THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928 T H E SPRIN G FIELD NEWS PACK 81X RELIEF FROM CURSE Mid. Simon Judd, amateur detective, and William Dart, an undertaker, are v.ail­ ing John Drane. eccentric man of wealth, at the Drane place. Suddenly the household is shocked to find that John Drane has been murdered. The dead man is first seen by Josie, the maid, then by Amy Drane and Simon Judd. The latter faints. Police officers call and investiga tlons begin. Dr. Blesstngton is called, and after seeing the murdered John Drane makes the astounding revela­ tion to Amy Drane that her “uncle" is not a man but a woman. Dr. Blessington discounts the theory of suicide, saying that Drane was de­ finitely murdered. Dr. Blessington comments on the fact that all the servants in the household of Drane are »ick, and that Drane has never dis­ charged a servant for ill health Dick Brennan, the detective, arrives to in­ vestigate the case. Brennen questions the persons in the house, asking Amy if anyone had any reason to kill her "uncle." NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY: "No; not a reason; not the slightest reason!" Amy declared with absolute positiveness. "I can’t even imagine why anyone would want to kill my— ancle.” "And as far as you know, there was so one in the house last night but your uncle, Mr Judd here, Mr. Dart and the servants?" Brennan asked her. “I know,” he added "that you can’t say whether others may not have come in unknown to you.” Amy’s eyes turned to Bob Carter. “Yes, I was in the house lsyst night," Carter said. "About when. Carter?” Brennan asked: "Late,” Carter said. “After eleven and before twelve. Mr. Drane said he wanted to see me; he sent Norbert to tell me so yesterday afternoon—just before we went for the drive, you remember, Amy? There was no hurry, Norbert said; either last night or to­ day would do. I rather knew what he had on his mind. 1 had asked him if 1 could marry Amy, and he had put ofT answering me. So last night I happen ed to pass here and I saw the lights in the library and I came in.” “Ring or knock or anything?" "I went to the library door at that side of the bouse and knocked on the door, and Mr. Drane let me in.” Bob said. “Mr. Dart was with him; no one else. I said good evening to Mr. Dart and Mr. Drane said we could go across the hall to the dining room for a few minutes, and we did. There’s one thing I ought to tell you, I guess; Just as we were going out Mr. Dart said, ‘Now, remember what I told you, John; 1 don’t approve.’ It was some­ thing like that; he may have sail ’I’m against it’ or I won’t have it.’ 1 was rather excited, yoy see; what Mr. Drane was going to say meant such a lot to me.” "Naturally,” a g r e e d Brennan. “Well?" "That’s about all." Carter said. •"Te went into the dining room and Mr. Drane talked to me awhile. It was mostly about my prospects and what 1 was planning to do with my life and whether I would be willing to come to this house to live after we were mar ried—Amy and I. He said we had best travel for a year, or stay else­ where a year. After that he wanted us, here. 1 told him that was what Amy wanted—It was the only reason she hesitated about marrying; she did not want to leave him. So he said it would be alright.” “I’m so glad Bob!” Amy cried. “Im so glad to think he was willing!” “And then what?" Brennan asked, seeing that Carter was hesitating. "Well, it was rather queer,” Carter said, blushing. “I thought It was rather queer then, but It doesn't seem so queer now—not when we know what we know now. He asked if he "StTRE A S SHOOTEVr THE NEW ZEROLENE the modern oil A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT CA ST of Principal Charactars in this Amazing Mystery Story John Drane ....... The Human Sphinx Amy ..... - .........—..................... The Ulrl Robert Carter _____ Her Sweetheart WiUUm Dart _____ The Undertaker Simon Judd .............. Friend of Drane Dr Blessington .... The Family Doctor Dick Brannan ---- ------- A Detective Servants in the Drane Household could kiss me.” "He did?” Brennan exclaimed. "Not quite so brashly as all that,” Carter said. "He laughed and laughed and said that if we were French he supposed we would kiss each other on both cheeks. I said I had been kissed, when 1 was given my cross. 'Then you won’t mind if I do kiss you,' he said, and he kissed me. I felt—well, I felt sorry for him. that’s how I felt. 1 thought ‘Poor old fellow!' 1 knew no­ body around here cared much for him. and he was getting pretty old. That sor» of feeling And now. when I know he was a woman!" “It's bound to come out now and again.” said Brennan tersely. "A wo­ man can stand only so much without affection. The very worst I’ve ever known came to it now and again. And then what did you as?” “We talked a few minutes about when the wedding might be. and I said I would have to leave that to Amy. Then he said—” Carter hesitated a moment but Brennan said nothing. "He spoke about money," Carter went on. "He said he had made his will in Amy’s favor and that he was leaving her everything he had. Then he said she was a good girl; he said very nice things about her and said he meant to give her outrght a hund­ red thousand dollars the day she was married, if I did not object. I have nothing of my own. you know He said that he thought, living in his hpuse and having to be mistress of it. Amy should not have to be compelled to ask him for money. He meant for the extra expenses, the things I could not pay for. I didn't see anything B rennan l«un<*«l forw ard In hl» c h a ir OF CONSTIPATION "I'm not dlKKlnK 'In in th ia from cu rio sity ,” he »«Id "I have plenty to A B aille t're e k p hyslclan says, "C on­ do w ithout » « » tin g my lim o th a t w ay. stip a tio n I» resp o n alb le for m ore mis- I m y Job It to And who tn u rile re l thia ery tlian any «Hier cause " I w om an who poaad uh Jo h n D rane But Im m édiat« re lie f lias h esn fourni T h e re m ay n e v e r have been a John A table! calleil Itexall D rderlle» al I »rune—.“ tr a c ts w nter frolti th e sv stcin Int» the "Y ou het your boot« th e re w eal" «Io l««v, dry, évacuai Ing bow el cnlh'il lhe «•tun'd Sim on Ju d d "Jo h n D runa ami « ololi Thq w aler loosens th e dry fond m e w as ohuniH. I tell you. when w< w asto and c a u ses a g enlle. thorougfi ! w as boys liack th e re In R iverbank m oveinent w lthoot form lng a h ab it or I R eg u lar hoys and no m istake, and e v e r In creasln g the dose J d o n ’t you fo rg et It. m ister! You can mother!" Htop sufferlng from constipation. "Have you any reason for thinking prove (hat by m e any tim e you want C h ew a Itexall D rd erlle at nlghl N e * he was your mother?” Brennan UHkctl to." (let 24 for ï t c today at " T h e re w as a Jo h n D rane th en ," day brlght and Amy stared at him with wide F la n e ry ’s Dru«« H tors— (A dv.) tC o n tln u ed on l ’ago 71 eyes. wrong In that. 1 didn’t see that it had anything to do with tn y loving Amy. Amy knows It's not anybody’s money 1 care for. So when we shook hands and I came away.” “Uncle John my mother?” she gasp­ "Through the library again?” Bren ed and put her fingers to her lips as nan asked. "No. Mr. Drane let me out by th is If In fear. "Oh, he couldn't be my mother— he—" door.** "You knew your mother?" Brennan "So you didn’t see Mr. Dart again?" “No. I went down the driveway asked. "You see. Miss Drane, 1 don’t know any of the facts; I have to ask there and walked hime.” "You haven't any Idea what it was for them. Did you know your mother?" Bob Carter frowned with annoyance Mr. Dart wanted Mr. Drane not to that Amy should be annoyed. He do?" "Not really." Carter said. “It may looked at her and turned to Brennan ”1 can answer that,” he said "Amy be they had been talking over Amy and me and Mr. Dart didn't care for told me all that.” “Let her tell me." said Brennan but me enough to have me marry Amy. Mr. Drane and Dart were old friends his tone was kindly. "1 never knew my mother," Amy —what they call ’cronies' almost Or it may have been giving Amy so much money in a lump that Dart objected to. 1 don't know.” Now Located in “But your impression was (hat Mr. Miner Building Dart referred to the talk you were about to have with Mr. Drane?" Bren­ nan asked. "That's what I thought." Carter ad­ mitted. "I hadn’t any doubt of it. I thought to myself ’What business Is It of his, anyway!' 1 don't like him much, anyway." P a re n ts should know "And now, Miss Drane," Brennan th e quite a large per­ asked without a pause, "have you ever c e n ta g e of children seen anything that made you think, are afflicted with de­ even in the slightest degree, that your fective o r painful vis­ uncle was a woman?” ion. B ackw ardness in "No,” Amy said without hesitation, th eir studies Is th e re ­ and immediately changed her answer sult. to yes! “Never while he was alive,” she said. “I never entered my head, Make Appointments not In the very slightest. But now I Whenever Possible can see things. He was so kind to me.” "Might not an uncle be kind?" Bren­ Dr. ^Herman W. ITtoody nan asked. O P T C M t r « 1ST * E V eS IG M T S P e C lA U iT S U IT » M l M IM IR OLXXk P H O * f 561 “Yes, but not in that way. Affection­ » A IT O R O A D W A V ate is what I should say, probably, j 1 didn't know, you see—I didn’t think —how a man woald be, but 1 can see now, Mr. Brennan, that he was more like a monther in the way he—In the way he kissed me and smoothed my hair. More like a woman, more like a radio— New Model Abwaber-Kent Radios All Electric— $123 complete l npd T his New Radio will be a Surprise w hen you h e a r It, everything you will want In Tone, Selectivity, and Volume. Let us D em onstrate Our C laim s to you In Your Own Home. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE See Heinie for Everything in Radios PHONE 11-J -- 414 MAIN To the 5000 who daily become owners of the new Ford car gras THE service obligation o f the Ford Motor Company and its dealer organization is now grow ing at the rate o f 3 0 0 0 cars a day. It is to these new ear owners that this m essage is addressed. T he new Ford is a remark- ably fine car for one that costs so little. It is sim ple in design, constructed o f the finest materials, and built to u n u su a lly c lo s e m e a su r e­ m ents. T hese are the reasons it perform s so wonderfully. These are also the reasons its service requirem ents are so few and the up-keep cost so low. When you receive yonr new car, the dealer will ex­ plain the sim ple little things that should be attendee] to at regular intervals to insure the best perform ance. He will also tell you som ething o f his own facilities for do­ ing this work prom ptly and at small cost. With the purchase o f your car, you are entitled to Free Inspection Service by your dealer at 500, 1000 and 15 0 0 m iles. This service is due you and we urge you to take fu ll advantage o f it. P r o p e r care d u r in g th is breaking-in period means a great deal to the life o f your car. Included in the Free In­ spection Service is a check­ u p o f th e b a t t e r y , th e generator charging rate, the distributor, the carburetor adjustm ent, lights, brakes, shock absorbers, tire infla­ tion and steering gear. The en gine oil is also changed and chassis lubricated. No charge whatever is m ade for labor or materials incidental to this inspection service, except where re­ pairs are necessary because o f accident, neglect, or mis­ use. T he labor o f changing the engine oil and lubricat­ ing the chassis is also free, although a charge is made for the new oil. The Daily Oregonian, 1 year The Springfield New«, 1 year Daily and Sunday Oregonian The Springfield New«, 1 year T H E TWO B E ST NEW SPAPERS IN OREGON FOR YOU TO SUBSCR IBE FOR AND READ— GIVES YOU ALL T H E NEW S BOTH LOCAL AND NATIONAL. We believe that when you see the good effects o f this inspection you will continue to have it done regularly throughout the life o f your car. SAVES YOU NEARLY 50% ON REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICES OF BOTH NEWSPAPERS. NEW SU BSCR IPTIO NS WILL STA R T W HENEVER YOU DESIRE AND PR E SE N T SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE EXTENDED ONE YEAR. W herever you live, you will find the Ford dealer v e r y h e l p f u l in k e e p in g your car in good running order fo r many thousands o f m iles at u m inim um o f trouble and expense. He operates under close factory supervision and hus been trained and equipped to d o t h is w o r k prom ptly, thorough­ ly and econom ically. Do Not Miss This Bargain Offer Come in Today! mitiwinuuui:iitiaiauiiiM ikW ft«iuniiM HUM i«ithaií.iui,m«iiiiui«tu«tM a(M tuiaiuuiiiiiiat.... F ord M otor C ompany * Has