s. PAGE T H R E E T H E BPRINUFIEUO NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 192« Drane, but If there are any you don't ' Pays T ra ffic Pine cares to answer In a crowd we'll leave , Pleading guilty to a charge of reck* them until later. No, you men need less driving. B. E. Hoffman Monday not go; I’d rather have you here—and paid a fine of *26 In the city recorder’s the yound lady Is less apt to be ner-! court here. He was charged with i vous. Let’s sit down; we may as well 1 having run Into another car at the be comfortable.” ; corner or Second and .Main streets I've had the officers make a search through reckless operation of bis ma* of three rooms up, there.” Brennan . chine. This Is the largest traffic fins said "Mr. Drane's room— we'll call i to be assessed here for some time. , him that, or call her that—and the Here from Marcóla— Mrs. C. E. room Mr. Dart was to occupy, an J Brockman and daughter Everett* your room. Mr. Judd.” "Suits me all right," Simon Judil were business visitors from Marcóla others I waited for an answer because , to d.~ any such thing said heartily. "Anything you do suits Himon Judd, umaleur detective, unit C A ST they wore guests, and guests ain’t ' "Oh, Bob, Bob! Isn't Is dreadful!” me; I’m going to be a detective my Wlllluui Hart, un undertaker, are visit­ of P rin c ip al C h ara c te rs in this sut»." Amy cried as he tried to comfort her; , self, and the way you do It Is what I FORCED TO SLEEP IN ing John lirune, eccentric muu of I A m axing M y s te ry Story "And the second time you came up ("If I didn't have you I wouldn’t know want to see.” wealth, at the Urune place. Huddenly John Drane CHAIR— CAS SO BAD Thi' Humun Hphlnx the household Is shocked to find that | ^my .................. The Girl you got no farther than Mr. Drane's what to do!” J "We ll talk that over later, then,” "Nights-1 sat up In a chair, I had Her Sweetheart door? You fainted there?” [ "Y^n— well, you've got me all rlgh’, B„|,| Brennan after a glance at the John Drane has been murdered. The JColsert Carter . dead muu Is first seen by Juste, the William Uurt .. “Yes. sir; that’s It.” [honey,” he »aid “Don't you take It so huge westerner. ”1 don’t suppose. Miss such stomach gaa. I took Adlerik* The Undertaker maid, then by Amy Urunu and Hlinou Himon Judd "Show me these two guest room s,' ; hard. It's bad enough, but you want to nrane, we'll find anything In those and nothing I eat hurts me now. I Friend of Dram- Judd The latter faints. in- illesslngton The Family Doctor Brennan said to Zella. and she w e n t, buck up. No good In letting It get you rooms that will mean anything, al sleep fine."—Mrs. Glenn Butler. Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler* Police officers call and Invent Igu Ulck Brannan , ......... .. A Detective with him, first to the yellow room Jud-I so hard. We'll stick tt out together ” though a man can never tell. I’ve talk­ had occupied and then to the blue : "It's so good to hav”,unK man- hta no hurry llrennan. the detective, arrives to In j io 'oln.w In r, und then this Mr. Judd betraying his excitement came In Tin ready now. Bob,' she said. peraon killed—.” He pointed toward "Oh!” he exclaimed. I'l know who You’ll come, Mr. Judd." | t he house with his thumb. vestlgate the case. 1 came. Vv be else after that?" •'Sure!" cried Simon Judd widely. | (TO re CONTINUED! you are; you're the detective. I saw NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY: "Norbert—he's the colored house you—It was when our house wan rob- "Surest thing you know. Detectives man Mts. Vincent—she's the house- bed and I was before the grand Jury I are the thing I want to see; I’m going "Yes. Ur. Blesslngton made the ex­ keeper. Maggie Munley, the cook. T im b e r Sale Announced Io tell what was stolen" Ito be one'm yaelf.” amination, victim dead several hours, I George, the chuuffeur. And 1 came. cuuse of death stub wound to heart. Notice of sale of timber on revested "Yes You're Robert Carter," Bren- ; "You'll see a good one when you see - We jut-t stood nt the door; nofcmly Suicide theory untenable, Ulck, be­ nan said simply. "Seven three four this Brennan," Carter said. 'None Oregon-California Grant Lands and went In." Beech Avenue. You made a good better.” cause the old lauy couldn't have used : the Coos Bay wagon road grant lands "And about when was thia? i .. . . so much strength. And there ain't no . , , . ,, , witness. Your man went to the pen "That’s the kind I want to see,” said ' has been filed by the United States "Around nine o clock; maybe five ' _ You a friend here?", knife around, either. Ulck. Who's been Simon Judd, and they went out to the Land Office at Roseburg. Complete or ten minutes after. Mrs. Vincent "Yes. Amy," young Carter said, red­ veranda, Brennan arose as they ap- ( announcement of the sale and the murdered, all right Well, the queer nent Josie up beeaUNe breakfast wus dening more. "We're— we would have peared. part Is she's this old John Urune that's | amount of timber Included will be ready and Mr Drane bad n t come down been—engaged I Just heard of this been living here, see? He wus a she "M' sh Drane," he said. "And this , found on another page of thia paper j down yet.” awful ItuHlness and I came s saoon as would be Mr. Judd? My name's Bren- I ull the time; wouldn't It Jar you?" —---------------------------- I "Everyone else had?" I could Is she—” nan as Carter has probably told you. ' FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Yes. Hang around. I'll Just take a ' "No; not Mr Judd und not Mr. "Eating breakfast, I shouldn't won I've been put on this case. I’ve got to sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for look or two." I Dart—" Joale said. making tracings. The News Offic» der." Brennan said. "Go right In, If It's ask some questions of you. Miss A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT "Dart? What Dart?" the usual thing and you want to. I’ve He went to the bed nnd looked down "The undertaker mun," Zella ex- put on this case and I'm looking at the victim of the murder and, turn­ plained. "He's an old friend of Ml. been ,t OVfir a pu ing. surveyed the room. He walked Drane's und sometimes he comes to "If there's anything I can do—” acroas the floor und opened the door play cardM mid stays the night. He Carter suggested. of the closet. H e re hung m any suits (b i. g ....... r “ ,|n But I "No; never mind that now,” Bren of men's garments on proper hangers )bm| n,gh, h Th„, W„B Hb<)U, hu„ , most by - steadying - ~ her down tf she’s hats, looking into each ami noUng the e)ght , lhllMKhl_ . . , he heB, Tell her I m out here makers' marks In them He moved tated. " I thought he answered that on the porch and will see her when­ ever she's ready. No hurry. Let her the hunglng clothes and tapped on the time.” takp her own time Tell her It's noth­ Inner wall of the clonet. "I see!" Brennan said. "You knocked ing to be afraid of." His next nrl was to open the dour to wake him up and you thought he leuding into John Dame's private answered. What did he say?" That a tine of you, ( arter said, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN bath Here the walls were tiled "I thought he said 'All right! Yes!' Putting out his hand Impulsively, to the helgbth of a man und the porce­ or something like that. So then I went ’ Brennan Is the name, the detec- T he D em ocratic p arty has alw ays F or the protection of labor, industry, lain tub was built In. as was the to Mr. Judd's room and knocked nnd ,,v<* opposed a high protective tariff. It shaking ( arter s hand. Trot a g ric u ltu re and citizenship th e R e­ shower. The whole was Immaculate­ ho said 'All right; I’m up." sta n d s for “ tariff for revenue only” along now. publican p a rty s ta rte d th e protective ly white, uh wiih the wall above the or a “com petitive tariff.’’ W hen th e "But, that first trip. Mr. Drane did Bob Carter found Amy and Simon tariff. T he Paine-A ldrich bill w hich tile and celling. On a glass sheir i no, nriMW,,r f U nderw oo d law w ent into effect I Judd finishing their breakfast and w as wiped out by dem ocratic lead er­ stood a few toilet articles any man > "No, sir. hut I didn't think any I about to arise. Mrs. Vincent at her th e re followed in its w ake a n e a r ship in 1913 and th e Fordney-M c- might use— a safety rnxor In Its gold- thing of It. Mr. Drane don’t often end of the table had eaten nothing, panic th a t w as only av erted by th e C utnber bill which went into effect in plated case, talcum, bay rum. and so i have to lie culled; he always woke merely sipping tea. and her face show- W orld W ar in Eurpoe. W heat, corn, 1922, closed A m erican’s doors to the on. There was no opening out of the I up of himself. I thought lie was lu ted she was still in great pain, Intpul- c a ttle , sheep, wool, potatoes, and free entry of E uropean m an u facu red room except the door Into the bed­ the bathroom, likely, und would be I slvely Amy arose as Carter entered o th e r products w ere placed on th e goods, produced by cheap labor, and room and a narrow window the lower , down. I Just knocked on hls door and I and he was holding her In his arms free list. T he farm er suffered from th e livestock and a g ricu ltu ral pro­ part of which was In loaded glass. foreign com petition, and scores of went on. sort of reminding hint The before he was aware he had Intended d u c ts of S outh Am erica, New Z ea­ "The door wasn't locked, huh?” facto ries closed down and b ro u g h t land and A ustalia. U nder these a Brennen asaed. on unem ploym ent and bread lines. d u ty of 42 c e n t a bushel w as placed "No. This maid Josie came up Io I R evenue for g overnm ent expense be­ on w h e a t; 15 cen ts a bushel on corn: call the old Ind.v nnd when nobody , cam e so low th a t th e S tam p Act of l»/2 to 2 c e n ts a pound on c a ttle ; 50 answered she opened the door and | O ctober 22, 1914, w ent into effect c e n ts a hundred pounds on p o tato e s; fainted. Door couldn’t have b een , an d a tax w as required on all notes, $2 a hea