" A O F TOUR T H U R S D A Y , ( K T O H K R 25, 1928 T H E S P R IN O F ÏÏH -D N E W S "Dear me, yea, ao It dova. I will An elderly lady entered a shop anil STATEMENT TR IB U TE TO A TEACHER take halt a doaen of lho«e," »aid the linked to he ahown »onio tntileitotha S tu d e n ts of the U niversity of W ashington and of O w nership, M an agem ent, C ircu la Published Bvary Thursday at O regon th ro u g h o u t the world will feel sad to hear tion, Etc., Required by the A ct of The aaleainun brought aoine, but lady. nothing seemed to ault her. th e new s of the d eath of Colin V. Dyment. Congreaa o f August 24, 1912, Springfield. Lana County. Oregon. by H E M S T IT C H IN G Seldom is th ere a tea c h e r who took so m uch per­ "Haven't you anything new?" »he of the Springfield News published T tfE W IL L A M E T T E PRESS sonal in te rest in his students. F o r one who had weekly at Springfield, Oregon, for naked. 6 nnd 7 cent» a yard The peraplrlng »hopinan H . K. M A X E Y . Editor. gone to school to him a m eeting In recen t years October, 1928. brought another pile and »aid All Work Guaranteed — Leave Entered as second class m atter, February 24, 1903 at the w as like renew ing a book of past m em ories. He Orders nt Kafnury's "These are the very newest pattern, Before me, a notary public lu and w as a g reat lette r w riter and he kept posted on poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon madam. You will notice the endge MRU W. K. BAHNKLL for the State und County aforesnlil. his form er stu d e n ts scattered in all p a rts of the I run» right around Ihe border nnd the 633 D Street Phone 106 W M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE county, m any now holding responsible positions personalty appeared 11. E. Maxey, center la In the middle." who, tyivtng been duly sworn accord Oae year In Advance------$1.75 Three M o n th s_____ 75c in th e new spaper world. Blx M o n th s------------------------ $1.00 Single C o p y _______be His lette rs alw ays carried w ords of praise and mg to law, disposes and says that he is good cheer. One several m onths old cam e to the ! the editor and publisher of The THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1928 w riter in th e tre n c h es in Europe. T he very sam e Springfield News and that the follow w eek a class m ate of ours hopped off an am uni- ing Is, to the best (o hts knowledge LEGISLATURE TO ACT ON LICENSE FEES and belief, a true statement of the S en ato r Ed Bailey of Ju n ctio n City, ch airm an tion truck. T he first words he said w ere "1 saw ownership, management, etc., of the of the se n ate com m ittee on license fees, prom ises Dym ent down th e road and he sent his best aforesaid publication (or the date W hile ou r Fall T erm has already begun, It Is not too late th a t a m easure reducing autom obile license fees w ishes for y our sa fe ty .” He never m issed a shown in the above caption, required to enroll, us we will have a new class beginning will be subm itted to th e legislature w hen It c o n - , chance to praise and m ake c o n ta c t w ith his form ­ hv the Act of August 24. 1912, cm MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 venes th e first of next year. T he legislature should j e r students. A fter th e w ar w as over and everyone bodied In section 411, Postal latws and be the body to a c t on lioense fee revision. T h at ; w as h u rry in g to get hom e— he rem ained se arc h ­ lloxuliitlons, to-wlt: Is w hat we have a legislature for and if the legis­ ing the b a ttle fields for his hoys w ho had fallen 1 That the names and addresses -if lato rs give th e subject as m uch th o u g h t a s they and g a th e rin g inform ation both d ear and valuable the publisher, editor, munuging eldtor, IT'S A GOOD SCHOOL should a bill should he passed th a t would both to p a re n ts of the n orthw est w hose sons had given and business manager are: H. E. A. E. Roberts, President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 reduce the license fee and pro tect th e s ta te road i their all for th eir country. Telephone 666 Eugene, Oregon .Maxey, Springfield. Oregon. Many are those w ho have lost a d ear and in ­ system . ‘ 2. That the owner is H. E. Maxey, We in Lane county, w ho would like to see a | spiring friend in th e passing of Colin V. Dyment. Springfield, Oregon. change in th e autom obile license fee, m ay tru st 3. That the known bondholders, S en ato r Bailey. We should vote dow n the Dunne mortgagees, and other security hold­ bills and leave th e legislature free to act. O ther­ ers owning or holding 1 per cent or T H E T R A IF F B E C O M E S T H E IS S U E wise the legislature would not have courage to more of total amount of bonds, mort­ (The American Tariff League) change the autom obile license law in face of the Apparently the Democratic powers that be have con­ gages. or other securities are: None change ju st m ade bv th e people. One of the first Items to con­ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IT IS NOT TOO LATE EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Editorial Comment/ Candy in Hallowe’en Boxes 4 That the two paragraphs next cluded that they can no longer dodge the real issue in this above, giving the nunies of the campaign—the tariff. Late last week. Chairman Raskoh offered Dr. Work owners, stockholders, ahd security holders, if any. contain not only the his resignation and all because of the tariff. Thus far Dr. Work has not accepted Chairman Raskob's list of stockholders and security hold I resignation and maybe it Is because the Doctor does not ers as they appear upon the books of the company but also. In »uses where want to lose Mr. Raskob. Then early this week, It was announced that Governor the stockholder or security holder ap­ Smith would make a tariff speech, maybe at Ixiuisvllle on pears upon the books of the company us trustee or in uny other fiduciary Saturday—and maybe not. There must be a reason for all this—and there Is. Up relation, the name of the person or in Albany when he accepted hts party's nomination for th« corporation for whom such trustee is Presidency, Governor Smith was short-sighted and un acting is given; also that the said fortunate enough to pay high tribute to the Democratic two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and Underwood-Simmons tariff act of .1913. • • • That was a mistake, but tt was not the only one the belief as to the circumstances and con­ "T he A m erican people have never failed to Gentleman from New York has made. Ou his western tour, ditions under which stockholders and rise to the occasion in tim es of em ergency; this is he told the farmers that the tariff on their major crops security holders who do not appear an em ergency and H oover is surely going to be was of no benefit to them, and now they are wynderlng if upon the books of the company as elected president on N ovem ber 6,” said Jam es this means he is in favor of doing away with the protection trustees, hold stock and securities in D rain, form erly national com m ander of th e Am­ given them on wheat, wheat flour, corn, beef, hogs and all i a rapacity other than that of a bona | fide owner; nnd this affiant has no erican Legion and one of th e m ost popular m em ­ the others. Nor is this all. On this same western tour,, Governor reason to believe that any person, bers of th a t g re a t body. Mr. Drain spoke at the c o u rt house under th e auspices of th e Republican Smith told the farmers of the country In so many words association, or corporation has any It; C entral com m ittee. He has been a friend and that everything they bought. Including the shoes on thel,- terest direct or Indirect In the said advisor of every president since McKinley a n l , feet, they bought in a protected market. This is absolute stock, or other securities than as so know s presidential tim ber w hen he sees it. He ' ly and irrefutably false, and unless this statement was a stated by him. H. E. MAXEY. Owner and publisher pays trib u te to Sm ith b u t says he is not nearly deliberate misrepresentation on Governor Smith's part, Sworn and subscribed to before me of th e high calibre of H erbert Hoover. it is a clear indication of the fact that he knows little or • • • nothing about the tariff. First of all. shoes are on, the free this 18th day of October, 1928. (Seal) I. M. PETERSON "D uring my th ree w eek visit in th e E ast I found ' list in Paragraph 1607 of the Tariff Act of 1922.. And so (My commission expires June 1, 1932) no signs of business depression, and all indica- I when the Governor opened his royal mouth on this point, tion ap p aren tly a re for continued prosperity," j he put his foot in It. As the result of a motor accident, a w rites F. S. McGinnis, passenger traffic m an a g e r ' 9econd, virtually everything the farmer has to buy for of the S o u th ern Pacific realroad. A pparently he i use on his fram Is on the free list, Including agricultural lady being removed to the hospital didn’t m eet A1 Sm ith. implements and machinery, harness, bricks, cement, binder was attended to by a doctor, who re- ’ Mr. McGinnis looks f o r- a big w inter touristy twine and barbed wire. So again, either the Govern >r marked: "I'll sew that scalp wound travel from th e e ast to th e Pacific coast. was deliberately misrepresenting the facts or he did not for you for four pounds.” • e e know whereof he spoke, but should have. Patient: "Good Heavens, doctor. I I More th an th ree million people visited o u r n a ­ Obviously, a structure of such misrepresentations could only want plain sewing, you know, not ! tional p ark s this seaso n — 250,000 m ore th an ever not be expected to persist long, and thus It comes that un­ hemstitching and embroidery." before in one season. wittingly the Democratic spokesmen have had to give up • • • the false Issues with which they were attempting to befog A m an nam ed Volsted w as a rre ste d in M edford the voters, and take up the tariff. These are purely de­ on a liquor charge. T h a t’s a Volsted act from the fensive tactics on their part; they know It and so does o th er side of the fence. the country. • • • T here is a c e rtain faction in E ugene who would deprive th e university stu d e n t of his right to vote if certain technicalities can be m ade to stick. We have no patience w ith this sort of people who are alw ays trying to dig up som e little irregularity to sh u t th e o th er fellow out because of fear th at he m ay not vote to suit them . A stu d e n t 21 y ears old w ho declares Eugene his residence and has been duly registered by th e co u n ty clefk should be allowed all the privileges of any o th er v o ter> He m ust live under th e laws enacted in E ugene and be governed by its officials. W hy should he n o t have th e right to vote if he chooses ? sider when H allow e'en planning party your is candy. We have plenty in daintily d ecorated H allow e'en boxen. Also o th er decorations for 1 lallow e’en. ALTA KING For District Attorney Lane County D E M O C R A T IC C A N D ID A T E Am Perauually Dry Believe In Impartial cnfnrenment of prohibition law Active practice of law In tain» County, more than twenty yearn. My official policy, If elected, will be: Wholeaoine law enforcement baaed on lu«tlce an dequallty. Careful connldyratlnn of bu»tne»n (Paid adv. by Alta King 794 Wll lamette St., Eugene, Oregon ) T he N ew T am m an y Tammany hat moved to It» fashionable new headquarters.—News item. a Successful Six n o w w in n in g F »» a L ü r a a ir r S u u M f y o u BET IT ’S NEW, W ELL SAY ITS N tW , M ew FOINITURB, NEW QUARTER’S TOO- V N E W POISIAN RUGS UPON T H E F LO O R S , a n d N ic e new golden c u s p id o r s ; a SW ELL O IL PAINTING ON E A C H W A L L , IN T H IS HERB B R A N -N E W T A M M A N Y H A L L .’ C A N A R Y BOIDS T O SIN G T W E E T -T W E E T , A N D KEEP OUR NEW HOME PURE AND S W E E T , A MARBLE STAIR-CASE, FR O N T AND R E A « ., A N D - - L 0 0 K ! - - A DIAMOND C H A N D E L IE R .}-- lu S T L IK E A MILLIONAIRE- H O T E L , F O R T A M M A N Y IS G E T T IN G S W E L L - VOU BET ITS NEW, W ELL SAY ITS N E W -* EXCfcPT T rti CAPTAIN AND THc CfctlA/! sure ! pAT-, A F armer . m i , 7 - i . u hJC. s p t ' i l t i receiver. Prtce, leu lakes. I l f l e i s te r <-< s te e le r Price K ö ln e r Model K21 is a »even- tube A .C . 60 cycle »et, uxing no batteries whatever. I t is the height o f simplicity in operation— one tuning con­ trol, w ith illuminated dial. T he K 6 magnetic speaker is matched electrically and in design w ith the receiver. T h * «-Door Sr<Ì4$n Body by Fuher WM. RODENBOUGH GARAGE Phone 95 for Demonstration Brings AS ew Heights cf Public Favcr h Kolster Radio Why Inspection? T he O ptom ltriat Is, literally, an eye m easurer. DATS A BolD of A SONG B ut are also skilled In Me­ chanical Optics, w hich e n ­ ables him to supervise the co nstruction of proper g las­ ses w hen required. We use B ausch and Lomb Lenses w hich give sa tisfa c ­ tion to us and ou r patients. i As a result o f the n ew value offered by tnday’g P o n tiac—as a consequence o f its greater power, h ig h er speed and smarter style — this low -priced six is w in n in g n ew heights o f public favor . . . Pontiac Six now provides new m otoring lu x u ry. Staunch, beautiful bodies by F isher— sm aller, sturdier w h eel* w ith larger tires— an engine o f 186 cubic inches dis­ p lacem en t— the crogs-flow ra d iato r—the G -M -R c y lin d e r head . . . a ll these and m any o th er advance­ ments are emphasized by the perform ance suprem ­ acy resulting from n ew carhuretion and m a n i­ folding . . . T h a t’s w h y today’s Pontiac Six la attracting thousands o f n ew buyers. T h a t’s w h y it la w in n in g leadership in the low -priced six-cylinder field. 2-D o o r S rd u n , $7411 Cow fw , $ 7 4 h S h o rt R o a r b te r . $ 7 4 9 i P h a e to n . $ 7 7 9 i C s b r l o ls t, $ 7 9 5 i 4-1 I o or Szdgm, $ » 2 1 1 f h o r t I a n d a u S rd tu t, $ » 7 1 . A ll l>ricsi a t fa c to r* . C K tilt O a k la n d -P o n tia c d e liv e r e d p r ic e s — th e y Im la d e l o w s tl h a n d l la i ch a rg ee. G en era l M o to rs l im e P a y m en t Plat» a v a ila b le a t m ln im a m ro te. W .R . DAWSON M ain Street, Springfield Dr. Ella G. Meade O pto m etrist W A T T S O P T IC A L CO. No. 14 P Ave. West *" Eugere, Prego» WAR TAX REMOVED, DELIVERED PRICES REDUCED mwniAC sax r a o o u c T os o in im a l uot »$$