1 THURSDAY, 8 El TEMI! ER 27, 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE E IG H T Turners on Vacation—Mr. and Mrs. S PR IN G FIELD LEGION Q. H, Turner, proprietors of the POST RE-ELECTS THREE tor in California cities, has purchased Novelty store, are enjoying a shot i Mrs. Zachary is taking the Dale Flowers property on Fifth vacation. E XECU TIVE OFFICERS and K streets and he and his family crae of the store In their absence. Thr»>«< executive officers of the will move into it immediately. The i Mra Morgan Return»—Mrs. Alfred Springfield American Legion post deal was wade through the W. W. J. Morgan and Infant daughter have were unanimously re-elected at a Walker realty office. returned from the Pacific Christian meeting lust Friday. J M Larson hospital and are at home on Wt,lam will again serve as conlmaiidcr. M B CAN’T T A LK TO WIFE. ette Heights. Huntly as vice-commander and Wil­ TOO CROSS AND NERVOUS liam Vasby as adjutant Portland People Visit—Mr. and New officers elected were' t'lurencs “Even niv husband couldn't talk Mrs. Karl Kort of Portland are visit­ Fandrem. second vice-commander; to me. I was so cross and nervous, ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs lorn Swarts. finance officer and Fred Vinol has made me a different and Walter Gossler. Knox, sorgcant-al-arms The execii happy woman Mrs, N. McCall. live committee consists of Charles Vinol is a compound of iron, phos­ Chicago Girl« Here— Miss Geneva Scott. Truhert Henderson. Tony phates, cod liver peptone, etc. The Beane and Miss Alma Kami. both of Gravos and Jess Meats. very FIRST bottle makes you sleep Chicago, arrive»! here Sunday for a Other committees will be named by better and have a BIO appetite. Nerv week's visit at the home of Mr, and the commander at the next nieeiln- ous, easily tired people are surprise.) Mrs. Walter Gossler. Miss Beane and The new officers of he post will be how Ql'ICK the iron, phosphates, etc . Mrs. Gossler are sisters. Both the give new life and pep. Vinol tastes visitors are graduate nurses and ex­ installed at a meeting October 5. This session will be featured by n dinner delicious. Keiel's Drug Store. pect to locate at Seattle. and entertainment features, both In charge of Dr. C H. Phetteplace Members of the post expressed themselves as favoring a trig celebra­ tion at the time of the opening of Ihe new Springfield bridge C a lifo rn ia n B u y * Houaa E«lwar»l W h ite , re c e n tly a c o n tra c ­ | Club Is Entertained—Mrs. Charles Returns to Idaho—Mrs. Mary Bull Scott of Eugene was hostess lust of Pocatello, Idaho, returned to her utght to member« of the Springfield home this week after visiting with her grandson, Edgar Trotter. Cb rysän them urn club. Hqvs who wish to get Ind) tin1 Boy I Scout work this winter are urged to Mrs. Wilson Back—Mrs. Clifford Coles to Yachats—Mr. and Mr Ed »nroll ns soon ns possible so that th y may begin the fall and winter sche­ returned from Portland yesterday Cole left Tuesday for Yin hula to be gone several days o tin vacation. dule with the other scouts, according after a month's visit there. to C. It Aldrich, scoutmastef of tile Lloas i tub troop. Membership limit In this troop was re» euAly raised front 24 to 32 Sever­ al new enlistments are expected Mr Ali.rlch hopes to be able to start Ihe whole treep nt the same time on the winter's schedule of activity. BOYS P LANN IN G TO BE SCOUTS GIVEN ADVICE Six Day Special Chas« Enrollment Large On Congoleum “Gold Seal” Rugs Furtv pupils are enrolled in the school at Chase Gardens. This Is the largest roster In the history of the school. Two teachers are In charge of the school whose classes began Monday. New scats have been order ed to take care of the unexpected overfiow A Moor has been added In the playshed during the summer October 7 to 6 Johnson Furnilure Co. Stewarts Visit—Mr and Mrs. Vern Stewart of Natron were here yester­ day. Mrs. Stewart Is still suffering HIGH SCHOOL FO O TBALL from the effects of ptomaine poison SCHEDULE IS ADOPTED Ing and Is under medical rare. * T f L f F H C N f C O N V E N IE N C E AT T H E FE D » ID E | iii l . i i r V V r H E N v o u r te le p h o n e b e ll r in g s ▼ v a fte ry o u have re tire d fo r th e n ig h t, i t ’s m ig h tv e o n v e n ie n t to reach o u t fro m v o u r bed an d an s w e r th e c a ll. I t ’s n o lo n g e r necessary to g et u p to an sw er th e te le p h o n e . Just c a ll o u r business office a n d have a n e x te n s io n in s ta lle d b v y o u r bedside. E x te n s io n telep h o n es i n th e h o m e save m a n y t i r i n g ste p s , a r e a n a id in e m e rg e n c ie s o r d a n g e r an d ad d g re a tly to th e c o m fo rt a n d co nv e n ie n c e o f th e h o m e. Cos* — o iU r a f n t pennU * « d a y Springfield high school football players will have their first scrimm­ age against another team tomorrow rfternoon on the Eugene high schoo' gridiron. The local team will have three games at home and five games away from home according to the schedule which was announced this week. The complete schedule follows: October 6—Cottage Grove a Cot­ tage Grove. October 12—Brownsville here October 19—Lebanon at Lebanon. October 26—Harrisburg at Harris­ burg November 12—Junction City here. November 16—Brownsville here. November 23—Lebanon here. November 29—Junction City at Junction City. M eth o d ist Services Set A so telegraph company ’ THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE First sermon by Rev. C. J. Pike ss new pastor of the ^prtngfleld Method­ ist church will be heard Sunday morn­ ing at 11 o’clock when he will speak on the topic, "Worthwhile Business.’* Hour of the evening church service has been changed to 7:30 o'clock when his subject will be "New Life In Christ.” Sunday school ts at 9:49 o'clock and Epworth League at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. Pike are ex­ pected to arrive here tonight. 649 Willamette Saturday S P E C IA L S Coats in all size« priced from $1005 up Closing Out our Children’« Hats front $1.00 to $2 98 V e lv e ts and F elts 8th A ve. H a t & Dress Shop H . green stamp«. Eugene, Ore. The Marvelous MAJESTIC RADIO COME IN AND ASK FOR FREE DEM O NSTRATIO N A remarkable 7-tube all electric «et. In beautiful walnut paneled cabinet, complete with Majestic electric power unit and Majestic Uymnatlc power speaker. A value that 1« ab«olutely outHtanding, both a« regards furniture appeal and radio quality. Model 71 • $175.90 Complete $213.00 Complete Model 72 HENDERER ELECTRIC 38 • 8th Ave West, Eugene, Ore. W e give 8. A :: X 24 New Felt Hat« at $2.98 Large and s m all head sixes V e lv e t and V e lv e t C o m bination H a ts Just A rriv in g Phone 11X8 NOW HERE! Blood Poisoning Reported—Mrs. Carry Jarrett Is reported suffering from blood poisoning. She has been ill with It for the past two weeks It Is affecting one cf her feet. Arm IS Injured—Ike Seaman, son of K J. Seaman, received a serious Injury to hts arm at school Tuesday. Although the member is not broken It must be rarrted In a sling for soma time, hts doctor said. :: At Ketels’ Drug Store 6th and Main Street« C h ris tia n Services Services at the Christian church for Sunday were announced this morn­ ing by Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor. The minister will speak Sunday morn­ ing on "Three Lessons from First Timothy," and In the evening on "Joshua's Advice for the People of Our Day.” S w a p E lb o w f o r t h e NEW W r s lie r a n d I r o n e r • .w h o w o u l d n ’t ? W haf*« w ro n ^ w ith th ie p ic tu re ? N o th in g ! Y e t e h e ’e e ittin g do w n end iro n in g , too. P r e t t y e o ft, eh? 5o d o w n w ill d o it I W h y rub away yo ur youth on the uneven surface of a washboard, when the New Thor wi 11 do all your wash­ ing and ironing fo r 2c an hour? W hy, i t ’s too ab­ surd to think twice about. Come right down and get acquainted w ith your new e le c tr ic w a s h w o m a n — you’ll like her, we’re sure! D u r in g O c to b e r O n ly W e ’l l d e live r the New Thor y/asher and Ironer, complete, for only $2.50 down, 18 months on bal­ ance. Low-priced, yes, but quality built throughout. Banish those “ Blue Mon­ day Blues” now. See I t ! B cp tist J Highest quality in 21 building. 2 Fewer part» than any washing ma­ chine on the market. Big capacity— compact in eixa. Oc­ cupies space only 24 inches squars. Washes clothes clsansr and faster. 3 4 of 5 Pound tub. No comers to clean. Most sanitary rype built. g Beautiful beyond comparison. East India Buff and Ebony. 'J Enamellned tub that cannot ruet, rotor corrode. Automatically cleans itself. g Direct gear drive— no belts to slip and break. 9 Unique rubber soft cushion roll wringer that won’t break buttons. 10 General Electric motor. T r y It ! ! B u y It!!! M ountain S tates power C ompany Eugene, Oregon Services Mrs. Carrie Robinson of San Fran cisco will be the speaker at the 11 o'clock service. She will speak on her recent tour of the mission field An officer of the state convention will speak at the 7:30 o'clock service. B. Y. P. V. meets at the usual hour. Special music ts planned for each service. Salem Man III—William Griffin, 70. of Salem, who was visiting with bis mother, Mrs. Mary Grlffiin, 94. near aJsper, took suddenly III Tuesday and wag brought to the home of his grand- I daughter. Mrs Man Gibson, here. School Day Suggestions A dollar saved is a dollar earned. SERVE YOURSELF — AND SAVE E ndicott-Johnson Shoes fo r Boys and G irls Wear Longer— Each pair is guaranteed Children’s Composition Sole S h o es...... ............................ $1.48 pair Misses’ Patent Tan and Black Calf O xfords....................... $2.69 pair Mi««es’ Patent One-Strap Slippers ............. $1.98 pair Misses’ Patent and Black Gun Metal Three-eye T ie .... $2.89 pair Ladies' Genuine Arch Support Slippers and Oxfords $2.98 to $4.98 pair Boys’ Oxford, Tan and Black Calf—a hear to wear $2.48 and $2.98 pair Boy«’ Composition Sole—Bltyck and Tan Ores« Shoes, $2.98 and $3-98 pair Boys’ Heavy Composition Sole Shoes for rought wear, $2.48 and $2.98 pair Men’s Ill-Grade Dress and Work Shoes from $1.98 to $4.98 pair Children’« Extra Quality School Hose ....................... 15c and 23c Pair Misse«' Cotton Plaid Hose ............... 25c pair Misses’ Fancy Rayon H o se ............................................................. 48c pair Misses’ Dresses, fast color prints and organdie, for school 98c to $1.89 Misses’ Tains and Buret« .................................................. 48c to $1.29 Boy’s Corduroy Pants ................................ $108 to $2.98 pair Bovs’ Wool Bougie«..................... - .................................... $1.98 to $2.98 pair Boys’ All Wool Blazers ............................. $2.48 to $2.98 each Boys’ Sweater«, priced from .................................................. 98c to $2.98 Boys’ Dress Kox ....................... ........ 25c pair Boys’ Best Quality All Wool Caps ..................... ............................ 98c each Notice is hereby given that School District No. 19. Lane County, Oregon, will pay at the office of the Clerk, warrants up to and including No. 2416 Interest ceases after Septem ber 29th, 1928 WM. G. HCGHES. Clerk. SU M M O N S j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY I Celia Faulhaber, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Faulhaber, Defendant. To, Henry Faulhaber, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i OF OREGON: You are hereby sum moned and required to appear and un swer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the ' time prescribed in the order for pub­ lication. towlt, on or before October 25th, 1928, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above en­ titled court for a decree of absolute divorce against you and for such other relief as to the court Hhall seem equitable. This summons Is published pursu­ ant to an order by Hon. O. F. Skip worth, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 25th day of September, 1928, which order directs that this summons be published for four weeks In, The Springfield News, a newspaper of general circulation published In Lane County, Oregon, an. that you he required to appear and answer on or before the Inst day of the time pre­ scribed In said order, towlt, on or be­ fore October 25tb, 1928 Date of first publication, September 27, 1928. Date of last publication, October 25, 1928. ALTA KING, A tto rn ey fo r P lain tiff R esid en ce and p ost office a d d ress, Ett gene, L an e C ounty, O regon. S. 27: O. 4-11-18-25: You can save lots of dollars buying your Children's School Shoes and C lo th ing in this New Modern Way . . . . C A L L FOR W A R R A N T 8 SO I m p o r t a n t A d v a n ta g e s In th e N e w T h a r A g i t a t o r years WILLIAMS' SELF SERVICE STORES 77 East Breadway SERVE YO URSELF AND SAVE ON T H E FO LLOW ING Boya’ New Bow Tlea, 25c value« ...................... 18c Boys’ Bib Overalls, lota of pocket«, pair ...... 98c Boya’ Extra Heavy Waist Overalla, pair ........ 98c Children’« Red Trimmed I’lay Suita 73c Men’» 12-oz. Red Wriat. Cotton Glovea 12c Regular 50c GGoatakln Glovea. pair ......... 38c Regular 10c site Shlnola Polish . ... ......... 5c Regular 15c s lu Jet Oil Pollah 10c Regular 25c Colgate’s Tooth Paste .............. . 18c Regular 25c Llsterlne Tooth Puste .................. 18c Regular 10c size Llaterlne ................................. . 8c Regular 50<: size Hind'« Honey and Almond Cream ................................................ 33o Regular 10c size Hind's Honey and Almond Cream .................................................. 8c Regular 35c Pond’s Cold and Vanishing Cream ...................................................................... 28c Regular 10c value Shoe Laces .............. 2 pair« 5c Regular 16c Durabell Hair Nets .. .......... 5c Pru-phy-lac-tlc Tooth Brush, 50c value .... 38c W r lg h t’a Hlaa T ap e ..................................................... 10c Elastic, % Inch, white . 6 yard« 29c Hair Cllpi«:ra, $1.50 value ................. 98c Genuine* Thermos Bottle, pint size 93c Barton’s Dyanahlne ............................ 39c Men’s Khaki Pants ...................... 98c, $1.48, $1.98 Men's Moleskin Pants, pair ....................... $2.6) Men’s Felt Hats ................................................ $1.98 Men’s Dress Shirts, each ............................... 98c Clever New Stamped Aprona . .... 23c Men’s Cotton Work Socks .................. 2 pairs 25c Men's Heavyweight Bib Overalls .................. $1.19 Men’s 2-pocket Coat Style Work Shirts 69c Infant's Rubber Pants, pair ............................. 19c Mi n’s Oen. broadcloth Dress Shirt« $1.43 Men'« Rayon Lisle Dress Sock«, pair ........... 25c