TOUR Community News ♦ ♦ THURSTO N Cerreependenta UPPEft W ILLAMETTE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Frank Campbell. Fred and Hubert Gray and Raymond George motored to Landax a few days ago for a deer bunt. They succeeded In killing one. A. W. Weaver and nephew Bert Weaver from Portland motored to the upper McKenxie a few days ago for a deer hunt. • Dale Phetteplace Is ill at the home of his father, Homer Phetteplace. Lafe Moore left Wednesday morn lng for the coast. He expects to bring back some salmon. Dave Enhoff has purchased a new Ford car. John Travis bought the one Mr. Enhoff had previously. Wayne Endicott underwent an operation for the removal of his ton­ sils last Friday. Bert Weaver drove to Albany last Wednesday and Mrs. Weaver spent the night in BJugene with relatives. Cecil Jeans is preparing to move his family from the King ranch to his home place near Deerhorn and William Weeks from Eugene is plan­ ning to move on the King place. William Rennie and sons. Roy and Harold attended the state fair In Salem. Miss Agnes Brightman held a class of sewing for the ladies of Thurston at the home of Mrs. John Price last Monday. She will given another de­ monstration on Monday October. 22, at Mrs. Roy Edmiston'a. Mrs. William Rennie is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Blanton, from Salem. There was preaching at the church last Sunday, the first since the sum­ mer vacation. Rev. Ard Hoven the pastor spent the summer in eastern Oregon. llruce and Jed Wheeler of Pleasant Hill exhibited 20 of their tine Barred Rock chickens at the state fair ut Salem Inst week and brought home six blue ribbons, besides a number of seconds ami thirds. C. B Wheeler won first on cockerels in the dark class, it being the largest class in the whole show. One hundred and thirty birds of this breed were entered at the fair and those of the Wheeler brothers were counted as being among the finest there. Donald Bolin the l j year old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D Bolin of Bear Creek who was accidentally shot by Robert Dclkens while cut hunting latt Saturday was burled at Pleasant Hill Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Ser­ vices were held at the Pleasant Hill Christian church. Interment was in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Two clubs, a sewing and a cooking club, have been organised at the Pleasant HUI public school this year The pupils of the Pleasant Hill pub­ lic school are practicing for a Hal-j lowe'en program. Mrs Dora Harden, and E. B Tinker are harvesting their walnut crops The trees are loaded with nuts this year and the blight is not as bud as former years. Howard Merrian and E. B. Tinker have.finished picking their apple crops and are now busy sorting selling apples. The Christian Endeavor society of Pleasant Hill plan to give a social in the near future. The Fairmount En­ deavor visited the Pleasant Hill en­ deavor last Sunday bringing with them pennants which Pleasant HUI is to have the remainder of the year. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T PERRY PRICE MANAGER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. T h a t! O. A. C. FORESTRY CLUB the undersigned S. M. Stlers. executor of the last will and testament of John Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ V. Crall. deceased has rendered and lis, Oct, 10— Perry Price of Springfield filed with the County Court of the was elected manager of the Forestry State of Oregon for the County of club at a m eeting on the campus this Lane his final account and that said Court has fixed and appointed, Satur week. Other members elected were day the 10th day of October. 1928 at Ralph Crawford, president; Theodore the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said Herzog, secretary; Daniel Janzen. day. at the County Court room in the treasurer; Glen Voorhies, auditor, and Court House in the city of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, as the day, E. G. Mason, professor of forestry, time and place of hearing objections to said final account. All objections must club critic. The Forestry club Is one of the 22 be in writing and filed with the Clerk clubs and associations in the various of said Court on or before said day and time. technical schools and departments. Its S. M. STIER9. Executor, object Is the advancement of interest FRANK A. DePtJE. Attorney for and information in the field of fores­ the estate. O. 11-18-25: It. 1-8: try. Registration of freshmen in this P ro p e r ty C h a n g e M a d e school exceeds that in agriculture, and is an increase of 50 per cent over that D. L. Barber last week purchased a of last year. In 18 years, membership residence in West Springfield from is the Forestry club has increased John Gates. The deal was mad»* ■ through the W. W. Walker real estate from 17 to 181 men. I office. Realtors here report activity CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emer- j in their line has been slack during on prices on plates and other work, tf i the past several weeks. B ELL THEATRE S P R IN G F IE L D FRIDAY — SATURDAY — OCTOBER 12 - 13 « C H A R L E S RAY IN Packing famous Egg-crate wallop C O M ED Y A N D N EW S USE MERCHANT TICKETS FRIDAY NIGHTS SUNDAY — OCTOBER 14 RAYMOND BEERFHATTDN NOW Wf KIN THE AIR ■ urvute a*x>rs TUESDAY — OCTOBER 16 K A R L DA NE ANR GEO. K. A R T H U R IN “DETECTIVES” Many 8hort Subjects USE MERCHANT TICKETS TUESDAY NIGHTS G ET M ERCHANT C O -O P E R A T IV E T IC K E T S AT F O L L O W IN G PLACES: Save 25c on each admission on Tuesdays and Fridays INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE SPRINGFIELD TAXI DANNER MOTOR CO. DROP-IN CAFE SPRINGFIELD GARAGE IDEAL GROCERY FLANERY’S DRUG STORE LARSON’S SERVICE STATION Take Advantage of SPECIAL Car Greasing price of 50C J. M. Larson Service Station Corner 2nd and Main Perfect Steaks i —your Purse and a J. C. Penney Co. Ad. ATTEND SUNDAY ’ MATINEE 2:30 Hilarious Comedy— Also Pembrooke & Moritz | | PARTNERS A Comedy Riot CO M ED Y A N D N E W S Another HIGH SCHOOL NEWS INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. THE COUNT OF TEN >9 WALLACE ' by the losing team to the two winning ..aOther step toward the construe- classes. «on of the rtnal link of the Lakeview- Klamath Falls highway from Dairy to M rs . Page Return»—Mrs. L. K Dugs Lorena Mill has been taken by the l who has been spending the fmst month Klamath county court in securing tha Hl-Y Club Has Dinner and a half vlaltlng relatives In Loa rights of way. The Hl-Y club of this school had a Angeles. During her absence she was Principal Events of the Week The new hop warehouse of the Ore­ dinner Tuesday evening In the base­ elected secretary of the Springfield gon Electric railroad at Donald la ment of the high school Tha pur < Parent Teacher association She was Assembled for Information completed. The flrat day after Its pose of this dinner was to bring all fur 22 years a teacher lu the schools of Our Readers. completion over 2500 balca of hops members together and start the naw here and Ihls Is her first year not (o were deposited. This lias been a bau- year off well. Four members of the ti-ai li Mince she first accepted n faculty III Y prepared (he dinner They were uor year for hops, poult Ion R. G. Johnson Jr. of Wasco couuty Louis Rorden. 71. The Dalles mer­ T h a y e r McMurray, Bead llemenway, has been appointed county agent ut Laverne Lawson, and latwrencc Roof. chant of pre railroad days, died there Grunt county. recently after a brief Illness. He was The chill reelected Oscar Uluddlsh Walnuts are beginning to drop and at hla place of business until the day for the club advisor Iasi Tuesday al a filberts are coming in. 1’riee Is a little before hla death, when he left on ad­ s p e c ia l meeting lower this year ou account of a large vice of a physician. foreign crop. J o in t P a r ly V e to e d Heppner la planning a new 600,000 Al Iht last meeting of the tlo p h o A total of 1.221,958 pounds of milk gallon reservoir for the city water sys­ and 61,112 pounds of butterfat was tem. A survey has been made. It Is more -lass, Pr-’rldent Ruth t'.o 'lo ’il « « • £ tA N recondition your produced in August by the herds test­ understood that one of the present brought up. for vu'-s. the suggcst'oii l A / car and It will give you ed In Tillamook couuty. * reservoirs will be abandoned when the that the unnual |»vty of the H->pno w w „„ good service as any < mores and Freshmen he merged into There are said to be nearly 10,000 new one Is completed. new cur at a small coat—also re- head of cattle in Klamath county in The official program for Frances one this year. The Idea met with ut­ line your brakes align your wheels prime condition tor market, and heavy E. Willard day, October 26. has been most unanimous dlaupplovul. to prevent tire wear, Ruth Carlton, president, will an shipments are anticipated lu the near completed by C. A. Howard, state su­ nouuce the date of the sophomore perintendent of public Instruction, and future. " party sometime soon. Governor Patterson has Issued a copies have been sent to all school superintendents in Oregon. Automotive Meehlnlete proclamation urging the citixeus of C lu b R e o rg a n iz e s 821 Pearl 8t. Eugene, Ore C , M. Nelson, dairyman of Coos Oregon to Join in the observance of Th* Dramatic club of the 8 II 8 Phone 813 national fire prevention week. October river, has a record-making herd of will be reorganized The first meet cows which have averaged him 867 7 to IS. lng was <-ulled Thursday the fifth p e r J pounds of butterfat in nine rnontha of The apple crop In the MIlton iYee- lod and the officers were elected for 1928. In July Mr. Nelson's cows were water district this year will break ail the coming year. A committee was Now Located in second id the state returns. records and It Is estimated that more appointed to draw up u constitution Miner Building A propos to vote bonds for »110,- than 1000 cars will be shipped from for the club. 000 to comp.ete the Umpqua highway that section. between Drain and Scottsburg will bo L i t e r a r y C lu b F o rm e d Lane county Four-H club boys and placed before the votera of the Ump­ The freshmen English claaaea ha*« girls won 16 first places and 85 rib­ qua highway improvement district ut bons on their work at the state fair, the coming November election, accord­ organized a Literary club Tuesday, according to Arnold IX Collier, county ing to a resolution adopted by the the classes appointed temporary chair­ men which are Leila Squires-, second club agenL trustees. period class, and Ethel Brlsgs. third The first timber wolf killed In Jack- Don't blame y o u r c h il­ A third crop of blossoms is appear­ period class. These officers appointed son county In many years was bagged ing on a peur tree on the place of E. dren fo r backwardnenn a committee to work under them recently by Wllsie Pruitt of Medford, T. Tetnpieman ut Oakridge and he hus In th e ir studies. In who with a party was hunting deer already guthered two crops of ripe They have a good size organization a- nearly every Instance there are seventy pupils In the tw o on the Umpqua divide. proper glasses w ill fruit from the tree, he said. Branches classes. place them ahead of Henry W. Collins of ftsndleton has from the tree showing ripe pears and purchased from the F o i Film company blossoms aide by side were brought the cltyts. Typing Contort for 127,000 the standing grain on 150 to Eugene and exhibited. The beginning typing classes under | acres near Thornhollow used in the First carload of potatoes gold by the d irectio n of Miss Wagner are going Make Appointments filming of “Our Dally Bread." newly organized Ceneral Oregon Po­ j to have contests for the next six ! Whenever Possible Adelaide Clarissa Clarke O'Brien, tato Growers' association will be ship­ weeks Each class hus elected a cap j the first white girl to settle In Klam­ ped out of Redmond to Portland with­ ' tain. The first period class captain Is ; Dr. JKcrman W. Hloody ! ath county, passed sway last week at in a few days. M. G. Coe. association Ralph Hughes. 2nd period. N ellie | the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lillis manager, announced. One hundred Wright. 3rd period. Vernlce Hawke wicMtnuti-tvrxicei MUCMHtllW - n t i l U l t m - h i a i i s i . carloads of potatoes have been con­ Flackus, in Dairy, aged 68 years. Much Interest Is being shown bv the ' euivr aw SISM tue«. eevet sei _ e*»v o n o z o w s v The grades are also to be i High school is dismissed at Covs. in tracted by the association thia year. 1 classes 'C ' t u e r N t-o n e . A total of 3300 carloads of peart considered us well as a part» given I Union county, that the pupils may as­ sist the packers in preparing the large have been shipped from Medford this crop of prunes for market. Shippers season with indications that there will be at least two weeks more of heavy are paying »20 a ton for prunes. Two carloads of machinery and activity. To date 200 care of applet equipment for the development of the have been shipped. Th< re will be at cinnabar properties east of Sutherlin least 50o cars sent from the Rogue have been ordered and the plant will river valley by the end of the harvest­ ing- be in operation in a few weeks. After being forwarded here and September export lumber shipments at Marshfield topped the 1928 business there over a period of 11 years, a let­ on Coos Bay, with a clearance of 15,- ter written by Mrs. Lena Scharff in 115,533 feet. Nine steamers carried St. Paul, Minn., August 25. 1917, was returned to its author In Salem last the shipments, valued at »122,931. week. The letter originally was ad­ The state’s general fund is In the dressed to Yokohama. J a p a n . Mrs. I red approximately $600,000 and the de­ Scharff lias lived In Salem for seven . ficit can be expected to grow until the next tax funds begin to arrive In No­ years. I■ The offer by Mrs. Ellen Baldwin, vember, according to State Treasur r V asco county pit-tie r. of 10) ucres of Kay. timbered laixl in the Mount Hood foot At a city caucus held in Nev.bery. bills to Boy Stouts of Wasco and ad­ Mayor Nixon was nominated by thu jacent counties for camp use was ac- people for a third time. C. F. H«.i- espted recently by members of the shaw was renominated for city record­ u t. m.d-Colurntla-Uosi hutes area council er and W. H. Woodworth for city treas­ c l the Scouts In quarterly session ut You may search tha world forYt better urer. It dmond. word to describe ou steaks and then A three-prong snow-white buck deer Th? onion harvest has been In prog­ ou will come bask to “p e r f e c t." was shot recently by Tom Stevenson, ress at Lake Labish, between Brooks hey are just fat enough, as tender as near Cedar butte, on the Wilson river and Salem, where over 500 carloads butter, juicy and ful flavored. Better in Tillamook county, according to re­ are being made ready for shipment order one for dinner today. ports coming from that section of the by a big crowd of employes in trim­ state. • ming, drying, sacking, etc. It has Between 10,000 and 12,000 turkeys been a good season for onions in that will be shipped out of Umatilla coun­ section, says Seymour Jones, state Phone t>3 4th and Main Sts. ty this year for the Thanksgiving and market agent. PRATT HOLVERSON S TU A R T E C Christmas trade. There are more than J. Petersen, rancher of the Shaw 10 turkey raisers in the Hermiston district, has appealed to the Marlon district. county court to appoint a county agent New buildings in La Grande passed to tell Salem business men how to the »250,000 mark for the year of 1928 conduct their business. The applica­ last week with the issuing of a permit tion was filed by Mr. Peterson after In the amount of »11,000 to Julius a number of business men and bank­ Roesch for the erection of a garage ers had gone on record favoring a building. county agent to direct the farmers. A cream pool with 550 cows to draw Hearing a nolBe in his garden re­ from was organized by Hermiston cently, Carl Hansen, who lives at the dairymen at a meeting held in that north edge of Seaside, turned his dog "w h e re savings a re g re a te s t” city last week. The Hermiston Cream­ loose to frighten the marauder. A mo­ 942 W illam ette St.. Bug ene. Oregon. ery company will handle all creain ment later the dog rushed Into the of the pool. house with a large bull elk In full Playground apparatus is being In­ pursuit. Hansen found the bull elk stalled In the block which was recent­ with two cows had broken his fence« ly donated to the city of McMinnville and were eating corn In the garden. by Mrs. W. B. Smith. It is to be a Quinn S. Butler of Ash'pnd was memorial to her husband, the late elected president of the Southern Ore­ W. B. Smith. gon Pioneer association ut Jackson­ The drill team of the Corvallis fire ville last week. Mrs. A. E. Kenney of department was the winner of the sil­ Jacksonville was named vice presi­ ver cup trophy In a competitive con­ dent and Mrs. M. J. Nelson permanent Fifty yean ago M n. Homemaker test at the Pacific coast fire chiefs' secretary. Two of the oldest mem­ icrubbed and tf>un and "leveil a fine convention at Sacramento recently, ac­ bers, Mary Vining, 92, of Ashland, and cording to a telegram received from Mrs. Elizabeth Paine, 94, of Ashland, team" from daylight until dark. Today Clare A. Lee, state fire marshal. were presenL the hat a partner to help out on the job— Misses Barbara Ricker and Pearl Sixty-six head of sheep killed by a J. C. Penney Store. Coss, well-known nurses of Meilford, dogs near Bend cost Deschutes county She hat learned to read our advertise- left last Sunday on a 2500-mlle hiking »437, The warrant paying Con F. trip to New Orleans. They plan to Doody of Summer Lake for the sheep menti regularly and saves many a dollar make the entire Journey afoot except was drawn on the dog license fund as for the Family Pune while fitting quietly for a train ride across the desert coun­ is provided by the Oregon laws. at home. She knows she can depend on try of Arizona and Texas. A reunion reminiscent of the cele­ our advertising—that it it honest, and free Last Friday marked the three-quar­ bration two years ago when Chief Jos­ from exaggeration. ter century mark of Oregon residence eph’s bones were removed from near for S. B. Cathcart, who lives at Marsh- Wallowa and Interred at the foot of It will pay every Housewife to read our j field. He Is one of the old pioneers of Wallowa lake will be held during the advertising regularly. Often the will find - the state, and a surveyor who laid out fall of 1929, It was decided at a spe­ that tome small luxury the never thought ' many of the official surveys or roads cial meeting of Joseph commercial the could afford, it well within her meant. ' of southern and central Oregon. club. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST • y Special ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ T H U R S D A Y , O C TO B ER 11. 1928 T H * b PRINOFIMD AiOVR a A