ÍX DEAL C ai PAGE THREE NMTICE OK HALE OF GOVERN T R A IN S C H E D U L E With breatbles* interest the claM MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Springfield Stops listened to th e teacher's account of W ashington. D. C., Hep 21, 1928 N o­ NORTH her lncounter with the tramp. tice la hereby given that subject to the ’ No. IS at 4:27 A. M. (F lag) With a dram atic gesture she react} conditions and lim itations of the acts No. 8 at 3:62 P. M. nt June 9. 1818 (38 Rtat. 218), Febru ! ed the clim ax of her story and th ea ary 2«. 1818, 141) Htat 1178» June 4, Bus connection for train leaving concluded, saying. "And then I faint* 4820 (41 Htat 758), and departm ental Eugene at 2:20 P. M. ed.” regulations of April 14. 1924 (80 L. I) SOUTH 37«), the tim ber on the follow ing lands L ittle Bobble razed with awe and No. 7 at 12:38 P. M. will be sold No». 18. 1923. at 10 o'clock adm iration at his teacher, and wag No. 16 at 10:03 P. M (F lag) a. in . at public auction at the United i the first to break the silence. S tates land office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than less than »2 per M for the red and I "Wlth Ter felt or yer right?” ng the appraised value as shown by th is yellow fir, »1 25 per M for the red j asked. notice, sale to be subject to the appro cedar and » 75 per M for the hemlock ■— ■■ --------------- — val of the Secretary of the Interior. T. 21 H„ R. 4 W , Sec. 27. SE Q NEQ 1 I'AINTINO and KaliUMiilniug In all Ita ACCOUNTANT: Inslall, supervise a n d ! The purchase price, with an additional red fir 880 M, red cedar 60 M. incense POLES WANTED branches, lteducnd Prices. Roy audit books. Financial and Income ) "um "f one-fifth of one per cent there- cedar 110 M. SW Q NEQ red fir 1080 "Wanted Cedar and H r Poles, all Koch. Call 126J. tax statem ents. H. J Cox Office ?f ' being com m issions allowed, must M. Incense cedar 90 M, white fir 50 M. altea. Quote prices f. o. b. shipping Hampton Bldg. 6 * W illam ette. Hts .' £ « ’s » T U X r o ^ NBQ SE Q yellow flr 420 M. red fir point. Adrian quantities can supply, 540 M. red cedar 46400 feet, Incense Eugene. Telephone 2726. R esidence , otherw ise patent will Issue for timber, when can ship. Spot cash. Nleder- cedar 40 M, N W >4 HE 14 red fir 960 M. FOR BALE WOOD phone Kprlngfleld 117 J tf *hl< h must be removed within ten Incense cedar 70 M. none of the timber Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir. m eyer Martin Lumber Co.. Portland. ... . — years. Bid« will he received from on th ese section s to be sold for less s 2« 2 7 . O. I: WAN TEIt TO RENT—For one year citizen s of the United Htstes. assocla than »1.76 per M for the red fir on Oak, Ash. All lengths. I’hone Spring On gon ." with option to buy. Plano. Must be Hons of such citizen s and corporation» *he HE>4 NEQ and SW Q N E Q , »1 60 fliM 104. SEPTIC TANKS— Id good condition B est of care as WSAnlzed under the laws of the United P«r M for the red and yellow Hr on the Ready for you to Install su r..4 and the P nglbld N ews. tf trict thereof only. Upon application balance of the tim ber not to be sold 2 . 4 persons ___...____ ______ »21 00 I ALL ANO SEE Or. N W. Emory of a qunllfled purchaser the timber on tnr less than (1 per M for the white 3 • 8 persona ................................... 28.01) 1 onng Wife: "Before we were mar- on prices on plates and other work tf Hewer Pipe. W ell Curbing, Brain Tile rled you said you d be willing t o n , L . , wl11 be offered "r 8nd rwJ certar a ”'' » 60 per M for a-rt P h im n «. m i ,, x . .> \ » '» '" * to 8« separately before being Included In the Incense cedar T. 35 8., R. 3 E , Chimney tor me a..d Chimney Blocks. through anything for m e" any offer o ’ a larger unit T 31 8.. It Sec. 18, SW Q NW Q sugar pine lo M NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ... 23, 99 l,.s ____ I o rc M «> ,' rf‘d 1 A - 885 QQP M, «g white _L i , , fir a _ Husband: "So I am dearest, hut the I 19 VIr « s,,< lot 2 O red fir 350 hr 90 M r e d . cedar * EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. notice is hereby given . Thai way you hold on to your fortune Is a Wh,,e flr 60 M' w h,te ‘ «dar 140 M' rert ' 60 M 8E,/‘ rpd y u r lortunt is a ,.edar 4„ M |o , , rwJ JM() M whfti> (.^dar 10 M ypHf)w p(ne flr JJ# 880 M M- s w red ^ lh<- underelgneil S M S ilers, executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS o f Hie Iasi will and testam en t of John N otice Is hereby given that, Emma . caution.” fir 100 M. white cedar 260 M, red S E Q sugar pine 25 M, red fir 715 M, V. «'rail. deceased has rendered and Mathews, has been appointed udtnln I cedar 25 M. lot 4 red fir 1750 M, white red cedar 10 M, yellow pine 15 M filed arlth the County Court o f the Hr 120 M. white cedar 380 M, red cedar NW Q 8W>4 sugar pine 15 M, red flr NOTICE TO CREDITORS S tate of Oregon for the County of Istratrlx of the esta te of Hugh 8 I N otice is Hereby given that the un- 80 M. hemlock 70 M. lot 5 red flr 1220 1020 M, w hite flr 65 M, red cedar 50 Ijitie hla final account and that aald M athews, deceased, by the County sugar pine, 15 M, Court of Lam- County? Oregon. All ! ed has been appointed Execu M. white flr 20 M. white cedar 975 M. M, 8 E Q , SW Q Court ha» Axed and appointed. Satur day the loth day of October. 1928 at persons having claim s against said trlx ,,f Hie E (ate of Miner E. Mein lot 6 red flr 1030 M. white flr 50 M. red flr 910 M. w hite flr 60 M, estate are required to present them. *Fre, deceased, by the County Court ’ h lte cedar 190 M. red cedar 10 M, lot red cedar 25 M, bull pine 25 M. the hour of leu o'clock A M of aald duly verified as required by law to j *’» County, Oregon. All persons 9 yellow flr 900 M. white flr «0 M. SW Q SW Q sugar pine 20 M, red flr Republican Nominee for •lay. at the County Court room In the Court House In the City of Eugene. said adm inistratrix at the law office having claim s agulnst said E state are white cedar 370 M, red cedar 20 M. lot 1195 M. w hite flr 60 M, red cedar 125 County. Oregon, us the day. of Alla King, 794 W illam ette Street, hereby notified to present the sam e 1° r*'<1 ,lr 470 M. white flr 60 M. white M, T. 28 8., R. 12 W., Sec. 11. SW Q time and place of hearing objection* to Eugene, Oregon, within six month properly verified, to her at the office ‘ « d a r 80 M. red cedar 20 M lot 11 red N EQ yellow flr 3000 M. hem lock 30 M, said final account All objections must from the dale of first publication ot e red flr, »2.50 per M for the of said Court on or before aald day 1928 EMMA MATHEWS, Adm inistratrix ! ,hl' nrMt publication of this notice. '!4° M. white cedar 350 M. lot 14 red yellow flr, » 75 per M for the w hite LANE COUNTY and time. 0 i -a: N 18 16- | D ate of first publication, Oct. 11, 1928 f'1- 165 M. white fir 80 M, white cedar hr, ».50 per M "for the red cedar, »1 K M 8T1BR9. Executor. ---- — ------------------- -- I LAURA O. McINTYRE, E xecutrix ,0 ° M- lot 15 red flr 700 M, white flr l'« r M for the hemlock, »3.50 per M for FRANK A. I h l ’CE. Attorney for NOTICE OF FINAI HETTI f m f n t W E LL S & WELLS. A ttorneys 89 white cedar 70 M. red cedar 20 ’be yellow and sugar pine and »2. per S TA TE M E N T the eatate. 1» 11-1846: N 14 M. lot HI yellow flr 1040 M. w hite fir M for the bull pine. WILLIAM SPRY. O. 11 1R 26: N 14: " 40 M. white cedar 680 M. red cedar Commissioner— O. 18-25: N. 1-8-15: NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN. That [ If elected, my administra­ NOTH E OF HEARING 40 M. none of the timber on this sec --------------------------—— the undersigned, the duly a p p o in ts’. tion of this office will be ex­ ON FINAL ACCOUNT SUM M O NS qualified ami acting adm inistrator of Hon to be sold for less than »2 25 per p £ SNODGRASS QUITS emplified by: NOTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thai ’ M for the red and yellow flr. »9.00 per! >f Phoebe Gray deceased the estate IN THE' CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 'h a s rendered and flled with the Coun the undersigned, as executrix of the M for th. wh'te cedar and »1 per M AS PRESIDENT OF BANK - — ............... .. S tate of , Oregon , rrHU„ for ,,,, ¡.’i*".1 ' ' 111 “ ','1 T estam ent of Chilian for the white flr, red cedar and hem STATE OF IIBEOON IN AND FOR I tv Court of the Rigid and unbiased en­ the County of lam e, hla Haul account ‘‘‘ala. dec-eased, has filed her account lock T 10 8 , R. 5 W , Sec. 49, 8EV, THE COUNTY f)F LANE final settlem en t of said de-] N W ’4 red flr i 1 i ß M. lot 2 red"flr 795 P E Snodgrass, for the past 42 forcement of all laws. Suit No and that the Court by an order dub for th associated with the F irst Na- G E Orswell, Plulntlff, versus, The made and entered of record has Axe l ! * '»dent's estute In the County Court M, N E ’i SW«4 red flr 715 M. white flr ¡tinted day - f ' I! f,,r/ ' anp County, Oregon, and . that 4 »nr, Sat-1 - owa» 26 M. e. lot 3 — red 1200 M. T _ 33 8 . R tl Unknown Heirs of Edward Fein and appointed tlonal Bank of Eugene, resigned hts Economy. . - Saturday - - ' the 17th r l ( U V 1 h 11 1 ” t I - .1 >. . . i KT -------- ---- L . lot flr . 1 red ___ of ten ' ur'*Y ,hB 17th d“ 8 of November, 1928. 5 W . Sec 7. flr 500 M. yellow offire as »resident la s t F V l o L -r e gold. dect-as4«d; Also all other per of November, 1928, at the hour •ounty ,h,‘ Courl Ro<’n* of "“ '<1 Court in pine 10 M. T 30 8.. R 9 W . Sec. 9 , . prP"lf,ent ^ a y T h e; sons or parties unknown claim ing o'clock In the forenoon at the C at Eu- In the forenoon, SEQ S E ’4 red fir 400 M, T 3 N.. R 2 res‘KnaH°n becom es effective Jaunary : r4„ - ,. ? l ten any right title, estate, lien nr Inter Court room In the Court house a, Prompt and efficient ser­ -1 . .j“" has b,‘Bn been fixed bv o u rt by salct Mald C Court _ w W . er 4. 1928; and you are R. W. Stark, Plaintiff, Vs.. Amv Stark, red and 9 and resource« nt ' t th® h . h bank .- v When _ “ hereby notified fhaf, If you fall so to Department of the Interior, United Eugene, Oregon) D efen d a n t »150 per yellow M for flr the on red Secs. flr on S ec 19. 1 7 1 The ‘ States Lend Office, Roseburg, Ore­ appear and answ er, the plaintiff will To Amy Stark, D efendant; IN THE and 50 cen ts per M for the white flr founded were »25.936.23. Last gon, October 10, 1928. m ake application to the Court for the NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE­ T 28 S.. R. 11 W.. Sec 5. lot 1 red flr M u r c e s o f »4,910,674.48. 018166 relief prayed within the said com GON; You are hereby required to ap­ 1200 M. lot 2 red flr 800 M. lot 3 red V " ------------ J -i------------------------------ — ___________________ N otice .Is hereby given that on pear and answ er the ____________ plaint which Is that the title to th<- com plaint flled 950 M. Sec 29. SW Q NW Q yellow ESTIMATED B ii n r c T cod _______ ~ 18 follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: October 8. 1928 John M. I^ewls. ot j against you In the above entitled suit fir flr 900 M, NW Q HWQ yellow flr 800 UDGET FOR THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD FOR 1929 Beginning at a point 93 76 feet South Sw lsshom e, Oregon, filed application within four weeks from date of first _ Springfield, Oregon, October 22nd, 1928 of the Southw est corner of Ixit 18 In No. 018166 under the Act of March publication of this sum mons, or for M T. 27 S., R. 12 W.. Sec. 15 N EQ flr 750 M. yellow flr 1250 M. m „ “ “ ’“T®, M eetln« waa caRe«l to order by Mayor G. G. Bust» Block One (1) of Alta Vista Tract In 20, 1922, (42 Stai., 465) to exchange the want thereof the plaintiff w ill take SE Q Q red SE Q red flr 700 M. yellow flr “ ’cted C h ^ ir m T n % dUAy 8 e c o n d ed and carried G. G. Bushman was Townsnlp 18 South In Range Three N>4 HE»4 of 8 W U SW Q . N H 8>4 Judgment against you and apply to the NW M. SEQ OCK SE Q r red flr r 1000 M, , h t I o I P f P p T t . m Conlml” ee and Harry M Stew art as Secre m. nc.-s rii n lu v u m ST Secretary. (3) W est of the W illam ette Meridian, S E ’4 8W Q , Sec. 22; N W ’4 NW Q court for the relief sought In the com ­ 600 8W Q SE Q real flr 1050 M, T 4 N.. R b T tlE “ T IMPROVEMENT: 1-ane County, Oregon; and running N W ’4, s H N EQ NW>4 N W ’4. SW Q plaint, to-wlt: for a decree of absolute 2 W.. Sec. 29. N EQ N EQ red flr 1000 m r 5 50. JO thence south 50 feet to the south line N W ’4 NEQ N W ’4 , S W ’4 NEQ NEQ divorce from you. Labor. Man and team 12 month» .............. .. » 400.00 of the W illiam Breeding D. L. C .; N W ’4 . EH NEQ NEQ N W ’4 . Sec 27. T h is sum m ons Is published once M. red cedar 100 M, NW Q N EQ red Crushed rock ______ flr 1300 M, red cedar 50 M, SE Q . 300.00 thence run w est 150 feet; thence run Tp. 16 8., R. 9 W est, W. M wlth'n the each week for four consecutive w eeks Cem ent alley crossin gs __ 50.00 north 50 feet; and thence run east 150 SI iis I hw National Forest, for the tim ­ In the Springfield N ews, a new spaper NEQ red flr 1250 M. red cedar 25 M. Cutting w eeds ................ .........™ ",...................... SW Q N EQ red fir 1200 M. red cedar! 200.00 feet to the place of beginning he quiet­ ber from approxim ately three a e n s published at Springfield, latne County, Surveying streets ......... 50 M. NEQ NW Q red flr 1240 M. red 75.00 ed In him In fee sim ple forever agnlnsi In the S H S E ’4 , Sec. 26; and E*4, Oregon, by order of the Hon. G. F. Cleaning streets ....................... *. 250.00 you, and that you be forever enjoined Sec. 35, Tp 9 8 , R 5 East, W M Sklpworth. Judge of the above court, cedar 25 M. NW Q NW Q red flr 1260 Equipment and supplies L Z Z Z 2 M. red < edar 100 M. SE Q NW Q red 100.00 from making any claim to the said within the Hnnllnm National Forest. made October 2nd, 1928. This sum Sew er pipes ........................... 75 00 The purpose of th is notice Is to mons dated and first published Oct. flr 1475 M. red cedar 25 M. SW Q real estate as agnlnat the plaintiff; NW Q red flr 1620 M, red cedar 130 M. and that the above entitled Court allow nil persons claim ing the lands 4th, 1928 »1500.00 See 3!. N EQ N EQ red flr 460 M. red POLICE ANR FIRE DEPARTMENT- m ade, dated and entered an order selected , or having bona fide objec­ W HITTEN. SW AFFORD, Atty. for ho n ° f ce an<1 Elre c h ie t at »150.00 per month, 12 Months. »1800.00 Septem ber 28, 1928. directing thet tions to such application, an oppor­ Plaintiff R esidence and P. O. Ad- cedar 20 M, NW Q N EQ red fir 445 M. fed cedar 30 M, SE Q N EQ red fir 1 Police officer and fireman at »130.00 per month. 12 m onths...... 1560 00 th is summons he published once carb tunity to file their protest with the dress. Eugene. Oregon. 355 M. SW Q N EQ red fir 350 M. NEQ 1 NigntwHtchnian at 105.00 per month, 12 m onths, ................ 1260 00 week In the Springfield New» for h R egister and R eceiver of the United O. 411-18-25: N. 1: NWQ red flr 305 M. red cedar 25 M Supplies ...................................................................................................... ive.OO period of four su ccessive wt-eks; and S ta les Land Office at Roreburg, Ore­ NWQ N W Q red flr 1090 M. red cedar ‘ thnt you appear and answ er the said gon. Any such protests or objections SU M M O N S »4746.00 complaint within four w eeks from the must he flled In this office within IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20 M. SE Q NW Q red flr 720 M. ren RECORDER'S SALARY: cedar 20 M. SW Q N W Q red fir 650 M. 1 Recorder. 12 m onths _______ date of the flret publication of this thirty days from the date of the first STATE OF OREGON FOR - , --------------------------------------- » 900.00 red cedar 35 M. N W Q SE Q red flr TREASURER'S SALARY: publication of this notice, which first sum m ons which Is October 4, 1928. LANE COUNTY 1385 M. red cedar 30 M, SE Q SEQ 1 Treasurer, 12 months H. E. SLATTERY, Attorney for publication la October 18, 1928. -------------------------------- ---- ---- » iso.oo Celia Faulhaber. Plaintiff, va. Henry red flr 850 M. red cedar 45 M, SW Q ATTORNEY'S FEES: Plulntlff and my residence and post Non-coal Faulhaber, Defendant. SEQ red flr 1225 M. red cedar 35 M. HAMILL A CANADAY. R egister. 1 Attorney, 12 months office address la Eugene. Oregon. To. Henry Faulhaber, the above NEQ SW Q red flr 1775 M. red cedar LIGHTS AND W ATER' » 240.00 0. 18 2u". N 1-8 15: O. 4 11-18 25; N. 1: named defendant. 45 M. N W Q SW Q red fir 575 M. r e l L ights: Mountain S tates Power Company. L ights for streets IN THE NAME OF THE STATE cedar 20 M. SEQ SW Q red fir 670 M. and public buildings, 12 m onths ..................................................... »1850.00 OF OREGON: You are hereby sum red cedar 60 M. none of the timber on W ater: Mountain S ta tes Power Company. Fire Hydrants, ! moned and required to appear and an these section s to be sold for less than 1 Street Sprinkling, Drinking Fountains, Public Buildings, «wer the com plaint of the plaintiff , 2.50 per M for the vellow flr on Sec 12 m onths--------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ----- ------ ------- »1150.00 j tiled against you in¡ the above entitled 29 T 2S s R n w and ; 2 per M »3000.0? suit on or before the last day of the fBr the rpd and yellow flr and red i tim e prescribed In the order for pub- cedar on the other sections. T. 3 N.. STREET CLEANING AND FLUSHING: Office Phone 176-J Rea. i ’hone 176-M Rna. Phone 1(0 Plano Moving i lieatlon. towlt, on or before October R. 3 W.. Sec 1. N EQ NEQ yellow flr I tow ^HAI î M w t i p s tha at »115 0° Per month ................... »1380.00 Cari H. Phetteplace, M. D. ] 25th, 1923, and If you fail to so appear 2780 M. NW Q N EQ yellow flr 3100 M. VÀ, „ IP L IE S : SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Genernl Practica, Speclal A ttention j and answ er, for want thereof, the red cedar 20 M. SE Q N EQ yellow, flr' H PA , » 45.00 *’ i f ’T -p„ns — .................. ......................................................... W il l is b e r t s c h , Prop. w< ? red"cedar wwvOnw 1 180 on Kt w v. k t i p i /. I I * <» O h r K t R . to Obstétrica and D lseases plaintiff w ill apply to the above en-1 j o g o j n g 'm M, o SWQ NE’i OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE M edical Service and Official Supervision .................. .............. titled court for a decree of absolute ,,ow flr 1940 M red cedar 100 M A n v » 50.00 of Children. 633 Main Street divorce against you and for such other N W Q yellow flr 2740 M. red ! ADVERTISING First N ational Bank Bullding Official A dvertising, 12 m onths .................... ' relief as to the court shall seem Successor to Sutton Transfer » 100.00 cedar 40 M, hem lock 100 M. NW Q Sprlngfleld, Oregon i equitable. NW Q red flr 2940 M. red cedar 30 M. TOWN LIBRARY: T his sum m ons Is published pursu- hemlock 80 M. SE Q NW Q yellow flr S ervices, Rent. Wood, Supplies and E xpenses ................. ............... » 643 00 | ant to an order by Hon. G. F. Skip- 2060 M. hemlock 30 M, SW Q NW Q CARE OF POOR, AIDING D ESTITU TE: i worth. Judge of the above entitled yellow flr 2180 M, hem lock 30 M. N EQ 12 -months .................................................. ..... S 10 00 WM. G. HUGHES .................... $ 250 00 dourt, on the 25th day of Septem ber. SEQ vellow flr 2830 M, red cedar 120 MUNICIPAL BAND: ......................................... DR. W. N. DOW " I 125 00 FIR I AN D A U T O IN S U R A N C E | 1928, which order directs that th is | M. NW Q SE Q yellow flr 1880 M. SEQ ANNUAL CLEANUP: ........................................................ D e n tis t sum m ons be published for four weeks SEQ yellow flr 2190 M. red cedar 40 INTEREST ON BONDED IN DEBTEDNESS: N O T A R Y P U B LIC F irst N ational Bank Building In, T he Sprlngfleld N ews, a newspaper M. SW Q SE Q yellow flr 1540 M. red General Im provement, First Issue »35,000.00 ................ ................ » 2100.00 Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon O fflee at General Im provement, Second Issue »35,000.00 ............................. 2100.00 of general circulation published in cedar 60 M, NEQ SW Q vellow flr 960 I Offlee hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Lane County, Oregon, an., that you M, rod cedar 40 M, N W Q SW Q yellow Refund Bonds, due 1932, »35,000.00 ...................................................... 2450.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Refunding Bonds, due 1944, »50,000.00 .............................................. 3000 00 bo required to appear and answ er on flr 950 M. red cedar 80 M. SEQ SW Q E veninga by Appointm ent Sprtngfleld, Oregon Im provem ent Bonds, 1926 Issue, »6481.00 ...... ................................ 388 80 or before the last day of the tim e pre­ vellow flr 1270 M, red cedar 160 M, Improvement Bonds, 1927 Issue, »9050.56 ......................................... .. »543.04 < scribed In said order, tow lt, ox or be­ SW Q SW Q yellow flr 1400 M. red fore October 25th. 1928. Im provement Bonds. 1928 Issue, »13,000.00 ..................................... 780 00 cedar 130 M, none of the timber on DR. N. W. EMERY Bond Sinking Fund .................................................................. .............. 7000.00 Date of first publication, Septem ber this section to be sold for less than 27. 1928. Date of laBt publication, »2.25 per M for the red and yellow flr, j »18,361.90 O IN T I 8 T October 25, 1928. »2 per M for the red cedar and »1 per EMERGENCY FUND: .................... .......... ...... ---- t 950.00 ALTA KINO, Attorney for Plaintiff M for the hemlock. T. 18 8.. R 6 W . G row E stim ated Expenditures ..................... Sutton Bldg. Phona tO-J __ »32,480 90 R esloen ce and post offlee address, Eu See 35. lot 2 red flr 580 M. T. 18 8 . R ANTICIPATED REVENUES: Realdanc« Phon» 15S-M gene, Lane County, Oregon. L icenses. Pool and Billiard H alls, etc. ............................................. » 180.00 7 W . Sec. 15, SE Q SW Q yellow flr j S. 27: O. 4-11-18-25: Fines, 12 m onths _________________________ ________ ________ 1800.00 1780 M. red cedar 80 M. SW Q SW Q | 8prlngfleld, Oregon Road Funds, 12 m onths ................................................ .......................... 2000.00 yellow flr 1920 M, hem lock 50 M. none Total Anticipated R evenues ................................................. ................ » 3980.00 E state of Charlotte J. Cox, D eceased. of the tim ber on th ese sections to sell 1 228 Main 8L R esidence 126 ç Bt Total Net Expenditure« ................... ............................ .............. ......... . »28,500.90 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. for less than »1.25 per M for the red General l a w Practice The levyin g board of the Town of Springfield w ill m eet on Thursday N otice is hereby given that Floyd D. flr, »2 per M for the yellow flr, »1.50 62 J «2 M Thompson has been by the County per M for the red cedar and »1 per M N ovem ber 15th, 1928, at the Town Hall in Springfield at the hour of 7:30 P.M., I. M. PETERSON I Court of the State of Orogon, In and for the hem lock T. 7 S ..H 7 W , Sec 31 where and when any and all taxpayers of the Town of Sprlngfleld shall be Attorneÿ-at-Law Full Auto Equipment for Lane County, appointed executor lot 4 yellow flr 75 M, larch 76 M, silver heard in favor of or against such levy or any part thereof. G. G. BUSHMAN, Chairman of the last will and testam en t of Char­ fir 300 M, hem lock 25 M. white pine 15 Mky H all Building Lady A ssistan t lotte J. Cox, deceased. HARRY M. STEW ART M, red cedar 5 M, none of the timber on M. J. McKLIN All persons having claim s against this section to be sold for less than Springfield, Ore. W. C. McLAOAN the esta te of said deceased are hereby $1.75 per M for the yellow fir, »1 per W. P. TYSON notified to present the sam e, duly M for the larch, allver flr and hemlock, W. A. TAYLOR stated and verified, at the residence $2 per M for the w hite pine and »1.50 FRANK A. DE PUE H. J. COX of A. E. W heeler at 716 Lawrence per M for the red cedar T. 18 S., R. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW L. L. MAY street In Eugene, Oregon, within six 1 W , Sec. 17. N EQ N W Q red flr 1680 C. O WILSON m onths from thin 4th day o f October, M. NW Q NW Q red flr 980 M. red N O T A R Y P U B LIC J Í W E L H R SAM H. RICHMOND 1988. cedar 100 M. hem lock 40 M, T. 21 S , •* ’ RapCthiRg a S p e c ia lty Motion made and carried that Budget be accepted. Sutton Floyd D. Thompnox, Executor. R. 5 W.. See. 25. 8B Q N W Q yellow Sprlngfltid, Motion made and carried to adjourn. A. B. W heeler, A lterxey flr 350 M. red flr 250 M. none or the ■klldlng S prtngfleld. O regon O. 25: N. 1: HARRY M. STEWART, Secretory. , O. 4-11-18-«: M. k timber ox these seettexe to be told for DistrictAttorney B U S IN E S S 69 W. ■ ------------- j -------------] le HY WAU A DAN» REAL B T BEATI UNS GO EW TIR» A-1 SHA A PEA THE S B 1 WHEE EW T M ) BEAT EW TIR OSEO T 3D SHA IE — es s m. i u j OR 1' D IR E C T O R Walkir-Pool» Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof modelai •ed caret -IIS Í r.