TInrilSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS r * O F ^OUR H tm in w ay* Ha«« Gu««t»—.Mr and I near Cotta«« Urov«. They had aa Mrs. W. A Hem enway and children their gueeU for dinner Sunday, Mr. spent the week-end at their tlarm , and Mrs. Dave Kemple o f th is c tty Move to New Hom«— Mr and Mrs. | Undergo«« Operatl«»— Thorn«» Me Floyd H an m eti moved M io their new Ulunla aubniltled to an operation for home on E afreet yesterday. , the removal of hla tonsil« yesterday. r BELL THEATRE Hunting Trip End»—Clay Anderson returned laxt Friday from a hunting trip near Oakridge. S P R IN G F IE L D New Music on the - M A G N O L A - is Going Great! Come in and Hear It! FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SEPTEMBER 28 - 29 BELLE BENNETT In "THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT’ A Picture you will Remember. Comedy and News Use Your Merchant Tickets Friday Nights SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 30 Sankey at Roundup— Elmer Sankey. went to the Pendleton Roundup ln«t P rttar. Peterson In Hospital— I’. M Peter- Will Attend Fair— Among Spring Held pimple who plan to attend the ■on »a« taken to the Eugene hospital , C ox'Fam ily at Salem — Mr. and M r«, elate fair one day th is week are Mr. Sunday suffering with Intluanaa III« II J. C os and daughter were In Siilem and Mra. D. II. Murphy. condition 1« Improving. yertertlay afternoon to vtalt friend«. Leave fo r M onm outh— L u c ille and Madras Man Her«— Loula Irving, Go to Normal— Miss Ida Cox und manager of a warehouse al Madras, Marian Male left Hunday for Mon Miss Lulu Rogers hegln their «tudtes was a business visitor here W ednes­ mouth where they will attend the at the normul school nt Monmouth day. »lute normal gchool (hla winter 1 this week. Visit« Friend«— Ikmald Stolher« of Wendlinjc spent Sunday here visiting Sherm ans Have Visitor«— Mr. Bail with friends. 1 Mrs Mike Wilcox of Grunts Pass were Here from Bend— Bert M itchell of guest« of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bhertuun Bend «pent the week end here visitin g Tuesday evening. with his mother, Mr». Frances Mit­ chell. Back from Round Up— Mr. and Mrs Goodman of the Fugle cafe returned Sunday evening from the Pendleton Round Up. Markets Peaches Here— G F. W il­ der of Myrtle Creek was here Monda« j to market a truck load of Elberta peaches. Contractor Is Here— J. E. Owens, cem ent contractor, was a business visitor from Portland Saturday and Sunday. W o m a n B re a k s Arm— Mrs. Arthur Peterson, w ife of the proprietor of a dairy near her. slipped and fell at her home Tuesday evening, fractur­ ing her arm. She was treated here. ■a g» W ill Resume Duties— Mrs Isabelle T lbett, who has been on a vacation for the past month, will return 1 1 her duties at the local telephone exchange today. Perkins Have V isitors— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Pentnatu. Michlngan, boyhood friends of Ed­ ward and George Perkins, spent T ues­ day here renew ing old tim es. (2 ^ X ) M E to us for your Congok-um Rugs. A ll sorts o f novel, artistic T h i i seal id e n tif ie s die genuine —stands for guaranteed satisfaction which w ill brighten up any room in your home. Pick our your rugs early thii week at extra special bargain prices. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY OCTOBER 1 TO 6 REMEMBER THE DATES Genuine Conpoleum . Gold Seal Rugs 6 x 9 feet, Only ........ ........................................ 71/2 x 9 feet, O nly............... ..... ....... .......... ..... ...... 9 x 9 feet, O nly............... ......................................... $ 5 .2 0 $ 6 .4 5 $ 7 .7 0 9 x 1 0 feet, Only ................... ......................... 9 x 12 feet, O nly................. ..... ..... ..................... Other sizes range down to the 11/2 x 3 ft., Rugs at 39 c Genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Floor Coverings Two Yards Wide, per square yard .................. You m ay consult us with perfect confi­ dence for advice rela­ tive to your eyes. We put th e "S e e” 111 glasses. Make Appointments Whenever Possible 59*~ Three Yards Wide, per square yard ......... .......... 63 C It is our plan rather, to sell you Quality ln>«l\ o n ly — priced as low as possible— from the day we buy ibe goods, bu, NEVER to buy goods for a S | w t t d S a le And the indications are most convincing that o u r c u s tomers like our No-Sale Policy—our consistently la»w Prices—our Dav-In and-Month-Out plan o( Ixiwcst Possible Prices every day in the year. ocT O M truisi• rvesiCHT setoA iitv » u m avi s i » « m«x, peone set •A S T OHOAPW AV t u o i k t -one. JOIN THE ROCKER CLUB V isiting Granddaughter— Mrs. Min­ nie Bull of t'oeur d'Alene. Idaho, ar­ rived here Saturday to spend som e tim e visitin g with her grandduughter, Mrs. T. J. Trotter. W ill Attend School— M’ss Elsie Cooper of Kalama. W ashington, will stay at the home of her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Ira W. Baker of this city, while attending high school here this winter. B ir th d a y Celebrated— Mrs. R ussell Goddard was h o stess at her home on K street to a number of guests who ; gathered to honor her birthday anni­ versary. Return from California— Mr. and Mrs Clarence Jam es have returned from a trip to Orlando, California, , w here they visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sims. Goes to Marshfield— Mrs. Karl Me- , Pherson and sm all son left for Marsh- ( field Saturday to spend several days visitin g Mrs. M cPherson's daughter, Edith Ohlson. Accept« New Poeltion— Mrs. Ruby Sm ith returned from a trip to Portland Saturday evening. 8he has accepted a new position at the Drop Inn cafe here. Bring Only 10 Cents Schedule of Payments Down Payment ........... $ .10 1st Week L a te r..............20 2nd Week L a te r............. 30 3rd Week L a te r............. 40 4th Week L a te r..............50 5th Week Later ............. 60 6th Week L a te r............. 70 7th Week Later ............. 80 8th Week L a te r............. 90 9th Week L a te r...... 1.00 10th Week L a te r....... 1.10 11th Week L a te r....... 1.20 12th Week L a te r....... 1.30 13th Week L a te r....... 1.40 14th Week Later 1.50 total Return to California— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mr and Mrs. Wilbur ' F letcher left last Friday for their hom e In San Jose, California, after visitin g here serevel days at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, T. F. Bennett. They w ent hy w ay of the Dalles-Callfornla highw ay. PAINT If we conducted so-called "sales," with bcwilderini up-and-down shifting of prices—anti “come early" for besf choice—and disappointments because oi "all sold out"—we could never give you the kind of Service you are entitled to and that we insist qn giving D r iv e to Florence— Mr. and Mrs. C. E Sw arts and Mr. and Mrs. W. N Long drove to Florence Sunday. The road to the coast city Is In bad repair and extrem ely dangerous, they said. Coloradoans Arrive— Mr. and Mrs. G. O. KIpfer and children of Denver, Colorado, arrived here last week and moved Into the Dr. S. It. Jam es farm on the McKenzie highw ay near hpre Mr. KIpfer at present is employed at Chic’s feed store here. HARDWARE — FURNITURE The Reason Why We Do Not Hold Sales S n o w fa ll R e p o rte d — M A Rice who spent the sum m er near Diamond lake on returning here this week reported that snow has already fallen In that vicinity. Back From Everettt— Mr. and Mra. Jack Sherman returned to Springfield Sunday after attending the funeral of Mr. Sherman's brother there. The brother died follow ing an autom obile accident in which he was Injured. Wright & Sons “ ut/iere sa v in g * a r e g r e a te s t' 942 W illam ette St., Eng eue, Oregon. Dr. ^Herman W.. Bloody Home from Alaska—J esse Larlson son of G eorge Larlson of th is city, returned this w eek from Alaska where he has been working for the past two years. H e is a form er student of Springfield high school. October 1 to 6 Only! effects arc available Now Located in Miner Building Return from Roundup— Mr and Mrs. Harry Browntteld and Mr and Mr». W ayne Clover returned Sunday after attending the Pendleton Roundup. Comedy and News — _ MATINEE AT 2:30 TUESDAY — OCTOBER 2 JACKIE COOGAN In “B U T T O N S " Also Several Short Subjects — Use your Merchant Tickets Tuesday Nights Get your Merchants Co-operative Tickets at following places— INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. CHIC’S FEED STORE DANNER MOTOR CO. SPRINGFIELD TAXI SPRINGFIELD GARAGE DROP-IN CAFE FLANERY’S DRUG STORE IDEAL GROCERY LARSON’S SERVICE STATION è li Perkin« In Portland— A. J. Perkins made a business trip to Springfield W ednesday, driving to Redmond with W elby S tevens In the afternoon. Mr. Perkins lives In t*urtlnd a Return from Honeymoon— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pirrle returned Sunday from Pendleton and The Dalles where they spent their honeymoon They were married last W ednesday even ­ ing T hey soon w ill build a npw house here. T hey plan to make Springfield | their perm anent home. $ 1 2 .0 0 As m any p ay m en ts as desired can be m ade a t any tim e. Many Styles of Comfortable Arm Rockers TO SELECT FROM— ALL OFFERED AT ONE PRICE $12 each AND WOULD SELL REGULARLY AT $16.50 AND UP These rockers are made of selected seasoned hard wood, glued and braced to make a frame that is very strong. The finish Is walnut with dull rubbed lacquer coat. The seat is also auto spring construction, cover­ ed with jacquard velour In pleasing colors. A DIME will deliver one of these com fortable w aln u t finish rocker» to your hom e. You follow the schedule of paym ents as show n to the left -10c dow n— 20c a week from now, anti so on, increasing a dime every week. Buy yourself a rocker. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS -PO W ERS J*. W illam ette iiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiimmHiiiiitiiinintiTimmniitiiiiiitiii 'iiHiiiihiiirMiii-Kiit'.iiiiminiimiiiHiHnii'iimiiiiiiiiiHinniiniiüwiHiiiiiHiiii'iHiiiiiiiiHiiBiiiiiiiiiiuiinwiHiiitiiiii» at Uavrnth IR-X