TIHHIHhAY. OCTOHKR 26, 1928 PARE FIV» THE BFRINGFIBLD NEWA Mea or that school dlatrlct spent to­ day working on the yard surrounding the school. leveling and graveling the ground Women of the vtctnlfy work­ ed on the Interior of the building, washing the windows and sw eeping the floors. Dtnner waa served in the school. C lasses will begin In the new struc­ ture next Monday. NEW THURSTON SCHOOL Viali at Rainbow— l»r and Mrs Ku By Spadai cen e Kealer and Mra. ('lure F aw ver . TO BE DEDICATED FRIDAY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Rpeut Hunday at Ibe fox farm at Hain C orrespondents Noth'» I k hornby glvnn that a meat- tow . Dedication of the new school at lug of thi> local voters be In rssldsnt laxpayer» and ow ners of real property Thurston w ill be held Friday night. N O T IC E O F R O A D D IS T R IC T e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e In itomi D istrict No 9. In Lane Coun E. J. Moore, county superintendent ly, (Jrmgon, will lie belli at the hour of M E E T IN G UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ of schools, ¿and Arnold Collier, assist* ♦ TH UR STO N . ♦ ♦ 2 ut» I' M on the Kith day of Novein TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ant superintendent, will take part In |„-r A I». 1928. ul the W O. W Hall Notice la hereby Riven that a m eet at Jnaper In aulii Itoad D'strlct, Io Ing of the legal voter* belnR resident who ! the dedicatory program. Doris and Kmery Hyland Mr and Mra. Kay ItaiiRb and fam ily determ ine w hether auld road district taxpayer* und owner* of real property graduated from the Pleasant Hill high ahull levy u apodal tux of $43X6 13 III Hoad District No. 3, In latne Coun and Mr*. John Udmlatnn motored to upon all the taxable property In aulii ty, Oregon, will lie held al the hour of Junction City la»t Hunday where thev school last year are attending Oregon ' ■ H alt li I for the purpose of provlillnu 2:Uil I*. M on the 10th day of Novem atended the futility reunion of Mt. S late College at Corvallis this winter. funda for the tiiulnlctiiince of aide Her, A. h., 19.8, a l the M W A. H a il and M t* . J a n ie * C a lv e rt’a. T h e ir fain- L ucille Walker who graduated from roada R I F and «I at Murenia In aald Itoad D lstrlcl, to high sch ool lust year la attending f I* BARNARD, County Judge dutermlne whether auld roud dlstrlcl lly Rulhured to celebrate their wed- Mr. nud Mra, Cal­ Normal. Other former students of the t ’ l . I N T )N H U R D , County Coni «huti levy u »pueta Itux of $10,04X 31 up dltiK unnlveraury. in laaloner oli ali the laxuble property In *ahl dia- vert have been married 63 yearn hav- P leasant HUI high school who are at­ M II A NDRRHDN, County Com trlet for the purpoae of providing 1 Ing rulaed a fam ily of 12 children 11 tending Normal are Annette Maltzau, mlanlnner. lumi» for oiling roud from Wetidling now living und all were present lant Donald and Gerald Kahler, and Cora n , 26: N 1 8 : ’ to Hayden Bridge und continuing roud John. Mr». T. F Kahler, mother of Hunday. from .Mutivi to County line. n o t ic e o f r o a d d is t r ic t Mr«. F elix Spark» and Mr». Arch Donald and Gerald Kahler, la also C. P. IIAHNAIll). County Judge MESTINO CLINTON III III), County Com Hbougb und daughter, Patricia, (ro.n taking work at Normal. The young folks of the Pleasant m laaloner. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Vida spent Sunday at John Price's. M II ANDKHHON, County Com Not Ice la hereby Riven that a m eet­ HUI Christian Endeavor society gave Mr. and Mra. Hoy kklmlaton and m lssloner. ing of the b-iial voterà beine resident a social p t the church last Saturday fam ily and Mr. und Mrs. B rneet O. 26: N. 1-8: taxpayer* and owner* of real property night. Game» were played and a Jolly in Itoad lllatrlrt No 2, In lathe Coun­ Bertsch and fam ily attended the Sun­ ty, OroRon. will be held ul the hour of , NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT day ac-hool rally at the Christian tim e bad. R efreshm ents con sistin g of 2 00 I' M on the 10th duy of Novero- MEETING church In Hprlngfleld last Sunday cakes and, cider were served. tu r. A I* . 1928, ul the McKonsle llr ld g - Mr anil Mrs. K. K. Kilpatrick • 1 T o WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: morning They spent the remainder School House In auld ftoail Dlatrlct, to motored to iMrtland In com pany with i N otice I n hereby given that a m eet of the day with Mr. and Mrs. M J. deterinlnu w hether «aid road district Mr. and Mra. Malcolm Epley of Eu­ • hall leYy a «p ed al tux of $6196 9$ I lag of the fegul voters being resident McKlln. upon all the laxahle properly In add I <«»P«)'»r» and ow ners of real property gene to attend the Oregon, W ashing­ Mr Moore, who la attending O. A C. dlatrlct for the purpoku of providing ■ n '! * ° un, ton football gam e last Saturday. ty. Oregon, will he held ut Ihe hour ol ; Hp,.nt tlle week end here. funda for m aintenance of all County The young folks of the Pleasant Hill i P. M on Ihe 10th day of Novem k , Honda ua follow*: lltue Itlver Itoud. One her. A. D . 1928. at the Pleasant Hill Mias Peggy Turner, who la altehd high school had a Jolly time last Fri­ South Fork Itoud. Fox Farm Road, STORES AT SALEM, PORTLAND, SPRINGFIELD Foley Road. H o rae C reek Itoud. and School House In suld Itoud D istrict .to Ing U. of O. In Eugene spent Bunday day night when the Greens en tertain­ determ ine whether said road district j afternoon In Thurston. Helknup Spring Itoad. ed the Reds at a party. Games were C l* IIARNAHD, County Judge shull levy a special tux of $1770.70 up Iss Margaret trinali. w hose home played until refreshm ents were ser­ CLINTON HURD, County Com on uil the taxable property In suld dis trh l for the purpose of providing 1» In Milton, Oregon spent last Friday ved. mlaaloner. Donald K a b ler,. who Is attending M II ANDKHHON, County Com funds for up keep of roads 10% on with Miss Muude Kdmlston. roud K known ua Jucoby road, 10% There was preaching service last Normal visited friends at Pleasant m lssloner road It and F und also roud 1, 10% on O. 26 N 18: Itoud G known us All Duvls roud, 36% Hunday even in g at the church. This HUI last week-end and attended th" on roud D from highway to Jasper la the first tim e there has been ser- high school party Friday night. He N O T IC E O F R O A D D IS T R IC T tnall route, 86% on road 11. K n te rp rls t vlcee held In the evening sin ce last has been chosen auslstant business M E E T IN G road mall route. July « m anager of the Normal Annual. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: C I’. IIAHNAHD. County Judge John Kdmlston dug hla potato crop N otice I n herehy given that a meet D E P A R T M E N T STO R E CLINTON HURD, County Com Oscar John of Montana Is visiting last Tuesday. He hud 3 or 3*4 acres his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert John, Ing of the legal voter« beltiR realdent mlssloner. Formerly Farm er's Exchange taxpayer« and owner* of real property M. II. ANDKHHON. County Com from which he hurvested 682 sacks at P leasant Hill. In Itoud Dl*trlct No 20, In taine Coun­ ptlsaloner. He had a crew of 10 hands helping ty, Oregon, will lie held ut the hour of Andy Olson has had the m isfortune O. 25: N. 1-8: him. 2 00 I* M on the 101 h day of Novem to loose tw o of his best milk cow s tier, A. D , 1928, at the Ioindax School N O T IC E O F R E F E R E E 'S S A L E O F WOMEN’S HIGH TOP BOOTS— 12 to 16 Inches, to clo se out, none recently from som e sort of food B ouse Dtatrlrt 74. In aald Read Dlatrlct. S p r in g fie ld M e th o d is t C h u rc h R E A L P R O P E R T Y IN P A R T IT IO N reserved. A regular $12.50 value poisoning gotten In the pasture. to determ ine w hether aald ruad dlstrlcl H u n d a y . O c to b e r 28, 1928. S U IT «hull levy a »p ed al lax of $1.000 00 The Pleasant HUI public school chll- ' MISSES OXFORDS ANO SL IP PE R S— Patent leather and alligator C. J. Pike, Pastor. ipon a ll the taxable property In aald N otice la hereby given that by vir­ dren will give a Hallowe'en program, trimmed, very Special, a pair dlatrlct for the purpoae of providing tue of a decree grunted by the Circuit Hunday school at 9:45 In charge of and party Friday night October 26 fund» for graveling the road in Dla­ Court of the State of Oregon for Lam- g up, Harry G illette. LADIES' ONE-STRAP PATENT LEATHER PUMPS— Sixes 3 to 9. Junior Church at the school house. Cake, doughnuts. ; trlct 20 In l-ane Co.. Five hundred to County In a caue In which Jam es H be from reserve up and Five hundred Smith and other» were plaintiff* and at 11 In the basem ent In charge of pie and cider wiH be sold after the i to be from reserve down, In said d is­ James Alfred Smith and others were Mrs W. H. Pollard Morning Worship program. BOYS’ HIGH TOP SHOES— Large assortm ent of sty les and heights, The proceeds to go Into ( trict. defendants, on the 23rd of October, at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach C. I* IIAHNAHD, County Judge 1928, wherein and whereby 1 was duly 0B ,h e subject, “A Choice Company." the school fund. going CLINTON HURD. County Com­ appointed referee for the purpoa«» Miss Blanche Manning a former , MEN'S HIGH TOP SHOE8— Broken lot, sixes only 614, 8. 914. 10, 1014 T he cholr w„ , reBder an AB«hem . m issioner. selling the hereinafter described real resident of Pleasant HUI was In the > and 11 values to $12.50. If any slxe fits you they are a bargain M H ANDKHHON, County Com property and distributing the proceeds Epworth League at 8:30 P M Even district last w eek looking over fam i­ m laaloner of sale among the parties of said suit. Ing worship at 7:30. The pastor's O. 26 N 1-8: and w h ereb / I waa directed to sell a t ! nerm on subject will be, "The Sower." liar places. EXTRA SPECIAL WORK 8HOES— A fine new leather shoe, goodyear The P leasant Hill W om en’s club j public auction to ' Mra. Arah Hoyt Rae will lead the welt, extra heavy, full leather sole reinforced with a rubber half sole. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT the manner provided by law for the . . . w ill hold the first m eetin g of the sale of real property on execution choir In special music, MEETING You can't beat them for wear and com fort. And extra special at $6 Oo winter Friday October 26 at the home either In separate parcels' or as a TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: but we are sellin g them for Haleay People Here— Mra. Clarence of Mrs E T- S w lft- N otice la hereby given that a m eet­ whole, and eith er for cash or upon credit, the follow in g described real o in e tte and ch ||dren of H alsey were I ing of the legal voter» being realdent I taxpayers and owner» of real property property, to-wlt: CALL AND BCE Dr. N. W. E a e n lx)ta one (1). tw o (81 und three <3> week-end visitors at he home of Mr. in Road Dtatrlrt No 23. In lam e Coun­ na prices on platea and other work, tt ty, Oregon, will be held at the hour of In Block live (5) In the Town of Cres­ and Mrs. Harry L. O illette here. 2 no P M on the 10th day of Novem w ell, Lnne County, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE. In com pliance her, A. D., 1928, at Ute Unity School Houae In aald Road Dlatrlct, . t o with order and decree, I will on Satur­ determ ine w hether suld road dlatrlct day. the 24th day of November, 1928. shall levy a apei-lal tax of $2180.80 at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M of up-.n all the taxable property In »aid said day. at Ihe southw est front door i district for the purpose of providing of the County Court House, In Eu­ fund» for roada A. K and J. In »aid gene. iJtne County, Oregon, offer the above described property for sale at Instead of flowers. Let us make your car safe with road d latrlct C P BARNARD. County Judge public auction to the highest bidder our efficient service on 2-wheel or 4-wheel brakes— CLINTON HURD. County Com­ reserving, however, the right to reject all bid« therefor; bid» may be sub­ m issioner. mechanical or hydraulic. We are brake experts and M H ANDERSON, County Com mitted for either the whole of such property of for any part thereof, and m lssloner. use only genuine may be either for cash or on credit; O. 26: N. 1-8: provided further that any term« of credit which 1 may accept w ill be ac N O T IC E O F R O A D D IS T R IC T cepted «ubject to the approval of the M E E T IN G shove named Circuit Court. TO W H O M IT J J A Y C O N C E R N : All of the right, title and Interest of N otice la hereby given that a m eet all of the parties to »aid suit In and Ing of the legal voters being resident to the above described property, con ­ taxpayers and ow ners of real property stitu tin g the sole ow nership of and In Rood Dlatrlct No. 19, In lA n e Coun fee sim ple estate In said property, win ty. Oregon, will be held at the hour of be offered for sale as aforesaid at such 7:30 I’ M on the 10th day of Novem­ ber. A D , 1928. at the Oakridge High Dated October 24th. 1928. School In aald Road D istrict to LEONARD Z1N1KER. Referee determ ine w hether aald road dlatrlct O. 25: N 1 8-16-22: shall levy a sp ecial tax of $14.043.3* upon all the taxable property In aald PREMBROOKE ft MORITZ, INC* district for the purpose of providing CAS MADE HER CROSS. funds for m aintenance and Improving CAN’T EAT OR SLEEP Eugene, Oregon of existin g roada and construction of new roada. "When 1 ate 1 would bloat up with C. P BARNARD. County Judge CLINTON HURD. County Com­ gas. 1 couldn't sleep, was cross and « • m issioner. nervous. Adlerlka has given me real H. ANDERSON. County Com relief.”— Mrs M Meyers m lssloner. Adlerlka relieves stom ach gas and O. 25: N. 1-8: sourness In TEN m inutes. A cting on Hendartr at Bend— John llen d -r«r BOTH upper and lower b