»AGE TWO OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. I92H THM ayftlNQFl&LD NrfWB Farm—U It Franklin, .'liintly, Mrs llornlc i Van Valsah. Tom former poatmaster at Jasper, has re Swarts. John M Mraon. Tony Gravo». cently returned to his farm near Elk Walter Gossler. Vernon Woolen gad •WB ton. he said on a visit here Hatur'-iy H. K Maxey. OLD ICE PLANT HERE TO BE REMODELED BY R sturns NEW EUGENE OWNERS! The big concrete building on the I Daughter la Bora—A daughter was | Clssa Party Planned— The Methodist Principal Events of the Week ,h‘* Wetafcwsl property here formerly . . - . . housing the largest Ice plant In Lane born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hniith at Sunday school class taught by Mrs A. II. Van Vnliah will bold a party at Assembled for Information county, but which has » ummi vacant thvlr home on October 36. the Nehr home Friday night. tor several years, will be remodeled Marcola People Hgre— Mr and Mrs. of Our Readers. ________ ,nt0 * warehouse and probably made Walter Rice of Marcola were here Child Injure« Shoulder — Ellen larger, It was announced today by Har- over the week end. Miller, eight-year-old daughter of Mrs A 30-ton carload of lime arrived In graves and Lindsay. Eugene contrac Ruth Miller fractured her shoulder Tillamook a few days ago from the tors. Rainbow People Here— Mrs. George when she fell at her home last Hutur •tate lime plant and waa distributed The annoucement followed a rea, Williams and son, Joe. of Rainbow, day evening. to the farmers and dairymen of the estate deal which Included transfer w®re Sunday visitors here. Attend P.-T. A. Convention— Mrs I.. • ° tt“l r ‘rf “ 101 *’ he corBer oi B ™ dw ar and Her< fn)m McMinnvllle-M rs. K. D K Page and Mrs. Pratt llolversnn left A new telephone book containing »Ugh street in Eugene. The lot and (|f McMinnvin,. WM Tuesday for Roseburg where they will KXU) names is being made up by the plant here were given as part payment Frlllav fl)r mwlt,.al treatment. W — — » «4 Telephone l > — m . i _. _. ._ F . \ ' • the he.« Eugene «i .». *»» . * « site a 1 a a. attend the stute Parent Teacher as for Pacific & Telegraph com Conveniently located on a spur track Anderson in Portland— A. A. Ander- soclatlon convention. pany for distribution to patrons in Lane county. of the Southern Pacific, the old lea son made a business trip'to Portland Brings Turkeys Here— Lee Boyles The first issue of The Elevator, plant has already been used several Monday, returning to his barber shop Springfield rancher, returned this seasons as a warehouse for hops and j here Tuesday. Semi monthly publication of the Ore­ week from Redmond, Oregon, where gon City high school, made its appear­ u e new owners expect to find no iliifi Mr». Hurlbutt III— Mrs. Ada Hurl he also bus a ranch, bringing with hint cuity In leasing It. ance recently. Miss Clarice Murray butt of Globe is reported quite ill at 13« turkeys for I lls place here la editor-in-chief. the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs B aptist Church Services O. F. Kixaer, here. Hunters Have Luck—E. R. Dauner Fire originating In a defective chim­ Services at the Baptist church for and Owen Henderson returned with ney caused <1000 damage to the Sunday were announced this morning Ninth Son is Born—The ninth son their limit of pheasants alter a huut- Claude Davis furniture store In Klamath Falls, and for a time threat- by Rev C' H B,"m' the P“9101-- “ fo1' to be bt,rn ,n the WM b‘,rn mg trip with Arch Waaaom of Harris- lows: Bible school at 10 o’clock; morn- Mr. and Mrs. William Proclw of purg lust week-end. ened the entire town. ing worship at 11 o'clock, pastor's ser­ Springfield Monday morning Bob West, Baker county sheepman, mon topic. "The Main Issue”; B. Y. P. Girl B reak s A rm —Jo sep h in e Jo n es, Westfir FI Iks Visit— Mr. r.nd Mrs. I,. d u u g h ter ot Mr. und Mrs. "S t” Jo n e s accidentally shot himself through the U. service at 8:30 o’clock, Hasel Cof- body near Durkee while ejecting a felt, leader, topic. “Making the Right K. Posvar of Westtlr were week-end oi th is city, broke tw o bonus la h er cartridge from a .25 35 rifle. It la Use of Our Talents"; gospel services } he home of Mrs. Joe forearm w hen she fell S unday morn­ thought he will recover. at 7:30 o'clock, pastor's topic. "Union Trinka, the former's sister. ing. The offices of the Sileti Indian With Christ” ; special selections by Jolliffs In Drain— Mr. and Mrs. agency have been officially closed and choir at both services. Bible study Hugh Jolllff and daughter. Margv and T eachers Go H untino -Laurelicc the records taken to Chemawa. The and prayer service Thursday evening nephew. William Burman of Spokane. pranct*:«» of u i- Lincoln s c h o o l agency was established following the at 7:30 o'clock. went to Drain last Friday '““l G1“,llllsh- fa. ully ni.-lubci- i at tile h ig h s i b o o i, w e a l O v e r n u ii l i n g Bogue Indian wars in 1850. Roof in Portland— Lawrence Roof last Saturday on the nual duy of thej Christian Services Set Jews of Eugene are planning to Three musical numbers are planned went to Portland last Friday. He at- season, erect a synagogue there, and a fund has been started. More than 31000 for services at the Christian church tended the Oregon Washington foot­ Sea,,le Pe°P‘* v ," ‘- Mr ““d Mrs has been subscribed by members of Sunday, according to announcement ball game there Saturday afternoon I A. E. Hull of Seattle were visitors at the Jewish Social club there. of the program for the morning and Sidwells at Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. ' the home of Mrs »Mary M. Kessey, A new river steamer to take the evening announced today by Rev. 3. Frank Sldwell motored to Roseburg the former’s aunt, over the past week plate of the ancient Julia B.. grown old E. Childers, -pastor. The choir will Sunday to spend the day visiting with eud. They left for their houie Suuuay iB the lower Columbia river service, present a special number at the morn relatives. evening. will be constructed this fall by the Ing service when the pastor will speak on "The Baptism of Christ," and Mer­ Astoria Shipbuilding company. C a r i. Dam aged— T h e car owned by , Springfield Mln Get. Buck_ N. D company Barfacing of the Algoma road, a ton Ferebee will sing the solo. "Be­ George Stewart was slightly damaged Ander, on of Sprl„K,leW, three-quarter mile stretch of highway cause I Love Jesus.” and Mr». Dallas in a minor accident on the Pacific ! wlth w T Culver of turury' tilla national forest was destroyed by the County Court for Lane County. Marcóla. Oregon, and that Saturday, the 24th : ------------------------------ fire during tbe summer season of this day of November, 1928. at the Court a c c c u d i v m d c u ic i rv year, cruisers have estimated. Room of said Court, In the County j “ tL U A dividend of 26 per cent was paid fnOU.7 aH?U8e' ln E u g en e“1 ten ©clock FOR FRANCES WILLARD h , tbe ,h . defunct _____ _ Astoria National Ln the. hAS been by said --------- m t by Court fixed as the time and place fo r , . ____. . . . , __ &»0k, according to W. C. Crawley, re hearing objections thereto, and for , A meTnor|Al «ervice for Frances WII- Wlver. The dividend amounts to ap- final settlement of said estate. lard be held at the assembly of Broximately 3426.000 and was the first . ash prlie The contest was only of one week's duration. Red Cross W o rk e r H e re — Miss M ar. Annin of the Eugene chapter of lie American Red Cross was In Spring held afternoon and accompanied Mrs M. II. Iluntly, local chairman, on a number of vails. Legion Leader Heard — Among Springfield members of the American Legion and tbe auxiliary to ud the meeting for Generul James Drain. past national commander of the Am eriean Legion. held III Eugene last Thursday evening were Mi l i d Mrs F. II HamllU Mr, and Mis I. M Peterson. Mr and Mrs M B H E A T IN G E N G IN E E R S j are we, and we guarantee seventy de­ > grees Farhrenhell In aero weather, without a pound of Indicated steam-— If that is tbe kind or Installation you Let us figure with you and i desire l show you hew economically we can 1 equip your home with Hie type of heat­ ing plant best suited Io your needs. W. N. LONG 627 M A IN S T . BELL THEATRE S P R IN G F IE L D FRIDAY — SATURDAY — OCTOBER 26 - 27 “BUCK PRIVATES” A Great Comedy USE MERCHANT TICKETS FRIDAY N1GHTH and Save 26c SUNDAY — OCTOBER 28 “THE COHENS AND THE KELLYS % in Paris” A PICTURE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS ! ■' 1 TUESDAY — OCTOBER 30 TIM McCOY In “ WYOMING” ALSO—MANY SHORT SUBJECTS USE M ERCH A NT T it KKTS I l hkSDAY SIG H T S ' ’ Think of it— Only 10c to see A First Class Show Save 25c GET M ERCHANT PLACES; C O -O P E R A T IV E T IC K E T S AT F O L L O W IN G Save 25c on each adm ission on Tuesdays and F ridays INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE DANNER MOTOR CO. SPRINGFIELD TAXI SPRINGFIELD GARAGE DROP-IN CAFE FLANERY’S DRUG STORE IDEAL GROCERY LARSON’S SERVICE STATION GOSHEN STORE T h e r e ’s a S ilv e r G r a y ” “FULL OF GINGER?" ANTI-KNOCK RED CROWN GASOLINE H a lf M illio n G a llo n s HALLOWE'EN PARTY HELD BY LOCAL N. OF W. GROUP Visiting lodge members from Walt- ervilie, Cottage Grove and E u gen e' were here for a Hallowe'en party of the Springfield Neighbors of Wood­ craft circle last night. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fountain, Mrs. Klckbush. Mr. and Mrs. Easton, Mrs. Fchwering, Mrs. Potter, Gall -Easton, Dorothy Schwering, Irvin Fountain, i Mr. and Mrs. Ernerick, Mrs. Harry Jackson, all of Walterville; Mr. and Mrs. I,. Sears of Cott-age Grove and 1 Mrs. Ollie Parsons of Eugene, all were present as visitors. Mrs. Stella Blackerby, grand rep -1 resentatlve for the district talked on the good of the order. Mrs. Ollie Par­ sons and Mrs. Marlon Adams present­ ed readings and the drill team put on an exhibition drill which was followed by a supper. We have sold the automobile public about a half million gallons of gasoline with our old pump in the years we have been in business. We have now installed a % t to Eugene every 30 minutes from 5th and E Sts commenting 6.30 «.m. (Sun­ days 7:30 a.m.) and every 30 minutes thereafter u ntil midnight throughout the day. Returning they leave the Southern Picific sta­ tion Eugene every 30 minutes between 6:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.tn. (Sundays 7:00 a.m.) Fares 100 Tickets (scholars) . . . . 50 Tickets (commutation) . . Jyoo 3.1c New Visible Pump One way f a r e ............................ ....... j 4 and we’re on our way to the million mark. With the new pump you can see what you are getting—it’s the high powered, mile maker • Convenient conncctionsa.emade by the bus with trains and motor coach to the north and south. Note these frequent schedules from Eugene. Connect.on- rt Eugene Portland via Corvallis and Albany— 1« (Mi 9:35, tll:5 0 a .m .; 2:35,4:35 p.m, + V io le t Ray Gasoline Marion Veatch of the Veatch Funeral Home Independent Candidate for Attend Football Game—Oregon has e real football team this year Is the I opinion of Dwight Kessey and W. R ’ Prompt, efficient and economical Davis who attended the game against service to the county and every Washington in Portland last Saturday ' one concerned The trip was made In Mr. Kessey’» j (Paid adv. by Marion Teweh) County Coroner the wonder of the motor world today. If you haven’t tried it you’ll be surprised. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE See Heinie for Everything in Radio« PHONE 11-J .. 414 MAIN The Ltmiled extra etfuifiped, leaves 11-5(1 a.m. arrives Portland 4:15 p.m. ¡U/u Harrisburg. R oseburg— 1;55, 6:35 p.m. M arshfield via Roseburg— D55 p.m. G rants Pass,M edford, Ashland— 1:55 p.m . Wherever you are going buy your ticket at Springfield—it w ill be honored on train or bus to Eugene. Southern Pacific C.OUOH4rw