P AO B 3fCV KN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 192Í SUM M O N S NOTICE OF BALE OF OOVERN T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stop* IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E MENT TIMBER General Land Office.' STATE OF OREGON FOR THE W ashington, O. C-, Sep. 21, 1*2». No-. NORTH COUNTY OF LANE t,ce I* hereby given that subject to the No. 1« at 4:27 A M (Flag) E dith A llison, Plaintiff, v* Clarence condition* and lim itation* of the acts No 8 at 3:52 P. M Charles Alltnon. Defendant. q, June 9, 191« (39 Stat. 21»), Febru- Bua connection for train leaylng TO Clarence Cbarle* Alll»on: ary 2«. 1919, 140 Stat. 1179) June 4, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 1920 (41 sta t 758). and departm ental Eugene at 2:20 P. M OF OREGON You are hereby required :gu!utloti* of April 14. 1924 (50 L. I). SOUTH to appear and an*wer the complaint 37«), the timber on the follow ing land* No. 7 at 12 39 P M tiled again*! you In the above entitle I will be sold Nov. 19. 1928. at 10 o'clock No. 15 at 10:03 P. M (F lag) Court and Cause on or before (he 18th -«. rn at public auction at the United day of October. 1928. *ald date being State* land office at Roseburg, Oregon, more than four w e e k * from the da'e to the bigbexC bidder a t,n o t I«;»» the.. of the flr*t publication of thin sum the appralfted value a* shown by thl* ' LANE SCOUT EXECUTIVE m ohs herein entered of record and If notice, sale to lie subject to the appro VISITS LOCAL SESSION you fall so to appear and answ er for val of the Secretary of the Interior, purchase in-i«e. with an additional r R r ] a k [jtnp g PAINTING and K abow tutng In all It- want thereof the plaintiff will apple , POLES WANTED W A N ’I'I.I) Oli WI1II1 I, Id ■iin (ill to th e C o u rt fo r th e re lie f In h e r com g inti o f o n e -fifth of o n e p e r c e n t th e re - ' 7 brunches. Reduced Prices. Ro> plaint against you demanded, to-wit of, being com m issions allowed, must execu tive, wae a visitor at a m eeting let* 01 yearling bens. E A. Gibbon*, "Wanted Codur aud Fir Poles, all Koch Call 126-J. For a Judgment and decree of be deposited at tim e of sale, money to , of the Lions club troop last night The Hprlnghi Id, Roui» 2. sixes Quote prices f. o. Ii shipping — divorce d issolvin g the bonds of matrl |>e returned If sale Is not ap p roved ,1 troop m eets in the basem ent of the point. Advise quantities cun supply, otherw ise patent will Issue for timber, y e th o d lst f.j,urch CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery mony now and heretofore existin g b when call ship. Spot cash. Nleiler- on prices in plutea and other work, tf tw een the Iffalntlff above named and which must be removed within ten FOR SALE W OOD Mr. Clark conferred with C. R. Al­ you rself on the grounds of desertion years. Bid* will tie received from Old Growth Fir, Set olid Growth Fir, m eyer Martin Lumber Co., i’urlland, drich, scoutm aster and Laurence Mof­ and for such other relief as to the 1 citizen s of the United States, associa­ S 20-27: O .4: SUM M O NS Oak, Aab. All lengtha. I to n e Spring Oregon.'' tio n s of such citizen s and corporations fitt, assistan t scoutm aster, of the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ( "¿'f* "lav se e m jn e e t. flt!d 104 if That th is sum m ons Is served npon 'organized under the law s of the United , roop STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE S E P T IC T A N K S — you by publication therof In THE I S tates or any S tate, territory or dis- COUNTY. The airplane building con test is go w a t -u in v a * u. c SPRINGFIELD N EW S, pursuant to trlct thereof only Upon application Th* Spend* Sunday Here— Henry Carier Ready fur you to Install It, w s t u ig , 1 luintiff, vs., Arny stark , an „r^,.T of the Honorable C. P Bar- of a qualified purchaser the tim ber on ing a bit slow, the scoutm aster report* 2 ■ 4 persons ................................. *21 00 of W endling *|Mnd petition for distribution are here­ j house of Lane County, Eugene, Ore­ 4th. 1028 Horton, Defendant fir .« r’ M white flr 80 M. white cedar incense cedar 90 M. w hite flr 50 M, by notlfled to appear and present such gon. 100 M *io't 15 re(| flr 700 M, w hite fir N’EH SE H yellow flr 420 M. ted flr All persons having objections ; W HITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty for rj.o v iv ía n Horton, D efendant: R esidence and P. O. A(l objection*. If any, on said dale above | Io said Anal account must present ' Plaintiff IN THE NAME OF THE STATE g0 M’ w hlte cedar 70 M red cedar 20 5*0 M, red cedar 46400 feet, incense m entioned OF OREGON You are hereby required M ‘,o't 16 y e |iOw flr 1040 M. w hite flr c ^ a r M. N W U SEH red flr 960 M. | them un or before suld date of fltial dress, Eugene, Oregon. O. 4 11-18-25: N. 1: Vivian C. Schorr. A dm inistratrix to appear and answ er the complaint 40' M wh¡te cedar 680 M, red cedar in cen se cedar 70 M, none of the timber settlem ent 8 13-20-27: O 4-11: Idled against you in the above entitled 40 M ' nonP of tf,e timber on th is sec on th ese section s to be sold for les* I M PETERSON, Administrator. SU M M O N S Court and Cause on or before the 18t'n ¡o j,» gold for less than *2.25 per' than *1.75 r«r M for the red flr on ______ 8 . 13 20 27; 0 4 11 IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE day of October. 1928. said date being M for the red and yellow fir. »9 00 p e r c h e S E H N EH and SW H N E H . »150 N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S SU M M O N S STATE OF OREGON FOR more than four weeks from the date y for the w hite cedar and »1 per M P«r M for the red and yellow flr on the n t t the k ,. f first t.« , n tik d n a t(^ n n of t ftita s u m . for . .. am . N l^ S E 1 » a and n d NW% N IA 'L SE H a and n d t the he NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thut LANE COUNTY of publication this sum- the white fir ___i red cedar and R hero N E EH SEH IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Henry L. Carllle und O. P. Snellstrom Celia Faujhaber, Plaintiff, vs. Henry m ons herein entered of record and If lock T 10 S R 5 W . 9 e c 19. SEH balance of the tim ber not to be sold STATE OF ORBOON IN AND FOR have been appointed administrator* of Fnulhaber. Defendant. you fat! so to appear and answ er for NW H red fir 1115 M. lot 2 red fir 795 (of leas than »1 per M for the white TH E COUNTY OF LANE. the esta te of Clemons E. Carllle, de- ane Incense cedar T. 35 S . R. 3 E , O. E Orawell, Plaintiff, versus. The County. All persons having claim s IN THE NAME OF THE STATE plaint against you demanded, to-wit 5 W .'S e c 7. lot 1 red fir 500 M, yellow Sec 19. SWV« NW H sugar pine 10 M. Unknown Heir* of Edward Fein- against said esta te are required to ; OF OREGON: You are hereby sum red flr 985 M. white flr 90 M. red cedar For a Judgment and decree of gold, deceased ; Al»o all other per present them , with the proper vouch­ moned und required to appear and an divorce d issolvin g the bonds of matrl- pine 10 M, T 30 8.. R 9 W., Sec. 9. 60 M. SE H » E H red fir 680 M. red Nona or partle* unknown clalm 'nv ers, within six m onths from the 6th sw er the complaint of the plaintiff mony now and heretofore existin g be SE H SE H red flr 400 M. T 3 N., R 2 cedar 10 M. yellow pine 125 M. SW H W . Sec. 3. NW H NEH red flr 140 M any right title, relate. Hen or Inter day o f Septem ber, 1928, to the said ad­ filed against st you in the above entitled tw een the Plaintiff above named and yellow flr 600 M. red cedar 20 M, none SE H sugar pine 25 M. red flr 715 M. > eat In the real esta te described In m inistrators alt the luw o ff ic e of L. L ! suit on or before (he last day of the yourself on the grounds of desertion f)f th(, tim ber on th ese sectio n s te bi "ed cedar 10 M. yellow pino 15 M, the complaint herein. Defendant*. rlbed In the for , pub , ___ and ____ for ____ such ____ other __ relief as to the , ar,|.. ff)r .g t h a n $1 50 __________ per M for ____ the ! NW H SW H sugar pine 15 M, red flr Ray, In the Miner Building, Eugene, tim e p reset___ __ order ____ __ IU> i^ - j — ____ T o T h e U n k n o w n H e ir* o f E d w a rd Oregon. flr> j i per M. white flj ; llcatlon, tow it, on or .................................... before October Court may seem meet. red pr p<-r M for the w hite fir. ! 1020 M, flr 65 M. red cedar 50 F elngold, deceased; Also all other p r i­ HENRY L CARL1LB. and O. P. 25th. 1923, und If you fall to so appear That th is i sum m ons Is served upon n .3 r(. 50 ' T u for for the ,h yellow e yellow pine. pine. *2 *2.15 it M- M. reö.t,u per M m for tor ,t|o n I* October 4. 1928; and you are Issued to me out of the circuit court 1928, which order directs that th is N ews and that the date of the first ' $1 50 per M for the red ‘ fir on ~ Sec. 17 , the - yellow - u - — and sugar - pine I - « and • $2. « per of the S tale of Oregon, for the County " T V “ *, . M for the wh'V -r. M fu- *h» Util p'ne WP MAM ? ” RY. hereby notlfled that, If you fall *1, to aumtnons he published for four week* publication w ill be Septem ber 2flth appear and answ er, the plaintiff will of Lan<<, In u suit wherein J. B. Young In, The Sprlngfleld N ew s, a newspaper 1928, and the date of the last publics- T y 28 S.. R. 11 W.. Sec 5. lot 1 red ftr Comm lsslon-r-''.11-18-25: N. 1-8: was plaintiff and W C. Steuer, Anna make application 10 the Court for the : of general circulation published In tlon will be October 18, 1928. i ° o Ô” m lot 2 red fit 800 M. lot 3 red It. Steuer, John E. Grimes,* Ada relief prayed within the said com Lane County. Oregon, an. that you FRANK A. DePUE, A ttorney for fi" M Sec »9, SW H NW% yellow O R D IN A N C E NO. 531 Grltues, his wife, O. J. H ecketsw ellcr plaint w hlch^ls that the title to the be required to appear and answ er on Plaintiff. fir 900 M. N W H SW H yellow^flr 800 And or,;jnance declaring the costs and Julia E H eck elsw eller were d e­ follow ing described real estate, to-wit or before the last day of the tim e pre­ S. 20-27: O. 4-11-18: *t T 27 8., R. 12 W.. Sec. 15 N EH oj im proving K ellv Street betw een K Beginning at a point 93.7« feel South fendants, I have levied upon aud will scribed In said order, tow it, on or b e­ S E H red fir 750 M. yellow fir 12(.0 M. and streets within the Town of sell at public auction to the highest of the South west corner of Lot 1R In fore October 25th, 1928. N W ’ 8E H reAJJr J,r Springfield. Oregon, levyin g an as­ SU M M O N S Block One (II of Alta Vlstn Tract In bidder for cash, at 1:00 In the the Date of flrsl publication. Septem ber . . . T . . „ r lR l. t - ,T m u R T OF THU 600 M. SE H S E H red fir 1000 M T ow nship 18 South In Range Three afternoon of Saturday, October 13. 27. ’ 928- D»’e of la8t publication. ‘ ST A T B n F OREGON FOR LANE SW% SE H red "r (050 iM. T 4 i X . R sessm en t for the paym ent thereof, directing the entry thereof in the' (31 W est of the W illam ette Meridian, 1928, at the front door of the Court October 25. 1928 COUNTY 29. — NEH 1. _ ’i Docket of Town L iens and declaring COUNTY 1 - 2 W , ~ Sec. — —■ — N EH ■ red flr 100i Tutne County, Oregon; and running House In the city of Eugene. Oregon, ALTA KING, Attorney for Plaintiff Jam es S. Smith, Minnie O Smith. Glee M. red cedar 100 M. N W H N E H _ re. an em ergency. th en ce south 50 feet to the south llt\e the follow ing described real properly, R esidence and post office address, Eu Smith. Sarah Smith. Lela May Hlle- fir 1300 M. red cedar 50 M, S E * T h e Tow n o f Sprinofteld does ordain of the W illiam Breeding D. L. C ; vlx, lots four, live, and six In block gene. Lane County. Oregon. man. Clark H ilem an. D Delia E H red fir el’a McCue. McCue N EH flr 1250 125Q M. red cedar -5 zo M as, as follow s: th en ce run west 150 feet; thence run live. In the E E. Keppner Addition to S 27: O 4 11-18-25: '«tie T eel and SW H N EH red fir 1200 M red ’in»t! has real estate ns against the plaintiff; am ounts adjudged to be due plaintiff i nexed o f the estate of Karoline B:s- Norman Alvin Smith and Jane Do - Sec. 31. NEH _ _ - ------ . N _ E H . red ascertained and does herehy declare and that the above entitled Court In said suit, vlx, the sum of *500 00 ! choff. deceased by the County Court M illan illan cedar Sm ith, h is w ife; Mearle M ------- 20 M. N W „ H o r - - vtsv r _ , »- th» - co 't - - of said im provem ents to be mode, dated and entered an o r le r with Interest thereon at seven percent j of lam e County. Oregon. All persons Pohll. W alter P ohll; Mae Louise red cedar 30 AU. sf> ' „ „ v , $321.98. Septem ber 28, 1928, directing that front March 15, 1938. the sum of $12.67 having claim s against said estate are Taylor, George Tavlor; Nona Clara 355 M. SW H N E H red fir 350 M. NKH And )t |8 further fosnd and declared this sum m ons he nubllshed once each taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest 1 required to present them duly verified Bertholf. H H red ed ar ¿»yM- that the the property property liable liable for for the the costs costs olf. John Doe Bertholf, her NW NW red fir fir 305_M. 306 M red red ^ cedar z & m . that week In the Sprlngfleld N ew s for a thereon front July 5, 1928. the sum of ns by law required to said adm lnlstra md: W W illiam illiam Sniltn, N W H N W H red fir 1090 M; red < edar of ga)d ¡mprovem ent. and the propor husband; Sm ith. 1 Pearl period of four su ccessiv e w eeks; and *50 00 as nn attorney's fee, anti the lor nt his office at 860 W illam ette and also 20 M. SE H N W H red fir M. -"(t tlonate share due from each lot or part Sm ith 1 Marv Holbrook that you appear and answ er the said sunt of *22.20 co sts of suit, together 1 Street, Eugene, Oregon within six icrsons unknown having nr H l / red 6 5 0 fir m . of all persons uuauow n u u * .» 5 >»1 cedar •— 20 M. SW - H - N xrM’ Q i n fir rt.H " 1 abut, ing thereon, is as hereafter rom pialnl within four w eeks from the with the co sts of making said sale ' m onths from the first publication of claim ing any in terest or estate In red cedar 35 M. ” 8et out date of the first publication of this Suld sale will be subject to redem p this notice First publication S ep tem ­ die property hereinafter described red^cedar ^30 a w ti It is further ordered that the nro- tlon as allowed by Inw. ber, 20th. 1928 sum m ons which Is October 4, 1928 red flr 860 M. red cedar 45 M, SW H roj-tionate am ount of the cost of said D efendants. DONALD YOUNG, Adm inistrator H E SLATTERY, Attorney for FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of with the W ill annexed. To Jam es Alfred Sm ith, Roy E SE H red fir 1225 M. red cedar 35 M. . jmpr0Ten;ent as hereafter set out. be. 4 ,’laliillff and my residence and post game ¡g hereby a ssessed and Lane County. | Smith and Jane Doe Sm ith, h is w ife. N EH SW H red fir 1775 M. red cedai and S. 20-27: O. 4 11-18: office address Is Eugene, Oregon. S. 1320-27; O 4-11: Ida' Rubv Sm ith. Gertrude Ann:e As- 45 M. N W H SW H fed fir 575 M. re levied upon the property abutting up- O. 4 11-18 25: N. 1: NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT »ew . John Doe Askew. N ona Clara cedar 20 M. S E H SW H red fir 670 M on an(J benefitted by the Improvement, ev ,pb e description of the property as- N otice 1 b hereby given that Harold Bertholf. John Doe Bertholf. W illiam red cedar 60 M. none of the tim ber on th ese section s to be sold for le ss than gdgged and the amount of the assess- n « Y <^ » Ì J Wells, A dm inistrator of the E state Sr^th and Pearl Sm ith, defendants. i" e’ e sessed ana tne am Earl S Powell, D eceased, has filed a n i ni«« «U persons unknown having $--50 per M for t h e ^ ’ M ment is as (olio™ Street ahL d X ' c ™ T Ä ? h \ " V ^ «he red and yellow fir and red Ra c M aigaret Camp ° V ° B m hl8 flnal such, claim ing any Interest or estate In 2». T. on 28 the S.. R Ke„y (4) Sunnyside Addi L i account and report H as to ’ An A or fendants cedar other sections T 3 N . belI_ Block Four 13th A | n F ^OB^ x ^ ^ V T r e ^ e r e h ^ s ^ m . in day U ie of V o October, u m .v V o u 1928, r « n u at u u , 10:00 ,u 2780 M.' n W h ’ n EH yeHow* fir 3100 M. ; V ig lo n , Lot five (5) Block Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176 M Rea. Pbone 140 Plano Movlng M In the County Court Room in the Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. On“xon a T n . “ linm 'and ^a"ce to b e a r nwned an d 'req u ired to appear 8n d re<1 c«dar 20 M SE H NEH yellow^flr Tbree (J) Snnnyglde Addition $80.4» SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention u reeon . as tne tim e anu mace 10 near 2g;(0 M rpd cedar igg M, S ^ H NEH Mrg M R Sm lth t o t g |x (g) Block WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. I objections to the same,_ and for the th e_c?mn«*1nt fp f ^ l a i P t - f f * ^ M> red cedar 100 M J T ¿3) SUn ^ d e “ X d iiG o ^ '$i¿?43 to O bstetrics and D iseases i the above entitled su it on or OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE flnnl settlem en t of said E state. in e a nove em it, e u s u u «... ..r ’ V ü " N W U ÇeÎfow fir 2740 M. red' of Children. HAROLD J W ELLS, A dm inistrator «he expiration of four w eek s from the ........... N EH NVt « yellow nr .......................... ~ ~ T otal. $321.98. 633 Main Street Section 2. The recorder is hereby F irst N ational Bank Building W ELLS & W ELLS. A ttorneys. '«ate of the first publient on of th * ted ar 40 M. , cedar 30 M. Boccessor to Suttou Transfer directed to enter the foregoing as- S. 13-20 27; O 4-11: sum m ons e y i TJK7 a / “ 44 1411X14 «11 •»| and X* 11X1 you « .« I are o ■ w ««stifled l l . ’ . l ’ i v . « «ha« »» • If * . ^ H w red flr MO g M, . r — Springfield, Oregon 111 ro so to 10 appear or answ « ..s e e er r for .... ‘ ------------------- — , sessm en ts in the Docket of Town yo 1 fall notice thereof want thereof the plaintiff w ill apply 2060 M. hem lock 30 M. SW H .''?■* L(eng and t0 give above o entitled „aid property by N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S ! to the s anove n lin e« i Court o u n for ior the m e vellow fir 2180 M, hem lock 30 M. NB.,« <0 tbp ownerg of said plaint. 2830 M. red mail. N otice Is hereby - given that j r r e e iie lief” for ........................— ............... — Georg? „ i p prayed rayeu u .r In in the m e v com n u .p . a u . i . SE H yellow flr - - .o o n M «151 ! U v n nited . i v u States » .» . ........ WM. G. HUGHES DR. W. N. DOW I T. Hall, has been appointed ns Execu v, 7- ior „ dPcrPP fixing and confirmin'? M. NW H SE H yellow fir 1880 M sr . . sectio n 3 Inasmuch as It Is neces- F IR R A N D A U TO IN S U R A N C E D e n tis t lor of the Last W ill and T estam ent thp rPSpectlve shares of the parties SEH vellow flr 2190 M. red cedar 4V sary to prpgerve the credit of th e NOTARY RUBLIC F irst N ational Bank Building , of Sarah A. Hall, deceased. All hereto 1n Ixits 1. 2 and 3 In Block 5 In M. SW H SE H 0 a Town of Springfield and I* essen tial to Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon ; parties having claim s again st the ,h P Town of C reswell. Lane Countv. cedar 60 M. N EH SW H ye ’' f w "r , the w elfare and happiness of the In- Office at ostate of said deceased are hereby Oregon oe- M for the red and yellow nr, pagged the Common Council this Dated Septem ber 20, 1928. , fne rPaaonable nttornev fees to he *2 per M for the red cedar and $1 P«>t ; gth day of O<>tober i 92S O B N T IB T GEORGE T. HALL, Executor. allowed to plaintiffs' attorn eys for the | M for the hem lock. T 18 S.. K h " - ! Approved by the Mayor this 8th day Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J FRED E. SMITH. A ttorney for Ex prOsecutlon of this suit and for a de Sec. 35. lot 2 red flr 580 M T. 18 h . tv of O ctober, 1928. SCUtor. cree ordering the distribution of the 7 W . See 15. SE% 9W H "r Attest: O. O. BU8HMAN. Raeidsnc» Phons 16S-M S. 20-27: O. 4 11-18: ¡proceeds of said sale and of accumu , 1780 M. red cedar 80 M, SW « bvv « I. M PETERSON, Mayor. 8prlngfleld, Oregon Recorder. Oct. 11. lated and accruing rentals of said pro- yellow flr 1920 M. hem lock 50 M. none Estnte of Charlotte J. Cox. D eceased, perty. a«ter paying reasonable attor- of the tim ber on th ese section s to sell N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' ney and referee's fees and the costs, for less than $1.25 per M (<”• «he.. r ™ 228 Main St. Residence 126 C 8« N otice Is hereby given that Floyd D. disbursem ents and exp en ses of this flr. $2 per M for the yellow flr, *1.50 General I a w Practice N otice ts nereby given that the un­ per M for the red cedar and $1 per M «2 J «2M Thompson has been by the County suit, to the parties hereto In accord­ for the hem lock T 7 S . R 7 W.. Sec 31, dersigned has been appointed' Execu­ Court of the State of Oregon, tn and ance with their resp ective shares In I. M. PETERSON lot 4 yellow fir 76 M. larch 75 M. silver trix of the E state of Miner E. Mein for Lane County, appointed executor said property; and for such other re­ fir 300 M. hem lock 25 M. white pine 15 tyre, deceased, by the County Court Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-I-aw of the last will and testam en t of Char lief a* to the Court may seem Just M. red cedar 5 M, none of the tim ber on of Lane County. Oregon All persons Lady Assistant UMy Hall Building ami equitable. lotte J. Cox, deceased. having claim s ajm lnst said E state are T his sum m ons Is served upon you this section to he sold for less than hereby notlfled to present the same, All persons having claim s against »1.76 per M for the yellow ffr, »1 per Sprlngfleld, Ora. the «>stnte of said deceased are hereby by virtue of an order of the Hon. C. P M for the larch, stiver fir and hemlock properly verified, to her at the office notlfled to present the sam e, duly Barnard, Judge of the County Court per M for the w hite pine and »1.50 of W ells & W ells, Bank of Commerce stated and verified, nt the residence of the S tate of Oregon for Lane Couu *2 FRANK A. DE PUE per M for the red cedar. T. 18 8., R. B ld g. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of A. E. W heeler at 710 Lawrence ty, dated Septem ber 12th, 1928, and 1 W , Sec. 17. N E H N W H red flr 158o within six m onths from the date of ATTO R N EY AT LAW street In Eugene, Oregon, within six the date of the first publication here M. NW H N W H red flr 980 M. red the first publication of this notice. of Is Septem ber 13th. 1928. m onths from this 4th day of October, Date of first publication, Oct. 11, 1928 NOTARY PUBLIC W. H. BROOKE. JOHN BRYSON. cedar 100 M, hem lock 40 M. T. 21 S . JE W E L E R 1928. LAURA O McINTYRE, Executrix. Of Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 8*0 Wil­ R. 5 W„ Sec. 25. SEH N W H yellow Floyd D. Thom pson, Executor. WEI-US A WELLS. Attorneys. Sprlngfleld, Sutton flr 350 M. red flr 250 M, none of the Repairing a Specialty lamette Street. Eugene, Oregon. A. E. W heeler, Attorney O. 11-18-25: N. 1-8: timber on th ese section s to be sold for Or* gen Building 8 . 1* 20-27; O 4-11: O. 4 1A-18-25: N. 1: Classi B U V iN ti OR SELLING n ECT T O R n l V B U S I N E S C S C D I R Jof I c d Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. R oof Sprlngfleld, Orcgou I*