PAGE TWO THURSDAY. SE1TEMI1ER 27. 192X THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PaMlaMag tv s ry Tkaraday at Sprtngflald. Lana County. Oragoa. by TM C W IL L A M K T T C P R IM H. E M A X E Y . Editor. Iterad a« second class m atter. February St. 1903 at the poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE Ona year In Advance--------»1.75 Three Months __ • t x M o n th s----------------------„..»100 Single C o p y THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1928 Orders have run considerably ahead of lumber shipments for the past several weeks. Shipments also have been greater than production Indicating that the large stocks on hands are now being reduced. If this condition continues for man?’ more weeks the lumber business should be nor­ mal again. a a amie lodge wa< In charge at (he mau •oleum and Itev Morton L Itoaw of the First Christian church conducimi the funeral servie««. Home Education "T h s C h ild 's P ira t School Is ths F am ily'*— Frostisi Issued by th« National Kindergarten Association, 8 Weal 40th BtreaL New York City. Theas article« are appearing weekly In •NO HUNTING'* and Trespass notlcea printed and for aale at Ihn New» Ottica. a IS C O R P O R A L P U N IS H M E N T S O M E T IM E S N E C E S S A R Y .' Antique collectors are now seeking whiskey bottles for preservation among their rare items. "All aboard!'' called little Ethel, as I »cent-.-,.' I n ii nut tiu c that the purent 76c with the contents removed. Well, many would **he n“‘,d,’r »"'ned the imaginary who make» iinrcn-tonuhl,- demand > ’1 the c h llil w ill meet coiin I i i i i i I v grtiwlnt -* c |to glad to furnish the bottles if allowed to under- * he*> of •'*"' tearing car. take the task of removing the contents! "Time to come home.'' broke in d ifflcu ltle a . m ill tliu t punishm ent fo r ___ a a a Mother'« voice . CALL AND HEK Dr N W Etnei v on prices on plate» and other work tr Business is Good lack of com pliance, however sucee»» "Oh. no. Mother. 1 can't," unawered fur for thc Him' being, »III nilmi.ii«’I- EARM RELIEF—HOOVER S OR SMITH’S Remember if you haven’t registered you can’t the driver. "I can t «top the car yet." fu ll of It» purpo»e mid convict Ihe or vote after October 6. ___ Also .. if „ von A Smith’s farm relief program is that if he is register _ __ "We’re late," »aid her mother. purent of Injustice? nominated he will call together some men who 'haven't voted in the past two years or have moved hastily approaching the fast-moving know more about farming than he does and ask into another precinct you are not registered ami "car". Seizing her little girl's hand, JOHN DARROW. CIRCUIT she pulled her from the bench. Having, them what to do. Smith admits he knows noth­ can not vote. COURT BAILIFF. DIES "We're awfully lute. I didn't realize ing about the business of farming but still thinks More and morn automobile what time It was We have to hurry. ’ he can solve the farmers problem. Reynoldo Luza. European fashion artist, says Ethel whimpered for a few minute«, John II. Darrow, 76. tor Ihe pa«t 111 driver« are learning of (he »up Herbert Hoover says if he is elected he will a woman cannot acquire charm until she Is but »oon all her attention wa» ab­ year» bailllT of the Lune county clr erlor qualities of General Guam cause the government to organize a corporation that thirty or more. Evidently a stunt to get women sorbed In trying to make her little cult court, died at the Eugene hospital hue Loral people put roll I Se Us to market the exportable surplus farm products to tell him their right ages! early last Friday inornlug following leg» keep puce with Mother's long regularly and visitor« look for that keeps down the price of all commodities. • • • stride. “Please don't go so fast," «he a long nine»» J iih I before hl» death the green sign» They've been Hoover as director of the European relief before he waa reported feeling much belter murlnced by their home stu and during the war and food administrator in this A New Jersey insane asylum Is to establish a two or three time», each time wua preparing to leave the lie > country has directed the distribution of more beauty parlor as a curative measure for its pati-1 rec,,v,n< ,h*! 8“,n*‘ '"»patient reply, and lions. (vital nhortly. farm products than any other one person in the ents. Evidently believes the patients can float 1 1 tell y °u 1111 l«te!" We Invite everybody to try During hl» boyhood he lived In world. back to sanity on a permanent wave. After what »eemed to Ethel age» Washington. D where lie oliaervetl General Gasoline Drive In here • • • and age», their atreet loomed Into Contrast these two methods by which the presi­ and w ell give you both good , view and then their apartment house President Lincoln during the critical dential candidates propose to solve the farm pro­ gas and giMwt service We're The proposed Nation-wide Air Taxi Service "Thank goodness!” cried Ethel » tired day» of the civil war. blem, and the experience of the two men. Any H I m nenre»t »urvlvlng relative» are always on the job and glad to logical fanner can't help but vote the republican may be a good thing, but think of the poor air little leg» «erve you. Both of us. ticket this year if he wants something done to taxi drivers who won’t ever be able to make traffic ••» cun t walk upstair»," .h e an two niece» who live In Washington Stops. nounced aa they came to their house. state. relieve farm conditions. • • • w. .. answered her mother. • • • He wa» a M iinoii and a member of “Nonsense," A woman in New York state had to pav a $15 caB'1 c,rry “ Krea‘' bl< *lrl Jh m E m " f Un*'ral ,errlc'* wrr'’ CONSOLIDATING COUNTIES fine for throwing a kiss at a police seigeant you Hurry up’ now " ‘‘ y ’ “ ‘ *,M“ ",B "r ”’ Tennessee and some of the other eastern states Luckily, it didn’t hit an innocent bystander | “ * can',!" cr,ed E‘he'* fallln* ,n,° P ’ ,h ln",rn” nl "• ,h' have reduced the expense of county government The Ma e • e * a disconsolate heap on the bottofn Hope Abbey mausoleum recently by consolidating counties. There are step. some counties in Oregon that might well be con­ With the democrats mixing liquor and religion The mother scolded, argued, pleatl- solidated and not make the work burdensome on in the national campaign its a good year to vote ed and, a» a last resort, tried to make county officials. In fact many of the coast coun­ a straight ticket. Straight Republican ! a game of the ordeal, »howlng how ties and some in Eastern Oregon would have • * dolly walked up the stairs, and trying neither the population nor the taxable wealth of The importance of the Negro vote is Just one ' ‘° *n<,u,'e Eth#‘, ‘° ™n * r,ce w',h Lane county were they consolidated in pairs. While our Fall Term has already begun. It is not too late mnro ee,l«ef„t feature , of this presidential ,, . / , cam- ^ . y v kitten. All of no avail! Ethel more coioriui When Oregon became a state modes of travel paigU “ «-•«»* »tuck to her gun», tearfully Insisting to enroll, us we will have a new class beginning were slow, there were no good highways and few e e e I that «he couldn't walk any more. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 railroads. The automobile was unknown and the "All right, then." »aid the mother. airplane undreamed of. Now we have all these Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Presl- "stay there," and up the »tep» »he things and people living 50 miles from the county dent, wiil probably urge the country to get back resolutely walked, seat are actually closer in travel time than those to “Norman-cy.” Ethel, left alone. now thoroughlv i IT S A GOOD SCHOOL living six or eight miles away 30 or 40 years ago. • • • hysterical, began to cry louder and A. E. Roberts. President Miner Bldg. Sept. 4 Fewer counties and better paid county officials _ . ... . »till louder. Her mother heard her Telephone 666 Eugene. Oregon would reduce the cost of government consider­ ? lr !’ years has been born to th»- „u the way up-stalrs. Between w«»- able in Oregon. Merritt family of Toledo. Ohio. Well, luck can’t rjlng a„ wh,.lh,.r Ethel wa» ca tch .’ • • • last forever. ,, . . . , .. ... a a mg cold, and a» to 'what the neighbors School enrollment indicates that Springfield is would think. Mrs. Mann was almost more than holding her own in population. There Italy is to receive two and a half million dollars ',l"»r»*‘t»*