THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. 192X PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS have been supplying the lumber for NEW MANAGER IN CHARGE the plant, but It will now come fro« AT LOUD PLANING MILL Udell lake and a mill near Gate«, Hlmon Judd, amateur detective, end William Part, an underlaker, are vielt- Ina John I>rane, eccentric man of wealth, at the I Irene plat e. Suddenly the huuaehuld la shocked to Mel that John lirane tian been murdered. The dead mun la drat aeeu by Josie, the maid, then by Amy lirane and Hlmon Judd. The latter faints. NOW OO ON WITH THE BTOilY — Police officers call and Invest Isa tlona begin llr. lileaalnglon la called, and after seeing the murdered John lirane make a the aatoundlng revela thin to Amy lirane that her ' unt ie" la not a man but a woman. The announcement of Hr. Illeaalng’ ton that the body of the murdereo peraon above atalra waa the body of a woman and not of a mun did not ahock Amy lirane aa much aa rauae her amusement. The ahock had come when ahe faced the blond atalne.l hotly of her aupptiaed unde John uud her mind waa at III ao tlullet, by that ahock that ahe did not Immediately graap what the doctor wtut telling her. — “A woman T Uncle John waa a wo­ man ?" ahe repealed gropingly. "But that—that couldn't be, you know. Why, he'a alwaya been a man. 1 don't know what you mean, doctor." "The murdered peraon In the bed upatalra there," the doctor aald, “la —or waa—u womn. I am merely elating the fact. I thought you ahould know It Immediately aa you are, I understand, the only relative here." "1 don't understand It," Amy aald, "Why, It'a dreadful, lan't Itl Oh, It la horrible! It's like some frightful nightmare! It doesn't seem aa If it could be true, any of It” "It la only too true," the doctor aald He looked at the girl with keen pro­ fessional eyes. "You don't feel that thia la too much for you? The shock and the strain must be considerable, but you seem a normal sort of peraon. What 1 mean exactly la that If you feel too nervous over thia I can give you a simple bromide until your ner­ ves recover from the ahock." "No, thank you," ahe cald. "I think I'll be all right." "Are you going to be here awhile?" he asked Simon Judd. “1 suppose you will," he added with a alight smile, "considering the circumstances and that he police will have to be finding a murderer. Just keep au eye on thia young lady, will you? I'll leave my card; It has my telephone number If ahe seems to be about to flop Just send for me Not," he added, "Ihnt I think you'll have to. Have you any one, by the way," he asked Amy. "who could stay here with you a few dnys? I'd suggest that you go elsewhere, but I have a notion the police will want you here, until they've done some questioning, at least." "I'm not afraid to stay here, I think." Amy said. "No; Mr. Judd will he here; I'll not be afraid. I'll have Mr. Carter stay here during the days. 'That's Bob Carter?" the doctor asked. “Yes He’s—we're great friends. I expect him to come this morning." “You've not had breakfast yet?” "No; I was waiting for It when— When I heard Josie the maid, scream "Well, my prescription for you Is that you go in now and eat a good breakfast. That will help you more than anything I could give you. And ns for the things to be attended to In such cases ns this, you may leave them to me. What Is your name?” he naked Rlmon Judd, and Judd told him. "Mr. Judd, I'm sure will act for you as far ns necessary. There can be no funeral he added, to Simon Judd, “un­ til the lnw has gone through Its form­ alities. However, If I might Just speak to you a moment or two.” Amy, as she had been advised, en­ tered the house to try to eat a break­ fast, and Dr. Blesslngton led Rlmon Judd to the far end of the veranda. "The funernl nrrnngements can nil he attended to later," he said; "It was not thnt I wanted to spunk about. As soon ns possible I will get a proper ■death certificate, and I suppose Wil­ liam Dart Is the man Miss Drnne will wnnt to have He Is an old friend of Drane's—of the dead person; one of the few close friends tho dead m a n - woman—had, I think.” "Hold on, now!” Simon Judd said. "Walt a minute now! Is thnt tho little feller with the heard that was1 here yesterday?" “I don’t know that he was here—" “Dart—William Dart—that's tho name. Old feller about seventy years old or so, ain't he? All dressed in black. That the man?” "You have described him.” "Well, black my cats!" Simon Judd exclaimed. "I was tryln' to think what thnt feller looked like, nnd all I could After changing management three Oregon, the new manager announced. times since the first of the year, the Visit Sista Fair—Among Springfield lxiud manufacturing plant at the end people who drove to Salem Sunday to of Third 8treet la now under a new see the state fair were Mr. and Mrs, manager, C. E. Kenyon and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. C. O. Hockett la the new leaseholder, Maxey. replacing Wade Palmer who has been Senseny Has Quests—Mr and Mrs, managing It for several months. The planing mill which employs about ten Robert Buck and Mrs. Vivian Bailey men, la being leased for 60-day and small, daughter, all of Merced, California, are visiting at the bom** of periods. sixty live South Street b,u. “l "seved he had a brain that was able to recog- Small sawmills near Springfield the two women's father, A. E. Benseny, CAST i - . i■ . . . 'i.'! a slx five South Street." For Brennan nice that times when a criminal was of Principal Characters In thia no one ever stood on the corner of not acting according to rule. He could Amazing Myatary Story The Human Hphlnx Elm Street and Grand Avenue; he think when he had to. John Hraue The Girl | stood "on South west corner of Inter- Brennan was not particularly an Amy .............—... Her Sweetheart ' section of Elm Street and Grand Ave- noyed because he had been put in itobgrt Carter . The Undertaker nue." For Brennan gold was "yellow thia case on a Sunday morning. He William Hart ... S P R IN G F IE L D Friend of Drane metal" and brass was "yellow metal;** had planned to see a football game Hlmon Judd . The Family Doctor It was not for Brennan to decide which that afternoon but his Intention had Hr Blesalngton FRIDAY — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 and 6 Hick Brennan .. ............ A Detective was which. Not on the witness aland, been to pick up a couple of plck- . . , .. . pockets there. If they were still work JEAN H ER 8HO LT IN Servants In the Hrane Household In no respect, except that he re- Ing the football crowds, and a murder think of was undertaker. And he 1« SS»bled thousands of .let.-« lives, dbl was apt to be more Interesting. He U one. is he? Well, now. maybe we '»Ick Brennan resemble a detective followed the circular drive to the * Comedy and News won't want him after all. I don’t He r«*»«mbled no one In particular veranda, glancing past the house to­ know bul what maybe he'a mixed up j himself; you were apt to say to ward the bark where the drive curved USE MERCHANTS CO-OPERATIVE TICKETS FRIDAY NIGHTS in this somA way. doc. I don't want ' yourself when you saw him "I know farthest and when be had mounted . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - to keep trade away from any friend of . t,lal nian! “n<1 then Immediately. to the veranda he rang the bell. Nor­ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 John s- -or whoever It Is up th e r e - j "No. I'm wrong-1 know someone who bert, the colored houseman, came to Matinee Sunday at 2:30 o’clock but you might give me the name <>f , looks quite a little like that man ' You the door. another funeral man while you ar» this resembling the "I'm the detective assigned to this •bout IL" clerk, who waits on you at the grocery. ease," he said without flourish. "The "latter. If necessary." the doctor | Dick Brennan s face was so like thou- body upstairs or downstairs?" said "There will lie ample time. I sands of other faces that It was hard "Upstairs, sir; yes sir,’’ Norbert as­ What I wanted to urge was that you to remember. Not Infrequently this keep your eye on this girl. 1 don't was of value to him In his work. A sured him. "Two cops up there; you want to alarm you needlessly but until man •» nearly resembles many can g() rtght on up. Should I take we know more about this affair It Is "‘her men could easily make himself your hat , lrv No; you goln' to take best to try to be safe. What I mean look unlike himself it with you. Right up these stairs. Is that we don't know yet-that thia1 Dick Brennan was forty two, but he Yea , | r!- murder Is not the work of a maniac; | looked not over thirty. For twenty At the head ot the stairs one of perhaps a maniac here In this house, years he had been picking up crlraln- the officers greeted him with a “Hello, Comedy and News If one murder has been done another “1» He hud never "studied” crime, Dick!" and Brennan replle 1 "Hello, may be attempted, you see’ Probably but the way and bablta of criminals Joe!- there Is nothing In the Idea, but keep had soaked Into him; an understand "Mean piece of business this is, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 SPECIAL AT sn eye on Miss Drsne. Don't let her In* of their probable actions and re- Dick,” the officer said, J. M. Larson Service Station be another victim. Judd." actions had become Instinctive In ! “Stabbing, is It? What was that "I'll look out for her the best I csu. him; this was one reason why he was about Jt being an old lady?” Complete doe." Simon Judd said, "and you can so valuable; another reason was that________(TO BE CONTINUED) IL bet on that. She's a nice kid, this j Cha »sit C re a tin g Amy It. But how about It being mur der all so sure? You talk like you October 5 to 13 III knew It wasn't a suicide." Get your Comfy Cushion at “It was no suicide,” Aald the doctor Larson’s, Corner Second and positively. T here are good reasons Main, Springfield for knowing, Il was not. The blow Many Added Subjects New Shipment choice colors that drove the knife Into the heart was I Use Merchant Co-Operative Just Arrived a far more powerful blow than that tickets Tuesday night. Jfrsdr- dssirtag • perso"a/ 5 y cm address old woman could have struck; death j G ET YO U R T IC K E T S FORM T H E S E M E R C H A N T S t i l t Pio, «■ tan 0/ fkis aewepoprr. was so Instantaneous that a suicide j INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE could not have withdrawn the knife DANNER MOTOR CO. SPRINGFIELD TAXI from the wound; and, finally, there ( SPRINGFIELD GARAGE DROP-IN CAFE | you continue school and I am sure BETTER STUDY was no knife in (he room. It was FLANERY’S DRUG STORE IDEAL GROCERY you can get the young man In ques­ murder no doubt about that, sir!" LARSON'S SERVICE STATION tion to realise that Show him how Dear Miss Flo: "Ain't that a shame, now!" Simon sincere your desire for education Is I am engaged to a young man who Judd exclaimed. Explain to him that you feel you seems to he very nice, and has al­ "When this man Brennen comes,' ai can be a better wife and mother If ways treated me with great res­ the doctor continued, "you can tell blessed with the advantage of a good pect. I love him dearly, and he him I will be back In an hour or so— general knowledge. tells me that he loves me. My I have a call I must make now. You I'm sure If you reason with him, he love affair with him seems to be had better get some breakfast your­ will promise to wait for you. Do not different from all others I have self; you're upt to have a long and he defiant about It, but hold your ever had although I am only hard day.” ground as well as you can and he may seventeen years old. He Is twenty- Dr. Blesslngton turned away, bul come around to your way of thinking. one. Do you suppose this Is a Simon Judd called him back. th e N E W "puppy love affair” or true love? "What I don't get. doc," he said, "Is In the meantime I have planned how you didn't know this was a wo­ EATS BIG STEAK AND to finish school and go to college, man all the while. You're the famllv FRIED ONIONS— NO CAS but he objects to this. He says It doctor, ain't you?” will he too long to wait. Which do “That's rather peculiar, too,” he "Every time I ate I had terrible; you thlqk Is best for me to do, said, frowning a little. "I am the fami­ stomach gas. Now, thanks to Adler-' give him up and go to school, or do ly doctor here; I have a larger bill ika. I eat steak and fried onions and ; as he likes. Will he wait for me here each month than with any house feel fine."—Mrs. J. Julian. If he loves me truly? In Westcote; I'm called here again Just ONE spoonful Adlerika relieves PEGGIE. and nguln. But, I've never been ask­ ' gas and that bloated feeling so that • • • ed to so much as feel John Drane's you can eat and sleep well. Acts on pulse or look at his tongue! The man Dear Peggie. I think you should con- BOTH upper and lower bowel and re­ —or woman—has never been sick, or tinue your studies. At least finish moves old waste matter you never If she has she never called me. The school even if you do not go to college thought was there. No matter what servants have had all my attention, The young man. will, I believe w ait, you have tried for your stomach and and plenty of It, too." for you tf he really loves you. bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. "That colored man sure has a bad You will have many advantages If Flanery’s Drugs Store. cough,” said Simon Judd. "They’re all sick,” said Dr. Bless­ lngton “I never knew such a house­ hold of sick help. It's as had as a hospital; I don't see how a person Come right in for a can bear to have so much sickness FREE Demonstration around. But John Drane—or this wo­ man who prAtended to be John Drane •—has certainly been good to them. IO I m p o r t a n t A d v a n t a g e s I've never Known her to discharge a servant for ill health; she's had me in th e N e w T E o r A g ita to r here twenty time a month. A good g Beautiful beyond com­ ( | Highest quality in 21 woman, even If Rhe did choose to p a ris o n . E a s t In d ia years of building. masquerade as a man." "Well, I've read of sueh doln’s be­ 2 Few er parts than any Buff and Ebony. 7 E n a m e lin e d tn b th a t fore,” Simon Judd said philosophical­ w as h in g m achine on cannot rust, rot or cor­ the market. ly "and I don't Know that I blame S ec It! rode. Automatically cleans some of ’em for wantin' to wear man 3 Big capacity— compact itself. clothes and let on they’re men. Sort in size. Occupies space T ry It! g Direct gear drive — no of queer, though, somehow.” only 24 inches square. belts to slip and break. "It Is queer," said the doctor. "It Is B u y It! Washes clothes cleaner 9 U n iq u e ru b b e r s o ft —nor should you be without an extm uon fefe- apt to be queerer that we imagine.” * and faster. cushion ro ll w rin g e r phont in your home. D ick Brennan, the detective arrived that won’t break buttons. 5 Round tub, no comers by the universal vehicle, the taxicab, The speed of modern business demands a jq G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c to clean. Most sanitary while Anty Drane and Simon Judd sufficient number of telephones conveniently motor. type built. were Bt breakfast. Aa he turned from located to save steps and time. the cab, after having slammed the In the world's m ost universal b u sin ess— During OCTOBER only—$2.50 door, he cast his eye over certain home making—extension telephones are now down and 18 months in which salient features: "Three story man­ regarded among such modern conveniences as to pay the balance on either the sard-roofed house—painted white— running water and electric lights. THOR Washer or the THOR veranda full width of house In front— Simply call our Business Office today I—and Washer and Ironer complete fluted pillars, approximately six feat say, “I want an extension telephone.” Why wear yourself out when In diameter supporting the third floor an electric motor will work for mansard projection—” B E H IN D wages any one can afford to His brain registered physical ob­ You to M b ti pay? jects In this way, a result of his in­ rJfiráncy oZ numerable appearances on the witness rbeopv. V i stand against criminals he had track­ a t in graapt. mountain tates power company ed odwn. A silver watch was never a silver watch to Brennan—It was "one white metal watch, hunting case No, 1,249,563, fourteen Jewel move­ is r i c i n o n ia r a o H B ment No. 965,093.” For Brennan no one ever lived at seven hundred and BELL THEATRE 13 Washington Square” MARION C A V iJ ’ THE PATTY Richard Dix 50c F or X c a n H o u r w ill do your w a s h in g andl ir o n in g ! Do you still go to the pump Æ for water? S