THE r 8 P R IN 0 F ÏM .D N rJW H T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R IB . 192« Ford Danner Recovering — F o r d MR. AND MRS. THOMPSON E. K. poolay, Pina Grova orchardls* Danner, eon of Mr and Mrs. K It who has coinplatad packing hit d'An­ ARE HONORED ON 54TH Danner of thle city, who sustained a jou pear tbunage from a flva-acra full- WEDDING ANNIVERSARY broken arm In a football game at Pot­ bearing tract reports 1420 packed tage Grove on October 6 ts reported boxes par acre. The paara were sold Friends and relatives of Mr. and for 62 50 per box, bringing the total Visits With Mother— Mrs. William To Visit Relative»—Myrtle Harvey improving rapidly, lie was a memh «r value of the year's crop from each Dawson and son spent the week-end left Tuesday for Oakridge where she of the Lincoln junior high school team Mrs. I, E Thompson honored them on Principal Events of the Week acre to 63550, or 617,750 for the block. their 54th wedding anniversary Inst will spend the next week visiting re visiting her mother at Albany. Friday They have lived In Spring Assembled for information Combined efforts of the North Bend lattves anil friends. Leave for California—Mr and Mrs Held for the past 3H years Mr Thomp­ Returns rtom Portland— Roy t*in‘ ti anT Marshfield fire departments sav­ Phil Kohler left this morning for son retired from the blacksmith busi­ of Our Readers. Grace Male Here—»Grace Malo, ed more than 6500,000 In the Western who hits been in Portland on busln- ss Berkel« y «whera they will attend the ness here a few years ago. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M M Male Lumber Manufacturing company, Ust- relumed here Inst week-end. fiMithall game Saturday. Mr. Kohler Mr Thompson was 7k years of age ! of tills city, was a week , ud visitor The Boy Scout troop ot Mosier Is lind Furniture, Inc., and the Coos Visit from Wendllng—Mr. and Mra. here. She is teaching this year In has a brother In San Francisco whom oil September II. and Ills wife cele­ organising a drum anil bugle corps un­ Veneer A Box company plants, when a M J. Blackly and Mrs. Robert 11.i s. they will visit (or a woek Nlel Pol brated her iikili birthday on July 26. a Portland school. fire started in the Oregon Products der the supervision of Guy Duvall. lard will siihstltue for Mr Kohler as all of Wendllng. were Inisiness visitors 4 The couple have six children, 26 plant The loss was estimated at 659,- A three-day Christian Endeavor con­ Miss Tomseth Elected—Miss Daisy machinist at the Booth Kelly mill here last Saturday. grandchildren and two great grand 000. vention will be held at the Christian Tomselh was elected president of til" children 1'lielr children arc: Mrs Mrs. Wilson Better—Mrs Clifford i freshman class at a recent meeting There were 137 fires in the state Church in Estacada November 2, 3 Welby Stevens. Mrs Mauile T Bryan. Wilson who has been quite III at her outside of Portluml during September, and 4. Other officers of the class are to he Earl N Thotnpaon, all of Springfield; 1928, as against 57 tires during the home here ts report«*! improving thlr named soon. Dalton Biggs, judge of the Ninth dis­ corresponding period in 1027, accord­ Mrs M E Paslle, Bremerton. Wash­ week. trict. which includes Malheur. Grant ing (to reports received at the offices ington; Floyd D Thompson of Spring Buford Hotveraon Hurt — Bufoni and Harney counties, died at his home of Clare A. Lee, state fire marshal. Visits over Week-end — Lenabell ! Holversoti dislocated his wrist in a field und Mrs Kenneth V Barrett of Harper, who is teaching in the Fall ! In Ontario. Eugene. Fire losses during September, 1928, tall from a hay mow on the fumile n> The cranberry harvest on Clatsop aggregated 6302,000 as compared with Pity achools. spent the week-end here | ran|.h n>,ar Mr. ami Mrs Thompson will take a He visiting with her parents und friends. Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pratt Hoi Plains has been completed and ac­ 6250,000 in September, 1027. "honeymoon" trip to San Francisco. cording to growers the yield has been Mr und Mrs Earl Thompson, their Farmers in the vicinity of Redmond Teacher On Vacation— Miss Mar­ verson. quite satisfactory. Non aud daughter In law, will arcom In Deschutes couuty are changing rap­ garet Halsey, who is teaching this P o rtla n d People Visit— Mr and puny them, Eight men and 64 women are now idly to the raising ot clover for seed, year at Walton, visited here over the Mrs Guy Lester and son, Dwight, of employed at the Grand Island can­ W. M. Wilson, president of the Red­ week-end with her parents. Portland. Were week end Visitors here nery, where 400 cases of tomatoes are mond Land & Loan bank said. In Lancaster Woman Hera — Mrs, Visits at Portland—Miss Anne Gor- with Mrs Lester's mother. Mrs Maty being canned daily. the past season, approximately 650 Sarah Adams of uster Is here for rle. teacher In the Brattaln school, Magill. At a dinner at Mrs Magill's a few days to visit with her nephew, A chapter of the Order of De Molay acres were planted to red and Alsike home Saturday evening. Miss Eleanor spent the week-end In Portland visit­ Dodd Miller «1th 25 charter members was institut­ clover. A survey of the district In­ Cobh, Miss Eleanor Houghton and ing with relatives and friends. ed In St. Helens recently by Friend­ dicates the planting this fall and next Miss Dixie Brown, all students at the spring will amount to about 2500 acre*. ship chapter ot Portland. Drive to Wendllng—Mr. and Mrs university, were guests. The road over Mapleton hill, which Henry Adrian and. William Dawson The Larson-Kennedy company Is at Mrs. H u n tly R eturns— M rs M I, work excavating a boom for the Coos Is one ot the present routes betweea drove t6 Wendllng on business Sun Huntly, delegate to the regional coil Bay Lumber company near Coquille, Mapleton and Florence, is now closed day afternoon and will remain so until spring, ac­ ference of Red Pross workers of south calculated to hold 5,000,000 feet of Petsrsons at Woodburn— Mr. and western Washington and Oregon, re- cording to announcement at the office logs. ot the Siusiaw national forest. The Mrs. I. M Peterson spent the week turned here Bunday. Mrs Huntly, September, with 255 deaths, was forest service has had a crew of men end at Woodburn as guests of Rev. who is vice-president of the Lune the healthiest month that Portland at work improving the road over the and Mrs. G. Henry Hanson. county chapter, was one of the official has had this year, breaking the record mountain and to use It this fall aud McNetts are Parents— Mr and Mrs. representatives from this county. set by August when there were 260 winter would damage it badly, it Is W. R. McNett of Springfield are the deaths. Roof Fire Quelled—A roof fire nt stated. parents of a son. Herbert Ray. born , hp hom<( of R(ley R Fire, which started from the exhaust H I , 7 » • * AC. Increasing popularity ot Crater Lake last Tuesday at the family home here ot a gasoline engine, completely de­ National park in Oregon is clearly in­ street, damaged the house consider- U n fmFwt, t i ­ li 8 M i*» W ilh r I a h i juues^ who woo stroyed the La Pine hotel and two ad­ Junction Folk» Here— Mr nnd Mrs “My last Suturday afternoon, accord dicated in attendance figures for the tl» the title of "M iss Fore»! C ity.“ in ihc joining houses with an estimated loss A 1$28 season just Issued by department A J. Kaiser of Junction Pity spent *” 8 to Jesse Smltson, fire chief local beauty custtrst cunducted at Of 612,500. Forest City, N o rth Carolina She is, ot interior. None ot Uncle Sam's great Sunday here at the home of Mr. and defective chimney was blamed for Kolstrr Model K21 it s sevrrt- an entry in the contest for the tttlq Ruby Wilson, (, daughter of Mr. and parks showed as great an increase In Mrs. Enoch Stuart j the blaze. This was the first tire In of “ Miss Small T o w u Am erica“ tube A .C . 60 cycle set, using Mrs. Robert Wilson ot Boardman, died visitors as did Crater lake this sea­ Springfield during the present month Walter Lipea Return» — Walter no batteries whatever. It is In the hospital at Heppner from chol­ son. According to department figures. the height of simplicity in era morbus, the result ot eating over­ 113,323 persons visited this national Llpes, who was sent to the Southern Nolfs End Tour— Mr and Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS operation— one tuning con­ ripe melons. domain, as compared with 82,354 dur­ Pacific hospital In San Francisco a ' Charles E. Nolf. who huve been tour- Notice Is hereby given thut, Emma trol, with illuminated dial. A valuable brood sow belonging to ing 1927. This la an increase of week ago returned to his home here Ing over different sections of the Mulhews, has been appointed aduiln Sunday. The K< magnetic speaker United States during the past year latratrix of the estate of Hugh 8. Pere Peterson and 10 tame geese own­ 30,969. is matched electrically and ua Mathews, deceased, by the County ed by S. Anderson were shot Friday Mrs. B etel. Away _ Mrs John *nd » halr h» ve ^turned here. Mr Flans for the season's turkey ac­ of Ijtne County, Oregon. Ail design with the recover. by careless hunters near Rocky Point tivities have been tentatively outlin­ Ketels, who is doing advance work in Nolf. a carpenter, was at one time on Court persons having claims against said in Coos county. ed by tbs Douglas County Co-opera­ dramatic» In the Ellison-White conser­ the police force here. . estate are required to present them, WM. RODENBOUCH duly verified as required by law to Commemorating the 75th anniver­ tive Turkey Growers' association, a vatory at Portland, made a trip to GARAGE Spansh Vets Meet—Several Spring- said administratrix at the law office sary ot the founding of the United new marketing agency said to control that city last Saturday. field members of the Spanish War of Alta King, 794 Willamette Street. Phone 95 for Presbyterian church at Albany, 150 about 60 per cent of the county's crop. Eugene, Oregon, within six months Demonstration Rowes Have Guests— John and veterans camp at Eugene attended a from the date of first publication of persons gathered at a banquet served At a meeting of growers in Oakland, meeting at the armory there Mondav Chris Hostettler, both of Grants Pass, this notice this 18th day of October, at the church recently. headquarters ot the association, an evening. Mr. and Mrs. M B. Huntly, 1928. Salmon fishing on the lower Coquille estimate ot tl*e birds already signed were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond and EMMA MATHEWS, Administratrix Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rowe. The two river is at present employing about up with the organization showed a 0. N. 1-8-15: daughters, Helene and Lucille, and men are brothers of Mrs. Rowe. total of about 40,000, with others still 125 men who are catching from three Mrs. C. F Egglmnnn attended from to 10 tons per night, for which they expected. Devines Have Guest Mr. and Mrs. j here. This was the first meeting of are paid 8 cents a pound. Walnut growers of Oregon are in R. E. Henry of Myrtle Point were the fall for the veterans' camp and | The Western Oregon Packing cor­ better shape this year from a market­ week-end visitors at the home of the guests from Albany were also present poration has finished the run of Bart- , ing standpoint than they have ever latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. John A dinner at 6:30 o'clock opened the lett pears, 11,000 cans being packed, been. The crop is a record one for Devine of this city. meeting. and has now started work on 700 tons the state, and with crops in all other walnut producing countries of the Of carrots and 60 tons of beets. *" For the first time in 50 years a world small, prices are high and the waterspout was sighted Friday on the demand strong. The Oregon nut har­ Oregon coast a short distance off As- vest Is now on and will continue for Jgria by Captain Charles Alberts of about 30 days. The walnut crop Is estimated at from 1200 to 1500 tons as S P R IN G F IE L D the steamer Florence Luckenbach. compared with about 500 tons in 1927. Linn county electors will vote on a The filbert crop is close to 100 tons J-mill levy to raise 660,000 with which FRIDAY — ONLY — OCTOBER 19 and last year wag only a third as to match state and federal funds for R E G IN A L D D E N N Y IN large. the construction of the Santiam high­ Tweity-eight hunters worked a total way to the summit of the Cascades. of 778 daya during September and took t Construction has begun on an 685,- Denny P ictures a re Always Good 440 predatory animals, including 876 000 new grade school building in USE MERCHANT TICKETS FRIDAY NIGHTS coyotes, 52 bobcats and 12 stock-klll- Klamath Falls. It will be the third ____ Think of it—Only 10c to see A First Class Show ing bears, It was reported by Stanley major school plant constructed in G. Jewett, leader ot predatory ani­ Klamath Falls In the last three years. SATURDAY — OCTOBER 20 — SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT mal control for the United States C L A R A B O W IN A 630,000 building permit has been bureau of biological survey In Oregon. issued at Corvallis for the erection of Charles B. Brown of Malheur waa a new Alpha Gamma Delta chapter credited with the largest catch, turn­ home. The structure will be of Eng­ ing in 37 coyotes and 14 bobcats dur­ Do you believe in supreme penalty— See this astounding lish architecture and will house 20 ing 30 working days, a total of 61 production. COMEDY AND NEWS girls. animals with the largest number ot Annie Greene, 36, packing house both bobcats and coyotes. SUNDAY — OCTOBER 21 worker, died at Medford from injuries Here Is a wonderful Assortment of Ladles’ and Misses Matine« 2:30 P. M. Night 6:30 to 11 P. M. received when she tripped on the Purses. Novelties as well as staple. hem of her bathrobe and fell and •truck her head on a sharp object in Price her bathroom. Colonel W. C. North of Portland was named by Governor Patterson as a member of the World war veterans’ •tate aid commission to fill the va­ cancy caused by the resignation of W. C- Culbertson. Boyd Summers, postmaster at Swim, has received orders from Washing­ ton, D. C., that Swim postoffice will hereafter function the entire year, in­ stead of only through the summer sea­ son, as formerly. A The newly completed school house A Most Wonderful Assortment of Uulles’ and Misses’ at Camas Valley, near Roseburg, was Sweaters Just Received. dedicated recently with a program sponsored by Umpqua post of the Story by Price American Legion. The concrete build­ ing was erected at a cost of 650,00b CAPT. LIEUT. VON MUECKE to meet the needs of a large farming First Time Shown in Sp ringfield or Eugene community. The port commission of Port Or­ TUESDAY — OCTOBER 23 ford has set probable expenses for the port at 608X1, and will ask for that amount through the Curry county tax , Everybody will want to see this one— assessm ent The annual report shows U S E M E R C H A N T T IC K E T S T U E S D A Y N IG H T S the port in 1028 has done more busi­ ness than In any past year. GET MERCHANT CO-OPERATIVE TICKETS AT FOLLOWING of the Veatch Funeral Home James Lear, 102 years old, of PLACES: Independent Candidate for Klamath Falls died as he slept quietly 8ave 25c on each admission on Tuesdays and Fridays at the home of his son, Ben Lear. Mr. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE Lear was a second cousin o t John DANNER MOTOR CO. SPRINGFIELD TAXI Prompt, efficient and economical Quincy Adams, sixth president of the SPRINGFIELD GARAGE DROP-IN CAFE service to the county and every Hundreds to Choose from All at Popular Prices. United States, and fought throughout FLANERY’S DRUG STORE IDEAL GROCERY one concerned the war under General Lee. LARSON'S SERVICE STATION GOSHEN STORE (Paid adv. by Marion Veach) I OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TOWN AND VICINITY Kolster Radio BELL THEATRE “ TH A T’S M Y D A D D Y “ Johnson’s Popular Price Store Eugene, Oregon “ CA P IT A L PUNISHMENT’’ Ladies’ Purses $ 2 .9 5 Sweaters Thrilling Exploits of the German tenor, of •• the Seas! •• and up “ BRINGING UP FATHER” Marion Veatch County Coroner COATS