PAGE SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS CONSTRUCTION WORK ON 'ANNUAL SCHOOL CENSUS HIGHWAY UNIT COMPLETE CHECK STARTED TODAY Second unit oi the Wlllainett - high­ Annual school census of Springfield way above the Lowell bridge Is now started today, when two census takers graded, according to reports nt the each look a section of the city to stale highway office In Eugene today. Äy make a month s check of the children Vonderhellcn and Pierson have com pleted their contract on this section I of schisii age here Mrs W. I* Tyson will canvass the Washbiiiue and Hull, who have the hrat unit, are nearly through with their west able und Mrs Vina McLean will take the east aide of the town. grading work, also, It was reported U.LUSTRAT.JHS B y F.E.WATSQH Kelly und Sullivan, who have the The annual census must be com­ Simon Juikl, amateur detective, and Meanwhile Judd has told the story woman," Brennan explained, "he I perhaps, the eye of a man who had contrail for Ills third unit, have sub­ pleted within a month, according to provisions. William Dart, an undertaker, are visit■ of his acquaintance with the actual might have a womnan'a usual Itkin,- held a grudge ngninst John lirune an I let several sect Iona of the Job. mg John Drane, eccentric man o( John tirane in Riverbank. for Jewels Suppose we see Mrs. Vln had come here to satisfy It. What no wealth, at the Drane place. Suddenly NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY: cent." saw. If he could Judge, was the keen the household is shocked to timi that "No, nothing. He was uncle John's Bob Carter volunteered to find Mrs eye of a man who was not such a fool John Drane has been murdered. The , friend a long while—long before I ! Vincent and while he was on his way us he looked, the keen laughing eye of dead man is first seen by Josie, the I came here." Amy said "They have Brennan lighted a cigarette. He a man who, possibly was laughing at maid, then by Amy Drane and Simon played cards together many even- leaned forward with his eltiows on the detective good mtturedly while Judd. The latter faints. ings." his knees and looked out over the laughing to himself "This," Brennan Police officers call and investiga­ "Never quarreled?" lawn. said to himself, "Is a man who Is tions begin. Dr. Blessington is called, "No." "You come pretty near bein' a first laughing at nte because he knows and after seeing the murdered John You've not noticed anything queer class detective, don t you?” Simon something I don't know!" Drane makes the astounding revela­ about the servants’" Brennali asked Judd asked, hitching forward In his “I whn'et be no more trouble to you tion to Amy Drane that her "uncle" is after a moment. ' chair he filled to overflowing, than need be,” Simon Judd said. "Only not a man but a woman. i "Do you mean that they were sick­ "I'm not the worst in the world." thing Is It would be quite au •sport- Brennan said. "There are better, ence to me to work hand In arm, so to Dr Blessington discounts the theory ly?” Asked Amy. “ Are they?*' we're given credit gor being. We say, with a real detective like you of suicide, saying that Drane was de­ "Yes: I think they are all sickly. 1 York. Our men are a lot better than are.” finitely murdored. Dr. Blessington comments on the fact that all the don t know whY uncle John had such we're given cdredlt for being. We I think we can manage It," Bren servants in the household of Drane are sickly servants, unless he was so kin 1 have lots of crimes and we don't get nan said. * sick, and that Drane has never dis- hearted. Dr. Blessington Is here near 1 every crook, but it's a had mess over 'Black my cats, that's line!" yttmon charged a servant for ill health. Dick l-v every day for one or another of there. 1 do well enough. It's not as Judd exclaimed. "Amy, that Axes that Brennan, the detective, arrives to in- them, some one of them is always in bad here as It Is In Manhattan." fine! I'm goln' to pitch right In and vestlgate the case. hed. It makes It very had for Mrs. "That's so; that's likely,” Simon work this thing until we get it all Brennen questions the persons in Vincent, the housekeeper, but I in Judd agreed. "And we ain't got it near cleaned up and the murderous person the house, asking Amy if anyone had afraid she’s the sickest of any." as bad out to Riverbank. If you was put right where he ought to be. Fine! any reason to kill her "uncle." "But aside from that you've not out there you wouldn't have much Now, first off, girl, you go up to my Amy says no one has had any rea- noticed anything queer in them. Any- trouble at all. I reckon." room and. If them officers has got •on to kill her uncle. After further thin< -vou misht call crailness, any "There are tough problems every­ through rummagin' In my buggugii. questioning she Is asked about Dart. mania?" Make up a list of the many things where," Brennan said. "Any place fetch me down a note book I've got ,! “Oh. no, never anything like that may turn out a hard problem at uny in my valise up there. It's a blank you need about the kitchen and then "Oh no; never anything like that," time.” one. Amy. without anything wrote In “A STRIKE/“ I Amy said. "That's how I think about It." Simon It yet. I didn't know whether real de­ come and see how little it will cost "You don't know of any enemies Judd said. "That's why I kept pester­ tective used note books or no^. but I your uncle had?” you to have them. You will un­ in' them out there until they said ree Brennan does, and 1 want to do "No; he never spoke of any." they'd make me chief of police. 'Black this thing right. It's right down In the doubtedly find many more that you my cats!' I says to them; 'The' ain't bottom of the valise, Amy." can use, all at little prices. “He had business In New York, no tellin' when you’re goln' to need The girl went Into the house and hadn't he? Amy Had said, an office there?" Yes,” and told him the f«8* class detective ability.' I guess,' Simon Judd looked after her. When address, which Brennan Jotted down he chuckled. ‘ they don't thing overly he saw she was gone he drew closer in his notebook. "He was a speculator, much of me at that! Think I'm some to Brennan I think. He would wait and buy a sort of fat old fool, mostly. And I don't "Now that you and me are In cn great lot of some one kind of stocks know but what I am. Th«' ain't no hoots on this business, partner." he and then they would go up and he j f°°l like an old fool. It the’? What HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT tald. "we want to start off clean -ini wpuld sell. I think he always made >'°u think? Am I a fool to go takin' clear and on favors. Wliat I know a great deal of money that way. I up detectin’ as a life work when I'm you want to know. If not nothin' Bo!, don't really know much about that. along past seventy years old?” good And there's somethin' wrong “I'll reserve my opinion on that. Mr They can tell you more at his office. here right at the start." 56 S T O R E S I His manager there Is Rufus Loder- Judd.” Brennan smiled. "I can't rem­ “It being—?" Brennan asked. mann. He Is quite an old man and he ember any man who took up investl- “The girl. Amy. here," Simon Ju Id i has been with uncle for a long while Kative work at that age, but I've ,.cu ... , . , •ays ! I think. known some men who took up crime j(| ., A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT Brennan Joted down this name in a8 ol*l as that and did ulte well at It." TO BE C O N T IN U E D his notebuook. I "A detective has to be slicker than _____ IN T H E W E S T “Who else is there? You don't know ? a driminla, that's the pest of It,"! No matter—I can look, that up," the Simon Judd said. “And it's so blame l C O L IN V. P Y M E N T D IE S Now Located in 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon detective said; putting his book in his hard for them folks to take a fat man i IN H A Y W A R D , C A L IF O R N IA Miner Building -------- pocket again. “And I think that is ail 1 serious out there to home. Especially j I have to ask you now. Mss Drane. a man that's mostly clung to Jobs | Colin V. Dyment, former dean of the . unless you can tell me something ! where he could sleep most of the time. , college of literature, science and the about the servants—who they are and hke llvery-stablln’.* I clung to livery- arts at the University of Oregon, an ALL OVER THE WEST IN EVERY BREIER STORE where they came from." ! stablin’ as long as I could, and that's later managing editor of the Morning This "$2,000,000 Sales Event” “I think Mrs. Vincent, the house-1 a fact, but these her automobiles has j Register, died at his home In Hay- MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. Only ................................ „... 3 g c I keeper, can tell you more about that.' given the business a black eye, and If ward. California, last Saturday night Our energy, thought BLANKETS: A Good Quality Cotton Blanket, Standard j Amy said. -'Tve not really paid much a man goes Into the garage business He was publisher of u newspaper Size, Only q o atention to that; I’ve always felt I he’s got to be lively and wide awake In the bay city where he went two and ability is concen­ wasn’t wanted to Interfere. Mrs. Vln-; all the time. Now, a detective—In a ! years ago. WOOL MIXED BLANKET: A Good Grade $ 4 .9 8 cent had been here qune a while when town Hke Riverbank, Iowa—'* ! During his lifetime he was active trated in our optical The most starling values of this event. \ “Of course.” Amy said. "It wasn't tatlon—sluin' in his office n a chair thorougly recovered. The Immediate H IP IIE.M PETTICOAT $1-00 ‘ tipped back againa the wall with his cause of his death was Influenza. He RUFFLED PRBNCH PA N TIES $1-00 Dr. ^Herman W. IRoody that I didn’t want to.” "Mr. Drane Just did not seem to eyes closed. Looked like a good Job Is survived by hlB widow, Dr. Bertha VESTS $1.00 O P T O M E T R IS T » EY ESIG HT S P E C IA L IS T S U IT E 0 3 1 M I N E R DLOG. P H O N E 3 6 1 want you to bother with the servants , to me, so I got shut of my livery stable Stuart Dyment and a son. The body BLOOMERS $1.00 EAST BRO AD W AV and the household affairs and so on; and pestered the life out of 'em until was placed In the hope Abbey Mau- NIC ETC,OW NS $100 E U G E N E -O R E . that was it, wasn't It?” I got me this Job, startin' Jaunary first »oleum at Eugene Tuesday. "Yes; he never said much, but that next.” was what I felt," she replied. ! "Good Job,” smiled Brennan. Churàh Night 1« Held “I'm trying not to be unpleasant, j “Yes, or I wouldn’t have wanted It," asking so many questions,” Brennan »aid Simon Judd. **But the main thing An audience of more than 200 peo- said, "but this whole thing Is queerlsh, when a man hammers down a Job like j pie attended the regular monthly as you understand—John Drane being that is to be able to flang onto It, and ! church night program at the Spring TiuXete? a woman and being murdered this way ! that's why I flggered I'd come-Bast field Christian church last Friday The name “ P u r e t e s t ’’ —and I have to get Into my head the . here and learn the detective business evening. The high school class pre means literally ‘ Pure by best picture of the household as It from A to Z. I says to myself 'If I can pared the program of music and read- Test." was, best picture I can. How was J Ket them slick New York detectives Ings and Jhe Friends class served i your uncle about money?” ) to let me help hunt up some murderer light refreshments. Amy wrinkled her brow trying to or something, I’ll learn a lot. and when get the meaning of the question. ! I come back and catch a couple of Three Playe Planned BR/u. c-T/S “Do you mean wltu me?” she asked, crooks right here in Riverbank the ^ A s p ir in ' j "He paid me an allowance, alw ays, folks ain’t ever goln’ to let anybody Students of the high school will Tablets s i on the first of the month. It was fifty ; throw me out.” present three one-act plays at the i dollars while . was at school, but wh-n "Brennan looked up at he old man's 'auditorium of the school on November I came here he gave me a hundred ' fare suddenly, but all he saw was goo I 9. "Surprises," "Red Carnations” and dollars a month. I haven't used near- , nature and smiling cheerfulness. j "Who's a Coward,” are names of the I wish to solicit the support of my Republican friends And nowhere is that name ly all of It. I asked him what I should ‘This murder occurred very oppor-! plays. Tryouts were held Tuesday more true than on for the office of Coroner. At the primaries I was se­ do with the rest and he told me I tunely," Brennan said. I evening. Miss Maurlne Lombard, conld put It In a savings bank, .and I ! 'That’s what I was going to say,” Miss Clara Wagner and Miss May lected a s'th e Republican candidate. My Democratic TimteleAtT did. The house expenses he settled Simon Judd replied.” Just like It was Hewes, faculty members are In charge with Mrs. Vincent—once a month, I made to order for me. It couldn't hate of the plays. opponent seeks to masquerade as an Independent. think I’ve heard them going over been handler. So that fetches me to the bills. He seemed particular about ! what I’m goln’ to say—what'd yon say RELIEF FROM CURSE them.” j if I was to go sort of partners with OF CONSTIPATION "He was a woman,” suggested Bren-1 you and the two of us together hunt I feel that I am entitled to the support of all Repub­ They are m a d e fr o m nan, "and household bills were In his out who done this crime?” A Battle Creek physician says, "Con T R U E aspirin, disinte­ licans and that I am deserving of re-election. My j line, possibly. Did he keep much "We’re always glad to have any as­ stlpp.tlon Is responsible for more mis­ grate promptly and give ; money in the house? Had he a safe sistance we can get from' any source record In office Is my warrant and 1 ask the most care­ ery than any other cause." almost immediate relief. here? Did he bring securities home, whatever,” Brennan told Judd. Handy Metal Box of do you know?” But Immediate relief has been found. ful scrutiny of my work both as to being well done, "Yes, I reckon,” said the fat man. 24 Tablets “No, nothing like that. He used "Only that ain't any Idee. I want you A tablet called ltexall Orderlies al­ and as to saving the county money. checks almost always.” should say we’ll work at this case fract-8 water from the system Into the 25c “No Jewelry to amount to any­ together, so’s I can get the Inside of lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the thing?” how you fellers got at It. What sav colon. The water loosens the dry food ' waste and causes a gentle, thorough “He never wore Jewelry at all; not to It?” even a ring.” Once more Brennan looked Simon movement without forming a habit or “There was a scarf pin,” Brennan Judd In the face. What he sought ever increasing the dose. reminded her. was the eye of an Insane man—the Stop suffering from constipation. “Yes ‘hat was all the Jewelry ue eye of a man who might have come to Chew n Rexnll Orderlle at, night,. Next (Paid Advertisement by W. W. Branstetter) had,’ Amy said. this house and murdered John Drane day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at j S ta r* “I thought, perhaps, as he was a to make a case worth solving. Or, Flanery's Drugs Store—(Ady.) £HisParkerL jffer Kitchen Things You Need 1/ ( Wright & Sons THE NEW ZEROLENE the modern oil 2 Million Dollar Sales Event j j I .00 BRANSTETTER FOR CORONER Aspirin Tablets Flanery’s Drug Store *5»»$22g& W. W. Branstetter