T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 4, 192* T H H S P R IN O F IB L D N B W 8 PAOB TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS , <- Three Months Single Copy THVRSDAc OCTOBER 4. 192S SU PPO R T T H E BAND P layers have been practisin g faithfully for the last few w eeks organizing a band for Springfield. Jv'ext week they expect to put on th eir first con­ cert. T he people of Springfield should pack the hall to h e a r th is concert. It is only w ith en cour­ a g em en t th a t th e new and tim id players will have h e a rt to c arry on and give Springfield a first class band. So fa r the bandsm en have financed them selves b u t if they a re to play for th e public th en we should assist in this m atter. T he least we can do is to buy tick ets for th e concert. A live band alw ays com e from a live tow n. Give us a live band. • • • OREGON HAS QUALITY T he s ta te fair ju st closed w as a m agnificent display of w h at O regon can raise. C ounties re ­ presented th e re b rought products of th e orchard, garden and field th a t w ere perfect in q u a lity -- som e of th e b est in th e world. F or diversity in a g ric u ltu re th is is a g rea t state. T h e re 's hardly a n y th in g but tropical p lan ts th a t w e can not raise. It tak e s a sta te fair to m ake us fully realize w h a t c a n be done. T he fair w as ed ucational in th is reg ard and inspirational for th e fu tu re progress in fu rth e r developing Oregon. C leaners Move Û • w M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE Advance____ 11.75 11.00 been Invited to corn« Io Ku elude H m < following: John I O. P. Harrington. William (I K K Ki>»l«r, Qeorge Cox. R ton. Dr. W C Rehhan, J t It D. Phettoplaca, W II Poll Sweeney, II. W. Whitney, 1» char, J D. Ileala, J Nico. I aon, J. A. Monro, and I. M I Curbing thé Growth o f IF eeds L ane county boys' and girls’ clubs sw ept every­ th in g before them a t th e s ta te fair and their stock Judging team w as picked from 40 o th ers Published Every Tfeeredey a t to a c t a t the Pacific In tern atio n al L ivestock show. •(M inefield. Lana Coaaty. Oragoa, by T his is am ple evidence of th e quality of w ork the T tfB W IL L A M E T T E PRESS boys' an d girls’ clubs art* doing and right on top H . K. M A X E Y , E d ito r. of the m agnificent show ing m ade at th e U tne Entered as second class matter, February 34, 1903 at the county fair, it also speaks well of the foresight and initiative of Arnold Collier, co u n ty club postofflee, Springfield. O re g o n leader. The Service Cleaners, successors to J F Nadvornlk. huve moved tq new quarter« In the Elite hotel ImlldliiM The room Just north of the pnetotth « which they huve occupied Is now vac­ ant. The new quarters nre In the •ront of the Springfield law ndry's new location nnd the dry cleaning e s ltb llnhment Is In Ihe rear of the building G overnor Sm ith sta n d s for a low er tariff ami m ore liberal im m igration laws. He would let a Hood of cheap foreign goods and a horde of aliens com e into th is country. How does he expect the w orking m an to buy booze at his liquor sto re s if he subm its him to th is sort of com petition. ' T he P lu m b ers’ Convention at A tlantic City has voted for a 40-hour week. Do. they m ean forty hours of w ork— or w aiting fo r tools? iHurtratee a pruceb. ;K o w « r o f w 7 .d 7 ^ .« « Roy Smith Vlalta—Hoy Smith who hue been taking medical Iratment In Portland for the past several month« spent the puat week end here with hlii wife. • tain ti e full benefit of the moixtwre and via nt food ' the to il Charles F. Eekart 1» the inventor of the untqu in this p cture. The heavy raper 11 impregnated with Other ad\ m tagei, this p ro ven eliminates the hoe "Silence is G olden”—b u t you c a n 't get th e pro­ ducers who a re cashing in on sound pictu res to believe it! C A L L FOR B A N C R O FT BONDS SPRINGFIELD FATHERS INVITED TO U. 0 O ur idea of a good guesser: T he m an w ho pre­ dicted th a t Ja c k Dem psey would win th e fight in th e play he is sta rrin g in on Broadw ay. Fathers of University of Oregon students living In Springfield are out to challenge the claim made by A. W. Norbald, of Astoria, that hta city will have the largest delegation of "Dads ' at the annual Dad's Day event here October 6. Mr. Norblad has Just wired President Arold Bennett Halt that at least a doxen cars will leave In a special caravan from his vicinity. G overnor S m ith is out cam paigning, and w ears a brightly hued pair of suspenders. L et's hope this isn 't construed as a slu r to th e corn belt. T h eatrical adv ertisem en t: " Ja c k D em psey ami his wife in "T h e Big F ig h t!” S ay it a in 't so. will yuh? • • • Add sim iles: As easy as g e ttin g a tic k e t for the W orld’s Series. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION Notice 1» hereby given that I »III pay Town of RprtngfleM. Bancroft Ini provement Bond», Nos 12; 13 and 14. dated Mav tat. 192« Inlereat wilt cease on Nov 1st . 1928 Wm O. HCGHEtv. City Treaaurer. Plan« for the •’Had'» Day" are prac­ O. 4: tically complete now, und reservations for the Oregon-Stanford football gume H E M S T IT C H IN G at which the father« will have a spec 5 and 7 cents a yard lat rooters' section, nnd the big ban All Work Guaranteed — Leave quet are coming In fast. All record* Orders at Kafoury'a for »uch an event ure expected to be MRS W K. BARNEl.I. broken. 13 D Street Phone 106-W Father» from Springfield, who have Theae will tie appropriately decorated with «laguna and hanuera. nnd the father« will tie out for a great time from the moment they leave Aatorla. A Battle Creek physlcvwu eaya. "Con­ stipation Is responsible for more mis­ ery than any other cause." But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies hax been discovered. Tb's tablet attracts water from the system Into the laxy dry. evacuating bowel called the colon The water looeens the dry food waste 1 and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or I ever Increasing the doae. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright Opt 24 for 26c today at Flanery's Drugs Store— (Adv.) TWO MORE DAYS! left to register. Act now or you will be an onlooker instead of a voter. No B latter how m uch you would like to vote on elec­ tion day, you c a n ’t w ithout you are properly registered. "I’d ra th e r be a lam p post on P a rk Row th a n g o vernor of C alifornia,” exclaim ed S m ith in a d eb ate in Albany, New York, a fte r a speaker had extolled th e virtu es of a C alifornia Law. We are * t a loss to know how any w estern er can vote Jor a m an who h as so little reg a rd for th e west. Ai s m ith 's know ledge of the United S ta te s w est oi th e H udson riv er is lim ited. Very lim ited. M ol by . F t h .' may bung «he weedle«» garden to every y a n l “ r „hirer antdies paper to «be floor of htv garder THE BLAOK SHEEP A w om an has w ritte n to me, w anting to know w hat to do in th e case of h er son. She say s he w on’t go to school, he w on’t do useful w ork ami tends generally to co n so rt w ith dissolute com pan- ions. I m ay as well confess rig h t now th a t I cannot an sw e r h er question. I know all the a rg u m e n ts about love and kind tre a tm e n t and psychological T earin g dow n th e old buildings n e a r th e new study and patience and so on, and I know also bridge is a good m ove to beautify th e tow n. N oth­ th a t th e re are cases th a t none of these th in g s fit ing adds so m uch to th e a ttra c tiv e n e ss of a tow n I do not suppose th ere is one fam ily am ong my as its en tran ces. It’s th e first im pression the read ers unable to confess to som e sort of black v isitor g e ts th a t usually sta y s w ith him. A new sheep; som e boy or girl th a t persists in going bridge and a sightly e n tra n ce on Main s tre e t will w rong in spite of everything. greatly benefit Springfield. Old buildings th a t M uch is said of p rea c h e rs’ sons who tu rn out have outlived th e ir usefulness should be to rn badly and th e im plication is th a t they have been dow n. T hey a re no t only a d etrim en t to property tre a te d too strictly in th eir youth, so th a t in later values, a n d a eyesore b u t usually a re a fire hazard y ears th ey rebel. a s well. It is good w ork rem oving som e of our Som e say th a t children should bp carefully dis­ old relics. c ip lin e d and regidly instructed, but such children i have not alw ays done so well in later years. G overnor S m ith says figures speak louder th a n | In fac t I have know n th e children of u tterly w ords. Very well then, th e expenditures fo r the loose and careless p aren ts to tu rn out to be strict Btate of New’ York u n d er th e S m ith regim e jum p- , m odels of propriety, and o th ers who have had ed from 80 m illion dollars in 1917 to 216 m illions i every a d v an tag e of favorable envirom ent go In 1927. T he a n n u al expenditures of th e U nited sw iftly to th e dogs. S ta te s gov ern m en t u n d e r P resident C o o lid g e! Som e say th a t children should be given th eir dropped 53 m illion dollars from 1923 to 1927, and i freedom and allowed to do as th ey please, b u t th a t a t th e sam e tim e th e bonded indebtedness of th e i does not alw ays work. co u n try dropped m ore th a n six billion dollars, i You m ay talk ab o u t your heredity and about F ig u re s do speak louder th a n w ords w hen you a child inheriting th e bad tra its of his grand uncle com pare S m ith ’s econom y record w ith th a t m ade and a b o u t envirom ent and about, the whole trouble wdth children being th a t they a re not by th e republican adm inistration. pronerly disciplined. All th is is very in terestin g reading. But th e fa c t rem ains th a t th e irre sp o n ­ H e rb e rt H oover has done m ore for th e farm er sible and w ayw ard sheep is in alm ost every fam ily In th e last 12 y ears th a n any o th er living m an, of m y acqu ain tan ce. acco rd in g to S e c re tary of A griculture Jardine. Not long ago a prom inent b a n k e r show ed me a T his sta te m e n t is in m arked c o n tra st to th e dem o­ le tte r he had from his son, telling him th a t if he c ra tic hen ch m en ’s u tte ran c e s, who would have did not receive som e m oney im m ediately he would u s believe th a t he held th e price of a g ricu ltu ral com m it suicide. T h e reply of th e b a n k e r m av p ro d u cts even a g ain st th e w ords of the late P re si­ not have been judicious, b u t it w as interesting. d en t W ilson-w ho w rote th a t H oover had no p a rt He said to his son. "I have no m oney to send you, jn fixing food prices. but don't let th a t deteT you.” w w V - CAN recondition your t A f car and It will give you F w as good service as any new car at a small cost—also re- ltne your brakes—align your wheels to prevent tire wear. IT IS NOT TOO LATE While ou r Fall T erm has already begun, It is not too late to enroll, as we will have a new class beginning MONDAY. OCTOBER 15 EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT ’S A GOOD SCHOOL A. E. Roberts, President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 Telephone 666 Eugene. Oregon Eventually E g gim ann’s is a place w here th ey will all com e sooner or la te r O ur long period of doing business in Springfield h as caused us to be know n fa r und wide. We a re glad to say we a re know n for th e quality of our products und the excellence of ou r service. W hether it Is candy, soft drinks or ice cream we alw ays have the best. E ventually you will com e here, why not now? F G G IM A N N ’S Where the Service lx Different" Different' "Where A u to m o tive M ac h ln lx tx ta ri St. Eugene, Ore Phone 843 FAILED AGAIN Stupid because they need spectacles. Defective eyes will r e ­ ta rd an y child’s progress M l Rl IE W FMlIEÂkSmnRIE OIF WAMUDIE in th e W o rld s Finest Low-Priced How bach State Voted From ¡888 to 1924 Give your child a chance to advance before it’s too late. statc STATC O p to m e trist WATTS OPTICAL CO No 14 9 Ave. West E licere, Oregon '’•’ SS: O R e p u b l ic a n B t T hird P aefy E3 Teggirotty Now Pick Your Winner in Each State Here’s a good game to play. Just study the chart above. It shows how the different states In the union voted during the years between 18S8 And 1892. Ten states show an unbroken black line. Indicating that since 1888 they have not once voted for any other than the Democratic party. These states are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Bouth Carolina, Texas and Virginia. These states have a total electorial votes in 1928 of 114. Tennessee voted other than a Democratic ticket omyonce, in 1920. Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Is­ land among other states have been mostly Republican, while Vermont has been solidly Republican since 1888. Now mark In the spaces headed “Your Estimate 1928" how you think each state will go In 1928. Then after the election compare the actual results with your prophecies and find out what sort of a political prophet you are! Fascinating game. Isn’t it? Í T lu S>ort Lawdau VUom, #B7 J B o d y by FUM r Ever since it firxt came before the public Pon­ tiac has been recognized ax the w o rld ’s finest low -priced xix . . . A n d n o w a n ew measure o f value distinguishes the Pontiac. For today’s Pontiac Six provides even fin e r perform ance and m o re advanced style — fin e r perform ance resulting fro m a n ew , m ore h ig h ly perfected carb u reto r and n e w m a n ifo ld in g — m ore ad­ vanced style fro m the use o f sm aller, sturdier wheels and larger tires . . . T o d a y ’s Pontiac Six offers you even m ore for your m oney than its ow n famous predecessors. C om e in to *e® ** and d riv e it and you w ill m arvel at a ll that $745 w ill buy. JJJonr S « U n . *74*1 C o st.-. »74«! Sport R oe;i«-r. »74«! P liertoe. 0775» C a h rlo fe t, $795» 4-b o a r S e d a n . $H 2I t Spr,rt a*™*** 0H75. A il tor ices a t f a c to r y , C h eck ( f a k la n d 'P o a tta c d e liv e r e d p t ices — Miry in« lu d e lo w e st h a n d lin g ch a rg ee. G e n e r a l M olar« l ima T H E FOOD YOU L IK E BEST Every now and then you crave a spec­ ial dish cooked and served the way you like best. In our restaurant we make a feature of this typo of service. Bring your wife or friend any time; tell us what you want and we will prepare It and servo It Just as you direct. Our main effort Is to please our customers. TONY GRAVO8, Prop P a y m m l P la n ava ila b le a t minimum rate. W.R. DAWSON Main Street, Springfield WAR TAX REMOVED. DELIVERED PRICES REDUCED