THURSDAY, SKITKMHKK 27, 1928 THE HPRINOFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE Mias Drane,’' he »aid, “for 1 know It will be a shock to yon. The 'man' up I there In the bed, the murdered 'man i the ‘man* we have known aa John i Drane, la not a man at all. ‘He* la a woman." (TO BE CONTINUED) Return From Portia««»—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase and children return* ed to their home at Gardenway Sun- ady after a trip to Portland. Mr». Chase had been visiting her »itter there and Mr. Chase Joined her for the return trip on Saturday. Let Us Suggest a Way to Add 20,000 Miles You are Mr Drane'» niece—his best man we've got on Dong Island. grand niece, I believe?*' he »aid, "And Who'» that?" It was Dr Blessington entering the ,h l" gentleman? bouae. He came up the stairs, u "Why, I'm Just a feller that knew »mull black case in nl» hand. , John when he was a boy,” explained "In here?" he said and entered John Simon Judd. "Him and me used to Drane'» room. Below, the second of- play together back In Riverbank, Worn Cylinder« are Expensive. They waste fuel and cause fleer was telephoning headquarters Iowa, long before he ever came East "Ah, good morning officer!" he said —sixty years ago. anyway. I'm east wear and tear on all bearing« and moving part» of the to the man In John Drane's room on a »ort of business and I telephoned engine. ■Murder. 1» It? Too bad! Thl» »ort of old John yesterday, Just for old time » thing 1» getting altogether too com sake, and he says to come out and .„.„MOHS H was largely because of iorle<1 her kBOW Ju ll bow you fe e , mon. You might ank these folks to see him a day or so." "How long Is It since you saw him the pain In hl» ear and when tie girl. Cry all you want to, It won t i go downstair». We’ll Ju»t close the The Stormizing process mechanically restores the last, before yesterday?" Dr. Blessing tried to move his hcud he could not do you a mite of harm. All of you j door." cylinders of your motor to their original condition. It is the "And all of you hang around down ton asked. do so. For a moment nr two he was keep out of that room!" he ordered, unable to remember where he was or and then to the weeping girl again! "I there, see?” »aid the olllcer, "There'll modern method of restoring full power and adding 20,00u "Thirty-five years," said Simon Judd how he came there for. d o se to his r|K,|t (.„mforlable abou, , hd, Questions to be asked * ___ "That is a long time; he Is greatly miles to the life of your motor. eye», was what seem ed to be an ell hired girl we put In your room; the | "t ome! W ell go down, said Simon changed since then, Isn’t he?" The savings in gas and oils will pay for the Stormiz­ urinous black pillar. It seem ed to lie, I other one said how she has heart Judd and, a» Amy Drane came from "Well, yes," Simon Judd admitted. • a» hla sen ses returned, a most un- trouble. I don't know but what you the room where the maid Josie lay. he "Yes. John had changed quite a bit ing treatment. uccountuble thing a low black shoe might help In there some, If you feel . stood buck to make way for her. She Just bony as ever and so on, but a out of which rose a phenom enally I up to It " JUST RECEIVED NOTICE t f „„yhow" and und when when the the doctor doctor came came down down the the j "Now' ,h a ,'B a hard-one. doc. he Itself from his ear and Hlmon Judd , |(Wk(<(, B( , hoge r,.roa,nlnK at „talrs did not arUe. She held her * • « at lenK,h m,«ht haT,‘, a"d ’ sat up He found h im self encom J(>hn door I handkerchief over her quivering m*Kht not have Maybe BOt_U/ so blame long since I saw John last. passed by skirts and he backed out, |ook h(n , hp gtppa 10000 ft. 1x4 A 1x6 Car Sdg. .............................. 23 00 20000 ft. 1x6 R-L Common Sized ....................... 11.00 lowed the chauffeur Into the hall. I i here I hear Mist Drane and „„a m Mist i . c 2500 f t 1-2x6 Lap Siding.................................. 20 00 20000 ft. 1x6 R-L Common T & G ........................ 9-00 "If you know who the family doctor .... Iw , . . ..... , , Dart talkln together, and Mint Dart 3500 f t 1-2x6 Lap Siding................................... 25.00 5000 f t 1x6 R-L Common C u ll........................... 5.00 Is you better send for hint, Judd said ...... ........... . he surely It mighty mad about It. 1500 ft. 1-2x8 Lap Siding .................................. 30 00 10000 ft. 1x4 to 1x12 R-L Cull ............................ 5.00 "You better send for the pollcq. too; sir! swearln’ and cussln'; yes, sir! 6000 f t 1x4 A 1x6 Odd Lot Rustics.................. 18 00 3000 ft. 1x4 R-L Cedar Rst. Cull ..................... 6.00 this ain't m.v bailiwick.” Mighty mad! So I don’t go down. 1 6000 f t 1x3 to 1x6 Odd Lot Ceilings........... - -- 15 00 10000 ft. 1x4 R-L Common Bev. R s t ................. 10.00 "Yes. I’ll do that," the chauffeur j 20000 Lin. f t O. G. Batts 4 to 12’, per 100 lin. f t .30 sa.d. He ot least, w as efficiently . C° ^ a“P weN> they talklnK about?" 5000 ft. 5-8x6 R-L Common V. Rst..................... 8.00 2000 Lin. f t 3-8x3 Flat Batts, 4 & 6’ per 100 lin. .30 10000 ft 2x8 R-L Com. Car Dkg......................... 16.00 businesslike. "You better not let 2000 f t 1x6-2 Cedar flooring...............................15 00 ! Simon Judd asked. 2000 ft. 4x4 A 4x6 Common 12.00 them touch anything In there, unless said "Now that 1 don't know, 2000 ft. 1x4-2 & 3’ Cedar Celling....................... 15.00 10000 f t 1x6 R-L Novelty and Channel R s t ...... 22.00 he'a olive yet." Norbert. ”1 atn’ listen; It aln' none "I know all that, young man." Judd of my business what gentlemans talk AND MANY OTHER ITEMS AT LESS THAN COST. nald. "I'll take hold here; you get a about. 1 Jus' comes up." move on." The chauffeur George came up the "I'll telephone." tfle chauffeur said, stairs. and he turned for the stalra, but the "I got Doctor Blessington,” he told cook took hold his arm. Hlmon Judd. "He'll be right out. And "George- Ain't It awful? Ain't It I got the police station; they're send­ Just awful?" she cried. ing men.” "Mighty hnd, Maggio,” he said, In fact the police officer» arrived "but don’t you get excited about It. almost Immediately, the local head­ Yon keep calm; you don't want to quarters having telephoned' to the fetch on another of those spells of station nearby. They came, two of yours. You better go down and take them, on popping motorcycles which a—take a drink of water or some- they parekd alongside the veranda, Ihlng.” and entered the house together. From "Yes, I’ll be doin’ Just that.” she the top of the stairs Simon Judd hade said., "It's turrlhle, George; a murder them come up. right In the hottse. Who done It, d’ "No one been In the room,” one ye think?” of the officers asked ns he saw the "We can’t tell that yet," he aald group at the door. "Come on, If you want me to help "No one,” Hlhion Judd told them. | You down. 1 got to 'phono the doe BRING US YOUR LIST AND WE WILL SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE IN BUILDING MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR “Not that I know of, anyway," and , nnd the police.” he told of having heard the screnm YOUR WANTS. REMEMBER TH A T OUR STOCK IS ALL OLD GROWTH DURABLE DOUGLAS FIR, THE BEST Simon Judd turned to the murder­ ot the girl Josie nnd of coming at ed man's room. He put his hand over once from his room. The officer» BUILDING MATERIAL ON THE WEST COAST. his eyes to hide the dead man from entered the room. his sight. "Ix»oks like murder, Joe,” one said. DON'T HESITATE— THE B^ST VALUES WILL BE PICKED UP EARLY "Now, you see here, Miss Amy,” "Bure Is murder," the other replied. he said. “You better go downatalrs “Loks to me like a case for Brenny.” IF YOU HAVEN'T THE READY MONEY BORROW IT. THIS OPPORTUNITY COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR awhile until the doctor comes; that "Yes; he ought to get on it right man of yours Is sending for him— away, too. You better go down and SALE WILL CONTINUE ABOUT TWO WEEKS. AND PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY and for the police. There ain't % 'phone headquarters; I'll stay her. nothin’ to he done until they come.” This mnn's dead all right. Anybody •'No, nothing to be done,” she said nnd turned, and then, suddenly, she send for a doctor?" "One's coming,” Simon Judd sBld. broke Into sobs nnd threw herself "We're going to have Brennen on against Hlmon Judd, weeping tem pest­ this case, most likely," the officer uously on hl» »boulder. said. "They hand him most of these "He was all I had! »he - sobbed ---- "He was so good to me; one; he'll clear this up In no time If kind lo m e!” there's nny clear up to It. He's the "There, there!” Simon Judd com- Hlinon Judd, uniut«ur detective, and William hart, an undertaker, ure visit CA ST ink John Drane, eccentric man of ° t Principal Character» In thia wealth, at the liraue place Suddenly Amazing M ystery Story the household Is shocked to diet that J°hn Drane The Human Sphinx John Iirune has been murdered. The ' A,ny — — — ■■■■■■ The Girl dead man Is tlrat seen by Josie, the i Hubert Carter .......... Her Sweetheart maid, then by Amy lirune and Simon , William Dari ....... The Undertaker Judd. The latter falnta. i «•"»<»" J'“ld ............ Friend of Drane NOW Gt) ON WITH TIIK STORY— Dr- Bleaalngto» The Family Doctor _____ I Dick Brennan ....... ............ A Detective Servant» In the Drane Household When Simon Judd rottimi*! to con to the Life of Your Car STORMIZING Ford Batteries, $8.00 DANNER MOTOR CO. Big Annual Cleanup LUMBER SALE We are offering the following F.O.B Springfield- These are Real Bargains and Only Part of what we want to Move You Will Find Special Prices on Nearly Everything Required in Ordinary Building THE BOOTH-KELLY LUMBER CO.