• MB — D on't Lose Your R ight to Vote at the November Election — Register Before Saturday Night T ry the H n m t P r in t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH E IS MADE 10 - REGISTER VOTERS American Legion and Scout» Work Together to Get Signa­ ture«; Book« Will Clo«« Sat­ urday; Walker Makes Final Decision Not to Run. An Intensivo rlevehlh hour cam­ paign I o Induce nil voter» to register lor election wild announcement by F. F. Walker that he will leuve the race for mayor with the one/candidate whney petition ha* been tiled featured the focal political situation thia week American Laglnn member*, worklnn through the liny Scouts, and under the chalrmwnahtp of M It Huntly, were huiy all thia week trying to raise the percentage of registered voter» before the book» cloae. By no mean» all the eligible voter» of the four precinct» here will be able to •vole unless during the next two day» they register, It was announced Thl» year there will be no »wearing In at the poll» and thuwe who have changed their residence »Ince the pri­ mer le* or those who are not rnglster- ed for any other reaeon will not be permitted to ca»t a ballot In the Nov­ ember genre! election. Scout» Make Canvass Directed by C. R. Aldrich and Laur- •nee Moflltt, scoutmaster and aastst ant scoutmaster of the I.lons club troop. Boy Hcouta this wnnk visited «11 the business houses and most of tha residences urging that votsrs register Cards furnished by the American Leg- U>4 signifying that all employes elig­ ible to vote were registered, were dis­ tributed throughout the business sec­ tion. Special prorosloo has been made whereby those who cannot register be­ fore the city hall rinses at 5 p. m may do so at tha Huntly delicatessen. Here voter» will be accommodated up utyll 10 o'clock each night Those who do not find the city recorder at the city hall at any time during the day may also register at the reetaurant. Wilson Is Unopposed "The People's Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 39 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 PERSONNEL OF GIRLS' 17168033 GLEE CLUB CHOSEN IN TRYOUTS TH IS WEEK RECORD ATTENDANCE SPRINGFIELD ELEVEN AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO BATTLE COTTAGE EXPECTED RALLY DAY GROVE TEAM FRIDAY School Budget for Year Is Outlined With the goal of attendance set at With the first game of the season on their opponents' gridiron, Springfield 500, final plans are shaping for the high school football team will journev Christian church "rally day" program to Cottage drove tomorrow to official to be given October 21. Featured by selections by a double ly open (he football schedule. Convinced that his (earn has been mule quartet, the newly organised showing some speedy action during church orchestra, dramatic Interpre­ the past two weeks of practice, Conch tations and other numhera, the pro­ Leonard Myafleld believes that the gram Is expected to draw the largest boys stand a good chance of winning number of people to Sunday school of any time In the history of the from the drove players. ! church. I-ast year the number reach­ Here's die llnup he will start: Ends. ed 404 and several sere not counted Thayer McMurray. Coy Mathers, Don who were there. Bettis; tackles, Frances Deeds, Jack Danner, Gerald Morrison, Jesse Sum­ I Members of the quartet are; I-aui- ner; guards, Quentin Thurman, Keith ence Moffitt antj( Dallas Murphy, first Kendall. Mwrence lloof, Gaylord Mor­ tenors Dean Beals and Lawrence ris; center. Head Hemenway, John Hunkier, second tenors; Glenn Robert­ Lynch; halfbacks, LaVerne Lawson. son and D. H. Rempel, baritones; Don I’almer; quarter. Freeman Waller Nealon and B. O. Smith, bass, i E E. Mlrrlson Is director of the or Hqulres; fullback, Everett Squires. chestra which will play five numbers during the program Mr. and Mrs CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM Dallas Murphy sill sing a vocal duet. ATTRACTS 185 PEOPLE Mrs Glenn C. Radahatigh will present a dramatic Interpretation, a E. B. U. First "church night” program of the girls' duet will he given and Mr. Mor­ fall season held at the Christian rison will give a short history of the church last Friday evening drew an Bible school since It was organized , audience of IMS people. The I-nyal The "rally day" event begins at 9:40 Women's class provided the program o'clock, with a «hort class period fol­ and the Men's class furnished the re lowed by a recitation and address of fresh meats. welcome. Mayetta Moon will give the The following program was given- recitation and Superintendent 8. il. Reeding. Elsie Reals; piano soln. Moshler will welcome the audience. Ire«» Anderson; vocal duet, Agatha The program will follow and commun Beals. Dean Beale; piano soln, Ion service and a br' sermon by Rev. Dorothy Withers; reading. Mrs Ulenn 8. E. Childers will follow thia. C Rad a ba ugh; piano duet. Wlnlfrld Fairmont. Pleasant Hill and Thurs­ Tyaon. Agatha Reals; reading. Frank ton Christian Bible schools have bee« Anderson; reading. Mre. Marlon Invited to the exercises When the Adams; talk. Rev H K Childers; read­ service Is ended a group picture will ings. Roscoe and Charles Cole. be taken for publication In the "Look­ out", national Sunday school magazine McLAGANS BACK AFTER ! of this denomination. Estimated Expenditure» Below the highschool was announced Mon­ 6 Percent Limitation; Tax day evening following tryouts held at Benefit Program to be First Ap­ to be Decided Oct. 25 the school. The following girls compose the pearance of Local Musician«; A school budget which Is only *344 club membership: Outside Artists Coming to As­ over that of last year and more than Sopranos; Vernlce Hawke, Maxine l sist; Lions Club Sponsors the *1300 under the amount which would Snodgrass, Louisa McDowell, Ruth Event; Date Set, October 12. Carlton, Audrey Smith, Jessie Beals, CAR TRIP OF 7280 MILES DAILY BIBLE WORK TO Aftjr covering 7280 miles on a EXPAND TH IS SEASON motor trip during the past seven weeks, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Mcljigan Plans for carrying on the week day and two sons returned to their home Bible classes in Springfield this year here Sunday. ' call for even a bigger program than They vtslied Yellowstone national I last year. It was announced by mem­ park, but spent most of their time at bers of the committee handtlng the the hoipea of Mrs. MrLuxini relatives matter at the various churches Sun­ In Michigan cities. In Detroit Mr. day Mcl^ignn attended a meeting of the Mrs Ora Read Hemenway. chair­ national association of electrical en­ man of the committee, stated that gineers. more money will be needed, since the The local people got a glimpse of work will be carried on for seven Chicago gang life when a gangster months this year, starting one month named Ix>mhardo and one of his con­ after the opening of school and end­ federates was shot to death In front ing one month previous to the final of the hotel at which they were regis­ examinations. Other members of the committee tered. are Roy Carlton. Oscar Gladdlsh. Mrs. Ida Gantz, F. R. Hamlin. Miss Edna SPRINGFIELD CYCLISTS Platt and Laurence Moffitt. Unless more voters write In the name of some other man than vote for him for the office of mayor. C. O. Wilson will be the next mayor of Hprlnglleld It Is not likely that he will have any opposition at all for the of­ fice. After refusing to seek the office, then being persuaded to give the mat­ ter further thought, and after two peti­ tions nominating him fo* the post have been circulated, W. F. Walker announced this mornng that he will not run. MA* JOIN BIKE GROUP All petitions of nomination must be Springfield bicycle riders are eligi­ filed by Saturday, but Mr. Walker positively stated that he would not ble to enter the bicycle club which will sign either of the petitions which have be formed at Engene Sunday, October 7. at 1 p. m. The organisation meet­ been circulated for him. ing will be held at 1626 Jefferson All 'Candidates Filed There Is now one candidate for each street. A new bicycle gnme will be Introdu­ vacancy In the official staff of thia city. I M Peterson has filed for city record­ ced at the meeting and officers of the er to succeed himself anu W. O. club will be elected. There Is no age Hughes wtl seek re-election as city limit for memherahlp In the club. treasurer. Two regular vacancies on the city council will be filled by H. J. Cox and W. A. Taylor unless unexpected op­ ponents file petitions before Saturday evening, which Is not probable. The third place on the council-will be for a two year term due to the retirement of George 8tewart. Petition nominat­ ing Harry M Stewart foV this position has been filed. G ift is Completed Comfort gift bags to be used in hospitals throughout the country have been completed by members of the Springfield Red Croas chapter. The bags will be turned over to the Lane county chapter executlvea. Mrs. A. B. VanValtah. Mrs. At Valentine and Mrs. M. B. Huntly were In charge of the work here. Personnel of the girls’ glee club of TO PLUKONCERT be provided under the 8 percent limi­ tation, was adopted last night by the board of education for the current si hool year. Total estimated expense for running the school system this year is *51,699 .00. Of this amount *6200 will come from the county school fund, *1300 from the state school fund. *5000 from the elementary school fuud. This leaves a balance of *32,699.00 to be raised by a district tax. The budget shows the total bonded indebtedness at *71X100, the total war- rant indebtedness at *17,797.39, the tola) of other Indebtedness at *336 and the total amount of all indebtedness at *89,134.31. During the last year, It was pointed out, the warrent Indebtedness was re­ duced by *5000. Warrants to the amount of *4000 will be retired a* once. It was stated. Ruth Bettis, Dalny Tomseth, Kather­ Springfield's own hand will make Its ine Jack, Miriam Rice, Esther Mc­ first public appearance next Friday Pherson, Mabie Neet. Dora Wagner. ; evening, October 42. Frances Frlzell, Audrey Daniels. I Playing a benefit concert both for Altos: Jule Pollard, Naomi LeVee the purpose of raising funds to defray Nellie Wright. Lela Squires, Emma expenses nad to Introduce themselvea Trlnka, NelMe 'Sankey, Dorothy With­ , as an organization to the "people of ers. Thelma Cox. Springfield, the bandsmen will be as* U n a Frlxell was elected accompan­ stated by three Portland artists, on« ist and Miss Frances Hodge la the Eugene soloist and possibly by ths director. Eugene Lions club quartet. The Lions club of this city Is spon­ PLAYERS ARE SELECTED soring the concert. Dwight Kessey, FOR ORCHESTRA AT HIGH i J. F. Ketels and H. E Maxey are mem­ bers of the Lions club committee In Membership of the high school or­ charge of arrangements for the con­ chestra under the direction of Glenn cert. D. B. Murphy and F. B. Hamlin Qole will this year consist of at least have been named standing committee 10 pieces. It was announced this morn- for the band. tog. Plans Are Outlined Following tryouts earlier In the At a meting of officers of the band week the following personnel was an- with Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hamlin and nounced by the director: Violins, Jack Mr. Maxey on Monday evening final Danner, Eldred Glaspey, Betty Ander- arrangements for the opening concert Salaries Total *34,900 Principals’, teachers' Xuittors' and son*Maxine Swarts; cornet, Jospeh were made. The program will be other employes salarle* tor the year Crandall; clarinets, Mariam Rice, Eu-. held in the high school auditorium and will amount to *34.800. Salaries of gene Walker; banjo, Irene Marley. I plans call for accommodating a crowd Instructors vary from *220« tor the ' piano, Evelyn Marley; trombone, Glen of between 400 and 500 people. principal of the high school to *16 a |Cole, leader, Individual members of the scout or* year for practice teacher*. ganlxatlon will help with the ticket sale and a campaign will also be con­ Supplies will cost *3.831, tha large»* PROMOTION DAY TO BE the largest Item being *11*0 tor sap- HELD SUNDAY MORNING ducted In the high school and grade schools. Admission prices will ba plles Fuel will cost *71* and It will coat *1*0 for the telephone service In Promotion day In the Sunday school nominal, officers of the band announ- the three schools. will features services at the Spring . • ced. Maintenance and repair work on the field Christian church on Sunday, It 1 If the concert Is well attended It was announced today. Pupils of the means that the present financial wor- buildings show a total of *716. school who have reached promotion ries of the musicians will be over and A complete budget summary will be age will go Into other classes. A short that the band may progress unhamper- found on page five of this newspaper. program will be given for the event. ed, H. K. Phillips, manager stated. A school meeting will be held In the At the 11 o'clock preaching service. Outside Talent Coming high school building on October 26. Rev. 8. E. Childers, pastor will speak Without expense to the band, tha at 2 »- to discuss the budget and on "The Grip that Holds" and at the Portland Lions clnb Is sending threw to vote on levying a special district 7:20 o’clock service his subject Is, art|gts to assist In the program for tax. Objections to the budget may be “Are God's Laws fo be Interperted or t^e concert. One accordlanlst, ona voiced at -this time. Obeyed?" Christian Endeavor. Is at banjolst and probably a rorngtlst will 6:30 o’clock. come from Portland. Mrs. Arah Hoyt BAPTIST RALLY DAY Rae. prominent Eugene vocalist, ha« LINCOLN STUDENTS NAME already consented to he on the pro* W ILL BE ON SUNDAY; SPECIAL PLANS MADE ORGANIZATION LEADERS *ram Several times the Lions club of Eu­ Election of officers of the Lincoln gene has volunteered to do anything Sunday will be "rally day" at the Springfield Baptist church, tt was an "rhonl •»■««>» body was. held yester-1 It could for the club of this city. Tha will be - given an opportunity *- to nounced this morning by the pastor, j