— L t e s l ♦> OrMUIH THUKHDAV, HK1TKMHKR 27, 192» TUR RPRINOPIKI4) NEWS P A G I 3EVTCN TRAIN SCHEDULI Springfield Stop« NORTH No. 16 at 4:27 A. M (Flag) No. 8 at 2:62 P. M. Hus connection tor train leaving Eugene at 2:20 P M SOUTH No. 7 At 12:38 P M. No. 16 at 10:03 P. M (Flag) SUM M O NS SPRINGFIELD VETERAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE WILL SEE LINDBERGH STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE AT LEGION CONCLAVE Edith Allison, Plaintiff, vs. Clarence Charles Allison, Defendant. [ r. „ rv^ -i. a — TO Clarence Charles Allison Dorris, Springfield rancher, a IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ' to the national convention of OF OREGON You are hereby required tbe American (¿cglon to be held Octo- to appear and answer the complaint her 8 to 12. will not only have a wide CoHV.“»ndC«u‘i U on ’hV ^ TetKnt',’in T,r‘et’r ° f to ehOOM Court and Cause on o: before the 18th . _ , . day of October, 1928, said date being from' but wlH mPet* “mong other pro- more than four weeks from the date mlnent guests. Colonel Charles I.lnd- FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un of the first publication of this sum bergh. 8 nn Antonio where the convention (leralgncd Administratrix of the Es­ mons herein entered of record and If fall ao to appear and answer for ... , . , . . . . .. tate of Christopher C. Smith, D* you FOR SALE WOOD want thereof, the plaintiff will applv wll‘ ** held " read)r f,,r lh* com,n< FOR HALE Windfall apples. Bring EOlt HALE New Oregon Htruwberry ceased, has filed with the County Old UrowUt Fir, Second Urowth Fir, I'lunts 76c a hundred. 97.00 a Clerk of I/tne County, Oregon, her to the Court for the relief In her com of 100.000 veterans of the World war your boxes. l ’A miles weal of plaint against you demanded, to-orlt and their wives, mothers, sisters and Oak, A«b. All length*. Phone Spring thousand. Now la the time to Anal account and petition for distribu­ Hftrlugfleld on north side of Wlllum- For a Judgment and decree of daughters B.W 10«. if tion as administratrix of said estate transplant them Inquire corner elte river. T. J. Maxwell, phono Veterans attending the convention and that by order of the County Court divorce dissolving the bonds of matrl- 9th und G streets, Hprlnglleld. It of Lane County, Oregon, Saturday mony now and heretofore existing br Hprlngtleld 63-F-13. H20-27 October 13, 1928. at the hour of 10 11***“ ,‘h" P,a,ntlff above named and will find the greatest entertainment NOTICE OF HEARINQ SEPTIC TANKS— POLES WANTED o’clock A M at the County Court ‘h e *™ond8 desertion program ever planned for a Ixglon ON FINAL ACCOUNT Randy for you to Install "Wanted Cedar and Ftr Poles, all Room In the Court House at E ugene., Co'lrt'IP I''1PJ ",hpr re,,ef ®s 40 tb" gathering, according to Philip B. maY "*en> meet 2 • 4 persona ............ ............. Stapp, general convention director. ____________ 921 00 sizes. Quote prices f. o. b. shipping laine County. Oregon, has been fixed j f NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN: That ns the time and place of final hearing thl8 "«mmons Is served npon 3 • 8 persona ................... A world's championship rodeo, a .......................... *» 00 ! point the umleralgned uilmlnlatrator of the Advise quantities can supply. I of aald flnal acconnt and for se ttle -! ,n estate of Flora N Anderson, deceased, Hewer I'lpe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile when can an ship. Spot cash. Nieder ment of said estate All persons hav- , ’ "'/jOFIELD bEW S*. P”r8UI pursuant to decision prize fight with leading ' . -, . . - - final _ account . . 1"" an ortlpr 1 Bar- championship contenders, spectacular hae tiled hla account for the final and Chimney Blocka. ineyer-Martln Lumber Co. Portland Mag objections to raid ?rdpp f)f tflP ihp Hnnneokl« H2norab,‘> r* C F- settlement of her estate In the County °. £ ° Urt th° battle exercise» by the Second Dlvl- and petition for distribution are here­ EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. < ni-gon H 20-27: O. 4: Court for Lane County, Oregon, an! of Oregon for Lane County, duly by notified to appear and present such State that Saturday, the 29th day of Sept made and entered of record" on “the I alon' * Fo,l,p" Bpr*pr*8 show with objections. If any. on said date above ember, 1928. at the Court Room of aald PAINTING und Kalsinnining In all Its 17th day of September, 1928. ordering dancing beauties of six nations danc- mentioned. branches. Reduced Prices. Roy SUPER-SERVICE STATION Court, In the County Court llouae, In that this summons be published once ! Ing every night on Alamo naza, an Vivian C Schorr. Administratrix. Eugene, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, Koch. Call 126-J. eÌnÌ»^H *’t f"r . foa1r ™Pce88,T,i »nd «Ir circus with a thousand planes PLANNED BY V. JONES 8. 13-20 27; O 4-11: haa been by aald Court tiled aa the consecutive weeks in The Springfield 1 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT News and that the date of the first Participating. the great parade of time nnd place for hearing objection* A new super-service station, cost­ Notice Is hereby given that I. M thereto, and for (Inal aettlement of publication will be September 20th 80-000 men and women, dinners and IU M M O N 8 aald catate. Peterson, administrator of the estate ing In the neighborhood of 98000, will IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ! ’ 928- and the date of the last p u b llc a so c ia l functions beyond number are D. MAX ANDERSON, Administra­ of Ixiulae M llettlehelm, deceased, be put In at the southwest corner of STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE tlon w,n *»« OctoberJg, 1928 . on the program at San Antonio. tor of the eatate of Flora N Ander­ has filed his final account of his ad Second and Main streets, beginning I FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for COUNTY. Bull flghta and Spanish fiestas on aon. deceaaed. ministration of said estate with the Plaintiff. L. L. RAY, Attorenv for Eatate. ClOrk of the County Court of la n e | within the next two Weeks, It was an Hue Dorris and Allle M Smith, plain­ the Mexican Border are an added at­ S. 20-27: O. 4-11-18: tiffs. versus C 5» Williams and Ire­ County. Oregon, and that the said I »ounced today by Virgil Jones, who A 30: 8 8 13 20-27: traction. Side trips win he run to Williams, his w ife: the un­ na C court haa set as the time and pluce will be the proprietor. Nuevo Laredo. — Eagle Pass ____ i Laredo and ------- --------------- known heirs of 8. H. Friendly ant! _ S _ U _ M M O N S - for the final settlement of said ac­ Construction work will begin with­ Matilda Frtendlv, deceased, his ; DZ , ’Z L Y ) F THE and Piedras Negras and also to King NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON count, Saturday October 13th, 1928, fVuivrtghT ri l f 7 T’S t ™ V N TY OF LA N E°N FOR T H E i ranch, the Lower VaUey of the Rio at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore- in two weeks and the station will be EXECUTION noon of said day at the office of the flnlahed within 46 days after that wrlghf: Olaf Ha,dorson. sometimes ^ ¿ e Horton. Plaintiff, vs.. V’vlan OrarKl“' CorbU8 Cbr'8‘< ’b« Notice la hereby given that by vir­ County Judge In the County Court­ time, Mr. Jones said. Plans for the known as "Ole" Halderaon. and r^ fpn(1ant coaat and Brownsville and Matamoros. tue of an execution and order of aale house of 1-ane County, Eugene, Ore­ Msrv Ha,dorson: Olna Motnb, some- ‘ ,..v Alorton. Defendant: a 12-day tour will take a large party to laaued out of the Circuit Court of the gon. All persons having objections building call for departments fot times known aa Olna Mnhh: the un O2 NORT” n v ST^TF City. Slate of Oregon for the County of to said final account must present tires, accessories and several kinds of known heir» of Mathias MombJ OREGON You are hereby required w ar.h .i «» Multnomah on the 31at day of Auguat. them on or before said date of final service. The gasoline pumps will be sometimes known as -M attle- , • « » * ' “"0 the complaint F,eld Marshal Viscount Allenby, of 1928. upon a Judgment rendered there- settlement under a canopy In the center of the Momb deceased: Henry Loretz and ,.'ed aFalnst you in the above entitled Great Britain; major Georges Scapini. In on the 28lh ’lay of Auguat. 1928. I. M PETERSON, Administrator. .. square. Service departments will be oseph Loretz Tx>retz nnd nnd i ourt.ai,d ra08e on or before the 18th of France; General John J. Perishing, Jennie Txtretz; Joseph In favor of Evelyn Tate and again*! _______ H 13 20 27; O 4 11: of October, 1928. said date being leased by Mr. Jones. ..... ..... Loretg. wife of Joseph Lor- day George A Cavanaugh and Cora Cavan more than four week- from the date £ ° ,Onel NOTICE TO CREDITORS etz; C W Washhurne and ...... ..... of the first publication of this sum Kenesaw M. Landis. William A. Green. augh. huahand and wife for the eum of The station, to be known as the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Washhttrne. wife of C W Wash- 9100.00 and Intereat at the rate of all Jones Super-Service Station. will burn«: Charles E Parke and c ath. ¡ m °n8 herein entered of record and If president of the American Federation per cent per annum from the 26th (lav Henry L. Carllle and O. P. Scelistrom have been appointed administrators o f ! handle Standard Oil products, ertne Parke: Rodnev R Rounds and l y “ ,f ,2 ’° “PPear and answer for of Labor, are among the distinguished fit June. 1828. and for the further *um Mr Jonpll re<.«,n,ly sold his partner- Rebecca Rounds- Miller Morgan and 1 th® p , a l 4 r «PPlY guests who will be present at San of |40 00 with Intereat thereon at the the estate of Clemons E. Carllle, de « «used, by the County Court of I^an« « . . .. .. - •to the Court for the relief In Elizabeth Morgan: James A. Mor I ... hls ..... com- f , rate of alx per rent per annum from County. All persons having claim-»! ’ hlp ,n,pr'"'t ,h - Mutt and Jeff o Riitiec- w tnv PIalnt attain»’ , you demanded, to-wtt Antonio. the 20th day of May. 1928. and for ran: Thomas «X n u iier. « . n i __ j j ____ against said estate are required to 8*atloi> to J. M Larson, his partne.. For a Judgment and decree o f . the further sum of $1« 96 coat* and Snarkr and Nencv Snarks: Abram - _, .. . , . „ 1 ------------------------------ dlahuraementa herein, which Judgment present them, with the proper vouch- j M Peek and Laurv M Peek Msrv JOHN HAMLIN APPOINTED mony now and heretofore existing be . era. within alx months from the 8th e c - w c D A i o n v c c a i i t c was enrolled and docketed In the of­ day of September. 1928, to the aald ad b t v t K A l- BOY SCOUTS Ann B eam ; Jam es L. Peek. Jr.: E1- tween the Plaintiff above named and TO IMPORTANT POSITION fice of the Clerk of aald Court In aald tnn Pe«>k- Charles Peek: and Oc­ yourself on the grounds of desertion ; COMPLETING AIRPLANES County, on the 29th day of Auguat. mlnistrators ut the law office of L. L. tavia Ppek: Jame« Alson Peek- Ray, In the Miner Building, Eugene. ■ ■ -...... and for such other relief as to the ■ 1928. and aald execution to me direct­ Verona u , , E w ru,7k ' ¿ ” n ,hv’’r; ,nkno'Y ’ iCourt may seem meet. , John Hamlin, son of Postmaster and Several Boy Scouts have reported ed commanding me In the name of (he Oregon. hetrs 0 * 3 8 'Ulnm E Peek, dneessod That Humxong , erTed upo„ Mrs F B Hamlin of this city, has HENRY L CARLILE, und O. P. ! Stale of Oregon to aatlafy aald Judg­ nn all unknown heir« of Jame? ynu j,v publication therof in TKF received promotion to secretary to SNELLSTIU»M. Administrator* of good progress In making model planes ment, Intereat, coatH of anil, nnd the the Eatate of dem ona E Carllle, di- for the airplane contest now under JI.T- deceased SPRINGFIELD NEWS, pursuant »r the American embassy at Bueno3 coat* und expenses of and upon thl* John P Eddlns way here, according to C. R Aldrich. ! ! nardrto te°f th,eh H° norabI* r - ,P Aires. Argentina, according to word writ out of the personal property of ceaaed known j heirs , of „ Elizabeth Eddtns. de nar,J Judge L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estute. of the County Court of th , a scoutmaster. said Defendants, or If sufficient could ceased: and nl, Cher persons o 'i State of Oregon for ~ane Countv, dul received by hls parents here this S ( i:: 20 27: O. 4 not he found, then out of the real pro­ A number of the boys have their j unknown cir I’ p ne nnr made and entered of record on th* week. This is an important post in perty belonging to aald defendants models Just about complete and soon ' g e es > te. n n nr ntereat n , i . a comnlnlnt- defendants , belonging Io sulil defendant* or either tue of an execution and order of sale at the Ketels drug store where they To r p w illiam s and Trena C Wl, each week for four successive and , consecutive weeks in The Springfield Hamlin leaves as secretary to the of them, upon which to levy, I have laaued to tne out of the circuit court may be seen until the contest ends Hams h l- w ife- the unknown heirs New» and that the date of the first embassy at Madrid. Spain, where he levied u|«>n" the following described of the State of Oregon, for the County on November 10. J. F. Ketels pro- of S H. Eriendlv, deceased, and publication wUl h*» ?ontpmb'a’’ ?nth b«»« <«»«• thp no««f TviOOth^. real property In I12 67 I req“lr?d Pohll, Walter Pohll; Mae Louise len P eek: Charles P eek- and c rta. , luxe« paid by plaint Iff with lnt«»re»t U H inquired to said administra- Interest of said defendants George A. Taylor. George Taylor: Nona Clara V,n P eek- Tarnea A,ann PeeV • Vnr-i thereon from July 6, 1928, the sum of t,,r at blR °® c* at 860 Willamette Cavanaugh and Cora Cavanangh. ir nna E Peek • »11 „»b„r nnknovr,, 1 Bertholf, John Doe Bertholf, her any or either of them, or any other |50 00 aa an attorney's fee, nnd the 1 Street, Eugene, Oregon within six heirs of W t R l » m E Peek, deceaaed j husband: William Smith, Pearl I person or persons claiming by, sum of 922.20 costs of suit, together I months from the first publication of EUGENE I Smith; Mary Holbrook; and also through or under them, or either of with the costs of making said sale, this notice. Firs, publication Septem- all persons unknown hav'ng or Peek. Sr tbo unknown hetrs of them In and to the above dearlbed Suld sale will be subject to redemp- ! her. 20th. 1928 claiming any interest or estate In •Tobo p Pddlns deepfli-ed- tbo un­ DONALD YOUNG, Administrator tlon as allowed by law. property. (he property hereinafter described known hoir» of Ellrnbotb Eddins. with the Will annexed. FRANK . TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lan* Defendants. deceased: »nd »tl other n»r»ons or FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of S 20 27: O. 4-11-18: County, Oregon. parties unknown. d »tm ln g »ny i To James Alfred Smith, Roy F Lane County. Bv BEULAH BRINN1CK, Deputy. S P E C IA L IS T right, title estate. Hen or ’nterost i Smith and Jane Doe Smith, hls -wife. S. 13 2027; O 4-11: 8 6 13-20-27: O. 4: NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In or to the rent e s t . t . described L'’" 8^ * A«*0 ' * / 8 ! »n Notice la hereby given that Harold in Internal Medicine for the In fbe com nlalnt. d efeu A .n f«- J,?hnl ¿toe Askew. Nona Clara. Wells, Administrator of the Estate ! J. past fifteen years of Earl S Powell, Deceased, has filed n p — ',p ------ n F r n v ,M v ° P qTAT,:: Bertholf, John Doe Bertholf. William - Smith and Pearl Smith, defendants ■ h ln fln n l a z v r n u n t u n d r u n r x r f nu x » ¡V . t O l, RT*n FO- hls final account and report as such, and also all persons unknown having and the Court has se, Saturday, the onirpd to nnriARr nnd »•’-wAr the com- or claiming any Interest or estate In . DOES NOT OPERATE 13th day of October, 1928. at 10:00 A. pla'nt filed ne»ln»t y»„ ,n n,» above the property h> reinalter described, de­ M. in the County Court Room In the ent'fied suit within four weeks from Will be at OSBURN Hotel Offlee Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M Court House in Eugene. Lane County. the date of the first nuh,'e»tten of fendants Rea, l’hone 140 Plano Movlng IN THE NAME OF THE STATF SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Oregon, ns the time and place to hear Fils summons, nnd 'f von f»,| to «o OF OREGON: You are hereby sum-! Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER objections to the same, and for the apnear nnd nnwwer. the nln'ntlff will moned end reouired to appear and Office Hours: 10 1. m. to 4 p sx General Practice, Special Attention nnnjv to the Court for the relief nraved A WILLI» BERTSCH, Prop. final settlement of said Estate. to Obstetrics and Diseases answer the complaint of plaintiffs In . HAROLD J. WELLS, Administrator ' ? bt ™nu>l»in’ to-w't OTF1CE AT SERVICE GARAOE above entitled suit on or before I ONE DAY ONLY of Children. That the Plaintiffs be declared to the 633 Maio Street WELLS & WELLS, Attorneys. the expiration of four weeks from the ! First National Bank Building he the owners In fee Rlmnle of th» S. 13-20-27; O 4-11: Ruccessor to Button Transfer premises described h»re'u »nd n«rit. date of the first publication of this | No Charge for Consultation Springfield, Oregon cuter,V described a« follows, to-wit* summon.«, and you are notified tha, If yo fail so to appear or answer for j NOTICE TO CREDITORS Roglnufug nt fbv N orthw est com er Notice Is hereby given that Georg J I of the John P Fddln D o n a tin ' Tn'nd wan, thereof the plaintiff will aprly ! Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate T. Hall, has been appointed as Exeeu I Claim No 63 'n Section 1 Town«bt" to the above entitled Court for the in medicine and surgery and is llo- WM. G. HUGHES DR. W. N. DOW tor of the Last Will and Testament ¡17 South of R"uee 4. W est of the Wil relief prayed for In the comnlalnt. FIR I ANO AUTO INSURANCE . v'z: fo ra decree fixing nnd confirming ensed bY Gie state of Oregon. D e n tis t of Sarah A. Hall, deceased. All : lim ette Afer'dlnn. thence NOTARY PUBLIC parties having claims against the • South 24 2(1 chair's on "the^ Wo'cT^lne 1 the resPe r ,'ve shares of the parties | He does not operate for chronic ap­ First National Bank Building ostate of said deceased are hereby 1 of snld claim to the N orthw est correr bpre,n *n 1- 2 and 3 In Block 5 in pendicitis. gall stones, ulcers of stom- Phono 43 Springfield, Oregon , Offlee at — ----------------------- ------ with ------- - " " " F»«t ‘ 9(19fi I the Town of Creswell. Lane County, ach, tonsils or adenoids. no,Hied to present -- the same the 1 p t - Surrey No 98. fheuee Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK proper vouchers to the undersigned enn’rs mere or ,p«s to the E»«t’ line , re,o n - 'n ,be respective pre. j . , Evenings by Appointment Springfield, Oregon Executor, a, the offlee ef Fred R of sold claim. tbeneeN orth B.fifi ebalp« ! 8et fo”r,b ,n tbe complaipt on file | He has to his credit wonderful re- Smlth, hls attorney, 446-6 Miner! to the Southerly N ortbe»st'‘'eorner' of ! h "rp,n and for “ P«Tt