring- well as safe. ern Star went to Cottage Grove last vote besides choice of officers for the field, also survive. For president, Norman Thomas; for James Carhan, 78. who has lived In Year’s Delay Certain Friday evening to assist that lodge vice-president, James Maurer, soclab pity government, Springfield voters Mr. Brown was a member of the laine county for the past 35 yoars, died In putting off letting contracts for ( the lnltiaton of three candidates. were this week summarizing the situa­ Methodist church. Funeral services at the Pacific Christian hospital Wed­ the approach until the spring of 1928. | Degree work of the local lodge was lsts. tion in this Held. were held Monday at the Walker- nesday morning. He lived for many the commission has made It certain For president, Verne L. Reynolds) About the mayorality there is no Poole chapel here and Interment was jears at Leahurg and recentl had been that the span itself which now stands j highly praised by the Cottage Grove for vice-president, Jeremiah D. CorwlV, question unless more voters write In In the Camp Creek cemetery. Rev. residing at Cedar Flats. He Is sur­ complete, will stand in the river for I chapter. socialists-laborltes. the name of a candidate than cast C. J. Pike, pastor of the Springfield vived only by his widow, Mrs. Anna approximately a year without being | Those who made the trip in the For president, William Z. Foster) ¡chartered bus were: Mr. and Mrs. J. for vice-president, Benjamin Gltlow, their vote for C. O. Wilson, which is Methodist church, officiated. Carhan. used. unlikely. ) ------------------------------ Funeral services will be held at the Even after the contract is let for ! F. Ketels, Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Mr». independents. Walker Poole chapel here Friday after- the approach, be it earth on concrete, Jane Cruzan, Mrs. Levi Neet, Mrs. For the council there are at least SPRINGFIELD ELEVEN State Candidates nnon with Rev. C. J. Pike pastor of at least two or three months will be Neil Pollard, Mrs. Sidney Ward, Mrs. two contests for seats. The closest For representative In congress one DOWNS HARRISBURG IN the Methodist church, officiating. In- required to cqmplete the job If the Í C' ° W"*"n' Mr" W C' Wrl*h1' Mrg' to be elected: W. C. Hawley, republl* race Is expected between the candi­ 27 TO 6 EXHIBITION terment will be In the Greenwood contract is let In early spring nothing C. F. Eggimann, Mrs. Mary C. Magill, can; Harvey A. Starkweather, demo­ dates for the two-year term on the Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mrs. Carl Phette- crat; Upton A. Upton, Solialist labor* cemetery at Leaburg council. W. C. McLagan, steam sup­ can be done on the approach until the Springfield high school football | place, Mrs. Pearl Schantol, Mr. and lte. erintendent at the Mountain States spring freshets are over. 1 players continued their winning streak ' Mrs. Oldham, Mrs. W. C. McLagan. Power company plant here, and Harry For secretary of state, one to M Had It not been for the fact that Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Mrs. C. E. Whea­ | in the game last Friday against Har-1 TWO PAY FINE IN CITY M. Stewart. Springfield fuel dealer, j money for the bridge came from1 the ton, Mrs. H. E. Maxey, Mrs. E. E. elected: Hal E. H ors , republican; .2, COURT ON LIQUOR CHARGE rlsburg In which the final score was 27 both seek this one seat. Each are ■ -■ — I Oregon and California land grant fund, Fraedrlckson, Mrs. M. J. McKlin, Mrs. R. Dodds, independent; Ed S. Piper, being given strong support. It Is to II. Springfield scored four touch­ F. A. Leonard and Earl Briggs, both Ijine county's share of Interest would C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. W. K. Barnell. Mrs. democrat. downs and a safety and the Linn coun­ stated. Mr. Stewart Is now serving For state treasurer, one to be elect* of Marcóla., paid a fine of >100 In the approximate nearly $1000 a month. As D. B. Salzman, Mrs. Cliff Abrams. out the unexplred term of George ty team scored one touchdown ed: A. A. Hogluud, socialist labor) city recorder's court this morning It Is a bridge which represents an In- Although the game was ragged, the Following the ceremony the Grove Stewart as an appointee of the council Thomas B. Kay, republican, democra* Springfield team was the more power­ when they pleaded guilty to a charge vestment of $127.000 to date must chapter served refreshments. and Mayor Bushman. tic; Neal Swetland, Independent. , stand idle until at least the fall of ful. working on line plunges and open of possession of liquor. Close Raes Expected For justices of the supreme court» The two were arrested by police next year. plays throughout the four quarters. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS two to be chosen: Loyul M. Graham, Two councllmen must be elected Barnard Makes Statement Springfield players who took part last night. Officers round a pint of ( for the four-year term. Three candi­ In the fray were: Leathers, Deeds. liquor In their possession, they report- ENJOYS SOCIAL SESSION Independent; Gilbert E. Hamaker, IB* C. P. Barnard, Lane county Judge, dependent; J. E. Hosmer, independ- dates have expirations for these of Kendall. Roof. Morse, Morrison, Bet­ od They posted ball of $100 and when who from the first has been vitally ln- Members of Mrs. Bernice Van Val- ent; G. L. Perrine, independent; JohB flees. W. A. Taylor, proprietor of the tis, McMurray, Freeman Squires, they appeared before I. M. Peterson, terested In the btrdge this morning \vhlte Front grocery here, H. J. Cox. Rand, republican - democratic) “ h H c,aH" at ,l>e Methodist Sunday L. i Everett Squires, Palmer, Thurman. city recorder, thia morning, stated Issued a statement to the Springfield , school enjoyed a party at the home George Rossman, republican-democt a* former member of the council and Summers, Potter, and Walker. that they did not rare to stand trial. News In which he exprseed the dis- former preaident of the chamber of 1 appointment of both himself and other of Miss Bernice Neher last Friday tic. The next scheduled game for the For attorney general, vote for one: commerce, and Sam Richmond, who la local players will be November 13 Baptist Program Ready members of the county court. He said evening. Those who attended were: Miss W. R. Beehler, Independent; William alao well known In thia community against Junction City on the local grid­ Program of services at the Spring- In part; are nominated for the two positions. iron. field Baptist church for Sunday was 1 ''The court has done all It could In Edith Horning, Miss Elizabeth Hughes, 8. Levens, democratic; I. H. VaB Each of the men Is considered well Issued this morning by the pastot, this matter. We dontended from the Miss Doris Girard, Miss Dorothy Glr- Winkle, republican. For dairy and food commissioner, qualified and a cloae vote Is expected Rev. C. H. Blom, as follows: Bible first that plans for the bridge were a ard. Miss Dorotha Bally. Miss Bernice Larson at Hospital school at 10 o'clock; morning service mistake. We wanted very much to Neher, Miss Thelma Sweeney, Miss one to be named; John D. Mickle, ra* There will be no contest for the J M Larson, proprietor of the Lar- two offices of city treasurer and city son service station and the Bell at 11 o'clock, topic, "Faith”; B. Y. P. see the bridge extended to within at Eed Montgomery, and hts family, of several of her little friends to a party Corvallis, were also present at the din- yesterday afternoon.