THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, (M’TOHEH 4. 1«2K TOWN AND VICINITY PAGE FIVE has missed bat two of the meetings. BEN DORRIS LEAVES FOR He attended the convention at NATIONAL LEGION MEET Kansas City In 1921; San Francisco t/y Ben Dorris delegate from this dis­ trict to the national convention of the American Legion In San Antonio, Texas, left Monday for the meeting city. Since 1920 when the first nation al convention was heW, the local man SchootLesso# Visit Daughter— M r anil lira. F. M Maxwells at Fair— Mr. and Mra. Mulligan wi'iil In Duster Hunday to Torn Maxwell of (¡xrdi-n way were at visit their dauglilrr uno her family. the atale fair lust Thursday. Vi«lt In Portland—Mr. and Mra. P ltre t la III—Robert I’lerre la re- weekend i-elvlm* medical attention for a touch In Pori land. of ptomaine polaonliiK T H E C H R IS T IA N BASIS FOR T O T A L A B S T IN E N C E 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Hain M o lil-' iilery ap en t Die The quarterly temperance lesson has been a feature of the International Uniform aeries for many years. Ba Introduction in the Sunday school wua followed by the scientific temperance Instruction In the public schools in Newport. the vurjous atatea of the Union The general purpose la to teach the basic Nice« at Fair—Mr. and Mra. John Mrs. Jarrett Improving— Mra Harry fact that alcohol I n a poison and the effect that such a poison has on the In- N'ii e drove to the atale fair at Huletn Jarrell who haa been III for the past dividual and society The whole subject la a live one today, not only In Inal Hnliirday. two. weeka with blood poisoning la America but throughout the world. In the United States the study la espec­ Visits Mother—Mra. Merle Casteel reported recovering. ially pertinent as the wet and dry Issue baa such a prominent place In the i.pent Hunday with her mother, Mra. coming presidential election. Wootene— Have 8on— Mr. and Mra Jean Catron, nt liandon. William Wooten are the parenta of a A moral Issue la much more than an Individual matter. Every one ex Attend State Fair— Mr and Mra. aon born nt their home at Pleuaant erta a far reaching Influence, both conscious a tel unconscious. Paul had a Herbert Cox spent luat Friday attend­ Hill Friday morning. September 28. case In hand when he wrote to the Corinthians from Ephesus, during hla ing the atale fair at Haletn. | third missionary Journey. Idol worship pervalled and any religion Involves | Boy Injured at Play— Paul Pine, Attend Convention—Mr. and Mra Inmall aon of Mr undna one of hla fingers off when he caught will not think things through but will permit the action of another to deter-1 Slnnar, who haa Just purchased a new It In the machine laat Friday night mine their course. Every life is an open book, which is read by others and j The injury waa not aerloua. home there, their lives are Influenced accordingly. I Return A fte r Visit— Mr. and Mrs Attend Fair— Mr and Mra Dallaa Without raising In any way the question of individual rights Paul reveals Murphy. Mr and Mra. F B. Flanery Wayne Hawke of Salem drove here how eager he la to always render the utmost help fo others. It is easy to ■ and Mr. and Mra. William Dawson Sunday with Mra. Hawke's mother, Imagine the short man standing as upright as possible and declaring as a ; were at the statu fulr luat Thursday Mra. P. M Tomaeth, who haa been working principle "Wherefore, If meat causeth my brother to stumble, I will vlaltlng In the capital city for the afternoon. M t no flesh for evermore." past week. In I’aul's case the meat which had been offered to an idol was as nutri­ Portland People Vlalt— Mra E. A Lairds Hava Gueata—Mr. and Mr». tious as any other, but olcohol is always a poison. This Is the decision of Blew and daughter, Elisabeth, of Port­ Ben Chlndgren and daughter and Mr. land. vlalted with the form ers aunt. silen ce and not the statement of a mere opinion. and Mra. F. O. Bennett and children Mra £ T Brewer here over the week­ were dinner gueata ut the home of end. Mr. and Mra. Laird ut Jaaper Sunday. Goodmans Return—Mr and Mra H Boy Injured In Fall—Carl Plait, son of Walter Platt of Thurston. Buffered a alight concussion of the brain when he fell from a hay mow at hla father's farm luat Friday. He was brought here for treatment, but was able to be taken home. » Pohls are Gueata— Mr and Mrs M A Pohl were gueata at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mra. M B. Huntley laat Thuraday evening Present wert the gueata of honor. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Schnetaky, Dr. R. P. Mortensen. Mra. Alma Cowden. Mra. Josephine Johns, Mlaa Ixiulaa Cowden, Mlaa Irene Johna and Muster Joel Cowden. Notice of School Meeting Lebanon Woman Hare— Mr*. Zolla NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the leeal voters of School District No. 19 Arehart of Lebanon vlalted here with her parents, Mr. and Mra. I. E. of Lane County. 8tate of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at High School, on the 25 day of October, 1928, at 8 o'clock In the Murphy. Sunday and drove to Salem afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with with her slater. Mlaa. Haxel Murphy, the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district : to attend the state fair. . The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the Drives to Portland—Jerry Adams, fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1928, and ending June 30. 1929, is estimated for the past few months an employe In the folio win a budget and Includes the amounts to be received from the , of the Hprlngtleld Bakery, drove to county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special dis- , trlct tax. and all other moneys of the district; Portland Monday on bUHineaa. He is BUDGET i now employed by the Williams Bakery ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Salary per year No. PERSONAL SERVICES: of Eugene. >2200 00 >2200.00 1 Principals ....................... 1350 00 135000 1 Here From Washington— Herbert 1260.00 1260.00 1 Jordan and hla mother. Mrs. Nellie 1350.00 1350.00 1 Teachers Jordan, arrived here Monday evening 1260.00 1260.00 1 2 from Toppenish, Washington, to visit 2430.00 1215.00 3375.00 1126.00 3 with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyne. Mrs. 1080.00 1080.00 1 Jordan Is Mrs. Pyne's mother. Herbert 12420.00 1035.00 12 Jordan was employed at a local gar 1012 50 1012 50 . 1 age before leaving here three month« 1980.00 990.00 2 585.00 585.00 1 ago. 517.50 ¿17.50 ■ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1045.00 1045.00 Janitors ............................................ 1 990.00 990.00 ............................................................ 1 825.00 825.00 ............ ....................................... ....... 1 300 00 300.00 Clerk ............. 1 695.00 695 00 Menographer ............................... 1 90 00 90 00 Other services: Census lVacttce Teachers ........ .............. 75.00 75.00 60.00 60.00 Truant Officer, >10; Drayman, >50; TOTAL ..................................................._............................................... >34,900.00 M A T E R IA L S A N D S U P P L IE S : Delivered as Ordered • 4 When you order groceries from this store they are de­ livered exactly as you order them. If we do not have the exact item you wish, we do NOT substitute without asking you. Buy Canned Goods by the Case Canned goods purchased by the case is a real household economy. We will assort them to meet your wishes, or you may buy them In case lots to please your convenience. Naturally the price is less than when purchased a single can at a time. Beech N u t Special 2 Cans Pork and Beans 2 Cans Prepared Spagetti 1 prepared Mustard Phone 9-WHITE F 75c SPECIAL Goea to Portland— Mrs. Ivan Male was a business visitor In Portland last Sunday. By Ra». Samuel D. Price. D. D. Nelsons at Newport— Mr. and Mra. bend Man H ere— ('burins Thump Non i,f iletid wan a buxlflnsa vlaltor N A. Nelaon and lluughter. Pearl, ure spending a few daya this week at here Sunday, A. Orwidmun returned Monday even­ ing from Portland after a bualneaa trip of several daya. T. J. Seymour was In charge of their restaurant dur­ ing their absence. In 1923; St. Paul In 1924; Omaha in 1925; Philadelphia in 1926 and Parts In 1927. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) ......................... > 520 00 Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.) ..........................- ................ 1100.00 180.00 Library books ........................................... 6.00 Flags .....................................‘...................... 50.00 Playground equipment .......................... 400 00 Janitor's supplies ......................... _........ 715.00 Fuel ............................................................. 300 00 Light ....... ....................- ............................ 260.00 Water ......................... ............................... 110.00 Postage, stationery and printing ----- 190 00 Telephone ......................................- ......... TOTAL ....................................................... STORES AT SALEM, PORTLAND, SPRINGFIELD N ew ‘Sunburst’ Skirts are In The Skirt you have been asking about has arrived. Colors are solid green, blue, tan and various bright colors in Scottish plaids. All wool and made up to the minute in style. PRICED SO LOW YOU CAN’T RESIST $3J 98 Genuine Service for Car Owners Our garage is more than a shop. It is a plant equipped with the latest and best machines for repair work. Our expert machinists use the latest and best known methods in repairing your car, F We keep our garage open until 10 o’clock in the even­ ing and Sundays so that you may have the best possible service any time you want it. This service is for all makes of automobiles and particularly for Ford cars which should have guaranteed authorized Ford Service for the best results. • Our large rest room is available at ail times during garage hours lor everybody and particularly for the coun­ try people. We want people to feel free to use it whether they are our customers or not. Service with us must be complete and genuine and we are always on the lookout for ways of improving it. Come in and see us. DANNER MOTOR CO. “Authorized Ford Sales and Service” Fifth and A Sts. Phone 49 RÖS October 1 to 6 O nly! >3,831.00 M A IN T E N A N C E A N D R EPA IR S; 160.00 High building and grounds ............ — Gymnasium building and grounds 316.00 160.00 Lincoln building and grounds ............. Brat tain building and grounds ............. 100.00 TOTAL ......................................................................................................... A SSE S S M E N TS (Highways, Roads, Streets, Bridges): .................. IN D E B T E D N E S S : Bonded, and Interest thereon ........................................... > 3795.00 Warrant, and Interest thereon 6000.00 TOTAL .............................................................*.................. - .................. INSURANCE: ............................................................................................. Rugs. A ll sorts o f novel, artistic 9795.00 | 600.00 I M IS C E L L A N E O U S ; Premium clerk's bond ................................................ s 50 00 445.50 Sundry ...... .................................: .................................... 4.50 Audit of clerk's books ....,........................................... TOTAL ....................... ................- .............................................................. EMERGENCY: ............ .......................................................-..... » 1000.00 TOTAL ......................................... .............................................................. Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during year, ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming year > 6200.00 From state school fund during the coming school year 1300.00 From elementary school fund during the comlnsi year. 5000.00 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year 6500.00 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax Total estimated expenses for the year >51,699.72 Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax >19.000.00 Balance, amount to be raised hv district tnx ^ ^ O M E to us for your Congoieum 71500 358.72 > 500.00 effects T h i s se a l id e n tif ie s thegeiutnse - stands fs» guaranteed M tu faction > 1000.00 >51.699.72 >19.000.00 >32.699.72 >32.699.72 The indebtedness of District No. 19 Is as follows: Total bonded Indebtedness ........................................................................... »71,000 00 Total warrant Indebtedness .................................................................- ...... Total amount of other Indebtedness ........................................................... > •«« »- Total amount of all Indebtedness ......................................................-......... >89,184.3» Dated this 3rd day of October. 1928. ATTEST Wm. G. HUGHES, District Clerk ROY W. CARLTON, Chairman, D J. BEALS, W. H POLLARD, F B HAMLIN. WILFRID P. TYSON, B. D. MURPHY. ! q 4.11 - — Board of Director». See the current laaue of the Saturday Eeven­ ing Post, L iterary Di­ gest and our large win­ dow displays fo r fu r­ arc available which w ill brighten up any room in your home. Pick our your rugs early /A m < at extra special bargain prices. $5.20 9x6 $9.95 9x12 Other rug sizes at propor­ tionate price reductions. OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTORS ther Information. 5J/ETHER] EE -PO W ER S 11th and Willamette Eugene, Oregon