THE OPEN PURSE T h e value of money is in what it will buy—the necessities, the comforts, the luxuries of life. Money spent in this community to buy these things stays here where I each person shares in the profits its trading produces. M ore modern conveniences, a wider social life, a greater bus­ iness activity—in fact, a far reaching, ever growing wave of benefits to every citizen of Hometown follows the practise of buying at home. O p en the purse strings — not to spend foolishly, but to buy wisely. Hometown offers you full value for every dollar’s worth you buy, plus the greatest of all returns on your money— “A Better and Happier Community in which to Live” 9 The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and Springfield. W RIGHT 4 SONS Hardware and Furniture KAFOURY BROS. Drygoods and Clothing LUM’S SERVICE STATION L. F. Anderson, Prop. j. c. M c M urray Grocer EUGENE KESTER, M. D. SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Fred Frese, Prop. GRAY'S CASH AND CARRY Dallas Murphy, Mgr. SPRINGFIELD SERVICE STATION SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. Adrian, Prop. W. C. REBHAN, M. D. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. W HITE F °O N T GROCERY W. A. T aylor, Prop. HENDERER ELECTRIC John Henderer, Prop. WALKER-POOLE CHAPEL Funeral Directors MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY SPRINGFIELD MILL 4 GRAIN COMPANY COMMERCIAL STATE BANK E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Sales and Service