n ru[E SPRINGFIELD NEWS A “Th* People's Paper” Try the H om e P rin t Shop F iret A RPRINGFIRLD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH METHODIST SOCIETIES LUMBER MILL MAN IS . JOIN IN RECEPTION INJURED AS BIG LOG JUMPS FROM CHUTE FOR PASTOR AND WIFE NUMBER 41 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928 N ew D irector LIVE NEWSPAPER IN LIVE TOWN NEW BAND MAKES HIT 04650631 IN INITIAL CONCERT; 250 PEOPLE ARE OUT ELECTION ISSUES 10 ASK FDR FONOS Approxlmately 260 people attended O. A Davis, partner In the Itavls I*lke, new pastor of the . he first benefit concert of the new Methodint church, and and Davl» mill In the Mohawk valley, Springfield city band at the high ■ 11 • were officially welcomed 1» In the Eugene hoHpttal »ufferlug chool auditorium last Friday evening. Both Democratic and Republi­ City Has Appropriation here in u recaption held from a »light fracture of the skull and This audience heard a program o f other Injurlen a» a result of sn accl can Candidates and Repres­ Aside by Former Special Elec- "• •»"' <’hurch Monday evening band selections, solos and specialties j r, , » / » ____ The program, attended by a larger dent at the mill at 10 o'clock Mondav entatives of Organizations for tion nnd Budget Committee p u r l o f • In«» <,oi»gr«’K i» llo ii, (* o i i n I , m I«*(1 , , o f , morning. by Portland and Eugene artists. • and Against Ballot Measure« will bo Asked Mondiiy to Ro- a M||C>r| addruMN of welcome from rep ■'laying six marches, waltzes and Log» for the mill are curried down Invited to Appear October 26. turn Item to 1929 Expenses. re Ren tat I Yen of «*u< li of tho church from the mountain» In a long chute In overtures, the new band made Its MoiictlcM. »everal ttelecllonM and mail- which at one place there la u »harp debut under the direction of Prof. An open forum for the discussion Feeling that the organisation may i>r w tI |>„||ard. hr. N. W turn. One heavy log coming down the Andrew bandies. Applause of the of the measures and talks by the n o w Justly he culled a hand, officials Emery and Hurry Gillette were mem <-hut«* at a terrific «peed Jumped the audience Indicated that the members candidates to be voted upon at the were well received. The band has I November election, will be conducted chute and »tuck in a grave) hank near of Springfield's new civic hand will hera of the committee In charge Chaplain Bum Bartholomew, repn » where Mr. Huvls wa» standing. A large been organized only during the sum- at the next meeting of the Springfield Moinluy night visit the »canton of the entlng II»- Men'» Brotherhood gave I mer months. i Chamber of Commerce Friday even­ budget committee and request that ", the Invocation, Mr. Gillette gave the rock wuh propelled against hl» head, cutting hi» scalp deeply. Injuring one The Springfield and Portland Lions ing, October 26. The meeting will be the appropriai Ion net a»ole (or It» B,|,|rrM|, for the men’» i la»», C I’, eye und fracturing hi» »kull »lightly. clubs assisted In the concert. The non-partisan as far as the Chamber »apport he returned to the budget Poole »poke for the brotherhood, Mr». local club sponsored the initial ap­ ' of Commerce Is concerned and Ip De- He wa» hurried to the Bugene hos­ Ellzuheth Page »poke for the primary pital where II 1» reported by hla at-1 at once. pearance of the band, taking a large ; ing conducted merely to better ac- i la sue», Mrs. W. lb Pollard for the tending physician Tuesday morning, i | block of tickets and assisting in man- ' quaint the voters with the candidate* After being organized during the Junior church, Mr» Mary Male for the • agement of the concert and the Port- . and measures. No endorsements will cummer and autumn month» and after bailie»' Aid society, Mr». Ida Gulitz that although the Injurlc» were serious 1 land club sent four assisting artists ! be made this being left to the voter* they are not critical and that he will making one public appearance with for the Home Ml»»lonary society, Mr* without cost to the band. undoubtedly recover. on Nevember 6. the only outside volunteered by the Fred Walker for the Foreign Mission­ Candidates, both democratic and ITof. Landles announced that new A J. Davl». hl» brother, lives at 90» Springfield Lion» club, the bund be ary society and llernlce Nehr for the E street here. Laurence Slinkier, new cnoru» and members will be received Into the republicans, are invited to appear In Epworth laoigae The new pa»tor congregational mimic director of the , hand at any time. A new class for 10-minutes discussions of their candl- lieve» It 1» time to get on a firm ftnun I responded with a brief talk and Mr» Springfield Christian church, 1» a j beginners is being started at once. ! dacies and the Lane County central rial footing, II. K. Phillips, tnunager Pike with a solo arranged tiy the MRS. JARRETT. MRS. MAY student at Eugene Bible university. I committees of both parties will be so stated thl» morulug WILL ENTERTAIN CLUB Hi» experience includes, besides his ! Other concerts are planned during the notified to have their speakers pres­ hosts. Mrs John Ketels »nd Ml»« season. When Springfield formerly had a Fay Guntz gave readings between the ent. Speakers on the measures must Mrs. O. H. Jarrett and Mrs. Edwin school work, singing over radio in hand a »pedal election wa« held und speeches. Oakland. California, and in Eugene. LOWELL MAN KILLED be authorized representatives of the May will entertain members of the an appropriation wa» provided organizations sponsoring or opposing Springfield Needlecraft club and In­ He has also sung In sacred and sec- amounting to »226 or »260 u year CRESWELL LODGE SENDS AS TRAIN HITS CAR the measures according to the plan* vited guests at the Anchorage in Eu - ’»’»•' Programs in various parts of Cali- T ill» appropriation la »till on the ON LOCAL CROSSING of the chamber officers. 25 TO O. E. S. MEETING gene this afternoon. fomla and Oregon. book» The money was, of course, not The meeting has been arranged for The special guests are Mrs Karl, Mr. Sunkler has been directing set aside during the year» when there Frank Vernon, 56. of Lowell, was educational purposes. It will not be Sprlngflt-ld chapter of the Order ol Girard und Mrs. Lawrence May Mem choirs in churches of Oregon for the « id no bund, but will now be asked the Eastern Star wus host Tuesduy hers Invited are: Mrs. W H. Pollard. I“«“ three years He !* a student of fatally inured when a truck in which in the nature of a debate but a dignl- for. evening to the Creswell chapter of Mrs. D W. Crites. Mrs. J. W. Scott. 1 Prof. Veltle Pruitt who Is a student he was riding stalled in front of a ! fled and constructive forum on the Bandsm en Pay D ire c to r that bulge. Twenty-five Creswell Mrs Floyd Westerfleld. Mrs. W F. j of Prof. John Seifert of Eugene an! Southern Pacific passenger tdain at candidates and measures to be voted So far the director. Prof. Andrew members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Schreder of Boston Mr. Sunk- the Second street crossing here last , upon, according to plans. bundle», ha» been paid by fee« collect­ Clyde Sedgwick, worthy patron und Walker, Mrs. Walter Gossler, Mrs. ler has been majoring in voice In the Thursday afternoon. Vernon was rush­ Besides the county candidates in the ed from th<* meniher»hlp of the band. worthy matron o f the Creswell lodge Allen Kafoury, Mrs. George Carson, Bible university and expects to be ed to the Eugene hospital following j contested offices, it fs expected that Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. Robert Drury, Thia arrangement, although It served responded for their organization to the mishap, but died early. the next 1 the following measures will be dis­ Mrs William Dawson, Mrs. William graduated from the school of music to get the organisation started, la not the address of welcome morning. cussed by speakers both for and i bong, Mrs. John Henderer. Mrs. Carl In June. satisfactory, Mr. Phillip» »tated. for Mrs. W. K. Barnell gave two vocal Clark Adams of Winberry, owner of against; The river closing bill, the Phetteplace, Mrs. Floyd B Flanery, the reason that experienced player« solos and Mrs. John Ketels presented and driver of the car. was uninjured. Dunne automobile license and* gas who are giving their time to the band two readings. Games were played Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Harry' RALLY DAY PROGRAM He told officials he was almost on the tax bills, the grange Income tax bill, Stewart, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, Mrs. Clif­ do not feel that they should alao con following the program. OF CHRISTIAN BIBLE track before he saw the red signal and the county four-mill road levy, ford Wilson, Mrs. W. C. Wright. Mrs. tribute to It« upkeep Fee» for th«. Cottage Orove has Invited Spring- swinging and that in his haste to stop j For the purpose of the discussion the SCHOOL IS COMPLETE Tieglnner's would not be sufficient to Held to put on initiatory work there Larson Wright, Mrs. Carl Olson, Mrs. he stalled the engine when his car river closing bills and the Dunne bill* John Ketels. Mrs. Sidney Ward. meet expennea. Complete program for annual “rally was on the track. on October 2«. The loctl order has will be considered as one. At the benefit concert last Friday accepted the Invitation. day” at the Springfield Christian The train was brought to a quick TWO COBURG AUTOS ARE night, sponsored by the Lions club, church was announced today. The stop as it was traveling slowly. The JUVENILE OFFICERS enough money Was raised to meet all FOUR SISTERS SURPRISE DAMAGED IN ACCIDENT program, which begins at 9:40 o'clock car was thrown Into the ditch on the OF NEIGHBORS LODGE old bills with a small amount left In follows : east side of the tsreeb MRS. LAJOIE W ITH VISIT' Two Coburg cars figured In an ae- INDUCTED TO OFFICE the treasury, Mr. Phillip» »aid. Other Selection, by the orchestra; song, cldent Just beyond the north end of “He Keeps Me Singing.” congrega­ benefit concerts will he given period­ After not having seen some of her LODGE ANNIVERSARY AND Officers of Juvenile Pine Circle No. ically and the band will play "Jobe" sisters for several years, Mrs. Frank Mill street here at 11:46 o'clock Sun­ tion; prayer by Supt. 8. G. Moshler: Neighbors of Woodcraft, were In­ day evening. Although no report was HOMECOMING IS READY when ever the opportunity present« bajole of West Springfield was agree orchestra number while classes go to stalled by officers of the adult circle made here, It was stateu that one of their rooms; 20-mlnute lesson period: Itself. able surprised Sunday afternoon when Plans for what officers believe will at a meeting in the W. O. W. hall The director thl» week »tarted hl« four of thorn walked Into her house the cars owned by Joe Peters of Co­ orchestra selection while classes re­ burg was parked alongside the road assemble; rally day song. “Smiles", be "the best anniversary and home- Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. F. Eggl- player» on a new group of more dif­ there. after the motor had gone dead, but by the Bible school; address of wel­ coming” of the Springfield 1. O. O. F. I mann, guardian neighbor of the adult ficult music and at the »ame time The sisters are: Miss llanah Seif­ opened the roster of the hand to new ert. who has been In New York for that the lights were burning. Percy come, Supt. Moshler; double number lodge are complete, according to group. Installed the officers and ap­ beginning student». Young players, several years, Mrs. J. Runipakle of Herrington, also of Coburg, was the by double male quartet, “Keep Close members of the committee in charge. pointed Mrs. Harl McPherson 1* with or without experience, are need­ Portland, Mrs. H. Thomas of Portland driver of the machine which struck 4 z 45, 43