PAO» T U » 8PRINOFUÍLO NEWA THtHHDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1928 T R A IN SCHEDULE Springfield Stop« S U M M O N S IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E I PROTECTION FOR FARM PRODUCTS IS VITAL ISSUE STATE OF ORBOON FOR THE! COUNTY GF LANE Edith Allison, Plaintiff, vs. Clarence j Charles Allison, Defendant. TO Clarence Charles Allison: IN THE NAME GF THE STATE; GF OREGON Yon are hereby required to appear and answer lh« complaint died against you in the above entitle I Court and Cause on or before the 18th 1 ----------- day of October, 1928. said date being _ ... _ , _ , _ . . - , more than four weeks from the date Republican Text Book Points Out of the first publication of this sum Unto Tariff Ha« Helnorl , mons herein entered of record and If I n 0 W 1 d r in n d 5 n e ip e u Veteran Farmer I you fat, so to appear and answer for Nation’s Agriculture. ! want thereof, the plaintiff will apply FOR SALE WOOD PAINTING und Kalaowlnttig In all Its POLES WANTED to the Court for the relief In her com branch««. Redueed Prices. Roy Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir. plaint against yon demanded, to-wlt• REVIEWS HOOVER FARM PLAN "Wanted Cedar arid Fir l'olea, all Koch. Cafl 126 J. For a Judgment and decree of Oak, Aab. All lengths I'hooc Spring alxea. Quote prices f. o. h. shipping divorce dissolving the bonds of matri­ Olid 104. H. point. Advise quantities cun supply, CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emery mony now and heretofore existing be­ First 8ection of New Campaign Oocu- ms nt Deals W ith Basic Farm tween the Plaintiff above named and when can ship. Spot cash. Nleder on prices on plates and other work. If F IN A L A C C O U N T yourself on the grounds of desertion Proolems. Notice I n hereby given that the un­ tneyer Martin Lumber Co., Portland, SUM M O N S and for such other relief as to the _____ 8.20-27: O.4: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GF THE dersigned Administratrix of thn Ke- Oregon." Court may seem meet. STATE GF OREGON FOR LANE tale of Christopher O. Smith. !»• That this summons Is served upon WASHINGTON — The American ceased. hua filed with the County you by publication therof In THE farmer under Republican adminlstra- COUNTY. SEPTIC TANKS— Clerk of lain« County. Oregon, her 8PRINGFIELD NEWS, pursuant to lion baa had practically a monopoly H W Sturk. Plaintiff, Vs., Amy Stark. final account and petition for distribu­ Heady for you to Inalali lA Q T o ä J rffk Defendant an order of the Honorable C. P Bar- of ht, borne market In this protected 921 00 tion aa administratrix of aaltl estate 2 - 4 persona To Amy Stark, Defendant IN THE ! nard Judge of the County Court of th» market, he disposes of 95 per cent Abraham Emmens, oldest larm cr and that by order of the County Court 3 * 6 persons ______ ........ 2600 NAME GF THE STATE GF GRE- Stale of Oregon for Lane County, dul” of „ „ prodncU at prices higher than of Lane County, Oregon. Saturday Sewer Pipe. Well Curbing, Drain Tile GGN: You are hereby required to ap in Brooklyn, N Y „ is ooly 95 yearg made and entered of record on the .. . a. of age. H e has never Jived in an> 17th day of September. 1928. ordering ‘ re “ i* *L . ? October 13, l»3(t. at the hour of io pear and answer the complaint Died other house than th« one hc reodcS o'clock A M at the County Court and Chimney Blocks. that thia summons be published one» piwtocta- This Is pointed out In against you In the above entitled suit E U G E N E C O N C R E TE PIPE CO. Room In the Court House at Eugene. each week for four successive and the Republican campaign textbook, within four weeks from date of first in oow and does bis own farmtng. Iain« County, Oregon, hua been fixed consecutive weekR In The Springfield The complete book Is being printed publication of thia summons, or for aa the time und plate of final hearing want thereof the plaintiff will take News and that the date of the first In Installments of which the first Is N O T IC E OF F IN A L AC C O U N T HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS of aalil final account and for settle­ Notice Is hereby given that 1. M Judgment against you and apply to the publication will be September 20th devoted entirely to agriculture, and ment of said eatate All persona hav­ Peterson, administrator of the estate court for the relief sought In the com­ SHUN PROPOSED GAME 1928, and the date of the last publics- includes pertinent extracts from Her- ing objections to uahl final account of Isiulse M Beltleholm, de< eased, plaint, to-wlt; for a decree of absolute tlon will be October 18, 1928. bert Hoover's acceptance address, the and petition tor dlrirlbiitlon are here has died his final account of his ad­ divorce from you. FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for 1 agricultural plank of the Kansas City The high school football team will by notified to appear and present such ministration of said estate with the This summons Is published once , , . ____ , .___. _____ _ . ___ Plaintiff. platform and other pertinent data rel- . .................................. ... each week for four consecutive weeks not Play “ town P,ckuP team on Arm'- : objections. If any, on said date above Clerk S. 20-27: O. 4-11-18: of the County .................... Court of I-ane stive to the farm aitnation. mentioned. County, Oregon, and that the said j In the Springfield News, a newspaper tlce day. It was announced this week, Vivian C. Schorr. Administratrix court has set as the time and place published at Springfield, lain« Countv. a number of former football players, 8 U M M 0 N S ln addlllon to thla- there ta a recital S 13 20 27; O 4 11: for the final settlem ent of said m Oregon, by order of the Hon. O. F ' heivtlee against the heavy I adults. i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE sympathetic attitude and therefore Issued out of the Circuit Court of the I Mn|,j nnul account must present dress, Eugene. Oregon The who had the OF OREGON You are hereby required State of Oregon for the County of them on or before said date of final , O. - 4 ................ 11 18 25: N. 1: ---- town . players, . . , , .1 -H l be fulfilled ln good faith by the opinion that they would get the worst ^”_a i?* Republicans. Multnomah on the 31st day of August. settlement. I . , , , , filed against you In the above entitled 1928. upon a Judgment rendered there­ The problems of agriculture are I. M PETERSON, Administrator. .. 8 U M M O N 8 'o f the tussle, were more or less glad cu p players m j c i o . consecutive u n < i u< i > ■ • ■ a i» s . - - a available t n u a u io x to u i v u i i u i a t borrowers c m u u ” □belonging to said defendants or either tue of un execution and order of sal. ¿ u t T ’o f ^ e ’i t S o ^ h e ' i ' . S ~ imbfisbed for fou.......... .. showed las, Friday In a pracl Ice game J .r Republicani a d m ^ s t r a ^ ■ toU. ■ of 4h«m, upon which to levy. I have ■levied upon the following described of Lane, in ., suit wherein J B Young In. The Springfield News, a newspaper aealnst Eugene high school that they 19, R an(, , he dafe |hf> ,agt public; . lr«al properly In Igine County, Oregon, was plaintiff and W C. Steuer, Anna of general circulation published In w(j, b(, ab|e fo „lake a good showing tion will he October t8. 1928 federal farm loan banks, the Joint So w i,: It Stouer. John E Grimes, Ada Lane County, Oregon, an that you H eason. In a close game In which FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for stock land banks, the intermediate 4 The Knst half of the Northeast Grimes, hls wife, O J Hecketsweller be required to appear and answer on credit banka and the war finance cor­ Plaintiff quarter excepting right of wav of nnd Julia E. Hecketsweller were de or before the last day of the time pre- the score was 8 to 0 for Eugene, the • 20 27. Q 441.15- poration. This recapitulation does not fh-r Eleven (11) In Township Twenty fondants. I have levied upon and will scribed In said order, towlt, on or be local boys showed evldehce of real ’ ________ take into account such organisations Poe 121) South of Bang« Three (3) at public auction to the highest : fore October 26th, 1928 snap and organixatton, fans stated. as tbe Agricultural Credit Corporation, V e s t <>f Willamette Meridian, contain­ sell S U M M O N S bidder for cash, at 1:00 In the the Date of first publication. September ____________________ organized ln 1924 to relieve aa agri­ ing eighty 1801 acres of land more or afternoon of Saturday. October 13.127. 1928. Date of last publication.! A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE cultural crisis in the northwest, nor less In Lane County. Oregon STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 1928, at the front door of the Court ! October 25. 1928. ' Now. therefore In tile name of the House In ihe city of Eugene. Oregon. the development of federal warehous­ COUNTY. ALTA KING. Attorney for Plaintiff > NOTICE TO CREDITORS. pint« of Oregon. In compliance wltn the following described real property. Residence and post office address, Eu Notice Is hereby given that Floyd D. James S. Smith. Minnie O. Smith. Gler ing as an aid to marketing nnder tho bald execution, and In order to sntlsfv Thompson has been by the County Smith, Sarah Smith, Lela May Hile amended Federal Warehousing Act. •aid Judgment, Interest, costs of suit vlx. lots four, five, and six In block j gene, Lane County. Oregon i Court of the State of Oregon, tn and I man. Clark Hlleman. Della McCue In the same period, nnder a Republi­ S. 27: O. 4-11-18-25: And the coats and disbursements of live, In the E. E. Keppner Addition to j for Lane County, appo'nted executor : Peter C. McCue, Katie Teel and can tariff which protects more agri­ • ■ nd upon this writ, I will on Salurdny the town of Springfield, In Lane Coun 1 1 of the last will and testament of Char- , Jesse Teel. PJaintiffs. vs. James cultural products than any In history, ty, Oregon, and nil the right und title N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S the 6th day of October. 1928. at th« of defendants In said lnnds exist- The undersigned has been appoint- *°tte j . 1 ox, <1 iceas < . , . ' Alfred Smith: Roy E. Smith a«'- the farm price of wheat has increased Jun,r of one o'clock In the afternoon Ing the Jane Doe Smith, his wife: Ida Rub- on the 16th day of March. 1926. o, ,,d administrator with the Will an , / I l persona ^ v ln g claim s against 20 per cent: rye, 20 per cent; corn, of said day, a, Ihe southwest from on any later date, to satisfy the . nexed of the estate of Karollne B.a- Smith; Gertrude Ann’o Ask w an d?C thJ ™ H»k door of the County Court House, In amounts adjudged to be due platntlff | choff, deceased by the County Court John Do« Askew, her husband - 70 per cent; oats, 30 per cent; barley, l‘> Pre** 1‘>® ’ Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer In said suit, vlx. the sum of 9600 00 of Ijine County. Oregon All persons Norman Alvin Smith and Jane Doc 60 per cent; tlaxaeed, 27 per cent; "nd 'b l u r ' 710 ilw r e n c ! f«r sale and sell for cash, at public with Interest thereon nt seven percent - having claims against said estate are ° r A. E w neeter at .iu nawren Smith, his w ife: Mearle Lillian beef cattle, 80 par cent; calves, 50 per ■ :ctlon, subject ,o redemption as pr »• from March 16. 193«. the sum of 912 «7 ' required Pohll. Walter Pohll; Mae Louise cent; butter, 15 per cent; hogs, 25 present them duly verified ■'«'•eet in Eugene Oregon, with n s,x vlded by law, all of the right, title and taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest | BS by law required to said admlnlatra- months from this 4th day of October, Taylor. Gecrre Taylor: Nona Clara per cent; sheep, 80 per cant; lambs, Interest of said defendants George A. Bertholf, John Doe Bertholf. he- 72*4 per cent; wool, 100 per cent. Cavanaugh and Cora Cavanaugh, ir thoraon from July 6, 1928, the sum of , (or at hls office at 860 Willamette 1 19 *8 . Floyd D. Thompson, Executor. i husband: William Smith, Pearl The fallacy of arbitrary methods for any or either of them, or any other 360 00 as an attorney s foe, nnd the street Eugene. Oregon within six . F Wheeler, Attorney Smith; Mary Holbrook; and also lessening the spread between tbe pro­ kerson or persons elnlmtng by, sum of 322 20 costs of suit, together i months from the first publication of O. 4 11-18-26: N. 1: i all persons unknown hav'ns or through or under them, or either of with the costs of making said sale th)M not|ce First publication Septem- claiming any Interest or estate in ducer and tbe ultimate consumer, such as are advocated by the 1928 Demo­ them in nnd to Ihe above desrlbed Said sale will be subject to redemp- . bf>r 20th 1?,28 , the property hereinafter described S U M M O N S tlon ns allowed by law. j tioNALD YOUNG, Administrator! cratic platform, is pointed. They property. Defendants. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FRANK . TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lan- To James Alfred SvCth. Roy F would necessarily result ln price-fix­ TAYLOR, Sheriff of with the Will nnnexed STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR FRANK E S. 20-27: O. 4 11-18: Jodkity, Oregon. I Smith and Jane Doe Smith, hls wife. ing, and Inevitably the 89,000.000 non- THE COUNTY OF LANE Lane County. — Bv BEULAH BIHNNICK. Deputy. Ida Rubv Smith, Gertrude Annie As- agricultural consumers would be fix­ O 4-11: Suit No—............— 8. 13-2027; 8. 8-18-50-27: O. 4: j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT G. E. Orswell, Plaintiff, versus, Th« ; kew. John Doe Askew. Nona Clara ing __ ___ the _____ price ____ they desired to pay the ! Notice Is hereby given that Harold Unknown Heirs of Edward Fein Bertholf, John Doe Bertholf. William 95,000,000 agriculutral producers. J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate „guch a proposal abhorrent to gold, deceased; Also all other per­ Smith and Pearl Smith, defendants ; of Earl S. Powell. Deceased, has filed sons or rarties unknown clatnr'ng snd also all persons unknown having American Institutions," hls final account and report as such, ' any right title, estate, lien or Inter­ or claiming any interest or estate in i and the Court has set Saturday, the est In the real estat • described In the property hereinafter described, de 8ays the textbook. Il la the e>7 e®- fendants sence of state socialism tn that It 1 13th day of October, 1928, at 10:00 A. the complaint herein. Defendants. M. In the County Court Room in the IN THE NAME OF THE 8 T 'T k would completely eliminate the ele- Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M To The Unknown Heirs of Ed vard Rea. Phone 190 Plano Moving I Court House In Eugene. I,ane County. I OF OREGON: You are hereby sum ment of individual initiative and en- Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Oregon, ns tbe time and place to hear I Felngold. deceased Also a 11 other per moned snd reoulred to anpear and terprise with their commensurate ln- SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention 'objections to the same, nnd for the ! "«rtlea answer the complaint of plaintiffs In ! dlvdual reward.” WILLI» BERTSCH. Prop. to Obstetrics and Diseases final settlement of said Estate. r,8 estate dp'gerlbed ln the com- j the above entitled suit on or before | jjr. Hoover’s suggestions for the im OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE HAROLD J. WELLS, Administrator >•' of Children. * pla'nt herein, Defendants:-You are the expiration of four weeks from the - provement of the farm situation are 533 Main Street WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. First National Bank Building hereby requ'red to appear and answer date of the first publication of this revlewets 1. 2 and 3 in Block 5 In Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon eatate of said deceased are hereby nin^P application to the Court for the i the Town of Creswell. Lane County, i Led H oover “Gang » Office at 'notified to present the same with the ' rrllpf proved within the said com Oregon, in the respective proportions j Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK proper vouchers to the undersigned pjnjnf which is that the title to th»* , set fourth in the complaint on file Evenings by Appointment Springfield, Oregon Executor, at the office . . . » of Fred E following following described rent estate, to-wit i herein and for a partition or said pro ... Smith, his attorney, 445-6 Miner ; T,P!Jipn)nK at a point 93.76 feet South perty or If a partition thereof be In Building. Eugene, Oregon, within six : of tbp Southwest corner of Lot 18 in equitable for a sale of said property j months from the date of this notice Block One (1) of Alta V ista Tract in and the appointment of a referee tn DR. N. W. EMERY GEORGE T. HALL, Executor. Township 18 Sooth tn Range Three make ral(l sale, and for an order fix * D E N T I8 T FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ex-j Wp. t of tb(, W illamette Meridian, Ing reasonable attorney fees to he ecutor. I^nne County, Oregon; and running allowed to plaintiffs' attorneys for the | Sutton Bldg. Pbon« 20-J 8. 20-27: O. 4-11-18: thence south 50 feet to the south line prosecution of this suit and for a de­ Residence Phone 153 M ------------------------------- | of the William Breetpng D. L. C.; cree ordering the distribution of the N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S thence run west 150 feet; thence run proceeds of said sale and of accumu-! Springfield, Oregon Notice Is hereby given that on the corth 50 feet, and thence run east 150 lated and accruing rentals of said pro-; . 1st day of September, 1928. Lillian D. feet Io the place of heg'nnlng he quiet- perty, aiter paying reasonable attor j ney and referee’s foes and the costs, j 228 Main 8t. Residence 125 C Bt- , Horton McClelland was appointed ex- ! ed In him In fee simple forever asalnst disbursements and expenses of this | ecutrlx, with the will annexed, of the von. and that yon he forever enjoined Uenernl Law Practice 62 J 62 M estate of Harriett A. Horton, de- from making any claim to the said suit, to the parties hereto in accord- i eeaserf, by the County Court of Lane real estnte as against the plaintiff; ance with their respective shares ln | I. M. PETERSON County, Oregon. All persons having ' and that the above entitled Court said property; and for such other re Full Auto Equipment Attorney-ut-baw claims against said estate are re- made, dated and entered an order lief as to the Court may seem Just Lady Assistant qulred to present them duly verified I September 28, 1928, directing that and equitable. Wtoy Hall Building This summons is served upon yon ns by law required to said executrix ' thia summons he published once each Springfield, Ore. at the law office of Alta King, 794 Wil week In the Springfield News for a by virtue of an order of the Hon. C. P lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, with-1 period of four successive weeks; and Barnard, Judge of the County Court In six months from tho first public«- (hat you appear and answer the said of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun­ FRANK A. DE PUE tlon of this notice. 1 complaint within four weeks from the ty, dated September 12th, 1928, and A TTO R N EY AT LAW First publication September 6th. ; ,inte of the first publication or this the date of the first publication here of is September 13th, 1928. Benjamin Schooley, of Lawrence, summons which Is October 4, 1928 192S NOTARY PUBLIC W. H BROOKE, JOHN BRYSON. Kan., was s tin t leader of Hoover’« H. E SLATTERY, Attorney for LILLIAN D. HORTON MeCIJSL- JEW ELER Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 860 Wil- j ?av'b0od"ehurns' Plnintlff nnd my residence and post Of LAND, Executrix. lamette Street. Eugene, Oregon. I boyhood chums. Springfield, Sutton Repairing a Specialty office address Is Eugene, Oregon. ALTA KINO, Attorney. 8. 13 20-27; O 4-11: Ore gen Building O. 4 1118-25: N. 1:, 8. 8-18-20-97: O. 4: ♦ Springfield, Oregon Classified Ad CETRCSUUSJ BUYING OX SELLING' NORTH 1« at 4:17 A. M. (Flag) « at 8:62 P. M. connection for train leaving at 2:20 P. M SOUTH No. 7 at 12:38 P M. No. 16 at 10:02 P. M (Flag) No. No. Bus Eugene % ltw i iu w B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D . W . Roof