THURSDAY, OCTOHRK IR, 192« THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FIVE of thia weak with about alxtean roam- CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM bora present. Otflier» were elected • y Spadai SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY aa follow»: N adine McMurray, presi­ Cerr.spond.nt» dent; A u d rey Hhtlltx, vlce pre»ldent; Members of the high »chord class Until llettla, secretary and trea»urer*, Literary Club ' of the Christian church Sunday school anti Ml»» Lombard waa »elected aa ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e . will provide the program for regular The Freshm an Engllak da»»«», udvlaor. which are sup.rvl»e>waing of W endllng had employ- J terested In sports are very anxlou» em ployes voted unanim ously to c a n - 1 , a plaae from the Hob| Atrwayg , to have It nguin (his year. sure the several non-4L operations con,p any of Eugene to do that povtlon ! which, so It w as declared, were work- o j h| g fHrn, WOrk. Sophom ores to Have Party Ing their crew s longer than "the <-L Flying low over the cutover land. , T he Sophom ores have at last de­ basic eight-hour day. Major Eckerson. the pilot, dropped | cided on October 26 as the date for For ten years, or since the eight- (bp aPe(j through a hopper. The pro- their annual party which will be held ' hour day becam e effective, the lumber pe||or blew the seed even ly over a In the High School gym nasium . It Industry of the Pacific northw est has w |(je strip, It was reported, WE SPECIALIZE IN will not be a m asquerade us was flrst had a decade of Industrial peace, speakers pointed out, w hile before | suggested. Food Sale is Set that tim e the strik es und lockouts In 1 The logging cam p , an.l saw m ilk were a I — Ladleg Ald "o cle,y * th " P.-T. A. W ill Meet Friday serious m enace to the prosperity of Springfield M ethodist church w ill con- A P.-T A m eeting will be held F ri­ the Pacific northwest duct tt cooked food Bale 8 “ ‘urd‘ y- day even in g In the lllg .i School audi­ _____________________ October 20, It was announced by m em ­ torium at 7:30. It Is being held In bers of the com m ittee In charge to­ Methodist Services Set the evening Instead of the afternoon day. The sale w ill be In K etels' drug so the fathers w ill be able to attend. S e r v ic e , at the Springfield Method gif)re A(, m em ber„ are requel!ted t0 AND dl>heB f(jr th# M le The High school teachers will act a» 1st church for Sunday were announce,, ___________________ _ h o stesses and a program consisting by the pastor, Rev. C. J. Pike this Wheel Aligning of m usical numbers, solos, readings, morning, as follow s: Sunday school CARD OF T H A N K S and various other things will be given at 9:46 o ’clock, H. L. G illette, super­ We wish to thank our friends and All fathers and m others of the stu­ intendent; m>,rnlng worship at 11 dents are invited lo come so they will o’clock, serm on topic, "The Lost | neighbors for their kind sym pathy and Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae will beautiful floral offerings In the hour get acquainted with the teachers and C hrist” friends. Candy will be sold by th e: sing; Epworth League at 6:30 o ’clock, of our loss and sorrow. Automotive Machinists W % aFe w rong w ffh t/iie p /o taroF Mr. and Mrs H. C. K enney, topic, "Facing the Future,” Paul Pot- girls' League. N o th in g ! Y » t th a 'a u ittin i down 824 Pearl 8L Eugene, Ore. ; --------- » Iter leading; evening worship at 7:30 Fred K enney, and Iro nin g, too. P ro tty »oft, oAF Dramatics Club Masts I o'clock, serm on topic, "Followers of E lisabeth K enney. j i i n., il ... i b i The D ram atics club met on Monday God." Mrs. Pike w ill sing j ( Community News “COOT GET-AWAY?" ANTI-KNOCK RED CROWN GASOLINE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA D o n ’t w o rry A b o u t baby Tiny Tot Talcum Tlny-tot Talc will soothe any irritation of tender skin and prevent chafing and diaper rash. C onvenient three-and-one- half-ounce can — special cap. 25c Flanery’s Drug Store Drop-ln Cafe Brakes! S w a p EH>ow Brake Needs f o r t b c NEW W esb er and I r o n e r • • w b o w o u l d n ’t ? Pembrooke & Moritz d o w n w ill d o it! Be at the W hy rub away your youth on the uneven surface of a washboard, when the New Thor will do all your wash­ ing and ironing for 2c an hour? Why, it’s too ab­ surd to think twice about. Come right down and get acquainted with your new e le c tr ic w a sh w o m a n — you’ll like her, we’re sure 1 Springfield Christian Church D u r in g O c to b e r on O n ly D O N ’T M IS S THE DOUBLE MALE QUARTET THE NEW W PIECE ORCHESTRA 942 Willamette St., Rug ene, Oregon. “I Wish We Could Get Out of Debt” Many families voice this complaint, month after month, and yet keep right on saying "Charge it” instead of, "I’ll pay for it now.” Being free from debt, and able to look the future squarely in the face, is a big factor in success. No one does good work when they arc worried about over due payments, and if unemployment comes it can be faced much more easily when there are no bills coming in. That is one of the most important ways a J. C. Penney Company Store serves the community. We can save you a small sum on every purchase, and keep you out of debt at the same time. <2,. ' DRAMATIC INTERPRETATIONS Rally Day A Program Unsurpassed in the history of This Church Has Been Prepared. W e’ll deliver the New Thor Washer and Ironer, complete, for only $2.50 down, 18 months on bal­ ance. Low-priced, yes, but quality built throughout. Banish those “Blue Mon­ day Blues” now. M l a t h . N . w T h o r A g it a t o r Highest quality in 21 building. year» Fewer part» than any washing ma­ chine on the m arket Big capacity— compact in size. Oc­ cupies space only 24 inches square. Washes clothes cleaner and faster. Round tub. No comers to clean. Most sanitary type built. Beautiful beyond comparison. East India Buff and Ebony. Bnamelined tub that cannot ruat, rotor corrode. Automatically cleans itself. g Direct gear drive— no belt» to slip •n d break. 9 Unique rubber soft cushion roll wringer that won’t break buttons. J Q General Electric motor. 6 7 Help Break the Attendance Record— Bring a Friend Sunday Morning 9:40 o’clock is the time BE ONE OF THE 500 AT TH IS ROUSING PROGRAM S ee I t! mountain T r y It!! B u y It!!! S tates P ower company