THURSDAY. HHPTBMBEH 20, 1928 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS WALKER MAY CHANGE RECORD NUMBER OF DECISION AND SEEK HUNTING LICENSES POSITION AS MAYOR ARE TAKEN OUT HERE W. F. Walker may yet decide to unnuuncs himself as candidate for mayor. Thia announcement waa made th'e morning after Mr. Walker had been upproa< bed by many Springfield peo­ ple Suring the lust few days who urged him to seek the office. Although be baa once refused tn sign a petition nominating him for the ofllce, Mr Wulker declared till« morning ihut hla rofusal may not he definite. •'Many of my friends have Intel- viewed me during the pant few days urging me strongly to run I do not know whether I shall or not. I still liuve a xhort time left In which to file my petition and during that tlm** I ahull closely observe developments before making a definite dec'slon," Mr. Wulker stated. Hughes Filet Petition Friends construe Mr Walker's state­ ment to mean that he will run if urged strongly enough. His nominat­ ing petition, with already more than a stifirleiit number of Bigners, Is at the city hall awaiting hla signature and filing tb> far the only man definitely to announce for the position Is C. () Wilson, whose petition has been filed for some time. William U Hughes this week filed a petition nominating him to succeed himself as city treasurer. He has no opposition for this office. Only 60 p«oplc have registered to vote In the general election. Although there Is no way to determine how many voters should register. Ira Pet­ erson, city recorder. In charge of vot­ ing books for the four precincts, be­ lieves that many more should register. More than 260 registered In the prl marles. PAGE FIVB Community News . C orrespondent« FOR SALE— Windfall apples. Bring your boxes ltg miles west of li ' Springfield on north side of Willam­ ette river. T. J. Maxwell, phone Springfield 63-F13 820-27 More hunting licensee have been Issued this season than at any pre­ UPPER WILLAMETTE I THURSTON vious time, according to records at I WOMAN EATS ONLY the Wright and Bona hardware store — — — — — — — — — — Both grade and high schools started 1 BABY FOOD 3 YEARS Mrs. J. A. I’helpw teacherr of the where license» are made out. Although all those taking license-« primary grades at the Pleasant Hill last Monday. Professor Henegan of "For 3 years 1 ate only baby food, to hunl are not going after deer, It is public school, F F. Cooper of Santa ; Coburg Is principal of the high school everything else formed gas. Now Hopi»l<*klag was rinlnhod si tho Me- conceded that the largest part of them Clara high school, Mrs. F. F. Cooper with Miss Ruth Whitlock of Newberg Laron hotiynril tu l*tli kIna Platt, Pbll Bishop, Delbert McBee, I leasant Hill high school attended the : Dorothy Travis of Springfield the i ! lower grades. The grade schools are lka relieves gas on tbe stomach and !.<’»• 4i Kun iif Iluknr last wonk »blp Wade Paddock, D. J. Beals, William teachers’ institute last week. pi ll »!» i urn nf Jambs out of Iluknr Howard Merriam began picking being held In the old buildings until r» moves astonishing amounts of old Ham, Ralph Hammett, W. K Murphy, waste matter from tbe system Makis valley and (.runt touuty, Ihv consign George Widener, F. P. Maxwell, L. E. Jonathan apples this week and E. B. 1 the new school house Is finished. you enjoy your meals and sleep better. Thurston and Davis have consolidated Tinker started picking his Grimes meat going to Omaha. Hi eat, John HendereF, O. L. Mulligan, and a new school house Is being built : No matter what you have tried for cliff Bryan. E R Danner. C. C. Wil­ Golden Tuesday. Au u means of raising money for your stoinach and bowels. Adlerika The Pleaxant Hill high school open­ Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott and son. W. R. Davis, F. W. Christopher, building a new grange hull a most will surprise you. Flanery’s Drug T R. Kennan. R J: Ward. William family motored to Portland last Sat­ ed Monday September 17 with an en uui cossful dlatrlrt fair and rodeo was Store. Barnett, Carl Cellere, L. It Goasler. rollment of 81. There were 22 In tbe urday and spent the week end with raifiilly held at Crawfordsville. their son, Lynn. N. D. Anderson, J M Tallafera, J H. freshman class. Dr. William dn Klnlna has resigned Hickman, William Oerlach, Elvin, M Henry Dickman Is suffering with a Homer McDonald from California, aa director of the Marlon county child A. Blmons, Paul Myers, J C. Halsey badly bruised left foot. While helping Is spending a few days with LorerT, health demonstration to bertuna health Chester Nimmons, Frank Hldwell, L. haul gravel Monday the wheel of the | Edmlston. They are fraternity officer for the American lied Cross. May, Orval Baton, H N Wright, Floyd gravel wagon filled with gravel passed i brothers. Douglas county will have approxi­ Root, C. G. Cabe, George Carson, over his foot. No bones were broken | John Edmlston is giving hla house mately 75.000 turkeya for the Thanks­ Enoch Stevenson, C. D. Swearingen, but the foot was badly scratched and a new coat of paint, giving and Chrlatmaa trade, accord Everett Nelson. J W. Fairbanks, Lee bruised. , Miss Veda Gray began teaching p.t Ina to Information from Roseburg. Ihitnian, I-en Chetwood, J N Endicott. D. O. Linton and son, Carl, returned >•"’ Monday, The first frost of the aeaaon occur­ Art Sweet, C. F. Scott. H. R Nollett. from Orland, California, last week- ' Fred Gray, Jr., returned home a few j red In certain parta of the Mohawk Albert Harper, H. O. Dlbblee, C. i£. end to get another truck load of their days ago after spending several and McKenale valleys laat week, ac­ Bacus, John Cooley, E. O. Stratton. R belongings to take to Orland where n,on*he In and near Klamath Falls, cording to reporta reaching Eugene. Hart, Max Cogill, Mike Coglll, all of they will reside In the future. Mr. an<* Mrs. Charles Taylor motor- The 2fith annual aeaalon of the Ore­ Springfield. ed to Reed Tuesday where they at­ Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hyde and two gon federation of labor ended In I-a I’ bu I Edwards. Jasper, 8. L. Hollis, tended the funeral of Mr. Taylor’s daughters, Mrs, Alice English and Grande laat week with aelectlon of Goshen; Oscar A Jlncks. Albert Orav- mother, who passed away in Eugene Tillamook aa the 1928 convention city. E are braking specialists. llle and Ralph Allum, all of Coburg: daughter, Margaret, visited friends at last Saturday evening following a few Pleasant Hill last week. Mrs English The Franklin school district In Hood W e know bow to adjust H. V. Drew, Mobawk; V. F. Caldwell, day's Illness. River county haa purchased a hand- Vida; M W McKay. Turner; C. E. has severed her connections with the brakes quickly and properly. Bert Weaver from Portland is v isit-, aome bua to tranaport pupils to and Deadmond, Floyd Meyer, and Henry la tln lumoer fill at Crow and will i Ing his uncle, A. W. Weaver. They W e reline them with perfect from achool. The car will accommo­ Holmes, Waltervllle; Ira Elston. Lea- work In the canning department of the , motored to Salem last Sunday return- workmanship and with the best university this tall. date SO children. burg; 8 W. Sehakelford, Lee Brock­ : ing Sunday evening, and drove to brake lining that is made— The Misses Verna and Shirley Tho foreat service waa put to 845,- man, of Wendllng. Waldport Monday where they will Wiley who have been spending the ( spend a few day» fishing. 000 expenae fighting 110 flrea In the summer In the vicinity of Salem have Umatilla national foreat thia aeaaon, CRESWELL GIRL WEDS , William Henson and John Edmlston returned to Pleasant Hill to continue are having a few days’ vacation aa according to Lester Moncrlef. aaalat- ROBERT PIRRIE IN their studies In the high school. ant supervisor. I Hill's sawmill and logging camp have The Misses Nina Dilley and Arah ' closed two weeks to give their men IMPRESSIVE NUPTIALS * A committee of bualneaa men haa B R A K E L IN IN G Nell Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Ross i time to go deer hunting. been appointed by the Klwanla club At an Impressive home wedding held Mathews who have been camping at to Inquire Into the need for charter LEGION AUXILIARY NAMES Ferodo grips better and more last night at the bride's parents the Jim Seavey hop yard returned to revlalon to modenilxe Salem’s ayatem CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE sm lasts longer, it never Services are Listed home near Creswell, Ml»s Helen Jane their homes at Pleasant Hill Friday. of city government. Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor of the burns out, it is noiseless. Give Nomination of dfflcers for the auxl * McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ I,Inn county will hold Ita annual fair SprtngfleM Christian church, will us a chance. Best and cheapest at Albany September 19 23. There Bury to the Springfield American Le­ liam McGee of that place, became the CASCADE HIGHWAY PLAN speak Sunday morning on the tonic. in the end—that's our slogan. bride of Robert J. Plrrle of Spring- gion »as the chief Item of buaincss will be the uauul cxtenalve exhibit» TO BE TOPIC AT DINNER “A Changeless Christ" and in the of product» but adml»»lon will be free ul u meeting of the group last night. field. »on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert evening on ’’Dealing Thoroughly With The following nominations were Plrrle. to the generul public. In an effort to get concerted action God and My Brother." Sunday school More than 75 guests witnessed the In working for the proposed Cascade1 pnd Christian Endeavor will be held At noon laat Friday 2930 carload» of made; FoY president, Mrs F. B. Ham ceremony which wan performed by highway between Oregon City and at the usual times, it was announced. pear» had been »hipped from the lln, Mr». M. II. lluntly, for vice-presi­ Rev. Mr Comley, retired Presbyter­ Springfield, members of the highway S. G. Moshier. Sunday school superin­ Rogue river dlatrlct to ea»tern mar­ dent, Mrs Humlin, Incumbent; for ian minister who now resides near ket» They are being moved at the secretary, Mrs. William Vasby; association and newspapermen along tendent, will make Important an­ 824 Pearl S treet Eugene treasurer, Mr». Ira Peterson; for Salem, but who formerly lived near the projected route will meet for a din­ nouncements in regard to “Rally day" rate of 50 carload» a day. Creswell, ner at Lebanon on Sunday. at the Bible school hour. A city mucus la to be held In W heel­ rhupluln, Mr». William Morse. Alec McIntosh, Springfield, cousin Next meeting of the auxiliary will er September 24 to nominate candl of the groom, acted as best man and date» for the city election November be a social meeting, on October 3, with Miss Sedgwick of Creswell attended 6 A mayor, five councilman, recorder Mrs Hamlin and Mrs Elmer Maxey In the bride. and treasurer are to be elected. charge of refreshments. Among the guests were Mayor and The W. II. 1’lckerlng Lumber com­ Mrs. A. L. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. pany of Klamath Falla waa successful JUNE BERG. 7. TO PLAY Charles P. Poole, all of Eugene, and bidder for the Badger Spring» unit of INDIVIDUAL RECITAL the following from Springfield: Mr. the Modoc national foreat. The tract and Mrs. Robert Plrrle. Sr., Mr. and haa been cruised at 400,000X100 feet Reuben t'harlyle (ioffrlere I» pres­ Mrs. William Donaldson, Mr. and Contract» ba» been let for the erec enting seven-year-old June Berg of Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. tlon of a new school building at Dene Springfield, In a complete piano recital Eggimann, Mr. and Mrs. George bo In Lane county to replace the one on Suturduy evening. September 29. Lusby, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Frltx, Mr. that was burned a few week» ago L at 7:30 o'clock, at the McMorran and und Mrs. Jesse Smltson, Mr. and Mrs. X F. Allenbaugh of Eugene ba» the cun Washburne auditorium, Eugene. This Fred Hinson, Rev. and Mrs. Berg lecltal la free and open to the publie. Beckett, Miss Anne Gorrie, Mrs. Mar­ tract. A monster yellow pine tree wax , Little Ml»» Berg will play 10 num­ garet Lindsey, Mrs Surah Johns, and felled recently In the Butte Fall» dis ber» from memory, arranged In three her aunt, Mrs. Crowley who is visit­ trlcl by the Owen Oregon Lumber com group», Including selections from the ing here from Los Angeles. pany In their logging operation In classics. The young couple left immediately Although thia la June Berg's first after the ceremony for the Pendleton the timber, which cut 11,000 board feet Individual redial, she will be remem­ Roundup where they will spend part of lumber. The state prohibition fund, which bered for her artistic playing last Bea­ of their honeymoon trip. They will under tho law cannot exceed $50,000 son, In two group recitals. return here to live. Mr. Plrrle. who A»»lstlng on thé program, will be Is associated In the contracting bus! In any one yenr, reached the limit sev­ eral day» ago and nil fund» derived Miss Doris Greer, who will appear ness with his father, plans to build a from prosecution» will go to the vari­ luter in the season, In her own récita' new residence shortly. ous counties. M a rria g e Licenses fo r W eek CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emen The campaign for opening moving During the last week marriage lic­ in prices on plates and other work, tl picture theater» tn Eugene on Kun enses have been Issued by the county day ba» been put under way and aa on opening gun the Active club nt Its clerk to the following: Ralph Temple­ weekly luncheon unanimously voted ton and Halley Morgan, both of Junc­ tion City; Joseph Crenshaw and June In favor of the measure. Chamberlain, both of Eugene; Merle The success of Vernonia’s first flow­ Swearingen and Myrna West, both of er show greatly exceeded the expecta Waltervllle; Oacar Arneaen and Doris tlona of the Garden club, which was Grace Muhlrhill, both of Cottage sponsoring It. Tha room which was Orove; Wayne Pickens, Waltervllle, used tor the purpose was filled to and Mae Doggers, Eugene; Clarence overflowing with gorgeous blooms. Greenwood and Edna R obb , both of The la n e county court will ask the ¡Junction City; Campbell Church, Jr., ■tate highway commission at Its meet and Mary Ona Proctor, both of Eu­ ELECTRIC RANGE W ITH THE AUTOMATIC “FLAVOR ZONE" log September 26 to provide for the gene; Abraham Hutchens, and Jessie surfacing of the Willamette highway Allen, both of Eugene; Conrad Bloom, It's sad b u t tru e — so in sisten t h a s been th e dem and for this over the three sections now under Wendllng, and Letta Currie, Eugene; new est and g re a te st W estinghouse, in m any of th e cities in construction above Lowell bridge, ac­ j Ralph Blank and Ruby Ltndlmood, which we operate, th ere is a w aiting list of c u sto m ers for cording to announcement by members , both of Cottage Grove. this model. of the court. a From 30 acres of volunteer clover News ef Death Received D on't put ofT a n o th e r day y our inspection of th is hum an-like In the Nlel Stoutenburg farm near Word was received here this wee« se rv a n t— o u r special ofTer m u st be w ithdraw n S atu rd ay , Sept­ Payton. 84 bushels of red clover eeed I by Mrs. A. B. Van Vnlrah that her em ber 29th, a fte r w hich a larg e r dow n p aym ent m u st be made. waa produced. Three years have mother-in-law, Mrs. M. E. Van Val- Delights every woman who elapsed since clover waa raised on rah of Paulsboro, N. J., passed away desires and endeavors to thia land One crop of corn and one suddenly of a paralytic stroke on Sept­ If you would like to limit y o u r tim e in th e kitchen to 10 preserve her youthful ap­ crop of wheal has been produced and m inutes for the p rep a ra tio n of d inner— you c a n w ith this ember 5. She had spent some time pearance. deep plowing lias boon done twice A new est range. In fact, you m ay place a full m eal in th e oven here with her daughter-in-law and heavy hay crop was cut from this — set the controls— and go shopping, m otoring or visiting and was known by many Springfield peo­ field last spring And the powder will stay not re tu rn till dinner tim e— assu red th a t you will find your ple. • i 7» on until you want It off. Linn county's vote In November may dinner tastefully and a c cu ra te ly cooked. Fragrant with the en­ break records, It Is Indicated by reg­ nd trancing Cara Nome Per­ istrations In dale. Already the total fume. ef registered voters In the county Pay only $4.95 down and the la past the 10.two mnrk and lacks hnl balance in 18 equal payments. 1000 of equaling Ibe maximum on Get your electric range NOW. reoord. Births are falling off In Portland. It developed recently when the Angusi report of the city health office show ed that there were fewer births every month so far this year except JsNunrj WM. RODENBOUGH than there were for the same rnearbs GARAGE Iasi year. Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Headers. ^ybetter Xbrake ^service W FERO DO Percbrcoke & Moritz 5 A D —but true! k Cara Nome Face Powder w W estin g h o u se Kolster Fhilco I Radios $2.00 Flanery’s Drug Store I Dealer 533 Main St. Phona 95 Ston M ountain S tates P ower C ompany