A N o Decisive Swing to Either Candinate in Straw Vote Vote Now At 559.806 for Hoover and 499.122 for Smith; Ballot­ ing Exceeds Expectations Results of Nationwide Presidential Poll to Date H oover................. ......... ..... - ......... - ....... —- 569,806 Smith 499.122 Former Democrats Voting for Hoover 98,996 Former Republicans Voting for Smith 63,124 OLD CAPTAIN AUTHOR OF STORY IN BIG MAGAZINE ('aptalii Elista»e Maude, for many years a resident of this vicinity, now .at Mayne Island. Vancouver. H I', Is J the author of an article In the Seplem her Allantic Monthly, according Io word received her»i by relatives. An editorial In the Dally Province newspaper of that place commepdn Kcceni storir* ol President Coolidgr » marksmanship haw been srm»- the account highly. The story deals mu admiration io i the president in all quarters ol ihe country Here ne ,, shown at Brule. Wi».. in the act ol sho»>nng over clay i«geons. lie with a trip of 97 ilaya In which tha scored twenty-nine .ait ol thirty seven pigcoua. ' captain traveled 600 miles In a 26 foot boat At this time he was 77 years of I age. seven consecutive days PHEASANT SEASON WILL He la well known by mnny of the Sportsmen state that the country BE FROM OCT. 15 TO 31 especially around Brownsville Is full older residents here Balloting in the Nationwide Straw Poll conducted by this newspaper in conjunction with 2.000 others the coun Result of Straw Vote of Hearst Newspapers try over has to »Ute far exceeded the expectations of the Autocaster News H oover.... ............. 257,873 Service, through which Nationwide or­ Smith .... ......... ...... ~...................................... 238,630 ganisation this poll is being taken. The New York Dally News Straw Poll gives 36.789 to Smith and There have been well over a million 36.201 to Hoover. This Is the closest ol all straw voles and Is the votes cast to date. result of polls takeu in New York State aloue. Still nothing decisive can be as­ The Yonkers. New York, Herald. In taking a Straw Vote of Yonkers certained from this straw vote as Open Beason on Chinn pheasants and nearby New York sections, finds a result to date of 3.628 for Smith yet. Hoover, true, is consistently in will begin October 16 and continue un­ and 2601 for Hoover. the load, but his lead is quite slight. til October 31. both dates Inclusive. He has 559.806 votes compared to Hunters expect to find many hlr.ls The Farm Journal is also conducting a Straw Vote, this one National Smith's «99.112 votes. In actual num­ this year, since a large number of in scope. The latest results, printed In their September issue, gives bers the difference between these two pheasants were llbera(»»d during the 12.762 to Hoover and 11.605 to Smith. figures seems quite large, but on a per­ summer and the warm dry weather centage basts the difference is small. proved ideal for their growth. TOP OF OLD BUILDING Hoover has about fifty-two and eight- s t «*■ The hag limit Is tour birds In one tenths percent of the total vote. This CAVES IN ON SUNDAY day or eight In any seven consecutive “ w h e r e s a v in g » a r e g r e a t e s t " is a gain of one per cent over last ________942 Willamette St.. Bug «ne. Oregon. Rumors of dire disaster spread here days, provided that not more than week, when he had but fifty-one and Sunday to the effect that the top part one female pheasant Is klllml In any eight-tenths per cent of the total vote. of the old building which housed the When the first compilation of results Archway pool hall at the corner of was made. Hoover hid sixty-eight per Third and Main streets had topped in cent of the total vote. Since then his J Now Located in to the street. Just how many people percentage has been going down slow­ Miner Building were killed or Injured the rumor did ly. but this week he seems to be gain- ‘ not Indicate. ing again. Comparative The general tendency, however, of Strength The truth of the matter Is that the of State* the vote seems to be a tendency to . top of the building did do a little top­ in the "even up". Smith constantly ap­ pling. but not into the street. The Electoral proaches Hoover's figure, then falls building is being torn down and the College Shopping here is a sure-cure for those back again The same is true of the 1928 top was so weakened by work done Improve your appear­ Straw Vote taken by the Hearst news- j First-of-the-Month “Credit Blues.” You Saturday that It caved in. Nn one was ance and foresight papers, where Hoover has. according The total elec­ In the building and no damage re Pay Cash and therefore can face the with a pair of our to very recent figures. 257.873 votes to , toral vote for suited. 1928 is 53L glasses. This our Text, 238,630 for Smith. Hoover has been in ! “First“ of each month with no fear of The n u m b e r hearing thatthe facade of the struc- now you can preach the lead in this Hearst poll, but his necessary to ! ture might fall Into the street of its unpaid bills or installment charges. the sermon. lead has been for the most part a is 266. 1 own accord. Fire Chief Smltson dlvert- lead of perhaps 10.000 votes. Recent Paying cash makes you a shrewder ' ed traffic through Main street while ballots boost him ue a little higher. I he took a pike pole and pushed the top judge of values, too, and curbf unneces­ The fascinating fact atx5ht all this Make Appointments portion of the front of the building Is that Straw Votes In previous years Whenever Poseible sary purchases. have shown entirely different tenden though Election Day were only ten or into the street. days ahead. dvc U OB/V «...ww-. eies. The man to win finally was i twelve < < s The total of the straw votes taken q |_ q ROUTE OF HIGHWAY generally way up ahead in the Straw D r. ^ H e r m a n ID . H l o o d v , _ ..CD1 c * c c c Votes. In the Coolidge-Davis cam­ locally gives Hoover »7 and Smith 10 Springfield like the rest of Oregon Is DISPLEASES COMMISSION O P T O M F T H 1ST * IV t l l C H T S P K l A l l t f paign. the Hearst Nationwide Poll at overwhelmingly Republican. More so I Sprtngfleld to Cogswell hill, a « U l T t 931 M I N I S t i l DU- P M U N t M»I Just about this stage of the game re­ a • .. on ’ From springneia io i ogvweu m»», » __ IA » T O K O A D W A V __ ported about twice as many votes for thlg year because Hoover was once an dlBUnce of abou, gpvpn ml|e, the oW e t c i N t ’ O ftf. 5 Coolidge as for Davis, for example. Oregonian. route of ,he McKenxie highway must The situation being what It Is this (.ha un(lpr th„ „ „ Another strange phenomenon of (hp this campaign, as we have commented Nationwide Straw Pol is of_th UP wepk by several times before, is the great num­ most importance. It mirror, the oplm ber of “switches" in sentiment that ion of that great mass o ®er officers of the Lane county chamber of who live in the rural district. It is are taking place. The Nationwide Presidential Poll impartial. The votes received by us commen e. McKenxle residents have objected shows that 98.996 persons who voted are sent by us to the Autocaster News a Democratic ticket have decided to Service of New York, where they are to the new route of the highway be­ vote in favor of Hoover this year. And tabulated, and reports are sent us for cause, they state, it cuts up their farms. By following theold route. It 63,12« former RepubPcan votes have publication. Perhaps if every one who has not is said, much of this damage may be been won over to Smith. Truly, party lines are slackening considerably and yet mailed in a ballot will do so this averted. the election gives every indication of week, some definite light may be T. J. Flippin. Jr., secretary of the brought Druugu» to iu the surface ------- The ---- new bal- i county chamber, presented the corn- being a close, exciting battle. Almost every day one hears of dyed lots may make the situation clearer, j prom,3e to the Htate highway commls- (slon last week, but was told that the in-the-wool Democrat changing his Vote today. Clip the coupon. fl!l it out, and mall old route was not practicable and viewpoint, deciding to vote for Hoover; and of a staunch Republican or bring it to the office of this news­ i that plans for rerouting would have :o I remain very much as they are at pres- to balance him, declaring himself In paper today. Do your bit! favor of Smith Thus John J Raskob. ent. listed in "Who's Who" as a Republi -— “ can, Is now the chairman of Smith's OFFICERS OF LEGION TO CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery campaign committee. Thus It A. INSTALLED FRIDAY on prices on plates and other work, tl Owen, a former United States Senator, : - and a Democrat, is backing Hoover. Installation of officers of the Am and Thus Nicholas Murray Butler, that erican Legion post will be held in the ... W W — V . > ______ EVidnv constant member of the G. O. P-. gives chamber of commerce rooms Friday hints of bolting his party—no one evening, it was announced today. The meeting will be featured by a knows Just where he stands now. And J R. Pally, of Hattiesburg Mississippi, hot dish dinner which will be served resigns his position in the Democratic at 6:30 o'clock and at which wives ranks of hs state to be able to vote of members of the post will be guests. Officers to be installed are: Jack for Hoover. Everything is in a state of ferment. Traditions are being Larson, commander; M. B. Huntly, first vice-commander; Clarence Fan- broken History Is being made! WM. RODENBOUGH Big business men, heads of gigantic drem, second vice-commander; Tom GARAGE corporations are coming right out In swarts, finance officer; William Dealer the open and telling who they are go-, vasby. adjutant; Fred Knox, sergeant- 533 Main St. Phone 95 lng to vote for Many of these, too, at-arms. show a complete reversal of their usual political sympathies. Business men are supporting both parties and taking active parts in the campaign. We do not know any more whether the “solid South" Is to remain the “solid South;” and states that have been Republican since this generation can remember, are now In the doubt­ THE TWO BEST NEWSPAPERS IN OREGON FOR YOU TO SUBSCRIBE W EST ful column. FOR AND READ—GIVES YOU ALL THE NEWS BOTH LOCAL AND Never has the situation been quite Eugene, Oregon NATIONAL, 605 - 609 Willamette St. as strange. That is why political dis­ cussion. prophecy and interest is as prevalent now, in September, as SAVES YOU NEARLY 50% ON RECULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICES OF Pay Cash! Save M on ey and Be H appy 4- Yes/ It Pays to Pay Cash, SPECIAL BARGAIN Kolster Philco Radios Until October 31, 1 9 2 8 By M ail The Daily Oregonian, 1 year ) Both for j $5.50 Daily and Sunday Oregonian ) Both for The Springfield New«, 1 year j $7.30 The Springfield News, 1 year O P P O R T U N IT Y DAYS AT Samuels Quitting Business Sale Still Going On— Don’t Miss It! A LOT OF S P EC IA LS IN E V E R Y D E P A R TM E N T OF T H E STORE T H IS W E E K Samuels Furniture & Variety Store Elks Bldg. Eugene, Oro. Pants for Men and Young Men This low price group carries cotton cords, mole­ skins, wool mixtures, flannels, dress novelties, a q q conservative fancies and high-grade w o r k J ) £ eJ ^ O pants. Pin stripes In grays and blues. In this group you will find twists In brown and tan mixtures, worsteds in mostly dark browns /♦» q / a q and grays, some flannels in light shades O gray and blonde—some with rayon colored stripes. Here’s a saving of about $2 to $3 on the pants in this group. Heavy all-wool work pants in A q q q grey mixtures. Some twists and flannels. All v i O . i x O wool novelties, all-wool worsteds, dark colors. Mostly high-grade worsteds and all wools, in browns, grays and tans. Collegiate cloths In £ . f | Q twists with bright rayon stripes. Also conservative twists for older men. BOTH NEWSPAPERS. NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL START WHENEVER YOU DESIRE AND PRESENT SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE EXTENDED ONE YEAR. Do Not Miss This Bargain Offer Come in Today! itiuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiMuninniiiHiiiiii iiiPHiHiiiiHiflwiiitifflilHiNHiliinihimiiioniiHiiiiiHiflffliimiiitiiitiiitimi« =ïïs^;ïï5ss»ïï!»ïsi:!isï .rHIIIIIIIhlllHlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIUIIIiyilllinKjlllllUlUIllUlllimUUIlllllUllUUIiaU