k T H V US I > A Y. B K I'T K M B K lt 20. 1!»’JH T H E SPRING FI D J ) NEWS PAG K SIX M tK L N Z IE H IG HW AY NOT G IR L S LEAGUE PLANS SO DUSTY. IS R tP O R T A C T IV IT IE S FOR FALL CAST WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE of P rin c ip al C h aracters in thia John Drane, prosperous Westcott- Am azing M ys ts ry S tory n u n of m ystery, ts visited by William The Human Sphinx Dart and by a boyhood chum . Simon I John Drane ............ ........ The Girl Judd. As he speaks to them , a 1 Amy ................... .... Her Sw eetheart young girl. Amy Drane, approaches Robert (. arter The U ndertaker hin, * j W illiam Dart .. Friend of Drane NOW 04» ON WITH THE STORY— Simon Judd The Family Doctor "What was It. Amy?" John Drane Dr Blesslngton .............. A D etective , Dick Brennan asked. Servants In the Drane Household "Oh. nothing'" she said. "It’ was _____ __ only about Robert; w hether you 7^7—Ke|llUl, (or a l l ' i ^ h u V u i f"g'ot' wanted to aee him now. but If you to ' b; ugb up on tbe technic more or have viaRora— " | ,p, g , though, maybe I'll get "This evening, perhaps. John en gineer, and J. t». Saw yer, dis- trt<‘ en gineer, who were In Eugene Monday. T h s en gin eers said that the two »ectlona of four mile» each on which clearing and grading are now under w“y' wou,d be ,or further work in the spring Another section of five Girls' League of the high arhool will start Its full uctb il .>••« tiling U"' Btot few days nf the full term, according to announcement* tills week hv advisor. Ml«» France» Hodge, uml of fleer» of the league Officera of the girl» organlgallon, elected l»»l spring, arc: Maxine Hlioil grana, president; Nadine McMurray, vice-president; Elma Lansberry, sec rotary treasurer; Lena F iizell. social promoter; Ruth Bettis, reporter Recent rain» h a te settled most of I In- dunt on ilie Mi K i'lille hlsh w ay betw een here un i the pa»'-. It was re­ poned Monday by .Mi and Mrs Henry uir.au and Mr and Mi« B R Duw soli Tbe party made a motor trip to Crooked river bridge over the p is« Sunday morning, relu m in g here in tbe evening Although the road still has som e dust, It I» not so liad us It wan during tbe sum mer moniti» up until a few week» ago. they »aid ( T his * » » the Hi.cund t i n e Mr and W ORKMAN IS K ILLE D AS Mr» Adrian hud been over the pus», HE FALLS FORM STACK although they have been In hunine«« here for mure than It year». While working on the s lin k of the Mountain Staten Power company nub station ut Eugene Monday, D aniel Griffith Hord, at, Beattie, traveling contractor for alack work, was In­ stan tly killed lu a full of about 10 fret from tom e scaffolding lit» head struck on a boiler door and death was install taneoua. A brother and a »later » ere In Eu S P E C IA L IS T gene at the lim e of the accident An Thia ia an old friend of m in e -" i de*gired appeared on the veranda with ! housem an. She returned alm ost im- '" lle s .fn .m Goodwin creek to Black in In te rn a l M ed icine fo r the other brother lives in Beattie Be Chum, black my cats, when ¿ long g,ender light cigars of m ediately. W,U b* for « « » •> '» « past fifteen years cause the fatality was obviously ac­ were kids, why don t you say, h u h ’ a drairable quality. Dart and D rane, “ He's got one of them awful cough- l*ter, they said. cidental no InveHtlgnllon was ma le by Simon Judd demanded. "He's afraid ((X)k clgBr> but Judd he#ltated _ sp ells again.” she said "I guess DOES NO T O P E R A TE ing the office of W W llran sletler, couu to tell how long ago that was. huh? ..MosUy 1 sm oke a pipe. John, he 111 have to go m yself, and I don't ART CLASSES PLANNED ty coroner. "Yes, one of my boyhood chums, -and when I do go In for a feel hardly able.' W ill be at O S B U R N H o te l FOR C H ILD R E N . ADULTS S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 29 John Drane said, sm iling slightly, j clgar | ^ind of like ’em dark and j She looked ut Mrs. Vincent, but "Simon Jud-i, in fact. And Judd this ( gtron|t Rut, j don't know; I'll risk that poor woman was suffering Office H o urs: 10 a. m. to 4 p m. Art cla sses will be conducted for Is my grand-niece. Amy onp Now ,f you (Pt|pra hud au.vthlng "I guess you'll have to go, Jo sie,” both children and udulla In the Brut The girl gave Judd her hand and (a jk over— •• . she managed to say. “ I've got to save min school this year. It was announ ONE DAY O N LY for a minute or two they talked, the ..^-p can do that later." John Drane m yself for breakfast; Mr Drane don't red this morning by Mrs. lira Read gtrl sm iling and Judd laughing for gg|d “T ell me about Riverbank; not like It for me to be away from break- H em enway. principal. No Charge fo r C onsu ltatio n no reason but because of hts own many changes. I supposeT" fast." and the girl went. W A. Elkins of Eugene, well known unfailing good humor; then she said. «WeB, yes," Simon Judd said, puff- On the veranda—for It was there 1 for his art work and Instruction In Iff. Mellwnthln 1» a regular graduate Is Going S tron g ! having learned that the Jolly fat man jn* at bjg ci(taj “Say. this ain't such the sm all fam ily gathered before that subject In this county, will again Don't forget to get your share. lu m edicine and surgery and la llo> m ight stay a day or two. that Bob g bad sm oke, is It? Yes quite a few breakfast in nice weather — Amy have charge of the cla sses, which are enned by the »tale of Oregon. w as w aiting for her and. after a word changed much, but out around—you'd Drane was sittin g on the arm of a to begin the first week In October, He doe» not operate for chronic ap- of greeting to Dart, she hurried away. be surprlsed. Say, that niece of yours chair loking through the pages of the T he sessio n s w ill be in the Brattalu pendlcltla. gall »tones, ulcer» <4 stom ­ She did not like Dart; she had nev>r )g a mighty nice girl, ain't she? You huge Sunday newspaper, and she had school building. probably on Thurs ach, ton sils nr adenoids liked him; she could not im agine didn't say she was your niece, did Just opened wide a double page of day afternoons. It was stated. He has to hta credit wonderful re­ Elks Building 7th Ave what her uncle John saw in him. brown Illustrations when she heard a you? su lts In dlseanu» of the stom ach, liver, Dart stood stroking his gray beard, ,.j ga(d gbp was my grand-niece.” j piercing scream from the floor abov- SCHOOLS TO COMPETE IN bowels, blood, »kin. nerves, heart, kid­ studying Simon Judd as the Mg man gaM J(}hn Drane and W illiam Dart and the fall of a body to the floor FIRE D R ILL CAMPAIGN ney, iiludder, bed w etting, catarrh, climbed the veranda steps From the |ookpd up at him suddenly. There was She threw aside the paper and. swing- ------ weak lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg rear the m ovem ents of the man from a together with a -sta n d a rd . Schools Thos. Burke. W illamina. 12 Dresses at $8-95. Drane scowled his annoyance. “She's making her home with me ; lay outstretched on the floor uncon- which wish to en ter the con test are Mr». M R. Cooper, Oregon City. if, New Fall Hat» at $2.98. "Now don't do that, W illiam, he now—yes.” Jphn Drane answ ered. 1 scious. Amy Drane was about to advised to write Clare A. Lee. state D. G Horn. Bonanza. One lot at $1.98. said. “You have W . know 1 I j don't like to v. "That's nice— nice to have young bend down and raise her when her ! fire marshal, at Salem K M. Hurt, Arlington. my plans disarranged. You said you joika around.” Simon Judd said, eyes glim psed her uncle on his bed E. J Moore, county school superln C om plete line of Children'» Mrs, George W. Mathes, Anhland would stay the night and I have ,.And aR 1 was sayin' about the and she stood white and sp eech less, tendent. is urging Springfield schools Hut» Rem em ber above date, that con su l­ counted on it. I want to thrash that c hanges in Riverbank—you know that petrified with horror. The old man. ( to enter the contest. tation on this trip will be free and matter out with you Don't be a fool ' fiebj where we used to go to hunt her uncle, lay w ith his head thrown » c u r e - F^ADDIFfi CHAI 8th Ave. H a t & D r e t i that his treatm ent la different. “I only thought as you had Mr. Judd rabbltR? Bailey's field. John? W ell, back against the pillow, his glassy W A b H fcS , L A H K t s LU A L, Shop Married women rauHt he accom pan­ here— ” you'd never know It—all built up with I eyes staring at her. and the front of WOMAN GAINS 18 POUNDS 38 - 8th Ave W est. Eugene. Ore. ied by their hu»bunda. "Now, that’s Just why I want von bouspg. streets and all, gas and | his pajama coat was sodden with W e give 8. A H. green staropx. "1 wash. Iron and carry coal and A ddress: 224 Bradbury B ld g. Ix>a to stay." John Drane said. "If Sim e e iPCtric, sew ers, everything! You i blood from a spot over the heart to and T get to talking boyhood days rpmpm^pr | lt,ie Rogg Gartner—father the bed covers drawn close about him don't get tired sin ce taking Vlnol Angeiea, California. w e ll never go to bed .D o n ’t you see? ugpd t() r||n thp w estern Hotel? He ' "W hat's the matter?" Simon Judd Also. I have gained 18 pound«.“— Mrs We'll be talking over the old days, developed that part of tow n—" i asked, and then he too. looking past 9 Cortege. STORES AT SALEM, PO RTLAND, SPR IN G FIELD We'll never stop.” With Simon Judd talking and John : Amy. saw the dead man. "He's been ! Vlnol ts a deliriou s compound of "Can't stop nte. once I get started, nrane asking questions now and then. murdered!" he exclaim ed, and Amy , cod liver peptone, Iron. etc. Nerv that's sure enough.” laughed Simon thpy rpmalned there on the veranda felt som ething huge lean against h e r 1 <>»». easily tired, anem ic people ar« Judd. " T alk ln s my long suit, and al dark whpn Norbert called them back. "Black my c a ts !” Simon Judd surprised how Vlnol gives new ways >was, I guess But don't you (|) d|nnPr said w eakly; “I'm goln' to faint!" and aound sleep and a BIG appetite. I In- folks let me bust up any plans you've On Sunday morn|ngs John Drane ] he did. his vast bulk thrusting Ann FIRST bottle often adds several ro c '» ' If y o u W ttt to talk, I ’ve got hls i,,,Uf,,.i,,,i,i u su a lly s le p t l a t e r m in th e r s t t l M In- fell a, pounds w eight to ill ti rhlldren or adults. T a stes delicious. K etel s s lot of stuff I've got to read ov^r tflan usuai and breakfast was not j body of Josie, the maid. Drug Store. som etim e—stuff I come down to New sprvpd Mnt„ At ninPi thJg morn. (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) York to eel hold of I been made ing, Mrs V incent—who for many Chief of Police back home, John.” years had sat at the foot of John DEPARTMENT STORE "Thai Is interesting At seventy, Drane's table behind the coffee pot , F o rm e rly F a rm e r's Exchange too. Simon," Drane said. and toaster—stood In the breakfast 1 "Yea, I guess they got around to room wa’llng for hpr employer. She | where they thought they needed stood near her chair and she s(s>mnl som e brains at last, Simon Judd {o be suffering, for her ey es were chuckled 'Folks do, som etim es. Yes d o sed and she held one hand a g ’ lns* sir: made me Chief of Police of River the sm all of her back. She w rs ac­ HIG H TOP BOOTS bank, sure as you're a foot high!" Men's 16-inch high top tually in great pain, for she was a W illiam hart had come up the d)abpflc and at ttmpR thp pains caused Boots, w aterproof w elting steps and taken one of the wicker hv her condition were alm ost more a n d double soles, fine chairs. He put his elbow s on Its than she could bear leather. A dandy boot fo r P resently, as arms and now revolving his thumbs, no one appeared in the breakfast room leaning forward and looking off over o, hpr , han thp maH j og1p Mrs. Vin- the lawn ent drew out her chair and seated "Yes, sir, John." S in o n Judd con- herself, ready to arise at mom entary BOY'S SW EATERS tinued cheerfully, I been all my life not)c# Hpr facp wag unURUally pale, R u ff neck, navy blue tryln one thing and another, but you , bp bllP na{Ura| , 0 those suffering wool Sweaters. A neat, dose U tting well made c a n t discourage a good man; sooner from bpr disease, but she was dressed or later he’s goin to find out what gg a iway3 neatly sweater. A good value fo r he's made for There w as one tim e - J o a l e , s h e said presently and with I tried preachin' and it looked aw hile f.(>nflidprab,p pffort, think you had W OMEN'S SLICKERS like that .was goln' to be it, but I bptter havp NorhPV, ca |i Mr. Drane A lo t o f W omen’s colored S lickers in popular co lo rs- - ain't got the voice for It— when 1 go and , hp ofhPr mPn araln TbPy ca lft to let loose the voice gets squeaky on bavp gottpn up •• green, red and black. Priced at one-half o r less o rig in al cost. N othing else w ill keep you d ry a t so low a price. m» There was aw hile I tried the ..y eR ma am •• , bp mald «aid. "If butcher business, but sight o f blood . ----- --------------- YOUR C IIO IC B , Avoid the hurried choice of out-of- alw ays did make me faintish, so I M EN’S SLICKERS town buying. Start on your trip confi­ sort of gave that up, too. But I got Men's heavy double-back Slickers. Absolutely w a te r­ the right thing now. John Pretty dent that you are going the best way, proof and well made. R egular $4.25 value, NOW near ever sin ce I was a boy I've had Regular $5.50 and $6.00 values, NOW a leanfn’ toward It.” and that no annoying complications "Being a policem an?” William R A IN TE S T PANTS will mar it. asked. Men’s Raintest Pants, double to tbe knee. Just the "Crime tracin',” explained Simon th in g fo r outdoor w ork. Very Special value fo r W hether it is a trip of a day or a Judd, turning toward the little man Raintest Coats to m atch pants, double back and fro nt. month, South or East, to San Francisco in black. "Huntin' out who done the A Good Buy fo r I crime. What you call detective work or to Europe, your resident agent can M E N ’S HEAVY UNIONS I feel I got genius that way." Men’s heavy weight Union Suits. A warm be of utmost value to you. "And that's what brought you to well-made union su it fo r only N ew York, Simon?" Drane asked In buying "travel,” remember rhe A M E A L T IM E S U G G E S T IO N "Are you on the track of a criminal?" BOY’S CORDUROYS W henever the call of your appetite "Lands o ’ godness, n o !” laughed slogan of your local merchants," It pays W ell-know n brand o f Boy’s Corduroy Simon Judd, slapping his huge thing must be answered, a visit here will Pants. Just the th in g fo r school wear. to buy in your own home town." "Why, 1 ain’t started In yet, John! prove most satisfying. A plentiful re­ Stand lots o f rough useage. Price I don't get my badge until first of the past or a light luncheon—you can take Many other items fo r fall and w in te r wear year. No sir! 1 come down here to your choice. The food will be of e x ­ priced to save you money. have a look around and see how these cellen t quality. Your envirom ent will N ew York d etective fellers manage be pleasing. Service will be prompt the business. And I must say they're and invariably courteous. right kindly to strangers; told m e a lot of things; gave me a lot a pamph­ CARL OLSON, Agent lets And on« thing and another. I t s TONY GRAVO8, Prop goln’ to help me a lot, Jhon; I got Com ing to Or. Mellenihin Quitting Business SA LE Samuels Furniture & Variety Store Saturday S P E C IA L S m au a) Fall And Winter Clothing $ 1 0 .9 5 Plan Your Trip Here ~-~plan leisurely ’with your own S o u th ern Pacific a g e n ts $ 3 .4 8 $ 1 .9 8 $ 2 .9 8 $ 3 .9 5 $ 4 .9 5 $ 5 .9 5 $ 1 .8 5 $ 2 .9 8 Southern Pacific Drop-In Cafe Try KAFOURY BROS. First