PAGE EIGHT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS RUNAWAY TEAM PROVIDES THRILL FOR POPULACE Springfield Choir Organises Under the leadership of Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae a choir of 36 voices was or­ ganised at the Methodist church Wed nesday evening. Officers elected were: Mrs. S. S. Potter, president; Mrs C, J. Ptke, secretary; Mrs. K. K Praedrick. treasurer; Sam Bartholo­ mew, librarian Rehearsals will be held each Wednesday evening and any singer interested is invited to Join the choir. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18. Î928 the habitual criminal act, Junies THREE LANE PRISONERS Ward. 20 and Floyd H Minnick, 27 SAW WAY FROM BASTILLE The O nly T ret of Ih KinJ Springfield s Main street saw some thing Tuesday that it has not seen for some time. It was a good, old fashioned runaway, right down through the middle of town. The team belonging to Nathaniel Gay, local teamster, bolted from the Southern Pacific depot and ran to Main street where they swung west and ran to Mill street where a tele­ phone pole stopped their performance. The only damage resulting was a FOR RA LE— Carbon paper in larg< broken king holt and tug and a few sheets. 26x39 inches, suitable toi splinters scraped off the pole. m aking tracings. The News Office Sawlug their way through a window which hus been a means of escape for three sets of prisoners tills year, three I .ane county prisoners escaped from the county Jail Monday night. The three eicapeti men »ere: George Peel. 64, facing life sentence under Discovery of the esca|M> was not made until Tuesday morning al id O'clock when the Jailer was sent to i get the prisoners to lake tlielii to the jcourt room. A reward for the apprehension of i each of ihe prisoners was immediately . pouted, but (hey are reported "till at large. Nationwide Straw Vote Closes With Hoover 36,783 in Lead cent. His percentage has been flu< FINAL RESULTS ARE 612.440 lusting between alxty-elght and a FOR HOOVER AND 575.657 little over fifty-one per cent of the total vote. FOR SMITH Kitchen Things You Need Make up a list of the many things you need about the kitchen and then come and see how little it will cost you to have them. You will un­ doubtedly find many more that you can use, all at little prices. Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT ALTA KING Front these figures It Is Impossible The Nationwide Presidential Poll to venture the assertion that the rurnt conducted by this newspaper In con districts of America are definitely Junction with 2.000 others the country aligned In favor of Hoover. His lead Is not sufficient to allow any definite over has come to a close. The Nationwide Straw The last ballots have been counted conclusions The Voice of Rural America has Pol! has demonstrated, we believe, spoken very decisively as the voting that the returns in the election this has been very close right from the year will be dose It has ulso shown u strong sentiment to "switch" vites start. » <• w —- on the parts of both Republicans and Hoover retained the lead he gained early in ihe voting, but his lead has Democrats. The liearst Newspapers Nationwide been quite slight during the niajor Po!. shows a majority for Hoover, as part of the Poll. follows: Several times It seemed as if Smith Hoover—615,596. were going to upset Hoover's lead Smith—417.060. but never did the New Yoiker quite In the Literary Digest Poll. Smith make it. His ballot kept fluctuating reduces Hoover's percentage from 68 near Hoover's mark dangerously, but to 63 as the first mujor returns are never got above it. reported from the South and several The final results of the entire straw larger cities In the fourth week's re­ poll are as follows: turns of the Literary Digest's ITesl- Hoover—612.440. dential Poll. Smith—575,657. This Poll has the following returns: Former Democrats voting for Hoover—1,201,869. Hoover—110,814. Smith—688.829. Former Republicans voting f o r In the Literary Digest Poll. Smith Smith—72.416. Jeads in Chicago. Philadelphia and These figures give Hoover a lead of New York. 167.386 voters the country 36.783. over "switch” from Democrat to Re 1 His percentage of the total vote is publican, while 269.913 "switch" from approximately fifty-one and a half per­ Republican to Democrat. DIXIE JUBILEE QU ARTET At the High School A u d ito riu m , M onday O ctober 22, 8 P. M A ll Seats Reserved— A dults 50c, H. 8 35c, G rade Students, 25c HUMOROUS. NOVEL. ARTISTIC— FEATURING PLANTATION MELODIES ’IS. W Bi!' - v'W, Food Men Folks Enjoy For District Attorney Lane County D E M O C R A T IC C A N D ID A T E Am Personally Dry Believe in impartial enforcement of prohibition law. Active practice of law In Lane County, more than twenty years. My official policy, if elected, will be: Wholesome law enforcement based on Justice an dequality. Careful consideration of business (Paid adv. by Alta King 794 Wil­ lamette St., Eugene, Oregon., FINAL RESULTS Nationwide Presidential Poll Hoover ..._......... ................................................ ,........... 612,440 S m ith ............................... 876,667 Sw itches from D em ocrat to R epublican .................... 72,416 H oover’s Lead ....................................... Hoover’s Percentage of Total Vote ...................... 511 _ T his S traw Vote was tak e n from th e readers of 2000 daily and weekly new spapers th e co u n try over served by th e P u b lish e r’,» A u to caster Service of New York. T he resu lts m ay be tak e n as indicative of the sen tim en t of ru ra l Am erica. T he voting has been so close as to indicate a h ard tight in Novem ber. T he vast n u m b er of sw itches and the general closeness of the balloting m akes political j,rediction well- nigh impossible. It does not seem a s th o u g h ru ra l Am erica is to lean to ­ w ard any candidate in an y co ncerted m anner. Hoover has been in th e lead since th e beginning of the poll, but his lead has never beer, so large as to m ake it possible to d esig n ate him as th e definite choice of th e ru ra l d istricts of A m erica. If y our m en folks have been m incing a t th e ir food, eatin g a little of this and a little of th a t, stim u late th eir appetites. 36,783 HOW? Ju st call us Into c o n su ltatio n . We have lots of su g ­ gestions th at will m ake any a n d every ap p etite rare right up on Its hind legs. We have in now— New Bulk Kraut, Bulk Mince Meat, Fresh Huckle Berries, Grapes and Green and Red Peppers. It is also tim e to finish up the green T om ato fa n n in g .. We have som e nice ones in th is week but they wont last long. ’ Phone 9 for an y th in g In th e G rocery line. 2 Million Dollar SALES EVENT all over the west IN EVERY BREIER STORE THIS “$2,000,000 SALES EVENT" Is the "Feature" of Breier’s Constructive Volume Cam­ paign. It is the cardinal offering of that great sales pro­ gram that has caused wide-spread interest for the last five months. TH IS IN TER EST has not been confined to th e consum er alone, who h a s benefited so im m ensely, but h as been show n by m any m a n u fa c tu re rs w hohave been eag er to m ake us pric concessions for a quick tu rn on large orders. But even Breler's tremendous buying power was stretched by such huge purchases. Even Breier's big chain outlet is not sufficient to turn these staggering quantities of goods unless unusual sales effort is made. Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9 HENRY ADRIAN'S CAR Dollar Day We have It. Phone iM W M H K g i tempted to pass a stage. Both the stage and the other care were ap­ PLUNGES INTO CREEK; S proaching them and Mr. Stewart was ■ STEWARTS IN MISHAP forced to turn Into the bridge. Euch of the occupants of Mr. Stewart’s car Henry Adrian, Springfield garag* received minor injuries and the ma­ proprietor, escaped serious Injury chine Itself was badly damaged. when his car left the road one and a half miles east of Jasper on the Hills Return* to Portland—Mrs. Ruel Creek road Monday night and plunged Marsh of PoaMand, who has spent the Into Hills Creek.. A lacerated finger past week visiting at the home of her and a splinter of glass in his face were parents, Rev, nda Mrs. C. H. Blom, the only injuries which Mr. Adrian returned to her home yesterday. received. Miaion Circle Meeta—The Mission He was returning from delivering radio equipment to a family In that Circle of the Springfield Baptist district when his car suddenly struck church held its regular monthly meet­ a fog bank, Mr. Adrian reported. This ing at the parsonage Tuesday evening. was right on a curve and the machine Mrs. C. H. Blom and Mrs. W. Hawke went over the bank, plunged over sev­ acted as hostesses. eral large boulders and landed against i. bank, with the body of the car In the , “Oh, my dear Madame, she fell in creek. to a cataleptic fit and woke up In the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and middle of the funeral. The noise >t small son, returning from Portland the organ and the choir awakened late Sunday night, were crowded Into j her." a bridge railing three miles north of "That settles It. There'll be no Independence when another car at­ music at my mother-in-law’s funeral.” ! I $1 —$ 1 - S I - SI I tf) I $1 - $1 Always The Best And Always For Less (A I When you send your (Teanlng to the Eugene Cleaners —you are sending It to Eugene's finest cleaning plant. Our cleaning Is always the best—and you will find that our lower prices will mean a big saving to you. CLEANED AND PRESSED Men’s 8uita ................................................................... $1.00 Ladies' Plain Coate .................................................. $1.00 Wool Dreises ..................................................................$1.00 Ladles’ Suita .............................................................. $1.00 8 ilk Dreteea .................... $1.50 Fur Trim m ed C o a te ................................... $1.26 to $1.50 Sweaters ........................................................................... SOc DELIVERY SERVICE TO SPRINGFIELD Phon© 75, Eugene