Brown Motor & Ambulance Service — Call THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 99 Ambulance Co. A ukene 32 W Kili S PR IN G FIELD, LAN K COUNTY, OREGI T U ' USD HUDSON ESSEX DEALI Used Car All m ak es, all m odel«, pay c a sh for a ll u sed car*. See PAT — 5» W. 5tl, W .- L P I h M l l h l ! - 11 1 ' - ~ _________________________________ KUBMW.Or» You can do better at That Good Coal •‘ Bettor F u rn itu re For the Same Money For Real Comfort Burn . We Don’t Claim Coal or Briquets to be the bewt and only fu rn itu re «tore prepared to Kervt* you. Remove the Germs and D irt T h ru Our Service KEARNEY’S Kl R.AINIER COAL CO. 69 W. Broadway, But We Do Claim EUGENE LOW Phone 412 BE Make It a point to »«•«• (IT MUST F IT ) Home day hooij . • • • FAIR PRICES — REASONABLE TERM S uh Englund, theTailor Fluff Rug Co. 18 W. 8th AVE. Eugene, Oregon EUGENE, ORE. Phone 401 » »OUHW- VI*-» -w » » «O« YOUR FEET! HALL, the Shoe Doctor 333Main St. Eugene, Ore. ( P a t Applied TO Don’t they need New Heels? Black, tan and grey ti o r heel repairs fo r them. Also have a fu ll line o f Shoe Dressings, Laces, soles, Polishes, Oils and Shoe Grease. Rubber Bo Sox and Rubber Boot Insoles. T ry o u r Dry-Ped Shoe Grease. IN WEAR Makes Suits That Fit Standard Furniture Co. GOOD How About, Those Galoshes? LONG WE ACCEPT TR A D E -IN S 672 W illam ette Street Eugene, Oil 625 W illam ette St. IN PRICE That we w ill wave you money on any average h ill ol fu rn itu re or home furnlHhlngH. Kearney’s Groceteria and Soda Fountain ICE CREAM Per Q uart 35c ICE CREAM Per B rick 4Oc YOUR RUGS 1 CLEANED Springfield, Oregi T V World Qotor P H g .0 0 , » . Unia, Mo. tor — Serial No. 21764 T h AU-L-TI ( .H / O f ) , K -. Ç * •v " ~ ~ c C z t r Z / ao K K I TV*. <» k t m i 5 1 \T'7> r\7~>t r> **ou **OU5^ * J- —X ' Zo 0 ' X M Z5Ï P s ..° x - ■ V * J k*.- o*» a o e S fw w 'i-iK T T * fw o « / MKHAT‘ 5 Ì W H O A - , (COAll O . A OOTA %U3TT^.t AMÖ MV K O 55 t>UM' M B AWt> SOOOT^O T" b O * H TMHOAO. Oj-r c < n f> - v {^ bOH'T " T ’' r >- IM SAM M 'tt t o '•o Qme*. A i áj«—' s '" i £ *; 1C 2 L. C At - c —4» (.(««'s * * * ’'* E —AKE TbW f / k i t « , eoOO V f « . U i c r t-s ' bes. «» 1 MO-.IP V»AX «W AT.SV H .tl, , V I a . t* I . k ' **» „ j & -»OME D*' taOiN' T ’ fct r V ■ e -> s .. ÇN" ■ >— * A > . /..'¡„I— 3L . -V-» * » /„ . . *■**, T H E PLACE OF REAL PERSONAL SERVICE Lum’s Service Station Rock Garden Plant» GO TO Moore’s Bicycle and Toy Store FOR T H E N orthw est Corner Second and Main New Columbia Bicycles Associated and E thyl Gasoline Cycol M otor Oil FOR SCHOOL DAYS New, Sanitary Rest Rooms EUGENE’S BIGGEST STORE FOR L IT T L E TH IN G S * v S"'* A. A. Ha%er Co. 5 - 10 AND 25 CENT STORE 120 W. 8th Phono 911 and Perennials such as Colum- bine, Delphinium. Oeums, Can- terberry Bells, etc. We have some especially nice ferns now. Just right size to start your fernery for this win­ ter. Old/iam/&Schasitols «■ j^errunders West Spr’ngfleld, By J. F. Ket SPRINGFIELD FOLKS S m e l lg DOE<3 IT ? W ELL my WIFE 0OU6HT ME TH IS S he d r o p p e d S he said S in c e good C IG A R / I SMOKING 1 W A S AS AGREEABLE AS A CROSS EYED BEAR WITH THE FLEAS q u it im w AND 0OU6HT BOX OF MY FA CIGARS, PROW SHE CAN T yZHEN THE DEMAN Phone 124-M lo b v p HCOTT » Eugene Mattress &, Upholstery Company of each issue of this newspaper M ATTRESSES MADE THAT’S WHY L Ï._ -Æ YOU MUST SEE OUR PRICES TO APPRECIATE THEM OVER AND RETURNED SAME DAY. 735-41 W IL L A M E T T E ST. EUGENE, ORE. Phone 812 11th & Olive Ï Every Line is read by the whole family. Surprise him w ith your a b ility to pick him out a good cigar. W e’ve got the kin d he likes. Sur- prise her w ith a box o f candy that w ill make hei Headquarters for School Supplies zn - The Springfield News IS THE HOME PAPER th in k o f sweetheart days. We Give Green 2/4 <¿1/” Discount Stamp!