T ry the H om e P r in t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH FIVE WILL CONTEST SEATS ON COUNCIL SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 SPRINGFIELD ELEVEN TO MEET BROWNSVILLE IN FIRST HOME CAME A r tis ts to H elp No A ction Taken B an d in C oncert On B ridge Filling Although they dropped their flrst Four same of tin- season Springfield high school grldeters are ready to buckle Portland Musicians ‘and Approaches for New Span Still in Question; No Notice is Mrs. Rite of Epgene are Com­ Received from Salem ing; Event is Friday Night Two New Cnndidntes File Peti­ (>n th e ir moleskins and tackle th-- That no word has been receive-! tion» on la»t Day; Registra­ llrowusvllle team here tomorrow Four Portland artiste and one Ku afternoon gene soloist will assist the Spring- from the state highway commission In tion Books Show Good Total; At Pottage drove lust Friday the pp|d band In Its first concert at the regard to the approaches for the new Voting Places and Officials for local players were defeated by a score | hlgh g(.h(M), au croft Bonds to be Paid. The new city candidates will com­ that the Hprlngfleld eleven put up a ( Thg |,|„ns club of Portland Is send- thought to proposals and objections prise the citizen group to act with the fight which showed that after a little , ( llennlberg und Joe Sherman, here, It was stated today. council as the budget committee for, For c ity council. Ions term W A more drilling they will make going wb(j wjl) apppar a banjo and song Raymond J. Walsh, resident engln I the coming year. They are W A. Taylor, H. J. Cos, Hum lllthnioiiu. rough for their opponents. The skit called, "Croons and Tunes"; II. ; eer for the state highway body, stated f,oldie K I . Itelo.- o f New Y o rk, in Taylor. If. J Cox. W C McLagan, tw o to bo elected. Hprlngfleld team was handlcppaed bv W. Stanchfield, who will present sax »- that he has hud no word from the whose $100,000 alienation suit against Sam Richmond and C. O. Wilson. Ap M rs Theresa ................ — Rosenfeld radio mes- For diy council, short term W. <*. Injuries to two or three of Its stellar phone specialties and an accordlan Salem office. Since the blrdgo «true- polntment was made at Monday artist whose name was not given ture Is almost completed, the Install»- ] W McLagan, Hurry M Stewart, one io performers. Rosenfcld night’s meeting by Mayor O. O. Rush- In the flrst home game tomorrow. Tb«M muilcians are coming for the , tlon of the approaches comes under f*vn ‘ ’ u be elected. man and ratified by the council. The Coach Leonard Mayfield expects to concert without expense to the local the head of highway work and will . lo\ v For city recorder: I. M Peterson first meeting of the budget committee see his proteges trounce the visitor«, organization. he handled through that department. For city troueurer: William METHODIST SCHOOL TO will be October 22. Serving on the latst year, with lota less experience Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae. prominent Eu- Mr. Walsh’s office would be first to j Hughes. committee will give the new officers, III read ' ,h“n thHy hl,*•’ ,hlM y* * ar’ th* Hpr,nK STAGE RALLY PROGRAM gene soloist. Is also on the program have official word from the commls- That's the way the ballot flrst hand acquaintance with the city Held boys won from Brownsville, several times during the evening. slon. he stated. at the general election November * SUNDAY; PLANS MADE finances and the amount of money (hiring this week, Coach Muyfle’ . d The band »111 play five numbers. County Judge C. P. Barnard, who when Springfield people so to the available for the’ different depart­ ro lls to elect adm inistrative official. •>*» ‘ h r',l*«h • OB>* h“ r<1 w,’[ k Including the following selections: has been active In the bridge matter In an effort to get attendance of the ments. This should stand them tn i In an effort to get the players In the "Ambition.” march; "Aloha," waltz; since Its beginning, has had no noti- , school back to the normal fall attend for the coming four years, best shape for the contest. Norma's Dream." overture; "Military flcatlon In regard to what will be don«- anee following the summer vacation good stead when thev become mem­ When all nominating petitions hud (}n October 1», the high school team Escort", march; "Our Defenders". here. He also takes this to mean that Hea-on the Methodlst Sunday school bers of the councIL It was pointed oat. been filed at the city hull lust Halur will Journey to Lebanon to meet the march. engineers are giving the proposition i & ra,,y day program this The council at It» Monday meeting day evening, Mr. Wilson was still team of that high school. gave the cltv treasurer authority in At the final rehearsal before the a thorough study. Sunday, It was announneed today by unopposed for Mayor. Unless enough Revetment Proposed , H L Olllettei superintendent. call in $1500 In Bancroft bonds Issued J concert Tuesday evening. 30 bands- voters write In on the ballot the Marion McClain of Eugene, who ac- ’ „ . In 1025 as there were money on hand ) men were present. At least 25 of CIVIC CLUB TO HAVE . . . . | Thia week was known as rally week name of some other aspirant, Mr. Wil­ of the state bodv , , . . this number will participate In the com pan , led engineers , . . .. u and a campaign is under way to get In the fund to retire them. SERIES OF STUDIES son will be the city’s mayor for the when they Inspected the bridge and concert, according to H. K. Phillips, The alley between B and D on ' , . u all former Bible school students and next four years It Is not likely that FOR WINTER SEASON ' manager. heard objections of West Springfield , . .. .. he will have any opposition at the , . . □ . l , _ n«w people who are not attending ninth and tenth streets In block 85 I The ticket sale Is going well. Mr residents, also stated this morning other Sunday schools to attend other Washhurne's sub-dlvislon was ordered election. A winter’s program which provides Phillips reports The Springfield that he has not been advised of any . # ra„ y d>y graded and graveled. Property owners N .w Petitions In ,or stud.es of natural history flowers. I gpon»ort„s~ the decision. |‘ living on the alley petitioned for the As an eleventh hour surprise In birds. and Oregon history and hlstor- # hlock Qf 1M t,(.kptg w aRf) he propogPd a pfotectlve revet ’ pro' arm Improvement. local political circles, two nomlnatln 12 lans, was outlined at a meeting of the start the sale off right. Rand program of muaic and recitation en hrldre «ere two w eeks1 A Pr°l Band m men bridge engineer engineer, was was here two weeks Assessments were made by ordin­ petitions were filed last Saturday, the Women’s Civic club Tuesday evening themselves are disposing of a num- ago he proposed a protective revert- *» Planned. The primary department last day for filing W. C. Mdjtgun. The meetings at which the studies her of tickets and in each of the three ment extending from the edge of the ot the school, under the direction 3f ance for the improvements made on by virtue of a petition bearing 70 will be open to the public and ex­ schools tickets are available.. pavement Into the river channel well Mrs. Ida UanU. will present reclta- Kelly street between K and L streets names, became candidate for s place perts from the University of Oregon Individual scouts of the Lions club beyond the east end M the fill. Such j tlong and a quartet from the high amounting to $321.98. The cost of the on the city council for the two-year will be on the speaking program, it troop have been provided with ticket» aa revetment, he said, would divert school department, supervised by Mrs street work Is charged to the property. term for whlrh Ifkrry Stewart had was stated ¡and will be given complimentary card .the water In time of flood Into the W. R- Pollard, will present several Like assessments were made against the property on L street between already filed He consented to ac- J The first meting of the series w111 ' boardg when they sell a certain num regular channel of the river and would selections. cept nomination only on urgent re- be a travelogue and will be In charge | bp least a foot higher than the . Rev. C. J. Pike, new pastor of the ninth and« tenth, amounting to $371.00. An ordinance fixing the fee for quest of many citizens he stated. Mr. „( Mrs. John Betels and Mrs. Ora j The benefit concert is being given highest stage of the water. church, will deliver a brief address McLagan, who la steam superintend- Read Hemenway. I principally to raise funds for the band 1 How thia suggestion will terminate especially for the children. The pro- electrical wiring and plumbing was ent at the Mountain States Power j At the meeting! Tuesday husbands whlch until the present time has been has not been learned, but several real- gram starts at the regular Sunday read for the first time by the council. company plant here, la well known in Of the members were guests at a supported wholly by dues from the dents of West Springfield who are school hour, >: 45 o'clock, and will not License for plumbers and electricians this community, having been active In covered dish dinner. Members of the fighting the earthen fill are said to | interfere with the classes. It was la being fixed at $25. members. civic and fraternal affairs here for club considered the dinner so success­ i stated. have agreed on thia compromise. I ful that they will continue them the past several years. The school has been reorganize! SPRINGFIELD CHAPTER TEACHERS TO BE GUESTS Mr. McLagan and Mr Btewrt will throughout the winter. 8uch dinners during the paat few weeks, Mr. Gil­ STREET NAME PLATES OF C. E. TO BE IN RALLY AT RECEPTION TONIGHT vie aglnat so other candidate since will be held on the second Tuesday lette stated. New members have been WILL BE ERECTED BY evening of each. the council position for which they added to the staff and new equipment Springfield branches of the Lane Teachers In the three Dubllr schools Discussion of the need for street have filed la only for two years and WOMEN S CIVIC CLUB bas been purchased for the primary county Christian Endeavor union will the vacancy arose by the retirement sign» In this city was taken up at here will he guesta of the Springfield department. Work from this time on take part in a county rally to be held of George Stewart when he had yet the dinner meeting Thia will be one P.-T. A at a reception In the chamber S|gn„ giving the names of the will center on building up the School, In the Central Presbyterian church two years of his term to serve IlarfV of the major projects of the club for of commerce rooms tonight. Parents gtreptg wl|| be placed throughtout the in Eugene October 27. a X - __.» ..L lt.lM ^ n u - 4» 4 4» xt ■* t ft V V lO - ___ . . . he stated. A steady permanent grow of school children, whether they be- c(ty fey (he Women’s Civic club within Stewart was appointed to fill out | the winter. At a meeting ot the county council long to the association or not, are In- I Jhg npjt months, according to is anticipated, it was pointed out. the rest of this year’s term and the , — ------------------------- this week the group went on record vlted to the reception, which begins Mrg Ora Rpad Hemenway who ap. city charter provide» that the people DOUBLE MALE QUARTET as opposing the opening of theatres peared for the club before the city OFFICERS OF NATIONAL must elect a councilman for the other r ^H _ y DAY FEATURE at 8 o’clock. The program Includes the follow- coun<,„ Monday night. The club plans GUARD TO GO TO SCHOOL In Eugene on Sunday, and further t wo yearn. - ■ steps in regard to issues at he com­ 1 -■ Ing numbers: Address, Mrs. A. J. ((J make th|s its activity this winter, Richmond'» Nam» In A double mule quartet, selected Morgan: piano solo. Bernice Nehr; th(j counc„ wag told> Officers of the Springfield unit of the ing election are to be discussed at Although his name had not been > f|.nm thp ,n,.n,bershlp of the Spring Oregon National Guard will attend the the rally. It was stated. reading. Mrs. Marlon Adams, re Permission to use the power corn- mentioned for one of the long term ,)p|d («brlsiian church, will be featured marks, Ijturence Moffitt; vocal solo. light poles wherever possible has cfficers school which will begin In Eu positions on tho council for some time, aJ (bp "rally day" program Sunday. MONEY FOR NEVy BRIDGE It was not until last Saturday that 0 ctober 21, It was announced today, Mrs. \V. K. Barnell; musical reading, bppn secured. At street corners gene soon. The school of instruction Mrs. J. F. Ketels; remarks. Mrs. Ora whprp‘ thprp arp no poiea po8t8 wiu is conducted each year for commis- friends of Sum Richmond filed a petl- | -pbe pjab, men will sing several selec­ TO COME FROM REFUND have to be set. ' • sioned officers of the state militia. tion nominating him That makes a ' t|onH „„ a part th,, program which Read Hemenway The need of complete streets signs Lieutenant C. A. »warts, commander Springfield bridge bonds, amount­ three cornered race for the four-year begins at 9:40 a. m. on that dny. SEVERAL LOTS WILL BE ing to $76.000, can be taken from the throughout the city Is apparent At ot the unit here, and Walter Gossler, term. Two coundlmen muat bp The new church orchestra Is also SOLD BY MUNICIPALITY present new comers or visitors have also a lieutenant, will attend the Oregon and California Land Grant chosen for four-year period«. H. J. on the program for five or six selec­ — . difficulty in locating streets and must school, which is scheduled to start tax refund as a result of the United Cox and W A. Taylor are the two tions and a dramatic Interpretation States supreme court’s denial this The town of Springfield has gone . Inquire because many of the streets some lime this month. men who had previously filed. will be presented. Rev. S. E. Childers, week of a review of the case brought Into the real estate business, long have no signs. Reguar drll praictlce of the Spring- Neither Mr. Peterson for city re­ pastor, will deliver a special rally dav enough at least to offer for sale sev. v flejd company is being held each by the «tate for a share of the fund. corder nor Mr. Hughes for city treas­ address. Thursday night, it Is reported. With The county will receive about $228.000 Qoal of attendance for the day has eral lots owned by the municipality BANKS WILL CLOSE FOR urer have any opposition. Both now COLUMBUS DAY FRIDAY t*le recent enlistment ot three new re- In refund money which will be used hold the offices to which they seek been set at 500. A picture of the audi­ within the city limits. Blds for lot 18 block 111, Wash- J ’ i crMita the roster of the company is at largely for road work In the county, re-election. Each office Is for a two- ence present on the day will be taken Judge C P. Barnard stated. year term and each man will have and published In the Lookout, national burne’s subdivision. It 1 block 1. ex- : Bankg of th| g c1ty w| n cjOM an da, a maximum. It was stated, tended survey, lot 8 block 8, Kelly « prlday commemoration of Columbus The largest part of the money will served out his term at the flrst of weekly of the Christian church. addition and one and a half acres in day u wag annOunced this morning. LEVI CASTLEMAN DIES be used on the Willamette highway •fhe year. The office ot city attorney, Sunnyside addition, are wanted. There Although thp day „ not a )egai holl­ constructilon work instead of issuing which Mr Peterson also holds Is an TURNBULL WILL FILE AT PLEASANT HILL HOME $258.000 in bonds, the county Judge ars also other parcels about me city day, (g known ag a non-Judlclal day appointive office, his name • being FOR SHERIFF'S OFFICE which have been taken by foreclosure gnd bgnkg g„ 0Tpr the country are -placed by the mayor and ratified by Levi Castleman, 67. for many years stated. of delinquent aseeasments which c,ogpd for the -the council. Melvin Turnbull, former deputy a resident of the Fall Creek and Jas­ Many Vetera Register sheriff under Sheriff Frank E. Taylor, be sold I. M. Peterson, city recorder. | Thprp wlIj be no other celebration per communities, died at his home SUNDAY SCHOOL PUPILS Due to a general campaign both in on a visit here today announced Wat 1 stated. of the day here except programs In at Pleasant Hill last Saturday even­ PROMOTED IN EXERCISES the schools. The postofllce, city hall ing. Funeral services were held from -thia city and In other part» of the he will file hl» petition for the office •aptlst 3»rvic«a Qlv»n -county, registration of voters for the of Lane county sheriff this afternoon anfl other public offices will not clo.-o the Walker-Poole chapel here Tues- Students in each of the lower grades Announcement of service» at the Rrgslar classes will be conducted a t j day arternooBi w(th Rev. W. A. Elkins, of the Springfield Christian church ■November election was Increased by Mr. Turnbull expressed himself as 350, according to Mr. Peterson who pleased with the Investigation of re­ Springfield Baptist church for Sun the school« except for the programs. pastor of the Pleasant Hill Christian Sunday school were advanced in pro­ ■was In charge of regtstralon books cent charges In county official circles day were made this morning by Rev. church of which Mr. Castleman was a motion day exercises held Sunday. for the four local precincts. which resulted In the resignation of C. H. Blom, pastor. “The Type of member, officiating. Cradle roll, primary, snd Junior Ankl» is Fracturad—Ira Fuller sus- The American l-egton post, assisted himself, Oordon 8. Wells, then deputy Man Needed" is the pastor’s sermon His survivors Include his widow, students demonstrated some of ths topic for the morning. A representa- tained a Pott’s fracture of one of the hy the Boy »routs and other organiza­ district attorney, and Jess Daniel, Mrs. Clara Castleman, and five chil­ work they have been given this year. tions, conducted a canvass to pre- who was working out of the district live of the American Sunday School hoses In his right ankle when a plow dren: Mrs. Hassle Mitchell, Lorane, Mayetta Moon opened the program Union will speak at the 7:30 o’clock with which he was working at hts suade all eligible voters to register. attorney's office on liquor Investiga­ service. Special selections by tn ' home In Sunnyside addition fell on Victor. Marlon, James and Benny with a reading and the teachers tt Registration was for those who did tions. each department were in charge of the choir have been arranged for oyth his limb Sunday afternoon. He was Castleman, all at home. not register for the primaries or who As Independent candidate for sheriff demonstrations. Mr. Castleman has been an Invalid had moved from one precinct Into Mr. Turnbull stated that he has been services. Bible school meets at 10 treated at the office of a local phyal- for the past several months. Enrollment in all classes Is growing n -rlnrk nnd B Y P. U. at 8:30 o’clc ► clan. another since that time. assured of strong support. with the resumption of classes in the A registration booth was conducted city schools. It was reported. at the Huntly delicatessen for those v ho could not register during tho INVITATION OF GROVE hours when the city recorder was in his office. Many voters used this NEIGHBORS ACCEPTED additional service. It was reported. Invitation of the Cottage Grove Polling places Listed chapter of the Neighbors of Woodcraft All voting places In tho November to the Springfield chapter, asking election will be the same ns In the members to attend a meeting in the primaries, with the exception of pro former city October 22 was unani­ clnet No. 1. Heretofore the home of mously accepted by the local lodge at Dr. nnd Mrs. N. W. Emery at tho its session last night. southwest corner of Second nnd Main streeta was used. They have moved A "Pollyanna” party was a feature nnd thnt residence Is now vacant. of the meeting last night after the Voter» In this precinct will cast their business session had been conducted. ballot nt the Nye residence at the Coffee and doughnuts were served sa corner of Second nnd A streets. refreshments. Archie Compiton, Mi»» Alice Fbeel, 19. of utiv Precinct No. 2 voting place Is nt Joha P. W«od • ( W kMta. Neighbors Lillian Andrew», West* >ll champion, eongratu of P u h eet. Ia., ha» earned the hrst b Rw S * York, who paid for her the city hall, No. 3 at the Lincoln Amen- T te» Walter Hagen, Ameri- rope and Wood were guests from Eu­ U bm Mle of heing the chamgiem musical rducatioa workmg late» school building and No. 4 at the Frank can champion, who defeated b lm- Mol of foorteca Central gene last night in a morgue, i» to him at RM, M. Y ’* ■ ’ * •’■»R Continued on Page 8 Waanrrksa »g sm For Mayor: C. O. Wilson. E