PAGE FIVE T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS TUVItKlJAY. OCTOBER 11, 192K C harter No. BB61 CRESW ELL EASTERN STAR TO BE DINNER GUESTS will precede the lodge meet Inc and en tertalnnient program. Mra. Niel Pol lard la chairman of the entertainm ent committee and Mra. C. K Wheaton Creswell chapter uf the Order of the Eastern Star » ill b/> the guests of the heada the refreahment committee. Longa In Portland— Mr. and Mr*, Hprlnglbdd ludg« ut a dinner and m»»t- and W illiam Ixiite left Monday afternoon Ina next Tunaday It w o announced W endling People Vielt— M r today by Mr». C E Hwarta, worthy Mra. Itay Baker of Wendling were ’ for Portland on a business trip. matron of the local orguulxatlon. here to vlalt frlenda und relatlvea over Flenerye at Dallae— M r and Mra. A fi .'In o'clock covered dlah dinner the paat week-end. B. Planery drove to Dallas Bunday to vlalt with relatlvea. Charter Nu. 89 Reaerve District No. 12 R tiP O flT OF T H E C O N D IT IO N OF T H E Commercial State Bank of Springfield At Springfield, In the Utate of Oregon at the cloae of bualneaa on October 3. 1928 RESOURCES 16 Ixiutia and discount«, Including rodlacounta, acceplancee or bllle of cichnnge, eold with endorsement of the hank, (Including Heine abown 2V. 30 and 32, If Mny) *136.107 97 O verdraft« eecured .in i t i n . i n ..I 234 82 U. H government MM-urltlea owned. Including those abown Io Itenta 30 and 36. If anv 6,560.00 O ther bonda, warrants and eecurlttee, Including foreign government, atate, municipal, corporation, etc.. Including thoae ahown In Itenta 30 and 36, If any 36,090 96 thin k», »ecurltlea, claim», Bena, Judgment«, etc 36 00 Banking hottae. *14,900, furniture and flxturea, *3992 97 19.792 97 lU’ul eatale owned other than bunking houae 11.190.70 tub) Cash on bund In vulul and due from banka, bunkera and true! eompanlca dealgnutcd and approved' reai-rve ugcnlH uf Hila h an k 31.330 09 T otal cash and due from banka.ltema 8. 9. Io and 11, *31,330 09 76 87 O th'-r assets. If any, Suspense First National Bank Surprise Party Held— Mra. Carl I'hetteplace -waa given a surprise birthday dinner at her home Monday evening. A large number of h e r ' Booth-Kelly Lumber company ai | P e n n e y L a u d * H o o v e r Wendling, was operated upon Sunday , In the Eugene hospital on account of N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the l.waal voters of School District No. 19 " o™’ ln ' one of his fingers, of lxtne County, State of Oregon, that a SCH O O L M E E T IN G of said district x lll I..- h.-lrt ut H ig h School, on llo- 26 day of October. 1928. at 8 o 'c lo c k In th e McLsgan Called Away— W . C. Me- afternoon for r m the the o budget hereinafter Het out . with a r te r n o o n ro e purpose p u rp o n e o of i discussing no 990 00 1 Robinson and Emma May Evans, ; 525 00 825 00’ 1 Junction C ity; Ralph D eM att and M i l- 1 300 00 300.00 .. 1 Clerk dred DeFoe. both of Eugene; Thaom 1 696.00 695.00 Lauding Herbert Hoover ae sincere Stenographer ............ ................. 1 Addison and Bessie Milne, both of In hie desire and competent In hie 90 00 9000 O ther service»: Census 75 00 75.00 Lorane; Fred Cary, Eugene, and Effie ability to solve the fir m problem, J. PlB4 1 It • T«-(o I i ' - i h 60 00 60 00 Truant Officer, »10; Drayman, »50; Ketchum, Springfield; John Cooley, C. Penney, nationally known chain *34,900.00 T O T A L ............................ ......................................... and Rose Carllle, both of W alton; store owner, expresses doubt ae to M A T E R IA L S A N D SU P P L IE S : Richard K ittre ll, Battleground, and Smith’s ability to grasp national prob­ * 520 00 Furniture (desks, »loves, curtains, etc.) ................. lems. 1100.00 Rhoda Mathews, Dexter. Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.I 180 00 L ib r a r y boo k s . 6 00 Flags ........... 50 00 Playground equipment ........................ • 400 00 Janitor's supplies 716 00 P tte l ........................................ •*................... 300 00 Light 260 00 W ater 110.00 Poatage, stationery and printing 190 00 Telephone ................................ *3,831.00 TOTAL .................... M A IN T E N A N C E ANO REPA IR S: 160 00 High building and grounds .....................<............ 316.00 (G lunuHliiiu bulldliigi a n d g r o u n d s 150 00 Lincoln htllbllng und grounds ....................................... 100 00 B rattaln building and grounds .......... ............................. 715 00 TOTAL 358.72 A S SES SM EN TS (Highways, Roads. Streets, Bridges): IN D E B T E D N E S S : 3796 00 Bonded, and Interest thereon .................. - ..................... 6000.00 W arran t, and Interest thereon 9795 Oil T O T A L ............................................- ...................... - .............. 600.00 IN S U R A N C E : .................................................................. M IS C E L L A N E O U S : 60.00 JTcmlitm clerk's bond ....................................................... 446.50 Sundry 4 50 Audit of clerk's book» * 500.00 T O T A L .............................................................................. * 1000.00 We have a most delicious and a ttractiv e a rra y of food item s EMERGENCY: ...................... * 1000.00 T( IT A L ...................................................................................... th at will fit in perfectly in the planning of a special dinner *51,099.72 I Total estimated amount of money for nil purposes during year, o r luncheon for H allow e’en. If you c an n o t spend the tim e E S T IM A T E D R E C E IP T S From county school fund during the coming year » 6200.00 to com e shopping— ju st Phone 9. From state school fund during the coming school year 1300.00 From elementary xchool fund during the coming) year, 5000.00 Estim ated amount to be received from all other sources »19.000.00 6500.00 during the coming school year *32.699.72 Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax LIGHTEN CHRISTMAS COOKING *51,699.72 Total estimated expenses for the year *19,000.00 Total estimated receipts not Including proposed tax »32.699.72 A plentiful supply of ('aim ed Goods on th e p a n try shelves Ila I n n ce. amount lo he ra is e d hv .H stilc t la x Notice of School Meeting H allowe fen Groceries Canned Goods T , • , O. 4-11: B. D. MURPHY. *17'797.39 . 134 31 —Budget Committee. RESO URCES 89.27579 117.00 28.098.03 95,553.09 6,400 00 11,500.00 15.311 39 44 298.13 568 32 312.60 United States Government securities owned ’ Other bonda, stocks, and securities owned .............. - ......................... Ford Dannor H urt— Ford Danner. Furnltur<, and nxlureg> *5.400 00 aon of Mr. and Mra. E. R. Danner, Real estate owned other than banking honae ................ ...............~...... Mr. Rathbun Here— Vernon Rath auatalned a broken arm In a football Reaerve with Federal Reserve Bank ------------------------------------- ---------- bun waa here from Blue River luat game at Cottage Grove Saturday ('ash and due from banks ..........................— ---------------------------------- Outside checks and other cash item» .... - ...............—......- .............. — w o k end on a bualneaa trip morning. Ho waa playing on the Lin- Redemption fund w ith U. 8. Treasurer and due from II. B Treasurer To Hunt Mule Deer— Delbert McBee I coin Junior high school team, ... »290.432 23 T O T A L .......... and a party of local hunters left thia 1 Mra. Knox Honored— A number of week for eastern Oregon where they L IA B IL IT IE S frlenda of Mr». Anna Knox surprised plan to hunt mule deer. » 25,000 00 here Monday evening by calling at her Capital stock paid in .............. 3.000 »0 Does to Prineville— Ralph Oaks left he,me In honor of her birthday annl Surplus ..................................... 4,256 25 last Friday for Prineville where he , vereary. Refreshments consisting of Undivided profits— net ---------- _ 6,260.00 Circulating notes outstanding 2,447.77 will attend to business matters for sev­ Ice cream and cake were served. Due to banks Including certified and cashier's checks 182,789 53 eral days. Demand deposits ---------------- — ------------------------------------ 66,688.70 Guests Leave— Miss Elm a Kuen/,1 ■ Tim e deposits ------------------------------------ ------- --------------- --- Mra. Moon III— Mrs. Herbert Moon and Miss Geneva Bean, both of Chi­ »290.432 25 was reported quite III at her home ‘ cago, who visited for a week at the T O T A L ............_.... .....................- ............... - .............- Monday, suffering from a nervous borne of Mr. and Mra. W alter Gossler, of Oregon, County of Lane, sa.: breakdown. left Sunday for Seattle. Both are State I Wm O Hughes, president of the above named bank do solemnly swear graduate nurses and will be emplpyed th at the above statem ent Is true to the best of my knowledge^and belief. Peterson In Eugene— I. M. Peterson, W M . G. H U O H E 8 , President In thia profession at Seattle. Springfield city recorder, was In Eu­ Correct A ttest: L. K. Page. Paul Hadley, A. R. Sneed, Directors. gene on official business Monday | Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of October, 1928. (S E A L ) F R A N K A. De PUE, Notary Public. morning. STATE REPUBLICANS NOW Here from Portland— Mrs Fannie I 100 PER CENT ORGANIZED *237.388 17 Griffin and granddaughter, Patty, of Portland, are nere visiting friends for 1 The Republican precinct committee ; L IA B IL IT IE S ' men are now organized 100 per cent a few days. 30.000 00 16 C a p ita l S to c k P a id In as authorized by law. according to - 3,000 00 17 Surplus fund and Kuvtrige Capital Newport People Here— M r and Mrs. ( (>hl( jietecham . state cenral commit 18 1.1, I ri,1111,1. ,1 p r o l t e *4292 4d 1.932 76 Cbane Lingo of Newport arrived here , ee chairman, who was present at the (h l lx»aa current cip , naca. Interest and tuxes paid *2359 70 26 00 last week end to spend several days m eet(ng of the congressional commit 10 it!-, d.-n da Unpaid D E M A N D DEPO SITS, other than hanks, subject to reaerve: vlaltlng with relatives. ; eof drH, prec)nct at the Os- Individual deposits subject to eheck, Including deposits doe II Andy Gibson Back— Andy Gibson burn hotel in Eugene, Saturday night, 153.642 95 the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 488 00 who has been living In San Diego for j H. E. Maxey, Lane county congres­ 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 134.50 36 Cashier's checks of this bunk outstanding payable on demand. the paat year returned here Saturday sional committeeman, made the ar­ T otal of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject evening and w ill attend high school ( rangements for the meeting of the I,, ra a o rv e I t e n a 23. 24. 36, 2« *154.2»;', 45 committeemen from the various coun­ T IM E ANO S A V IN G » DEPO SITS, subject to reserve and pay­ this winter. ties of western Oregon. able on demand or subject to nolle»: 29 423 84 Platform Put In— A platform across ......................- 27 Tim e certificates of deposit outstanding 18,741 12 one set of rails at the Southern Pael- ] Every county and every district In 1 28 Saving« deposits, payable subject to notice Nell R T o ta l of tim e and savings deposits payable on demand or fle station bere was Installed Monday, j ' the state la now organized Allen of Grants Pass, Is chairman, subject to notice. Items, 17 and 28 »48,164 96 The platform w ill be used in hauling j and Dr. J C. Booth, of Lebanon, sec-1 baggage trucks to the passenger line. »237,388 17 T otal ............................--------------- -------- ----------------------------- retary of tfce first district congrex- Greshem Folks Here— M r and Mrs. , slonal committee. The State of Onegon. County of I^ane. as. committee I. C E Kenyon, (ashler of the above named bank, do solemnly »wear j amt )n (he catnpalgn the Second Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 9th day of October. 1928. (B E A L ) I M PETER SO N . Notary Public. game. district. ( My Commission expires Jan. 11. 1932 ) Cam p Foreman Treated — Cliff Abrams, foreman of camp 38 of the J D J. BEALS. W H. PO LLARD, F B. H A M L IN , W IL F R ID P. TYSO N , Of Springfield, In the State of Oregon, at the cloae of bualneaa on October 3. 192(1 frlenda were present for the evening Total ... The tndebtedneas of District No. 19 is as follows: Total bonded Indebtedness Total w arrant Indebtedness ...^.................................. ..................... Total amount of other Indebtedness ................................................... T otal amount of all Indebtedness •••••••••••.... - .................................... Dated this 3rd day of October, 1938. Wm G H U O H E 8 , District Clerk. ATTEST: u 11 ROY W. C A R L TO N , Chairman, Reaerve Dcetrlct No. 11 R EPO R T OP C O N D IT IO N OP T H E will m ake it m uch easier for you to do your holiday cook­ ing. Mixed or solid eases of your favorite fruit» and vege­ tables— first in quality, low est in price. Phone 9-WHI7E F Fine Job Printing is Our Specialty IS T H E FU R N A C E IN ORDER? Do not put furnace repair -work off until the «ast minute. No telling when you w ill need It. Dates mean nothing when the weather man takes a notion to turn on cold and dismal days and nights. We are expert metal workers and w ill put your furnace in good condition quickly, efficiently and for a reasonable price for work and m ater­ ials. W. N. LONG 627 M A IN ST. YOU ARE PERSONALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Rally Day AT THE SPRINGFIELD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 21, 9:40 A.M. A program of o rch e stra m usic, im personations and o th er num bers fea tu rin g the Double Male Quartet and a Rally Day Serm on by Rev. S. E, Childers SEE T H IS PAPER N E X T W E E K FOR C O M P L E TE PROGRAM _ —Li ^c.OLiOQOOOQt3OOQOOOOD a a a Q a l:,o a o D a C ia M D D O a D D n • n 8 Sturdily Built for a Lifetime of Service Add to the charm and comfort of your living room this beautiful Cogswell Chair—it belongs there by your fireside. Like all Biltwell furniture the beauty of this chair is permanent for permanence is built into every Biltwell piece. A wide of choice in coverings — rem ark ab ly low priced a t $44.50 $58.50 D iv id e th e P a y m e n ts C o n v e n ie n tly See O u r C o m p le t » S h o w in g o f B iltw e ll U p h o lstered F u rn itu re Phone Wright & Sons ioo uotiuu o nnn—