5 Try I he Home Print Shop F irtt THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH FILL CONTRACT 10 AWAIT NEW PROBE ATTENDANCE AT ALL SPRINGFIELD SCHOOLS INCREASES THIS WEEK Seven C an didates N am ed by Four-L Enrollment In ull three Hprlogfield Roy Carlton Elected Delegate to District Convention; Essay Contest to be Held Mural Ceruti, Springfield Mech­ schi ols »bowed an Increase with t.ie anic, Assists In Rescue opening of the second week Monday. The same standings as were shown Work at Rockford, III. Objection* of West Springfield < n the first duy still exist, with the Delegation Heeded by High­ The experience of taking 11 dean l.tn«< mad« for the west approach of the beprlnicflr'lct bridge until highway engineers huvn made further study of the claim» of West Kprlnglleld residents that an earthen nil would create u flood hazard Till» decision wu« reached at a meeting of the »tale highway commis­ sion at Portland Tuesday evening, wh«n a delegation of West Springfield property holder» appeared to object to the letting of the contract for the 1111. The contract wan to have been let at thia meeting Hida for the work were received, hut the commission look the objection of the delegation under advisement und announced that engineers would confer again with people In the af­ fected district before the contract 1» let. main In hl» mind for a long time, Murel Ceruti, mechanic at the Spring- field garage, said today. Mr Ceruti. then on a visit with hl» parent» In Rockford, experienced III twlater und u«Nl»ted In the relief work which followed. The cyclone hit one portion of the town at about 3 o'clock Friday afternoon and the local man worked continuously front then until Hunduy morning at 4 o'clock. “I wa» »Ittlng In the courthouse gossiping with the sheriff of that county, who Is a personal frleud of mine," Mr. Ceruti said. "Fifteen min­ ute» before the cyclone »truck we could HU« It. hut we thought it would go over the town without durnage. Wheu II did strike In the southeast part of town, several factories were demolished. There were 136 people In the factory where 1 tv>»tsted In rescue work. We look 11 dead and several Injured from the wreckage and there were »till 111 either dead or living In this one place. "A cousin of mine, who wa» employ­ ed at another factory, quit work at 2 o'clock on Friday to come over and chat with me. At 3 o’clock many of hl» fellow workmen were beneath the debrl» of the factory building, dead or Injured." A heavy rain which started a few minute» after the cyclone prevented a fiery death of the Imprisoned work­ men. because a fire had »tarted direct­ ly after the twister did It» damage, Mr. Ceruti »aid. He experienced similar cyclone» In 1908. 190*. 1910 and 1912, he said. were 220 students. Last week the total was 210, but since then five pupils were shifted from the Brattaln school and two new students enrolled In the Fourth-A and Stxth-A grades and one In the Junior high school. Although five atddents were take.) away, the Brattatn enrollment In­ creased by one student, making the present total 201. The high school Is Just one behind this figure, with an even 200 .fresh­ men, sophomores, Juniors and sonlors In class. In all of the schools the attendance record Is the highest In the history ot this city. Seven nominees for executive of­ fices In the Springfield local, No. 70, Ixiyal Legion of Loggers and Lumber­ men, were named at the meeting of the organization Monday night. They are: W. P. Tyson, Roy Carlton, Frank Sidwell, E. 8. Michels. Levi Neet. W. E. Nealson and Thorwald Nyaten. A ballot to be taken a the Booth- Kelly Lumber company mill next Mob- day will determine who are to be the officers of the chapter for the next six months' terms. The candidate re­ ceiving the most votes will be chair­ man. the one receiving the second largest number will be vice-chairman and the one getting the third largest number will liecome the third mem­ ber of the conference committee. Two Officers Re-Elected John King, secretary, and Ed Kester, treasurer, were both re-elect­ ed to their respective offices. Net« Fisher’s term as a member of the board of trustees expired and George Cox was elected to take hia place. Moody Neet and Roy Carlton are the two senior members of the board. Mr. Carlton waa elected delegate to the district convention at Toledo, October 6 and hia name was sug­ gested as a member of the district board for the next two-year term. Members of this board are to be selected by the present board at the meeting at Toledo. Other locals will also propose candidates for this post tlon. The Springfield local voted >21 for prizes in an essay conteat to be con­ ducted In the schools under the aus­ pices of the Four-L. Wood promotion work will be the general subject of the essays, rules for which are to be announced by Roy Carlton, chairman of the wood promotion committee of the Four-L. at a later date. A L IV E NEW SPAPER a l iv e tow n I n NUMBER 38 SPHINtJEIEIJ). I-ANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, HKITKMHER 27, 1928 L ocal Man Tells o f F a ta l C yclone •‘The Peopl«'» Paper” Dentpsey Becomes Actor j aw IfxuTdcASriB]' - - Jack and Mr». Dempsey (Estelle Taylor), a» they appeared starring in the new play on Broadway called "The Big Fight."_________ REPUBLICANS WILL HAVE TWO LARGE MEETINGS CAMPAIGN STARTS 1» BEAUTIFV CHI Old Buildings to be Torn Down to Improve Appearance of West Part of Business Sec­ tion; Opening of New Bridge Soon Prompts Action. Some of Springfield's oldest build- tngs are shortly to fall in a campaign to beautify the west section of th« business part of town. The campaign is preparatory to the opening of the new Springfield bridge. First four of the series of buildings to come down will be the old Monte Cristo saloon between the end of Main street and the Springfield Mill and Grain company on Mill street, the old laundry building at the corner ot Mill and Main, the Stacey Russell building Just east of the laundry building and the Second Avenue garage building -it the mill race on Second street Fire Hazards Sited A number of private citizens and members of the Springfield city coun­ cil are behind the move to beautify this section of town preliminary to the opening of the bridge. It is pointed out that the campaign will not only Improve the appearance of the section Involved, but will re­ move some real fire hazards. Effort Is being made to induce owners of other buildings in the city which are not in use and which have been allowed to become more or less of a blot on the apperance of the town, as well as fire hazards, to raze the buildings soon. A big republican rally with repres­ entatives present from each of the 17 counties comprising the first congres­ sional district of Oregon will be held Saturday evening, October 6, at the court house in Eugene. State and na­ tionally known speakers will be on the program for the evening, ar­ rangements for which are being made by H. E. Maxey, Lane county con­ CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM gressional committeeman. WILL BE FRIDAY NIGHT Phil Metschan, chairman of the re­ publican state central committee, and The Loyal Women’s class of the Ralph Williams, national committee­ Dunne Bill Not Cause Chlrstlan Sunday school will provide man, will be on band at the big rally. The Dunne bill» which will have a the entertainment program for the Dr. M. C. Harris, chairman of the large effect on the revenue of the h'gh- regular monthly "church night" which Lane county Republican central com­ way department and which will be Is to be held In the church parlors mittee, extending invitations to Re­ up for voting In the general election tomorrow evening. publican leaders and county commit­ had nothing to do with the commis­ A program of music and readings Is teemen from all parts of Western sion's decision to hold up work here. being planned for the evening. Oregon. County Judge C. I’ llnrnard. who at The men'» class of the Sunday Many prominent men at the siate tended the meeting, stated Although school la furnishing the refreshment». will be in Eugene October 6 to see the other contract» for construction work Complete program for the event fol­ Stanford-Oregon football game and were tabled on thia account. It wai In Old Saloon to Go low»: Plano duet. Agatha Beata and also attend the rally. The congres­ reaped to objection» from Weat Among the oldest structures to fall Wtnlfrld Tyson; reading, Mr«. A. B. sional committeemen will meet at a Springfield people that the All con­ will be the old building which housed Kepner; vocal aolo. Katherine Hent­ banquet at 6 o’clock. Following this tract was held up, he declared. the Monte Cristo saloon. "Si” Jones enway (composer of the word» and meeting at 8 o'clock the big rally open No protest to the All waa voiced by has already began tearing down this music 1; piano solo, Irene Anderson; to the general public will be held. the county court at the lnat meeting, historic old edifice. Just how old it reading. Dr. Jaynes; vocal solo, Dean for the reaaon that aa far back aa Precinct Men to Meet is nobody seems to know. At any Beals; piano aolo, [frothy Wither»; January 1*27 the court muile a written Prominent outside Republican lead­ rate, old residents state, it has seen reading. Stole Beala; reading, Mrs. proteat covering the altuatlon, Judge ers are scheduled to speak at a meet­ most of the development of Spring- Olenn C. Radabaugh; vocal solo, Barnard »aid. Thl« proteat wa« dis­ ing of the Lane county Republican field since the town received its Agatha Beals; whistling solo. LaVerne regarded and the court did not feel WILL SUE WATER BOARD central committee called for Septem­ charter. McPherson; dialogue. Doris Rayburn that It should add anything elae to ber 29, at 2 o’clock in the circuit FOR ALLEGED DAMAGES and Frank Anderson. Within the next few days A. B. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE the altuatlon. court room of the Lane count court Kepner will begin demolishing the old Delay la Certain house. Because of damages alleged to have PLANNED BY LOCAL laundry building. He will take the That delay In opening the bridge been done by crews of the Eugene HIGH SCHOOL CRIDSTERS The mass meeting is for all precinct lumber to his ranch near this city PARENTS-TEACHERS to trnfflc 1» certain 1» generally con­ Water (ward to her property near thj CHALLENGED TO CONTEST committeemen, according to the an­ to use it for erecting several sheep ceded Just how long tt -will take power plant channel. Mrs. A. F. Fur- "Every parent and every teacher a nouncement by Dr. M. C. Harris, sheds and other out buildings. the engineer» and Weal Springfield vea, owner of the property, announced Springfield high school football member of the P.-T. A.” was the chairman of the central committee. The Stacey Russell building next people to thresh out the matter la this week that she will begin suit team has ben challenged to a game slogan adopted at the first meting of Stress is being laid heavily on see­ door will be the next in line. Jnst problematical Judge Barnard believe« against the water board. here on Armistice day. Town players, the Springfield Parent-Teachers' as­ ing that all voters are registered for who will tear this structure down is the engineer» have their mlnda da She claims that during the clearing with more or less experience In the sociation at the Lincoln school last the general election. October 6 is the not known yet. finitely made up that the fill will not of the right-of-way for the power canal gantt, want a chance to battle the B.-K. Ownes One Friday. Details of a membership drive deadline for registration. create an additional hazard In freahet a valuable strip of timber was burned high school boys. City Recorder I. M. Peterson ha* based on this slogan will be worked time« anil that they are not likely to off. that other trees were hauled off William Vasby who Is In charge of out before the next meeting of th.i written A. C. Dixon, general manager WOMEN'S CIVIC CLUB make nny conceaalona, however strong the right-of-way and piled on her plow the town team, says he wants enough of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, group. the argument» presented WILL FETE HUSBANDS •which owns the Second Avenue gar­ land, und tnnt trees on another tract I layers so that no one mi*i will have Mrs. L. K. Page was unanimously It was announced that the englnec- of land belonging Io her were cut to be depended hi « n for more than age building, asking privilege to have elected secretary to fill the vacancy Plans for a 6:30 o’clock covered Ing committee of the commission will down without her consent. two minutes of play at a time. Thl«, left by the resignation of Mrs. Frank the buliding torn aown. He has as i dish dinner at which husbands will meet Springfield residents to consider I She state also, that In spite of a con he thinks, 1« about as long as the old­ Deeds. The new officer Is now oi|t of be guests were made at the first meet­ yet received no reply, but expects the merits of concrete spans as er players will be able to last agnlnst the city and Mrs. Ella Lombard will consent of the company, since the ! tract hy the water hoard to pay un.v ing of the Springfield Women's Civic | building is not in use and since the ngalnst the proposed earthen fill Date , damages Incurred, she has not been the high school huskies. The chal­ take the office until she returns. j club for the fall season on Tuesday. for this meeting has not been deter­ reimbursed and therefore will seek lenge has not yet been acceptel. Delegates and alternates to the The dinner will be held In the cham­ costs of tearing it down will not be mined. legal remdy. state P.-T. A. convention at R ob ' burg ber of commerce Tuesday evening. on the lumber company. Eugene Bidder Low HARRY STEWART NAMED Those who are back of the beautify­ October 25-27 were named as follows: . October 9. The A C. Mathews Sand and Oravel ing campaign believe that within a Mrs. Pratt Holverson, president, and ON DEMOCRATIC CROUP FIRE EQUIPMENT ADDED | Mrs. W. W. Walker, president of company of Eugene submitted the low­ Mrs. L. K. Page, delegates; Mrs. Ber­ , the club, appointed the following com- short time the move will be made est bid for the work This company IN TWO LOCAL SCHOOLS general and several of the older build­ Harry M. Stewart, Springfield, has nice Van Valzah and Mrs. H. E. .mUtees: Study committee, Mrs. J. F. ings not in use will be taken oat will undoubtedly get the contract ' been named a member of the execu- Maxey, alternates. In order .to provide better protection I Ketels. Mrs. I. M. Peterson and Mrs. They expect a heavily increased traf­ when It Is let. Earl McDuff, also of ■ tive committee of the Lane county MrR. Ora Read Hemenway and Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway-, ways and Eugene, submitted a bid Samuel and from fire for thf high achool and Lin fic when the new bridge is opened. Democratic central committee. The W. W. Walker were appoiated to re­ means committee for October and Neef, contractors who have been coin school buildings, new equipment Another old building will be Im­ 'appointment was made at a meeting vise the bylaws of the organization. working on the Willamette highway was added In each of these buildings November, Mrs. W. C. McLagan, Mrs. proved. It was announced this week | of county democrats tn Eugene last Other committees named by the presi­ 1. A. Valentine, Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs.; by William Vasby, who Is tearing the i ear here for the past several month«, Monday. ' Saturday. F. L Armltage ts chairman dent were: David Faltsman and Mrs. Bernice Van top portion off his building at the were also bidders. A 60-foot hose, one and a half inch - of the central committee. Program, Mrs. L. K. Page, chairman, Valzah. By taking the objections to the fill »lie. was Installed In the high school the corner of Third and Main streets. Many democrats of this county are Mrs. W. K. Barnell and music teachers •‘under advisement" the commission halt in addition to that which Is al­ He will leave the lower portion and . planning to attend the meeting In In the three schools forming the rest /eserves the right to let the co'.tract ready In use there, A chemical fire HOOVER CLUB ORGANIZED remodel it into a modern building. Portland, October 23, when Senatoi of the committee. at any time. Is the opinion of fudge 'extinguisher of two and a half gallons The Archway pool hall which ha* i Joe Roblnvon. candidate for vlce- The ways and means committee FOR LANE COUNTY WOMEN Barnard. Implications were, however, capacity was placed In the Lincoln j president, will speak, Mr. Stewart re- was not appointed at the meeting. -------- I been In this part of the building Is that no definite action will be liken J school. A “Woover-for-Presldent Club" for now located in the Stevens building. I pot ted. until further conference» have been Press. Mrs. H. E. Maxey, Mrs. Ella women of Lane county is being oi- The equipment was recently order­ All candidate for county offices on ed by the board of education and Fire the democratic ticket were present at Lombard. held, he said. ganixed and women of Springfield are ORCHESTRA OF CHURCH Community chest, Mrs. Van Valzah. eligible, according to Mrs. M. B. Chief Jesse Smltson installed It. the meeting last Saturday. HOLDS FIRST PRACTICE Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. Vina Mc­ Huntly, Springfield, member of the REV. C. J. PIKE NAMED TO Lean and Mrs. Hannah Lepley. MRS. HAMLIN’S BROTHER I^ane County Republican central com­ FILL LOCAL PASTORATE SCOUTS PREPARE DINNER First meeting and rehearsal of the Reception, Mrs. Cliff Abrams, Mrs. SUCCUMBS IN ROSEBURG FOR LIONS AND WIVES W. P. Tyson. Mrs. E. May. Mrs. W. H. mittee who Is In charge of enrollment Springfield Christian church orchestra Pilling the vacancy left by Rev. here. Cards for enrollment In the Pollard, Mrs. Wm. Dow and Mrs. club may be obtained at Huntly's deli­ was held at Dean Beals’ Monday even­ Gabriel Sykes. Rev. C. J Pike, for the Word has been received here of the ing. The orchestra will make Its first Boy Scouts of the Lions club troop Hannah Lepley. past year minister In the Oakridge death last Friday of John Williams if I proved their culinary skill even be­ catessen store. A souvenir thimble Is appearance at the rally day exercises Invitation of the Girls' League of presented each woman who Joins the church, has been appointed pastor of Roseburg, brother of Mrs. F. B. Ham­ of the church on October 21. yond the expectations of members of the high school to ft social time and the Springfield Methodist church The lin of this city. Mrs. Hantlln was In E. E. Morrison, who has been la the Lions club and their wives who refreshments In the high school build­ club. appointment was made at the Me­ Roseburg at the time of her brother's charge of the orchestra of the church were guests of the scouts at a dinner ing Friday evening, October 19, was thodist conference nt Hood River last death which followed nn operation for the past seven years, will direct at the chamber of commerce Wednes­ accepted by the P.-T. A. Fathers will ART CLASSES TO BEGIN week-end. for appendicitis. the organization. Personnel ot the day evening. AT BRATTAIN TUESDAY also attend this gathering. Both Rev. Pike and his wife are Mr. Williams had vlrlted here a ! Delectable roast beef, sweet pota­ orchestra at present Includes: Agatha well-known to the local congregation number of limes and was known by a Art classes for children and adults Beals, pianiest; Frances Travis, Tel toes, corn and salad were served by Health Tests Made He has preached here several times number of Springfield people. Mrs. ' the scouts after they had prepared which will be conducted this year in j Montgomery, violin; D. 8. Beala, nnd his wife, who Is a musician, as. Hantlln also has two sisters In Rose­ Examinations to determine the the Brattaln school wiy begin next i trombone; Ofa Luce and Mr. Morri­ the dishes. The dinner was to have slated In the music during a recent burg. been on the banks of the river, but height and weight of pupils in the Tuesday afternoon, according to Mrs. son, cornets; H. K. Phillips and Glenn evangelistic campaign. They have Radabaugh, saxophones. At least two Inclement weather forced them Inside. primary grades of the Brattaln school Ora Read Hemenway, principal. moved Into the parsonage next to the ' BLUE RIVER FOX FARM W. A. Elkins of Eugene, artist and 1 more violins and possibly one or two After the dinner the boys gnv were begun Wednesday. Most of 'he church building. Rev. nnd Mrs Sykes pupils were normal In both these other instruments will he added to MAN BUYS NEW BREED demonstrations In first aid and knot respects, unofficial records showed art Instructor, will be In charge of the orchestra shortly, Mr. Morrison are on a year’s leave of absence due the classes which are open to anyone tying. C. R Clark, Lane county ex­ to the former's 111 health. Eye, ear, nose and throat examina­ stated. Four pairs of sliver foxes, which ecutive, was a guest and spoke to tions will be made later in the year. who wishes to attend them. The classes In which most of the the gathering on scouting. cost »10,000, have been purchased by V ictim ’s Body Here Entertainm ent Held adults will take their work will con­ The body of Delbert Carter, log William Tnufger, owner nnd manager Teachers Have Party The teachers In the Springfield vene at 3:30 o'clock. The other class, Auto Thief Frustrated of the Blue River fox farms. bucker who wns killed In a logging Faculty members of Springfield high which Is also open to adults, will meet schools and local young people who Fred Hinson, night watchman, re­ Mr. Taufger returned last week-end accident near Wlnberry yesterday, are attending the University of Ore­ school held a "get-acquainted” party at 2:30 o'clock on the same day. ported Tuesday that he frustrated nn from Slinsla City, California, where wns brought to the Walker-Poole gon were the guests of honor at the I at the high school last night. The attempt of a man to steal the car chapel here this morning. He was the United States Silver Fox farm Is Hansons «re Host»—Mr. and Mrs. Methodist church at a social Tuesday , affair honored the new teachers an I belonging to W. M Goodman nt 2 located, lie conferred with experts totally hurt when a log rolled on him the members of the school board and H. M. Hanson were hosts this week to evening. The program was presented and died before medlcnl aid could there and decided to add the breed to o’clock Ihnt morning. He heard Ronie- their wives. A general invitation to an Informal dinner party at which Mr. by the Young Married Women’s Bible one trying to start the machine, reach him Relatives who llvo at Wln­ his farm. i all teachers In the three local schools and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Mr. and class and refreshments were served sfnrted for It and when he neared It fle^'xpects to add to the stock aa berry are expected here this morning by Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah’s class. Mrs. Ralph Laird were guests. I was extended. the prowler Jumped out and ran away. to make arrangements for the funeral. his business Increases.