X DEAI Cat Try the H om e P rin t Shop F trat models! wd carsi THE SPRINGFIELD TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAH HPRINGF1BLD. LANK COUNT Y. OREGON, POLITICAL MEETING SPEAKERS READY Public Meeting Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce; Can­ didates will Appear to Talk Politics; Discussion of Meas­ ures on Ballot Also Slated. Why HprliiKill’lit people should vote fur Hoover or Bmlth, who they should elect to (Ml county offices and the merits of many measures on the Nov­ ember ballot will bo thoroughly dis­ cussed nt ail open foruin conducted under the auspice* of the chamber of commerce In the chamber rooms Frl day evening. The meeting, which starts at 7:80 o'clock, la open to the public Iteprescntlng their r e s p e c t i v e parties In boosting presidential candi­ dates, Hugh Itoason and Arthur Kicks, both professors at the llnlver slty of Oregon, will be on the program, Professor Rnaaon will speak In behalf of Hoover and Prof. Hicks will sup- port Al Smith. NEW ATTENDANCE MARK REACHED WHEN RALLY DAY DRAWS 418 PEOPLE “T h « People's Pap er" A $250 in Budget 1352 Voters Here For City Band A w aitin g Election TRAFFIC OFFICER IS FIRST TO CROSS NEW SPRINGFIELD BRIDGE m score of 2« to 0 In favor of the locals, by the city the band will be able, by probable. NEWS OFFICE IS SCENE concerts and playing outside "Jobs." Lane county registration reached a I‘'rom *be first signal to the end cf James K King and Alta King, re­ OF SMALL FLUE BLAZE lo raise the additional »150. figure 26.614. which Is a new high the game ,h « contest was Springfield's, publican and democratic candidal -s T w o K in gs Com ing A defect In a flue In the Springfield News building on Fourth and Main slreets caused a small blase at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening Timbers close lo Ihe flue hud evi­ dently smoldered all day, since there bad been no fire In Ihe stove sisee morning. It wax reporto«.. Discovery of the fire wus made by candidacy. an employe of the ¡southern Pacific com Or. M C. Harris, chairman of the ' pany living In a work train on a aide- I-ano county central committee of the j Iraek back of the newspaper building republican parly, will dlsctias the legls- Had the smoldering continued Into the latlve ticket. night before being discovered a mo e Discussion of Ihe water power ami serious blaze would undohutedly have fish b ill, will be given by J E. Shelton 1 developed. L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N THURSDAY, OCTOHEH 25, 1928 A new record of large attendance wus established at the Mprlnxlleld Budget Committee Return* Item New High Mark is Reached in ''Hill" Davis, guardian of traffic Christian church last Bunday when at Request of Manager; Band Number of Voters Registered In the city, has set for him self a the annuul “rally day” program wus will Raise $150 Extra record. He Is the first to ride for November Election presented. A count of the attendane» across the new Springfield bridge showed 418 present This was the Hprlngfleld's new city band will not In all four Hprlngfleld precincts reg on a motor vehicle. largest known attendance at any event be forced to reuse Its activities be Istratlon of voters has reached a new Some time ago Bill told his In that church In Its history. cause of lack of funds. That la If »250 ! high record, according to figures fa- friends that he would be first to go One of the features of the program i year from the city treasurer will sued from the office of W. B. Dillard, i across the structure. They thought was an historical sketch of the local help any. | I^ne county clerk, this week. he meant after It had been officially • Lurch by K E Morrison J J. Brov n And »350 a year most certainly will J One thouaand three hundred and opened to travel and some secretly Ir.g, 85, one of the workers in the '.» o ,“ P * aCC"rdln* lo H K | M t / two voters are registered to cast planned to beat him- to It. church during Its early history, war lh lll.p s. m anager o f the band , ha„ ,,t Novpmbpr electlon , Driving up the planks used by called Io Hie platform and presented At Its meeting Monday night the Thls I. by far a larger number of workmen to get on the floor of the to tlic audience. H O Moshler, pres- budget committee voted the amount vote„ than have flVer taken bridge he rode from one end to the M « .... ..I , . 4 »V - - - 1 - n « A W « L . g- . - SS I . ent (Uperlnlendenl, was also com F for the support of the band SW The I ten an election here, offlcllas state. other and returned, convinced that mended by (he speaker. wan entered on the annual budget and he has set a record. By preclnects those registered are: Numbers by the local male quurt"' will be Included In the revenue No. 1, 227; No. 2, 449; No 3, 362; t!o new orchestra, Miss Olayds Poe The band manager appeared before HIGH SCHOOL ELEVEN No. 4, 314. Allas Beulah Avdelolt. Mr. and Mrs the budget committee at Its meeting BEATS LEBANON GRID In comparison with other precincts Il H Murphy and Mrs. (Denn Rada' lo request that the Item be returned. He explained that he band cannot be throughout the county, the four regia binigli were well receiver MEN BY 26 TO 0 SCORE Following the servicer the whole financed wholly from within Its mem. trat*on figures here are mong the high f ontinuing their winning streak cougri-gaifrn assembled cn the west bershlp since many of the experienced ' er one"- side o( t hi building for a group plcturi players do not feel that they should ; ,f the vote here approximates the which has to date given them two which w'll laler be published In the ; add fees to the time which they are registration an unprecedent number of | victories, Springfield high school hat aallona! weekly magaslne of that d<- donated. It will take about »400 a ’ »tee will be cast Each of the elec- I football eleven trounced Le I year to keep the band running, he told ’Ion boards will have an arduous task . . , ,, unci i ban in nomnation ! '» ” .......- » < - ... ......... .... ......... « m .-d u ,.. return, • " » » « •» - ( W S t . for district attorney, will each person ally appear In 10 minute discussion > f their policies None of the discus­ sions will be In th* nature of n debate. Karl Luckey, republican nomine" for sheriff. Is also scheduled to speak Mrs. Vera Todd Crowe, democratic aspirant for the office of connty school superintendent, will speak on her CITY BUDGET FOB 1829 IS Total Expenditures 6 Per Cent More Than 1928 Figures; Li* brary, Emergency and Band Items Added; Taxpayers will Pass on Budget November 15. Springfield taxpayers will pay »31^ j 360.90 for the conduct of the city government ln 1929. This figure Is the estimated expendi­ ture to be made by the city for all pur­ poses for that period as outlined at • meeting of the budget committee Mon­ day evening. The amount Is virtually six per cent more than 1928. The items which have been changed are the library fund, which was raised from »570 to »643, addition of »250 to the emer- gency fund and replacing »250 for th« city band. - A mass meeting of taxpayers ha« Novem ber , k *i„ oZ n ,„ w“ „ " X X l * t t k “ ' , , ? " an opportunity will be given for anyone to object to any Item ’.a 1 the budget or make suggestions as to changes. When these proposals h avs been heard and any changes thougnt ba necessary made the budget will be f;omplete. Money to cover the budget expenditures, not provided In the rev­ enue, will come from 1929 taxes. IY W A L A DAN 1EAL B ’ BEAT: JNS GO (W TIP ' «-1 S H A A PEA ’ HE SH W HEE Î W T IH BEAT ÎW T IR )S E D T D SHA E— ÌS Although 'he band will not receive mark for any election, Mr. Dillard The local team Played the same brand of ball which m they used to de- “ny "f U”’ 2250 unt” are I’®1'1 ln announced. In some of the precincts ~------ ey usea ".T Mpr,n*’ “ ,M •»•‘•»«I bv the band throughout the county It will be nes- .** t0 0 the Week Pre' officers that the appropriation will esaary to recast boundary lines, he v I ouh . Loss of the game against Cot­ hold the organization together and slated. tage Grove on October 5 is the only "efeat against the record of the make it a permanent organization. --------------------------------------------- S tre e t« to C o tt »1500 Springfield team this season. SPRINGFIELD CIRCLE ■n o . „ I 8treet Improvements next year will FRANK POWERS, LANE The Springfield team has been | cost »1500. This includes lumber, TAKES LARGE PART AT strengthened by the return to school 1 rock, cement, cutting weeds surrevina COUNTY NATIVES, DIES GROVE LODGE SESSION ■ of LaVerne Lawson, who has been ill. streets, cleaning streets, equipment AT HOME ______ IN EUGENE I . . / °ach Leonard Mayfield will take j and supplies, and sewer pipes. Of the --------- Slxty-five officers'represented nine hi« players to Harrisburg Friday io do I total »4(10 f . r , . A pioneer of Lane county. Frank circles of the Neighbors of Woodcraft battle on the gridiron Then th , I , * » allotted for employment Mr was bom on a • -Monday. ...... _ Powers , _ His "e,,r a »rln* ™ d I»«° non and grandaon were also born and have lived in Lane county all of their of Eugene, chairman of the league in ' • 1 " opposition lo the hills II j Kirk REPUBLICANS ASK FOR wood, will support the measures In h is ’ CAM PAICN FU N D H E R E " Mr. rr.td.,, r. talk. ^ „ « . . ■ 7 « . p L J L i r i . ’ 0” " ' “ Dunne B ill« Topic Cottage Grove circle was held at that lion City on the local field Novo™ I ’D t . ^ n place Monday evening Springfield her 12. N° Vem- T circle played an important part in tho * _____ - _________ , * ‘<<>.00. This includes salaries for a fire and police chief, on« program. 19 FROM SPRINGFIELD police officer and fireman, and one b ’ w " AT LIONS’ CEREMONIES night watchman Supplies for thes« --------- I departments will cost »126.50 Springfield was well represented at Salaries of the city recorder and city Frank Jenkins, president of the Eu ' lb" Monmouth charter night Saturday I attor’>*Jr- two positions held by th« campaign fund will be sought In He Is survived by his widow Mrs Mrs. F. Egglmann, guarr.lan ' when Lions and their wives went same man- wUI total *n4<> and <9* from he^ he,p jn,tlate the new city treasurer will receive »180 for th« club. More than 200 people were in 12 month« Th* city health officer's attendance at a banquet in the even- sa*ar>’ WHI be »50 for the year. Lighting for the streets and publls Ing- It was pronounced one of the m lttce working on the Issue, will w , best charter nights the Oregon district buildings will be »1850 and water for Money raised here will be turned A number of grundchlldren and other speak on the Grange Income tax ques Members of the Springfield chapter has held. There are now 70.000 mem- fire hydrant«, street sprinkling, drink- over to the county central committee reltalves also survive tlon. who attended the program were: Mrs. bers of the Lions International Ing fountains and public buildings will for division between It and the state j Funeral services were conducted at County Judge C. P, Barnard will dis and national committees. Under the the Veatch chapel at 3 o'clock Tues- Marlon Adams past guardian neigh-1 Those who «tended from Springfield cost »1150. Street cleaning and flush­ cuss the proposed four milt tax levy ,aw precinct committeemen are ex p ec J day afternoon with Rev. Morton L. •-r . Mrs Myrtle Egglmann. guardian were: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Flanery ing, which includes the employment of for coast and McKenzie highway Itn ted to assist In the campnlgn of their Rose, acting pastor of the First Christ- neighbor. Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adrian. Mr. and a man and team, will cost »1389. Town provement purposes In this county. ticket and It Is felt that Springfield Ian church of Eugene, officiating. In- Bert »fan e. Mrs. Walter Laxton, Miss Mrs. D. B. Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. W. ha” 8UPP>ies will total »50 and official Other candidates who have been Iti- . . . . Republicans should contribute some- ferment followed in the Laurel Hill Dorothy Girard, Miss Doris Girard, Rebhan. Mr. and Mrs. John Ketels Mr adverHsing will be »100. v.led to speak are also expected to ,hln< towar(, ,hp CBrry)n< „„ of th# remet h en , musician, Mrs Wilbur Lloyd, captain and Mrs. H. E. Maxey, Mr. and Mrs. Library Item Raised appear before the mass meeting. of the guards, Mrs. Wayne Clover, John Henderer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles campaign. The fund 8et a8ide for the library Mrs. Isaac Endicott, Mr. and Mrs R Poole. Claud Neely. John Robinson. was ,nereased from »o70 to »643 for Anyone wishing tr* make a contrlbu- FIRST TRAFFIC PASSES Thatcher, Mrs. William Burnett, Mrs. and Laurence Moffiitt ODD FELLOWS GATHER tlon to the campaign fund may leave i the year. Ten dollars Is provided for OVER NEW ARMITAGE SPAN1 Harvey Eaton son. Mrs. Chic Me . . . and . ryr- and Mrs.. Ralph Dlppel, formerly ,he care of the destitute. Annual the money with Mr. Kenyon at the TO CELEBRATE THEIR herson, Mrs Alva McPherson, Miss of Springfield, were present with the c,eanuP campaign is allotted »125. Commercial State bank. 47TH ANNIVERSARY First cars were allowed to pass over Melba Me lon Mr. and Mrs. Clinton ' Salem delegation. Fred Roth, former- Total Interest on bonded Indebted r2* M ’ 8 Paullne McPherson. Mr I Iv superintendent of schools here. Is wiU amount to »18.361 90 The 1929 l i n n a i I n n r r u u n u n i A nr- ,he npw Armltage bridge yesterday. Springfield Odd Fellows last night ! LOCAL LODGE WOMEN ARE now on ,hp npw Rtructure w,„ iv n ..Mr8 ,- Wu llarn RodenbouKh' M r 8 member of the new Monmouth club. ,8,'ue wU1 '“crease the Interest OB celebrated the 47th anniversary uml GUESTS OF EUGENE CLUB be used In place of the old Coburg \ llliam \ ashy, Mrs. Asa Peddlcor.l,----------------------------- -------------- - . bonded indebtedness by »546. homecoming of the local chapter, with . ---- '— ' ! bridge. The south span of the aid Mrs Mary C. Magill. Miss Helene FATHERS ENTERTAINED AT L a w h rea k ersd u rln g l9 2 9 w lllco n - Wore than 40 members taking part In Past Noble Ornada of the Spring bridge will be torn down by the county Richmond. P A B F N T T C A o u r n n « n ^ „ lribule $1800 members of the budget the program. The lodge hero was or- field Rebekah lodge were guests of the for the metal in It and the remainder Mrs. Roy Pugh. Elmer Findley, Mrs. RENT-TEACHER PARTY committee estimated. This includes ganlzed October 24, 1881. Eugene noble grand club Monday j of the span will be giyen to an'one Alma Cowden. Mrs. Carr, Mrs. M. all types of fines assessed by the city In charge of the event were W F. night. who win take ,t down , f po one B. Huntly, Mrs. Frank Deeds. Mr. and O th ers of students In the three recorder for infractions of city ordl- Pool halls and billiard parlor« Walker, chairman. Oswald Olson, E. Those who uttended from here wants It the county court plans to Mrs Walter Llpes. Mrs. C a r te s , ®Pr'n^ e'd , c ^ E. Pyne, Charles P. Poole, Ernest O. were: Mrs. Al Montgomery. Mrs. W it d yn a m ite It and let he fragments float Starks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baldwin. * r arent' wll> contribute »180 in license fees Black, Karl Olrard and John C. ketols. ' Ham Donaldson. Mrs. Lee Putnam, down the river. -Mrs. Will,am Lambart. Mrs. Ed Cole. , X a : ; r , C a,.atti°F; i;nayth„e i: ; 8th 8ChOO, ' *"ad ^ d8 Following the lodge session a pro- Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Sam Richmond, j No plans have yet been made for count for »2000. Total estimated re t­ gram of readings and music w-is given j Mrs. Lynn Lansberry, Mrs. Carl dedication of the new bridge A group of five singers from the TWO CARS COLLIDE AT enue Is set at »3980. Mrs. John Ketels gave two r (ndlngs. I Barnes. Mrs. Verne Daniels. Mrs. Kate i _____________ _______ girls' glee club presented several sel- HIG HW A''JUNCTION HERE ectlons. Paul Po'ttcr gave "¿solo a “nd Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae kang two vocal j Hrumette, Mrs. Ernest Black, Mrs. MILL EMPLOYE INJURED selections and a male quartet coni- Ernest Walker. Mrs. Pearl Clark, Mrs. Oscar Gladdish. Laurence Moffitt and KENSINGTON CLUB HAS AS LOG STRIKES LIMBS In n accident at the Junction of the Glenn Cole, all faculty members, pres­ posnd of Dallas Murphy, (’laud Neely, Cora Hinson. GUESTS LAST FRIDAY McKenzie and Pacific highways Just ented musical numbers. The prlnci- Former ollleers of the lodge here i Ism rente Moffitt and John Robertson Chester Faulkner, employee of the under the arch here Sunday afterqoo’t. pa) a(,(lre„ of thp pvpning wgg R)vpn Mrs. John Henderer and Mrs. Harry were Invited to become members of presented numbers. Orum Brothers mill at Waltervllle. Is a car driven by Mrs. Theodore Lajole ! by Rev. C. J. Pike, new pastor of the , ______________ Whitney were hostesses to members W. F. Walker gave a short history Ihe Eugene club. In the Pacific Christian hospital as was badly damaged and another ma- Springfield Methodist church Mrs Iof ,he Ke“8'nKton club at a meeting of the founding of the local lodge i.ud d i io o . . * n — .. . 11 result of a logging accident Monday. chine driven by Mrs. J. C. McMurray at the former’s home last Friday aftef- Its growth since that time. John Ketels gave two readings. B U S C H A R T E R E D TO MAKE He was first brought hero for treat- was damaged slightly’ noon. Special guests of the club for Refreshments and a social lime V ISIT TO GROVE LODGE , ment and Ihen taken to the hospital. The Lajole boy reported that some­ the afternoon were Mrs. N. W. Emery, were enjoyed In the dining room, dur­ FIGURES ON PRODUCTION In rolling a log with a peavey the thing hapjiened to the steering wheel Mrs. F. B. Flanery, Mrs. Carl Olson, ing the course of which Herbert Chartering a apodal bus for ¡he jc - ' man's foothold slipped and the log OF SAWMILLS COMPILED Mrs. Oscar Gladdish, Mrs. Clyde Walker gave an account of his (rip to caslon, Springfield Chapter of the ( struck him across Ihe legs. His right of his car and that he lost control. None of the occupants of the two O'Neil. Mrs. William Lightfoot, all of the Sovereign Orand lodge which met Order of tho Eastern Star will tend leg was fractured in two places. Production figures for 19 mills cars was hurt. Springfield and Mrs. Hosid of Leb­ al Montreal, Canada, recently. Other several members to Cottage Grove to ; -------------------------------------------------------- covering the past 24 weeks are shown anon. members made short talks. visit that chapter In Its meeting Friday ! D — U — _ A 1 a. • 1 ■ in a report Issued this week by H J. Members present were: Mrs. C. E, Among members from other Titles Cox. secretary of Ihe Willamette Val­ Kenyon, Mrs J. T. Moore, Mrs. C. E. present were Herbert Walker, S. M. Members who wish to go huve been ley Lumbermen's association. Swarts, Mrs. L. E. Basford, Mrs. Lawr- Campbell, A. MeKenzy, and Mr. asked to call Mrs. Tom Swarts for For the 24 weeks the m ills whose enee May, Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. W. Mueller, all of Eugene, and M. ('. Bres­ reservations a> only a limited nnmlici total capacity was 429,877,104 feet F. Walker, Mrs. Kay Barnell, Mrs. sler nnd Fred Bressler, both of Cot can be taken. .’he bus will leave The Springfield bridge will he r.tll- tators acre given their first real vis turned out an actual production of Mary Kessey, Mrs. Anna Kessey, Mrs. Inge Grove. Ketel’s Drug store at 6:45 o'clock Fri­ c ally turned ovei; to the state on Nov­ Ion of what the completed bridge was 332.280.139 feet. In other words the Annie Knox, Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Mrs. day evening nnd return here following ember 1, according to announcements to look like. mills included In the report did 77.3 W. C. Rebhan, Mrs. W. C. Wright, DOROTHY MASTERSON IS the meeting. this morning by Lindstrom and Felg- dole railings and sidewalks along per cent of the sawing they could pos­ Mrs. Charles P. Poole and Mrs. L. H. ensen, contracors. the outer edges of the bridge are ¡n, sibly have done during the period. WED TO PORTLAND MAN Neet. Of the 200 mills In the W est Coast WOMEN'S CLUB HEAR OF As long ago as October 15 tho new the cement floor of the bridge is dry Miss Dorothy Masterson of Camp METHOD OF BULB CARE span could have been used for trali c and ready for use anff the whole bridge association 78 5 per cent of capacity CATHOLIC SOCIETY WILL Creek, daug.iier of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. H. If the approaches had been In, tho con­ has stood long enough since cement was turned out. Masterson of that, place wns m arrl»I For the past week the 19 m ills turn­ STAGE ANNUAL SAZAAR How to care for bulbs, which are tractors stated. Use of the bridge was poured to be opened to travel, It In Eugene last Saturday to Clinton the best varieties to buy and those now awaits action taken on whether wns announced. ed out 85 per cent capacity, showing Mrs. George Gerlach, president of Kuhn of Portland. Miss Masterson best suited for this county was among I ho approaches, particularly that >.n Contractors are virtually through an increase over previous weeks. the Altar society of the Springfield I p well known here. the subject materlnl of Clinton Conley Ihe west side of the river, are to be with their work three months ahead Catholic church, Is In charge of the A shower In honor of the bride wns of the McKenzie River Blossom farm of earth or concrete. Guardsmen are Paid . of the time ns scheduled ln their con­ annual bazaar to u» uuid by the church held at the homo of Mrs. Mary C. who was the speaker nt the Women's While plasterers were putting ih i! tract. Headquarters company, 162nd In­ during the first week In November. Magill hore following the wedding. civic club meeting .n tho chamber of touches on tho big structure this week, In the meantime nothing has been fantry, Oregon National Guard, local Twenty-nine attended the reception. commerce Tuesday evening other crews were tearing out tha pil­ heard In regard to the approaches. unit of the state militia, received its Aprons will be a special article for the sale this year ln addition to faiuy Tho young couple, who were mar­ This was the first of a series of ing which had supported the bridge Even after the matter Is decided two quarterly payroll last Frldy morning. work, sewing, cooked food and vage- ried In the study of tho First Method­ educational tnlks which the club will during Its construction and the new months will be quick work In getting The payroll for the three months tables. ist church of Eugene, left Immediately hear during the winter months. spnn stood on H r own "feet” for the In the fill If earth Is decide upon and amounted to several hundred dollars, Mrs. John SmLu was hostess at a after tho reception for their now home The committee on street signs mndo first time. It will take longer to put n the cement according to Lieut. Swarts, com­ meeting of the society at her home hi Portland, a report to the club. With the removal of the piling spec­ approach, it was stated. mander of the Springfield unit. Wednesday. evening. S9 W. 5 ° r'” ' were repres- Bridge Almost Complete; Contractors Will Turn It Over to State November 1 h IIS